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題名 基於環境感知之樓層間貨物運送無人機自主降落決策
Research on Autonomous Landing Decision for UAV Based on Environmental Perception between Floors in Cargo Delivery作者 蘇冠華
Su, Guan-Hua貢獻者 劉吉軒
Liu, Jyi-Shane
Su, Guan-Hua關鍵詞 智慧無人機
Smart UAV
Path Planning
Obstacle Avoidance Strategies
Environmental Perception
Autonomous Landing日期 2024 上傳時間 1-Nov-2024 11:22:37 (UTC+8) 摘要 隨著無人機技術的不斷發展,無人機在各個領域的應用越來越廣泛,其中包括無人機運送貨物的議題。無人機自主降落在建築物的能力對於實現無人機運送貨物的目標具有重要價值,本論文介紹了一種基於環境感知的樓層間自主降落決策系統。 本系統涵蓋的範圍包括路徑規劃、避障機制、著陸規劃。路徑規劃包括邊界引導與定位的處理與搜索路徑規劃,其中括邊界引導與定位是透過深度估計和邊緣偵測等影像處理技術並結合GPS影像中心點進行後處理,以找到目標住戶的所在面;搜索路徑規劃則是進行標記的搜尋,透過有效率的路徑規劃方式尋找住戶所在目標;避障機制階段主要是為了確保系統在垂直降落階段的安全性,故透過無人機機身的傳感器與視覺系統的結合來進行避障機制的設計;著陸規劃則是使用地面標記AprilTag進行路徑規劃引導,讓無人機在有限的陽台空間安全著陸。 本研究與過往無人機貨物運送最不同的部分在於過往研究通常只針對空曠場域進行簡單著陸,由於無較為完善的路徑規劃機制,故無法應用於建築物等複雜場域中;而此研究由於有較為詳細的路徑規劃及避障規劃,能夠讓無人機適用於大多數未知建築物。 本研究提出了一個綜合且有效的無人機應用模組,旨在實現無人機應用於運送貨物的場景。本系統結合了多種感知、決策和控制技術,在無人機運送貨物的領域具有高度的應用價值。
With the continuous advancement of drone technology, the applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have expanded across various fields, including the delivery of goods. The autonomous landing capability of drones on buildings is crucial for achieving the goal of unmanned aerial delivery. This paper introduces an environment-aware inter-floor autonomous landing decision system. The system encompasses path planning, obstacle avoidance mechanisms, and landing planning. Path planning involves processing boundary guidance and localization through image processing techniques such as depth estimation and edge detection, combined with post-processing using GPS image center points to locate the target recipient’s floor. Search path planning is conducted by efficiently marking designated search areas to locate the target recipient. The obstacle avoidance mechanism ensures safety during the vertical descent phase, incorporating two obstacle avoidance systems based on visual information and the drone’s onboard sensors. Landing planning utilizes ground markers, specifically AprilTags, for path guidance, allowing the drone to safely land in limited balcony spaces. This study differs from previous research on drone cargo delivery, particularly in addressing the challenges of complex landing scenarios within architectural structures. The detailed path planning and obstacle avoidance strategies proposed in this study make it adaptable to a wide range of unknown buildings. The research introduces a comprehensive and effective module for drone applications, aiming to facilitate the delivery of goods using unmanned aerial vehicles. The system integrates various perception, decision-making, and control technologies, offering high applicability in the field of UAV cargo delivery.參考文獻 [1] Kavita Gupta, Sandhya Bansal, and Rajiv Goel. Uses of drones in fighting covid-19 pandemic. In202110thInternationalConferenceonSystemModeling Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), pages 651–655, 2021. doi: 10.1109/SMART52563.2021.9676290. [2] Alvika Gautam, P.B. Sujit, and Srikanth Saripalli. A survey of autonomous landing techniques for uavs. In 2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pages 1210–1218, 2014. doi:10.1109/ICUAS.2014.6842377. [3] Hossein Eskandaripour and Enkhsaikhan Boldsaikhan. Last-mile drone delivery:Past, present, and future. Drones, 7(2), 2023. ISSN 2504-446X. doi: 10.3390/drones7020077. URL [4] Kai Feng, Weixing Li, Shengyang Ge, and Feng Pan. Packages delivery based on marker detection for uavs. pages 2094–2099, 2020. doi: 10.1109/CCDC49329.2020.9164677. [5] Assem Alsawy, Alan Hicks, Dan Moss, and Susan Mckeever. An image processing based classifier to support safe dropping for delivery-by-drone. Five:1–5, 2022. doi:10.1109/IPAS55744.2022.10052868. [6] Gino Brunner, Bence Szebedy, Simon Tanner, and Roger Wattenhofer. The urban last mile problem: Autonomous drone delivery to your balcony. pages 1005–1012,2019. doi:10.1109/ICUAS.2019.8798337. [7] ErosInnocenti, GiacomoAgostini, andRomeoGiuliano. Uavsformedicinedelivery in a smart city using fiducial markers. Information, 13(10), 2022. ISSN 2078-2489. doi: 10.3390/info13100501. URL 10/501. [8] Didula Dissanayaka, Thumeera R. Wanasinghe, Oscar De Silva, Awantha Jayasiri, and George K. I. Mann. Review of navigation methods for uav-based parcel delivery. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 21(1):1068–1082,2024. doi: 10.1109/TASE.2022.3232025. [9] KFC. Kfc takes flight with australian-first drone delivery. February 04, 2022.from [10] Amazon Staff. Get medications faster with drone delivery from amazon pharmacy. October 18, 2023. from pharmacy-amazon-air-prescription-drone-delivery. [11] Wang Xu. Shenzhen launches china’s first blood deliv ery platform powered by drones.January 22, 2024.from [12] A. Bochkovskiy R. Ranftl and V. Koltun. Vision transformers for dense prediction. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Montreal, QC,Canada, 2021. doi: 10.1109/ICCV48922.2021.01196. URL [13] MatteoPriorelli, Giovanni Pezzulo, and Ivilin Peev Stoianov. Active vision in binocular depth estimation: A top-down perspective. Biomimetics, 8(5), 2023. ISSN 2313-7673. doi: 10.3390/biomimetics8050445. URL [14] Yue Ming, Xuyang Meng, Chunxiao Fan, and Hui Yu. Deep learning for monocular depth estimation: A review. Neurocomputing, 438:14–33, 2021. ISSN 0925-2312. doi: URL [15] Kausar Mukadam, Aishwarya Sinh, and Ruhina Karani. Detection of landing areas for unmanned aerial vehicles. 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111753127資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 劉吉軒 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Liu, Jyi-Shane en_US (Authors) 蘇冠華 zh_TW (Authors) Su, Guan-Hua en_US dc.creator (作者) 蘇冠華 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Su, Guan-Hua en_US (日期) 2024 en_US 1-Nov-2024 11:22:37 (UTC+8) - 1-Nov-2024 11:22:37 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Nov-2024 11:22:37 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111753127 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 資訊科學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 111753127 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著無人機技術的不斷發展,無人機在各個領域的應用越來越廣泛,其中包括無人機運送貨物的議題。無人機自主降落在建築物的能力對於實現無人機運送貨物的目標具有重要價值,本論文介紹了一種基於環境感知的樓層間自主降落決策系統。 本系統涵蓋的範圍包括路徑規劃、避障機制、著陸規劃。路徑規劃包括邊界引導與定位的處理與搜索路徑規劃,其中括邊界引導與定位是透過深度估計和邊緣偵測等影像處理技術並結合GPS影像中心點進行後處理,以找到目標住戶的所在面;搜索路徑規劃則是進行標記的搜尋,透過有效率的路徑規劃方式尋找住戶所在目標;避障機制階段主要是為了確保系統在垂直降落階段的安全性,故透過無人機機身的傳感器與視覺系統的結合來進行避障機制的設計;著陸規劃則是使用地面標記AprilTag進行路徑規劃引導,讓無人機在有限的陽台空間安全著陸。 本研究與過往無人機貨物運送最不同的部分在於過往研究通常只針對空曠場域進行簡單著陸,由於無較為完善的路徑規劃機制,故無法應用於建築物等複雜場域中;而此研究由於有較為詳細的路徑規劃及避障規劃,能夠讓無人機適用於大多數未知建築物。 本研究提出了一個綜合且有效的無人機應用模組,旨在實現無人機應用於運送貨物的場景。本系統結合了多種感知、決策和控制技術,在無人機運送貨物的領域具有高度的應用價值。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the continuous advancement of drone technology, the applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have expanded across various fields, including the delivery of goods. The autonomous landing capability of drones on buildings is crucial for achieving the goal of unmanned aerial delivery. This paper introduces an environment-aware inter-floor autonomous landing decision system. The system encompasses path planning, obstacle avoidance mechanisms, and landing planning. Path planning involves processing boundary guidance and localization through image processing techniques such as depth estimation and edge detection, combined with post-processing using GPS image center points to locate the target recipient’s floor. Search path planning is conducted by efficiently marking designated search areas to locate the target recipient. The obstacle avoidance mechanism ensures safety during the vertical descent phase, incorporating two obstacle avoidance systems based on visual information and the drone’s onboard sensors. Landing planning utilizes ground markers, specifically AprilTags, for path guidance, allowing the drone to safely land in limited balcony spaces. This study differs from previous research on drone cargo delivery, particularly in addressing the challenges of complex landing scenarios within architectural structures. The detailed path planning and obstacle avoidance strategies proposed in this study make it adaptable to a wide range of unknown buildings. The research introduces a comprehensive and effective module for drone applications, aiming to facilitate the delivery of goods using unmanned aerial vehicles. The system integrates various perception, decision-making, and control technologies, offering high applicability in the field of UAV cargo delivery. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 預期研究貢獻 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 無人機物流應用現況分析 6 2.2 視覺引導 9 2.2.1 邊界引導 9 2.2.2 避障 12 2.3 行為引導 14 2.3.1 路徑規劃 14 2.3.2 著陸引導 15 2.4 小結 17 第三章研究方法 19 3.1 技術功能與行為決策模組 19 3.1.1 技術功能模組 20 3.1.2 行為決策模組 21 3.2 路徑規劃 23 3.2.1 邊界引導與定位 23 3.2.2 搜索路徑規劃 28 3.3 垂直向下避障規劃 32 3.4 著陸規劃 35 第四章實驗結果 39 4.1 實驗設備及實驗場地 39 4.1.1 開發環境 39 4.1.2 實驗機種與設備 39 4.1.3 實驗場域 41 4.1.4 通訊架構 42 4.2 實驗設計與評估指標 43 4.3 實驗結果與分析 45 4.3.1 邊界引導與定位 45 4.3.2 垂直向下避障之影像處理效果驗證 49 4.3.3 陽台著陸 50 4.3.4 載重實驗分析 62 第五章結論與未來展望 66 5.1 結論 66 5.2 未來展望 68 參考文獻 69 zh_TW dc.format.extent 38594846 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 智慧無人機 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 路徑規劃 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 避障策略 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 環境感知 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自主降落 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Smart UAV en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Path Planning en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Obstacle Avoidance Strategies en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Environmental Perception en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Autonomous Landing en_US dc.title (題名) 基於環境感知之樓層間貨物運送無人機自主降落決策 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Research on Autonomous Landing Decision for UAV Based on Environmental Perception between Floors in Cargo Delivery en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) [1] Kavita Gupta, Sandhya Bansal, and Rajiv Goel. Uses of drones in fighting covid-19 pandemic. In202110thInternationalConferenceonSystemModeling Advancement in Research Trends (SMART), pages 651–655, 2021. doi: 10.1109/SMART52563.2021.9676290. [2] Alvika Gautam, P.B. Sujit, and Srikanth Saripalli. A survey of autonomous landing techniques for uavs. In 2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), pages 1210–1218, 2014. doi:10.1109/ICUAS.2014.6842377. [3] Hossein Eskandaripour and Enkhsaikhan Boldsaikhan. Last-mile drone delivery:Past, present, and future. Drones, 7(2), 2023. ISSN 2504-446X. doi: 10.3390/drones7020077. URL [4] Kai Feng, Weixing Li, Shengyang Ge, and Feng Pan. Packages delivery based on marker detection for uavs. pages 2094–2099, 2020. doi: 10.1109/CCDC49329.2020.9164677. [5] Assem Alsawy, Alan Hicks, Dan Moss, and Susan Mckeever. An image processing based classifier to support safe dropping for delivery-by-drone. Five:1–5, 2022. doi:10.1109/IPAS55744.2022.10052868. [6] Gino Brunner, Bence Szebedy, Simon Tanner, and Roger Wattenhofer. The urban last mile problem: Autonomous drone delivery to your balcony. pages 1005–1012,2019. doi:10.1109/ICUAS.2019.8798337. [7] ErosInnocenti, GiacomoAgostini, andRomeoGiuliano. Uavsformedicinedelivery in a smart city using fiducial markers. Information, 13(10), 2022. ISSN 2078-2489. doi: 10.3390/info13100501. URL 10/501. [8] Didula Dissanayaka, Thumeera R. Wanasinghe, Oscar De Silva, Awantha Jayasiri, and George K. I. Mann. Review of navigation methods for uav-based parcel delivery. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 21(1):1068–1082,2024. doi: 10.1109/TASE.2022.3232025. [9] KFC. Kfc takes flight with australian-first drone delivery. February 04, 2022.from [10] Amazon Staff. Get medications faster with drone delivery from amazon pharmacy. October 18, 2023. from pharmacy-amazon-air-prescription-drone-delivery. [11] Wang Xu. 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