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題名 Information Behavior of Taiwanese Internal Investigation Police Officers
作者 陳世娟;邵婉卿
Chen, Shih-chuan;Shaw, Wang-Ching
貢獻者 圖檔所
關鍵詞 Internal investigation police officer; Information behavior; Information barriers; Information source; Investigation process
政風警官; 資訊尋求行為; 資訊障礙; 資訊來源; 查案過程
日期 2015-06
上傳時間 10-Sep-2024 11:54:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 This research explored how Taiwanese internal investigation police officers investigate cases and seek information. The tasks performed by internal investigation police officers are more difficult than those allocated to other officers, because internal investigation officers are investigating colleagues. This study examined the information sources that are available to internal investigation police officers, as well as how the officers analyze collected information. In-depth interviews with eight officers who have held their current positions for between 8 months and 3 years revealed that the main information sources used by the officers were their peer officers, informants, the Internet, personal profile, wiretapping, and surveillance. For each case, the information sources varied according to the stage of investigation. The financial status, keywords used in conversation, daily habits, and some behaviors were the primary information sources when the officers analyzed the collected information. Five factors were identified as contributing to their information barriers: language, laws and regulations, equipment, human resources, and psychological factors. Our observations indicate that police officers have unique information behaviors and sources.
關聯 圖書資訊學刊, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-14
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 圖檔所
dc.creator (作者) 陳世娟;邵婉卿
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Shih-chuan;Shaw, Wang-Ching (日期) 2015-06 10-Sep-2024 11:54:57 (UTC+8)- 10-Sep-2024 11:54:57 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 10-Sep-2024 11:54:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research explored how Taiwanese internal investigation police officers investigate cases and seek information. The tasks performed by internal investigation police officers are more difficult than those allocated to other officers, because internal investigation officers are investigating colleagues. This study examined the information sources that are available to internal investigation police officers, as well as how the officers analyze collected information. In-depth interviews with eight officers who have held their current positions for between 8 months and 3 years revealed that the main information sources used by the officers were their peer officers, informants, the Internet, personal profile, wiretapping, and surveillance. For each case, the information sources varied according to the stage of investigation. The financial status, keywords used in conversation, daily habits, and some behaviors were the primary information sources when the officers analyzed the collected information. Five factors were identified as contributing to their information barriers: language, laws and regulations, equipment, human resources, and psychological factors. Our observations indicate that police officers have unique information behaviors and sources.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 警察人員辦案時的資訊行為,對一般人而言是神秘而且充滿好奇的,對辦案的警察而言,有效的資訊行為正是破案的關鍵。本研究訪談8名內政部警政署政風室且已任職達半年以上的警官,分析政風警官查案過程中的資訊尋求過程及其資訊尋求行為。研究結果發現,內政部警政署政風室之警官,為完成查案任務,資訊來源有:諮詢人員(線民)、上網查詢、調閱個資、監聽譯文、現譯與跟監;分析查得資料的主題主要分成三類:個人財務狀況與人際網絡、與他人對話中的關鍵字及個人作息的規律性與獨特性;資訊尋求過程中會遭遇的障礙因素有五種:語言能力不足、法令保障個資、缺乏新型高科技追蹤工具及政府資訊整合平台、查案人力不足及個人心理障礙。
dc.format.extent 107 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 圖書資訊學刊, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-14
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Internal investigation police officer; Information behavior; Information barriers; Information source; Investigation process
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政風警官; 資訊尋求行為; 資訊障礙; 資訊來源; 查案過程
dc.title (題名) Information Behavior of Taiwanese Internal Investigation Police Officers
dc.title (題名) 臺灣政風警官資訊行為研究
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6182/jlis.2015.13(1).001
dc.doi.uri (DOI)