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題名 論臺灣離岸風力發電產業關聯政策在GATT之正當性-以安全例外條款為中心
Justification of Industrial Relevance Program for the Taiwan Offshore Wind Industry under GATT National Security Exception Clause
作者 江昱瑩
Chiang, Yu-Yin
貢獻者 楊光華
Yang, Guang-Hwa
Chiang, Yu-Yin
關鍵詞 離岸風力發電
Offshore wind power
Energy security
Local content requirements
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 15:27:47 (UTC+8)
摘要 自2011 年日本福島核災事件,世界各國開始檢討其能源政策,鑑於台灣四 面環海且高度依賴進口化石燃料容易受國際價格波動和海空運影響進口燃料供給,為提升能源安全,政府大力發展再生能源,又因台灣土地面積限制陸域太陽能和風能案場規模,政府極力推動離岸風力發電。在離岸風力發電發展的過程中,政府逐步納入自製率措施——要求風力發電場開發商負擔國產化義務(措施名稱為產業關聯政策),亦即使用一定比例的國內產風機零組件,作為有權開發風力發電場的先決條件。 在推行再生能源的政策實施自製率措施並非少見的政策工具,理論上自製率 措施可以保護幼稚產業、創造綠色就業機會,使公眾支持再生能源,自製率措施使市場上增加更多參與者而增加競爭和創新,甚至在風場建設期間也能提高產業韌性,避免突發的能源設備供應鏈中斷,亦能強化能源安全。但其實際效用還有待證明。但因其過度保護國內產業,也有外資反彈的聲音。 過去WTO 案例有「加拿大-再生能源案」、「印度-太陽能案」、和「美國-再生能源案」的爭議措施為涉及再生能源發展的自製率措施,該些爭議措施皆被認定違反GATT 國民待遇義務,透過案例回顧,台灣的產業關聯政策有極高考能如同案例裁決結果般違反國民待遇義務,且難以援引GATT 第20 條一般例外抗辯。則自製率措施是否毫無正當化機會?既然自製率措施可能有助於能源安全,本文乃欲探討過去自製率措施的WTO 案例尚未援引的GATT 第21 條安全例外條款可否正當化自製率措施。換言之,產業關聯政策是否是戰爭或其他國際緊急情況時期所採取的保護重大安全利益的必要措施?,戰爭或其他緊急情況時期所採取,以現有的WTO 案例「俄羅斯—過境轉運案」、「美國—鋼鋁產品案」與「美國—原產地標示案」裁決報告來說「國際關係的其他緊急情況」最具有爭議性,也會是台灣在未來訴訟中最難以成功舉證主張的一項。
Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, countries worldwide have begun to review their energy policies. Given Taiwan's geographical conditions and heavy reliance on imported fossil fuels, it is vulnerable to price shocks and disruption to global supply chains. the government has been vigorously promoting renewable energy to enhance energy security. Additionally, the government has strongly promoted offshore wind power generation due to the limited land area in Taiwan, which restricts the scale of onshore solar and onshore wind power projects. In developing offshore wind power, the government has gradually introduced local content requirements—requiring wind farm developers to fulfill localization obligations, meaning that a certain percentage of domestically produced wind farm components must be used as a prerequisite for the right to develop wind farms. Implementing local content requirements in renewable energy policies is not an uncommon policy tool. Theoretically, such measures can protect infant industries, create green jobs, and garner public support for renewable energy. They can also increase competition and innovation by bringing more participants into the market, and enhance industrial resilience during wind farm construction, preventing sudden disruptions in the energy equipment supply chain and strengthening energy security. While their actual effectiveness remains to be proven, the potential benefits are promising. However, due to their excessive protection of domestic industries, there has been pushback from foreign investors. In past WTO cases such as Canada – Renewable Energy, India – Solar Cells, and the United States–Renewable Energy, the disputed measures involving local content requirements for renewable energy development were all found to violate the GATT National Treatment obligation. Through case reviews, Taiwan's local content requirements are highly likely to be ruled as violating the National Treatment obligation, similar to the outcomes of these cases, and it would not be easy to invoke the general exceptions under GATT Article 20 as a defense. However, this does not mean that local content requirements have no chance of being justified. Since such measures may contribute to energy security, this paper explores whether the GATT Article 21 security exception clause, which was not invoked in past WTO cases involving local content measures, can justify Taiwan's local content requirements. In other words, are the local content requirements necessary measures taken in time of war or other international emergencies to protect essential security interests? The most controversial aspect, and the most challenging claim for Taiwan to successfully prove in future litigation, is whether the policies are taken during "other emergencies in international relations," as discussed in existing WTO case rulings, namely Russia–Traffic in Transit, United States–Steel and Aluminum Products, and United States–Origin Marking Requirement.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 楊光華zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yang, Guang-Hwaen_US (Authors) 江昱瑩zh_TW (Authors) Chiang, Yu-Yinen_US
dc.creator (作者) 江昱瑩zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chiang, Yu-Yinen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 15:27:47 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 15:27:47 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 15:27:47 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107351039en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國際經營與貿易學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107351039zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自2011 年日本福島核災事件,世界各國開始檢討其能源政策,鑑於台灣四 面環海且高度依賴進口化石燃料容易受國際價格波動和海空運影響進口燃料供給,為提升能源安全,政府大力發展再生能源,又因台灣土地面積限制陸域太陽能和風能案場規模,政府極力推動離岸風力發電。在離岸風力發電發展的過程中,政府逐步納入自製率措施——要求風力發電場開發商負擔國產化義務(措施名稱為產業關聯政策),亦即使用一定比例的國內產風機零組件,作為有權開發風力發電場的先決條件。 在推行再生能源的政策實施自製率措施並非少見的政策工具,理論上自製率 措施可以保護幼稚產業、創造綠色就業機會,使公眾支持再生能源,自製率措施使市場上增加更多參與者而增加競爭和創新,甚至在風場建設期間也能提高產業韌性,避免突發的能源設備供應鏈中斷,亦能強化能源安全。但其實際效用還有待證明。但因其過度保護國內產業,也有外資反彈的聲音。 過去WTO 案例有「加拿大-再生能源案」、「印度-太陽能案」、和「美國-再生能源案」的爭議措施為涉及再生能源發展的自製率措施,該些爭議措施皆被認定違反GATT 國民待遇義務,透過案例回顧,台灣的產業關聯政策有極高考能如同案例裁決結果般違反國民待遇義務,且難以援引GATT 第20 條一般例外抗辯。則自製率措施是否毫無正當化機會?既然自製率措施可能有助於能源安全,本文乃欲探討過去自製率措施的WTO 案例尚未援引的GATT 第21 條安全例外條款可否正當化自製率措施。換言之,產業關聯政策是否是戰爭或其他國際緊急情況時期所採取的保護重大安全利益的必要措施?,戰爭或其他緊急情況時期所採取,以現有的WTO 案例「俄羅斯—過境轉運案」、「美國—鋼鋁產品案」與「美國—原產地標示案」裁決報告來說「國際關係的其他緊急情況」最具有爭議性,也會是台灣在未來訴訟中最難以成功舉證主張的一項。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, countries worldwide have begun to review their energy policies. Given Taiwan's geographical conditions and heavy reliance on imported fossil fuels, it is vulnerable to price shocks and disruption to global supply chains. the government has been vigorously promoting renewable energy to enhance energy security. Additionally, the government has strongly promoted offshore wind power generation due to the limited land area in Taiwan, which restricts the scale of onshore solar and onshore wind power projects. In developing offshore wind power, the government has gradually introduced local content requirements—requiring wind farm developers to fulfill localization obligations, meaning that a certain percentage of domestically produced wind farm components must be used as a prerequisite for the right to develop wind farms. Implementing local content requirements in renewable energy policies is not an uncommon policy tool. Theoretically, such measures can protect infant industries, create green jobs, and garner public support for renewable energy. They can also increase competition and innovation by bringing more participants into the market, and enhance industrial resilience during wind farm construction, preventing sudden disruptions in the energy equipment supply chain and strengthening energy security. While their actual effectiveness remains to be proven, the potential benefits are promising. However, due to their excessive protection of domestic industries, there has been pushback from foreign investors. In past WTO cases such as Canada – Renewable Energy, India – Solar Cells, and the United States–Renewable Energy, the disputed measures involving local content requirements for renewable energy development were all found to violate the GATT National Treatment obligation. Through case reviews, Taiwan's local content requirements are highly likely to be ruled as violating the National Treatment obligation, similar to the outcomes of these cases, and it would not be easy to invoke the general exceptions under GATT Article 20 as a defense. However, this does not mean that local content requirements have no chance of being justified. Since such measures may contribute to energy security, this paper explores whether the GATT Article 21 security exception clause, which was not invoked in past WTO cases involving local content measures, can justify Taiwan's local content requirements. In other words, are the local content requirements necessary measures taken in time of war or other international emergencies to protect essential security interests? The most controversial aspect, and the most challenging claim for Taiwan to successfully prove in future litigation, is whether the policies are taken during "other emergencies in international relations," as discussed in existing WTO case rulings, namely Russia–Traffic in Transit, United States–Steel and Aluminum Products, and United States–Origin Marking Requirement.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究架構與研究方法 3 第三節 研究限制 4 第貳章 離岸風力產業關聯政策與能源安全 5 第一節 離岸風力發電產業關聯政策 5 一、臺灣離岸風力發電發展階段 5 二、現行離岸風力發電產業關聯政策 9 第二節 再生能源發展之目標——能源安全 15 一、能源安全之意涵 17 二、再生能源是否有助於能源安全 20 三、自製率要求與能源安全 21 第三節 小結 25 第參章 WTO案例回顧 27 第一節 WTO案例簡介 28 第二節 GATT第3條國民待遇 29 一、GATT第3.4條規定 30 二、GATT第3.5條規定 34 三、GATT第3.8條(a)款規定 35 第三節 GATT第20條一般例外 37 一、GATT第20條(d)款 39 二、GATT第20條(j)款 40 三、必要性分析 41 四、GATT第20前言 42 第三節 小結 43 第肆章 產業關聯政策與GATT合致性分析 45 第一節 產業關聯政策違反國民待遇義務 45 一、違反GATT第3.4條 45 二、違反GATT第3.5條 46 三、恐難以適用GATT第3.8條(a)款 46 第二節 產業關聯政策恐難援引GATT第20條作為抗辯 47 一、GATT第20條(d)款 47 二、GATT第20條(j)款 48 三、GATT第20條(b)款 48 四、必要性測試 49 五、小結 50 第三節 產業關聯政策可否援引GATT第21條 50 一、GATT第21條(b)款安全例外要件 51 二、產業關聯政策是否符合GATT第21條(b)款(iii)目 59 三、小結 62 第伍章 結論 64 參考文獻 66zh_TW
dc.format.extent 1746324 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 離岸風力發電zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 能源安全zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自製率措施zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Offshore wind poweren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Energy securityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Local content requirementsen_US
dc.title (題名) 論臺灣離岸風力發電產業關聯政策在GATT之正當性-以安全例外條款為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Justification of Industrial Relevance Program for the Taiwan Offshore Wind Industry under GATT National Security Exception Clauseen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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