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題名 語言趨同或語言趨異: 臺灣人對中國詞彙之語言認知與語言態度、媒體使用與政治傾向
Convergence or Divergence: Taiwanese Mandarin Speakers’ Language Knowledge and Language Attitudes Toward Beijing Mandarin Terms, Media Consumption, and Political Leanings作者 范友誠
Fan, Yu-Cheng貢獻者 葉嘉炘
Yeh, Chia-Hsin
Fan, Yu-Cheng關鍵詞 語言態度
Language Attitudes
Language Contact
Social Identity
Word Choice日期 2024 上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 16:02:21 (UTC+8) 摘要 本論文透過隨機線上問卷,探討臺灣華語母語者(臺灣人)對於中國普通話流行詞彙的語言態度,並進一步分析何種因素會影響他們的語言態度。研究動機源自於網路社群中「支語警察」的出現,此類言論代表著部分臺灣人對於使用中國詞彙的各種疑慮,不僅限於語言本身潛藏的意識形態,更涉及社會認同與中國媒體近用的影響。因此,本論文試以語言接觸(language contact)與借詞(borrowing)作為理論基礎,並參考媒體聚合的影響與社會認同理論(social identity theory)的假設,提出以下三個研究問題:(一)臺灣人對於中國詞彙的認知程度(二)臺灣人對中國詞彙的語言態度,以及(三)影響語言態度的潛在因素,如:語言本身的差異、中國媒體的近用頻率、政治關注程度因素。 問卷設計的研究架構包含兩個應變數與三個自變數,應變數為 479 位母語為臺灣華語的受訪者(100 位男性、374 位女性、5 位多元性別認同)依照五分制量表,對於 20 個中國流行語的語言認知程度(又區分成兩項:詞意的理解程度、詞源的分辨能力)以及語言態度(又區分成三項 :solidarity 即熟悉度、status 即社會經驗、vitality 即語言能力),自變數則為受試詞彙的語言變項、受試者中國媒體近用頻率與習慣,以及受試者的各種政治態度與偏好。其中,問卷中的 20 個受試詞彙,如:網紅、主理人、閨蜜等,依據語言借詞過程時間的長短(內化程度)和借詞動機的高低(用詞選擇與否)兩個語言變項組成(2 種內化程度* 2 種用詞選擇* 5個不同詞彙=20 個受試詞彙),語言變項的異同均先參考過網路資訊,並諮詢 10 位每日近用中國社群媒體的使用者作為前測評估。媒體因素則為數種中國媒體與短影音平台之使用習慣與頻率,至於政治因素則著重於受訪者認同蔡政府兩岸政策的程度以及其他三個相關問題,如:日常政治議題的關注度、中國或大陸的稱謂差異所涉及的政治正確敏感度、願意與中國進行交流意願高低。 研究結果顯示臺灣人對於中國流行詞彙呈現的語言認知程度相當高(詞意理解度=4.25、詞源分辨能力=4.08)相對的語言態度則為一般(熟悉度=2.83、社會經驗=2.73、能力=2.23)。受試者的中國媒體使用習慣與頻率則介於沒有到很少之間(1.6),其中中國短影音的使用習慣又更低。至於各種政治態度的結果顯示,受試者日常對於政治議題的關注度偏高(3.59),也總能區分中國或大陸兩種稱謂的差異性所意味的政治正確(4.05),不論任何形式的兩岸交流,與中國互動的意願程度似乎不高(3.21),整體而言,臺灣受試者普遍支持蔡政府的兩岸政策(4.04)。最後分析結 果顯示,第一、兩個語言變項(即借詞的時間長短與借詞的需求高低)都會影響語言認知與語言態度,意味者語言接觸與借詞的現象,對於臺灣華語使用者對於中國流行語的認知、態度與使用,扮演著極關鍵的因素,第二、中國媒體使用習慣與頻率和語言態度呈現正相關,意謂著,即使臺灣人目前對於中國社群媒體與短影音的使用頻率都相當低,媒體聚合的現況無形中更加深了媒體近用的影響,第三、臺灣人認同蔡政府兩岸政策的高低程度,與他們對於中國詞彙的語言態度並無顯著的相關性,中國或大陸稱謂差異的敏感度與語言態度也無關,至於日常政治議題的關心程度以及不願與中國進行交流的態度,則與他們的語言態度有顯著的負相關性。 以上分析結果顯示,語言接觸與其所觸發的借詞(borrowing)的效應,對於臺灣人使用中國流行詞彙的意願與態度上扮演著至關重要的角色,因為借詞過程時間的長短(內化程度)和借詞動機的高低(用詞選擇與否)可以決定語言認知程度的高低與語言態度的好壞。各種中國媒體的近用程度,似乎都促成語言接觸與借詞的機率與頻率,近來社群媒體的聚合效應,尤其是短影音的流行,都更近一步加深了媒體對於語言接觸與借詞的影響,甚至促成語言聚合(convergence)。由於臺灣人普遍上對於中國流行詞彙的詞意認知程度相當高,特別是詞彙本身的語意暸解程度,因此,區分流行語本身詞源的能力(來自中國普通話或是臺灣華語),才是影響臺灣人對於中國流行詞彙語言態度的關鍵因素。一旦臺灣人隨著時間推移,因媒體聚合效應或各種媒體因素,將這些借詞內化成自己的詞源之後(對於詞彙來源產生混淆或某種程度的同化),他們的區分詞源能力便會降低,近一步因語言認同而改變本身的語言態度,即轉為正向的語言態度而又增加語言使用的頻率,換言之,借詞和語言聚合都將是媒體聚合與社會接觸必然的結果。
The thesis aims to examine Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language attitudes toward popular Beijing Mandarin terms and to explore what factors might affect their language attitudes through survey responses. Recently, a group of online users, called zhī yǔ jiū chá duì 支語糾察隊 ‘Beijing Mandarin monitor’ have been calling for public awareness of not using Beijing Mandarin terms, causing a series of controversies about language use, Chinese media consumption, and political interference. Such a language concern raises three research inquiries about (i) Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language knowledge of Beijing Mandarin terms, (ii) their language attitudes, and (iii) potential language, media, and political factors that might influence language attitudes. These language issues are hypothesized by the theory of language contact and borrowing in the hope of providing a comprehensive account of language use. The survey approach was currently adopted and set up with two types of dependent variables and three types of independent variables. The former refers to 479 participants’ (M:100; F:374; N:5) responses to two levels of language knowledge (lexical recognition and word origins) and three levels of language attitudes (solidarity: familiarity; status: social experience; vitality: competence) on a five-point scale with 20 Beijing Mandarin terms, while the latter refer to survey questions about Chinese media consumption, and political preference. The 20 Beijing Mandarin word stimuli, such as gui mì 閨蜜 ‘bestie,’ wăng hóng 網紅 ‘key opinion leader,’ and zhŭ lĭ rén 主理人 ‘person in charge’ were composed of two language factors (internalization: time of borrowing; word choice: demand of borrowing), pre-tested and consulted with 10 informants. As to the media-related questions, participants’ access to China media of various kinds and their exposure to short video clips were assessed. As to the political preference, participants’ political alignment with the Tsai administration’s cross-strait policy was focused on and paralleled to three other political parameters: degree of political interests, awareness of politically correct terms (China vs. Mainland), and un/ willingness to interact with China. The current results indicate that Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language knowledge of Beijing Mandarin terms tends to be high (lexical recognition: 4.25 out of 5; word origins: 4.08) while their language attitudes tend to be moderate (familiarity: 2.83; social experience: 2.73; competence: 2.23). The general Chinese media consumption falls between seldom and never (1.6 out of 5), while the exposure to Chinese short video clips is even lower. As to political preference, these participants’ responses are quite consistent with the current situation: fairly high in political interests (3.59), high in political awareness (4.05), fairly high in unwillingness to interact with China (3.21), and high in political alignment with Tsai administration’s cross-strait policy (4.04). In addition, the statistical analyses validate (i) the influence of two language factors on Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language knowledge and language attitudes toward Beijing Mandarin terms and (ii) the positive correlation between their Chinese media consumption and language responses. However, (iii) their political alignment with the Tsai administration is not found to be negatively correlated with language attitudes toward Beijing Mandarin terms. It is the political interests and the unwillingness to interact with China that are found to be negatively correlated with language responses. 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111461006資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 葉嘉炘 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Yeh, Chia-Hsin en_US (Authors) 范友誠 zh_TW (Authors) Fan, Yu-Cheng en_US dc.creator (作者) 范友誠 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Fan, Yu-Cheng en_US (日期) 2024 en_US 4-Sep-2024 16:02:21 (UTC+8) - 4-Sep-2024 16:02:21 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 16:02:21 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111461006 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 111461006 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文透過隨機線上問卷,探討臺灣華語母語者(臺灣人)對於中國普通話流行詞彙的語言態度,並進一步分析何種因素會影響他們的語言態度。研究動機源自於網路社群中「支語警察」的出現,此類言論代表著部分臺灣人對於使用中國詞彙的各種疑慮,不僅限於語言本身潛藏的意識形態,更涉及社會認同與中國媒體近用的影響。因此,本論文試以語言接觸(language contact)與借詞(borrowing)作為理論基礎,並參考媒體聚合的影響與社會認同理論(social identity theory)的假設,提出以下三個研究問題:(一)臺灣人對於中國詞彙的認知程度(二)臺灣人對中國詞彙的語言態度,以及(三)影響語言態度的潛在因素,如:語言本身的差異、中國媒體的近用頻率、政治關注程度因素。 問卷設計的研究架構包含兩個應變數與三個自變數,應變數為 479 位母語為臺灣華語的受訪者(100 位男性、374 位女性、5 位多元性別認同)依照五分制量表,對於 20 個中國流行語的語言認知程度(又區分成兩項:詞意的理解程度、詞源的分辨能力)以及語言態度(又區分成三項 :solidarity 即熟悉度、status 即社會經驗、vitality 即語言能力),自變數則為受試詞彙的語言變項、受試者中國媒體近用頻率與習慣,以及受試者的各種政治態度與偏好。其中,問卷中的 20 個受試詞彙,如:網紅、主理人、閨蜜等,依據語言借詞過程時間的長短(內化程度)和借詞動機的高低(用詞選擇與否)兩個語言變項組成(2 種內化程度* 2 種用詞選擇* 5個不同詞彙=20 個受試詞彙),語言變項的異同均先參考過網路資訊,並諮詢 10 位每日近用中國社群媒體的使用者作為前測評估。媒體因素則為數種中國媒體與短影音平台之使用習慣與頻率,至於政治因素則著重於受訪者認同蔡政府兩岸政策的程度以及其他三個相關問題,如:日常政治議題的關注度、中國或大陸的稱謂差異所涉及的政治正確敏感度、願意與中國進行交流意願高低。 研究結果顯示臺灣人對於中國流行詞彙呈現的語言認知程度相當高(詞意理解度=4.25、詞源分辨能力=4.08)相對的語言態度則為一般(熟悉度=2.83、社會經驗=2.73、能力=2.23)。受試者的中國媒體使用習慣與頻率則介於沒有到很少之間(1.6),其中中國短影音的使用習慣又更低。至於各種政治態度的結果顯示,受試者日常對於政治議題的關注度偏高(3.59),也總能區分中國或大陸兩種稱謂的差異性所意味的政治正確(4.05),不論任何形式的兩岸交流,與中國互動的意願程度似乎不高(3.21),整體而言,臺灣受試者普遍支持蔡政府的兩岸政策(4.04)。最後分析結 果顯示,第一、兩個語言變項(即借詞的時間長短與借詞的需求高低)都會影響語言認知與語言態度,意味者語言接觸與借詞的現象,對於臺灣華語使用者對於中國流行語的認知、態度與使用,扮演著極關鍵的因素,第二、中國媒體使用習慣與頻率和語言態度呈現正相關,意謂著,即使臺灣人目前對於中國社群媒體與短影音的使用頻率都相當低,媒體聚合的現況無形中更加深了媒體近用的影響,第三、臺灣人認同蔡政府兩岸政策的高低程度,與他們對於中國詞彙的語言態度並無顯著的相關性,中國或大陸稱謂差異的敏感度與語言態度也無關,至於日常政治議題的關心程度以及不願與中國進行交流的態度,則與他們的語言態度有顯著的負相關性。 以上分析結果顯示,語言接觸與其所觸發的借詞(borrowing)的效應,對於臺灣人使用中國流行詞彙的意願與態度上扮演著至關重要的角色,因為借詞過程時間的長短(內化程度)和借詞動機的高低(用詞選擇與否)可以決定語言認知程度的高低與語言態度的好壞。各種中國媒體的近用程度,似乎都促成語言接觸與借詞的機率與頻率,近來社群媒體的聚合效應,尤其是短影音的流行,都更近一步加深了媒體對於語言接觸與借詞的影響,甚至促成語言聚合(convergence)。由於臺灣人普遍上對於中國流行詞彙的詞意認知程度相當高,特別是詞彙本身的語意暸解程度,因此,區分流行語本身詞源的能力(來自中國普通話或是臺灣華語),才是影響臺灣人對於中國流行詞彙語言態度的關鍵因素。一旦臺灣人隨著時間推移,因媒體聚合效應或各種媒體因素,將這些借詞內化成自己的詞源之後(對於詞彙來源產生混淆或某種程度的同化),他們的區分詞源能力便會降低,近一步因語言認同而改變本身的語言態度,即轉為正向的語言態度而又增加語言使用的頻率,換言之,借詞和語言聚合都將是媒體聚合與社會接觸必然的結果。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The thesis aims to examine Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language attitudes toward popular Beijing Mandarin terms and to explore what factors might affect their language attitudes through survey responses. Recently, a group of online users, called zhī yǔ jiū chá duì 支語糾察隊 ‘Beijing Mandarin monitor’ have been calling for public awareness of not using Beijing Mandarin terms, causing a series of controversies about language use, Chinese media consumption, and political interference. Such a language concern raises three research inquiries about (i) Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language knowledge of Beijing Mandarin terms, (ii) their language attitudes, and (iii) potential language, media, and political factors that might influence language attitudes. These language issues are hypothesized by the theory of language contact and borrowing in the hope of providing a comprehensive account of language use. The survey approach was currently adopted and set up with two types of dependent variables and three types of independent variables. The former refers to 479 participants’ (M:100; F:374; N:5) responses to two levels of language knowledge (lexical recognition and word origins) and three levels of language attitudes (solidarity: familiarity; status: social experience; vitality: competence) on a five-point scale with 20 Beijing Mandarin terms, while the latter refer to survey questions about Chinese media consumption, and political preference. The 20 Beijing Mandarin word stimuli, such as gui mì 閨蜜 ‘bestie,’ wăng hóng 網紅 ‘key opinion leader,’ and zhŭ lĭ rén 主理人 ‘person in charge’ were composed of two language factors (internalization: time of borrowing; word choice: demand of borrowing), pre-tested and consulted with 10 informants. As to the media-related questions, participants’ access to China media of various kinds and their exposure to short video clips were assessed. As to the political preference, participants’ political alignment with the Tsai administration’s cross-strait policy was focused on and paralleled to three other political parameters: degree of political interests, awareness of politically correct terms (China vs. Mainland), and un/ willingness to interact with China. The current results indicate that Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language knowledge of Beijing Mandarin terms tends to be high (lexical recognition: 4.25 out of 5; word origins: 4.08) while their language attitudes tend to be moderate (familiarity: 2.83; social experience: 2.73; competence: 2.23). The general Chinese media consumption falls between seldom and never (1.6 out of 5), while the exposure to Chinese short video clips is even lower. As to political preference, these participants’ responses are quite consistent with the current situation: fairly high in political interests (3.59), high in political awareness (4.05), fairly high in unwillingness to interact with China (3.21), and high in political alignment with Tsai administration’s cross-strait policy (4.04). In addition, the statistical analyses validate (i) the influence of two language factors on Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ language knowledge and language attitudes toward Beijing Mandarin terms and (ii) the positive correlation between their Chinese media consumption and language responses. However, (iii) their political alignment with the Tsai administration is not found to be negatively correlated with language attitudes toward Beijing Mandarin terms. It is the political interests and the unwillingness to interact with China that are found to be negatively correlated with language responses. These findings suggest that language borrowing is pivotal to Taiwanese Mandarin speakers’ use of Beijing Mandarin terms in that the degree of internalization and word choice are found to play a significant role in their language responses. Chinese media exposure, regardless of whether conscious or unconscious due to media convergence, would facilitate the process of borrowing and lead to further language convergence. Since Taiwanese Mandarin speakers tend to show a higher level of lexical recognition of Beijing Mandarin terms, it is the word origins that affect their language attitudes. Once they consider those borrowed Beijing Mandarin terms as their own words as a matter of time, their attitudes tend to turn positive, completing the process of borrowing and language convergence. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledgment i 摘要 ii Table of Contents vi List of Figures ix List of Tables xi Chapter 1 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Recent Cross-Strait Relations and Policies in Taiwan 1 1.2 Language Use of Beijing Mandarin Terms in Taiwan 2 1.2.1 Beijing Mandarin Monitor 2 1.2.2 Language Concern 2 1.2.3 Concerns about Social Identity 3 1.2.4 Concerns about Chinese Media Consumption 3 1.3 Media Consumption and Media Convergence 4 1.3.1 Chinese Media Consumption 4 1.3.2 Media Convergence 6 1.3.3 Short-Form Videos and TikTok 8 1.3.4 Use of Social Media in Taiwan 8 1.3.5 Concerns about TikTok in Taiwan 9 1.4 Research Purposes and Questions 10 Chapter Two 12 Literature Review 12 2.1 Taiwanese Mandarin and Beijing Mandarin 12 2.1.1 Sociohistorical Background 13 2.1.2 Different Characters and Pīnyīn System 14 2.1.3 Different Accents 14 2.1.4 Lexical Variants 15 2.1.5 Varieties, Dialects, or Languages 20 2.2 Language Attitudes 24 2.2.1 Parameters of Language Attitudes: Solidarity, Status, and Vitality 24 2.2.2 Language Attitudes Toward Taiwanese Mandarin and Beijing Mandarin 27 2.3 Correlation between Language Use and Social Identity 28 2.3.1 Theory of Social Identity 28 2.3.2 In-group Favoritism 30 2.4 Hypotheses 32 2.4.1 Language Hypotheses 32 2.4.2 Media Hypotheses 33 2.4.3 Political Hypothesis 34 Chapter 3 36 Methodology 36 3.1 Materials 36 3.1.1 Word List 36 3.1.2 Stimuli 37 3.2 Survey Design 44 3.2.1 Participants 44 3.2.2 Method 46 3.2.3 Measures 46 3.2.4 Procedure 50 3.2.5 Prediction 51 Chapter 4 53 Results and Analysis 53 4.1 Results of Language Attitudes and Language Knowledge 53 A. Language Attitudes 53 4.1.1 Solidarity 53 4.1.2 Status 55 4.1.3 Vitality 56 B. Language Knowledge 57 4.1.4 Ability to Tell Words’ Origins 58 4.1.5 Lexical Recognition 59 4.2 Results of Demographics, Media Consumption, and Political Factors 61 4.2.1 Demographics 61 4.2.2 General Media Consumption 62 4.2.3 Percentage of Chinese short-form videos 64 4.2.4 Political Factors 66 4.3 Analysis of Language Effects on Language Knowledge & Attitudes 68 A. Language Knowledge 70 4.3.1 Analysis of Language Factors on Lexical Recognition 70 4.3.2 Analysis of Language Factors on Ability to Tell Words’ Origins 71 B. Language Attitudes 73 4.3.3 Analysis of Language Factors on Solidarity 73 4.3.4 Analysis of Language Factors on Status 74 4.3.5 Analysis of Language Factors on Vitality 75 4.3.3 Summary 76 4.4 Chinese Media Consumption on Language Attitudes& Language Knowledge 78 4.4.1 Analysis of Chinese Media Convergence on Language Attitudes 78 4.4.2 Chinese Media Consumption on Language Attitudes 80 4.4.3 Chinese Media Consumption on Solidarity, Status, Vitality, and Ability to Tell Words’ Origins 82 4.5 Political Factors on Language Attitudes & Language Knowledge 85 4.5.1 Political Factors on Language Attitudes 85 4.5.2 Political Factors on Solidarity, Vitality, Status, Ability to Tell Words' Origins 86 4.5.3 Demographics, Media, Political Factors on Language Attitudes 88 4.6 Analysis of Language Knowledge and Language Attitudes 90 4.7 Additional Analysis of Vitality: Convergence and Borrowing 92 4.7.1 Demographics, Media, and Political Factors on Vitality 92 4.7.2 Media Consumption and Vitality 93 Chapter 5 95 Discussion 95 5.1 Language Factors on Language Attitudes and Language Knowledge 96 5.1.1 Language Factors on Lexical Recognition 96 5.1.2 Language Factors on Ability to Tell Words’ Origins 97 5.1.3 Language Factors on Solidarity 97 5.1.4 Language Factors on Status 98 5.1.5 Language Factors on Vitality 98 5.1.6 Summary 98 5.2 Language Knowledge on Language Attitudes 99 5.3 Media Factors on Language Attitudes 100 5.4 Political Factors on Language Attitudes 101 Chapter 6 102 Conclusion 102 6.1 Factors of Language Knowledge, Language Attitudes 102 6.1.1 Language Knowledge 102 6.1.2 Language Attitudes 102 6.1.3 Language, Media, Political Factors 102 6.2 Conceptualization Model 103 6.3 Limitation 105 Bibliography 106 Chinese Bibliography 中文文獻來源 111 Appendix 115 1. Appendix: Main Study Questionnaires 115 A. 語言態度 115 B. 語言辨識 115 C. 媒體使用與基本資料調查 116 2. Appendix: Results and Analyses 120 A. Detail of Dependent Variables 120 B. Additional Analysis 123 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3667560 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語言態度 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語言接觸 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會認同 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 用字選擇 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Language Attitudes en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Language Contact en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social Identity en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Word Choice en_US dc.title (題名) 語言趨同或語言趨異: 臺灣人對中國詞彙之語言認知與語言態度、媒體使用與政治傾向 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Convergence or Divergence: Taiwanese Mandarin Speakers’ Language Knowledge and Language Attitudes Toward Beijing Mandarin Terms, Media Consumption, and Political Leanings en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Ashforth, B., Mael, F. (1989) Social Identity Theory and the Organization. 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