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題名 北約2022年新戰略概念之研究:以「中國系統性挑戰」為例
Research on NATO 2022 New Strategic Concept: A case study of China’s Systemic Challenge Concept作者 陳暳芸
Chen, Hui-Yun貢獻者 朱新民
Zhu, Xin-Min
Chen, Hui-Yun關鍵詞 北約
北約2022 戰略概念
NATO 2022 Strategic Concept
New Strategic Concept
Systemic Challenges日期 2024 上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 15:16:58 (UTC+8) 摘要 北大西洋公約組織1949年成立,目的是美國為主西方國家抵禦蘇聯侵入,該組織編成目的是因應美蘇對峙局勢,冷戰結束,組織本該順勢瓦解卻依舊存續,顯然有其續命必要。冷戰結束後,北約每十年更新一次戰略概念,分別於1991年起至2022年,總計4次,每次戰略概念更新均至關重要,關係著北約未來十年走向。 最新一次北約戰略更新在2022年6月馬德里峰會,北約發布《北約2022 戰略概念》。發布背景現下是北約歷經美國加壓與俄烏戰爭爆發,歷時多年且磋商多時方完成戰略共識,本次戰略發布為極大轉型與未來策略方針擬定。新戰略概念發布有其時空環境與戰略考量,亦隱藏美國策略部署與北約續存因素。本次發布戰略概念聚焦在將俄羅斯設定為首要威脅,而中國則是系統性挑戰,本文針對中國挑戰進行探討,美國向來被視為北約主要成員國,對於北約戰略決策有一定程度影響力,檢視歷次戰略概念,北約戰略視角從未望向中國,近年中美兩國在地緣政治、科技、軍事、經濟等議題競逐越發劇烈,新戰略概念受到美國全球戰略牽動,轉型重心置於中國挑戰,本文將沿著歷史脈絡說明中國是如何走到今天這一步?北約如何設定中國挑戰與實踐戰略?中國如何反制與攻防?當前美國與北約和歐洲多數盟友在對華政策彼此合作意向相同,並且延伸合作對象至中國周邊亞太區域國家,逐漸有北約亞太化趨勢,未來戰略概念是否會因此再次轉型,將對地區安全局勢和國際地緣政治投下變數。
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established in 1949 with the purpose of the United States as the leading Western country to resist Soviet invasion. The purpose of the organization was to respond to the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War, the organization should have disintegrated but it still exists. It is obviously necessary to continue its life. After the end of the Cold War, NATO updated its strategic concept every ten years, four times in total from 1991 to 2022. Each strategic concept update is crucial and affects NATO's direction in the next ten years. The latest NATO strategic update was at the Madrid Summit in June 2022, when NATO released the "NATO 2022 Strategic Concept." The background of the release is that NATO has experienced pressure from the United States and the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war. It took many years and long consultations to achieve a strategic consensus. This strategic release is a major transformation and the formulation of future strategic guidelines. The release of the new strategic concept has its own time and space environment and strategic considerations, and also conceals factors such as US strategic deployment and NATO's continued existence. The strategic concept released this time focuses on setting Russia as the primary threat, while China is a systemic challenge. This article discusses the China challenge. The United States has always been regarded as a major member of NATO and has a certain degree of influence on NATO strategic decision-making. Reviewing previous strategic concepts, NATO's strategic perspective has never looked at China. In recent years, China and the United States have become increasingly competitive on geopolitics, technology, military, economic and other issues. The new strategic concept has been affected by the US global strategy, and the focus of transformation has been on China's challenges. , this article will follow the historical context to explain how China got to where it is today? How does NATO set challenges and practical strategies for China? How does China counterattack, attack and defend? Currently, the United States, NATO and most European allies have the same intention to cooperate with each other on China policy , and extending cooperation objects to countries in the Asia-Pacific region surrounding China, there is a gradual trend of NATO becoming Asia-Pacific. Whether the strategic concept will be transformed again in the future will cast variables on the regional security situation and international geopolitics.參考文獻 中文部分 (一)專書 Levy, Daniel and Pensky, Max and Torpey, John 合著,鄧伯宸譯,《舊歐洲、新歐洲、核心歐洲》(Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe)(新北市:國立編譯館與立緒文化事業有限公司合作翻譯發行,2007年),頁78-82。 Peter Katzenstein and Robert O.Keohane,朱世龍、劉利瓊譯,《世界政治中的反美主義》(anti-americanisms in world politics)(中國:中國人民大學出版社,2012年),頁1-402。 Philippe Roger,吳強等譯,《美利堅敵人:法國反美主義的來龍去脈》(L'Ennemi américain : Généalogie de l'antiaméricanisme français)(北京:新華出版社,2004年),頁1-481。 Robert Kagan著,劉坤譯,《天堂與權力:世界新秩序中的美國與歐洲》(Of Paradise and Power : America and Europe in the New World Order)(中國:社會科學文獻出版社,2013年),頁1-223。 中國現代國際關係研究院美歐研究中心,《北約的命運》(中國:時事出版社,2004 年)。 朱鋒 [美]羅斯 主編,《中國崛起:理論與政策的視角》(中國:上海人民出版社,2008年)。 李少軍,國際政治學概論(第二版)(上海:上海人民出版社,2008),頁37~58。 傑克·斯奈德,於鐵軍等譯,《帝國的迷思:國內政治與對外擴張》(Myths of Empire Domestic Politics and International Ambition),(中國:北京大學出版社2007年)。 斯萬·畢斯普,《讓歐洲再次偉大:舊力量、新未來》(北京:中國社會科學出版社,2021年)。 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111981011資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 朱新民 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Zhu, Xin-Min en_US (Authors) 陳暳芸 zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Hui-Yun en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳暳芸 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Hui-Yun en_US (日期) 2024 en_US 4-Sep-2024 15:16:58 (UTC+8) - 4-Sep-2024 15:16:58 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 15:16:58 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111981011 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國家安全與大陸研究碩士在職專班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 111981011 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 北大西洋公約組織1949年成立,目的是美國為主西方國家抵禦蘇聯侵入,該組織編成目的是因應美蘇對峙局勢,冷戰結束,組織本該順勢瓦解卻依舊存續,顯然有其續命必要。冷戰結束後,北約每十年更新一次戰略概念,分別於1991年起至2022年,總計4次,每次戰略概念更新均至關重要,關係著北約未來十年走向。 最新一次北約戰略更新在2022年6月馬德里峰會,北約發布《北約2022 戰略概念》。發布背景現下是北約歷經美國加壓與俄烏戰爭爆發,歷時多年且磋商多時方完成戰略共識,本次戰略發布為極大轉型與未來策略方針擬定。新戰略概念發布有其時空環境與戰略考量,亦隱藏美國策略部署與北約續存因素。本次發布戰略概念聚焦在將俄羅斯設定為首要威脅,而中國則是系統性挑戰,本文針對中國挑戰進行探討,美國向來被視為北約主要成員國,對於北約戰略決策有一定程度影響力,檢視歷次戰略概念,北約戰略視角從未望向中國,近年中美兩國在地緣政治、科技、軍事、經濟等議題競逐越發劇烈,新戰略概念受到美國全球戰略牽動,轉型重心置於中國挑戰,本文將沿著歷史脈絡說明中國是如何走到今天這一步?北約如何設定中國挑戰與實踐戰略?中國如何反制與攻防?當前美國與北約和歐洲多數盟友在對華政策彼此合作意向相同,並且延伸合作對象至中國周邊亞太區域國家,逐漸有北約亞太化趨勢,未來戰略概念是否會因此再次轉型,將對地區安全局勢和國際地緣政治投下變數。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established in 1949 with the purpose of the United States as the leading Western country to resist Soviet invasion. The purpose of the organization was to respond to the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. With the end of the Cold War, the organization should have disintegrated but it still exists. It is obviously necessary to continue its life. After the end of the Cold War, NATO updated its strategic concept every ten years, four times in total from 1991 to 2022. Each strategic concept update is crucial and affects NATO's direction in the next ten years. The latest NATO strategic update was at the Madrid Summit in June 2022, when NATO released the "NATO 2022 Strategic Concept." The background of the release is that NATO has experienced pressure from the United States and the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war. It took many years and long consultations to achieve a strategic consensus. This strategic release is a major transformation and the formulation of future strategic guidelines. The release of the new strategic concept has its own time and space environment and strategic considerations, and also conceals factors such as US strategic deployment and NATO's continued existence. The strategic concept released this time focuses on setting Russia as the primary threat, while China is a systemic challenge. This article discusses the China challenge. The United States has always been regarded as a major member of NATO and has a certain degree of influence on NATO strategic decision-making. Reviewing previous strategic concepts, NATO's strategic perspective has never looked at China. In recent years, China and the United States have become increasingly competitive on geopolitics, technology, military, economic and other issues. The new strategic concept has been affected by the US global strategy, and the focus of transformation has been on China's challenges. , this article will follow the historical context to explain how China got to where it is today? How does NATO set challenges and practical strategies for China? How does China counterattack, attack and defend? Currently, the United States, NATO and most European allies have the same intention to cooperate with each other on China policy , and extending cooperation objects to countries in the Asia-Pacific region surrounding China, there is a gradual trend of NATO becoming Asia-Pacific. Whether the strategic concept will be transformed again in the future will cast variables on the regional security situation and international geopolitics. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻檢閱 3 第三節 研究途徑與方法 19 第四節 研究範圍與限制 22 第五節 研究架構與章節安排 23 第貳章 北約新戰略概念的構思與現況 25 第一節 北約成立的背景與戰略目標 25 第二節 北約新戰略概念的緣起 30 第三節 北約新戰略概念的構思與內涵 32 第四節 北約新戰略概念中的美國因素 41 第五節 小結 46 第參章 北約新戰略概念的中國「系統性挑戰」 49 第一節 北約檢視中國對當前國際秩序的影響 49 第二節 新戰略的中國「系統性挑戰」意涵與設定 57 第三節 北約納入中國為「系統性挑戰」的政策實踐 70 第四節 小結 73 第肆章 北約新戰略概念面臨之挑戰 75 第一節 中國對系統性挑戰的批判 75 第二節 中國反制北約系統性挑戰的作為 79 第三節 北約反制中國因應的成效 83 第四節 小結 92 第伍章 結論 95 第一節 研究發現 95 第二節 未來展望 100 參考文獻 107 zh_TW dc.format.extent 4166561 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 北約 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 北約2022 戰略概念 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新戰略概念 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 系統性挑戰 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) NATO en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) NATO 2022 Strategic Concept en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) New Strategic Concept en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Systemic Challenges en_US dc.title (題名) 北約2022年新戰略概念之研究:以「中國系統性挑戰」為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Research on NATO 2022 New Strategic Concept: A case study of China’s Systemic Challenge Concept en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分 (一)專書 Levy, Daniel and Pensky, Max and Torpey, John 合著,鄧伯宸譯,《舊歐洲、新歐洲、核心歐洲》(Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe)(新北市:國立編譯館與立緒文化事業有限公司合作翻譯發行,2007年),頁78-82。 Peter Katzenstein and Robert O.Keohane,朱世龍、劉利瓊譯,《世界政治中的反美主義》(anti-americanisms in world politics)(中國:中國人民大學出版社,2012年),頁1-402。 Philippe Roger,吳強等譯,《美利堅敵人:法國反美主義的來龍去脈》(L'Ennemi américain : Généalogie de l'antiaméricanisme français)(北京:新華出版社,2004年),頁1-481。 Robert Kagan著,劉坤譯,《天堂與權力:世界新秩序中的美國與歐洲》(Of Paradise and Power : America and Europe in the New World Order)(中國:社會科學文獻出版社,2013年),頁1-223。 中國現代國際關係研究院美歐研究中心,《北約的命運》(中國:時事出版社,2004 年)。 朱鋒 [美]羅斯 主編,《中國崛起:理論與政策的視角》(中國:上海人民出版社,2008年)。 李少軍,國際政治學概論(第二版)(上海:上海人民出版社,2008),頁37~58。 傑克·斯奈德,於鐵軍等譯,《帝國的迷思:國內政治與對外擴張》(Myths of Empire Domestic Politics and 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