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題名 如何在文學「收容」障礙?:一九七O年代台灣小說的跨領域研究
How to Accommodate Disabilities in Literature?: an Interdisciplinary Research of the 1970s Taiwanese Fiction
作者 紀大偉
貢獻者 台文所
關鍵詞 身心障礙; 同志研究; 冷戰; 戰後; 瓊瑤; 七等生; 黃春明; 洪醒夫; 鄉土文學
Critical Disability Studies; Queer Theory; LGBT Studies; the Cold War; Post-WII Literature; the Gothic Romance; the Nativist Literature
日期 2018-11
上傳時間 23-Jan-2025 10:08:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 「如何在文學收容障礙」這個主標題提出兩種質問:一,文學能夠充分「收容」身心障礙(disabilities) 嗎?;二,就算文學偶爾收容(而非排除)了身心障礙,「收容」這回事必然可喜可賀嗎?事實上, 被收養的流浪貓狗、被迫關在精神病院的「病人」等等,不管有沒有被虐待,都算是「被收容者」。 某些看似再現了(因而收容了)身心障礙的「人道」文本,恐怕如同精神病院之類的「機構」(institution) 一樣「不人道」。本計畫企圖檢視文學的光譜(spectrum),提出倫理的反省。 在科技部專書計畫《同志文學史》的執行過程中,本人湊巧發現一九七O 年代的時代傾向:洪醒夫、 王禎和、七等生、鄭清文等等小說家不約而同在一九七O 年代之內密集描繪多種「障別」(精神障礙、 肢體障礙、聽障等等)。本人評估,計畫研究應該聚焦於整個一九七O 年代的「時代精神」,而不宜 只聚焦於單一作家,所以本人提出多年期(兩年期)計畫而不是一年期計畫。 本計畫必須跨領域,也必須跨國。國內從事「身心障礙研究暨文學研究」的學者有限(身心障礙的 研究者大多屬於社會學門而不是文學學門)。本計畫包括移地研究(英國)的項目,因為「身心障礙 研究暨文學研究」的學術活動、核心期刊、學群(學者社群)都以英國和美國為基地。
This research project raises two questions. First, can literature sufficiently accommodate disabilities? Second, even if literature can sometimes accommodate, rather than exclude, disabilities, is this accommodation laudable? In today’s civilization, the abandoned dogs in the shelters and the inmates (“patients”) in the asylums are also accommodated and thus subject to various abuses. Although the literary texts which flaunt multiple forms of accommodation might appear to be humanistic, many institutions, including asylums, might be far from humanism. This project attempts to examine the ethical spectrum upon which numerous literary texts are spread out regarding their representations of disabilities. According my research on literature and disabilities over the past years, I happen to find that the 1970s literature suddenly exhibits an interest in disabilities with an unprecedented intensity. I consider my research proposal should focus on the zeitgeist of the 1970s rather than on one single author. This consideration leads me to submit a proposal for two years rather than one for one year only. This project is interdisciplinary as well as transnational. It will incorporate insights from literary studies, philosophy, and social sciences. It consists of a proposal of studying abroad in Britain, where the dialogue between disabilities and literature has been fruitful.
關聯 科技部, MOST106-2410-H004-163, 106.08-107.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 台文所
dc.creator (作者) 紀大偉 (日期) 2018-11 23-Jan-2025 10:08:06 (UTC+8)- 23-Jan-2025 10:08:06 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 23-Jan-2025 10:08:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 「如何在文學收容障礙」這個主標題提出兩種質問:一,文學能夠充分「收容」身心障礙(disabilities) 嗎?;二,就算文學偶爾收容(而非排除)了身心障礙,「收容」這回事必然可喜可賀嗎?事實上, 被收養的流浪貓狗、被迫關在精神病院的「病人」等等,不管有沒有被虐待,都算是「被收容者」。 某些看似再現了(因而收容了)身心障礙的「人道」文本,恐怕如同精神病院之類的「機構」(institution) 一樣「不人道」。本計畫企圖檢視文學的光譜(spectrum),提出倫理的反省。 在科技部專書計畫《同志文學史》的執行過程中,本人湊巧發現一九七O 年代的時代傾向:洪醒夫、 王禎和、七等生、鄭清文等等小說家不約而同在一九七O 年代之內密集描繪多種「障別」(精神障礙、 肢體障礙、聽障等等)。本人評估,計畫研究應該聚焦於整個一九七O 年代的「時代精神」,而不宜 只聚焦於單一作家,所以本人提出多年期(兩年期)計畫而不是一年期計畫。 本計畫必須跨領域,也必須跨國。國內從事「身心障礙研究暨文學研究」的學者有限(身心障礙的 研究者大多屬於社會學門而不是文學學門)。本計畫包括移地研究(英國)的項目,因為「身心障礙 研究暨文學研究」的學術活動、核心期刊、學群(學者社群)都以英國和美國為基地。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research project raises two questions. First, can literature sufficiently accommodate disabilities? Second, even if literature can sometimes accommodate, rather than exclude, disabilities, is this accommodation laudable? In today’s civilization, the abandoned dogs in the shelters and the inmates (“patients”) in the asylums are also accommodated and thus subject to various abuses. Although the literary texts which flaunt multiple forms of accommodation might appear to be humanistic, many institutions, including asylums, might be far from humanism. This project attempts to examine the ethical spectrum upon which numerous literary texts are spread out regarding their representations of disabilities. According my research on literature and disabilities over the past years, I happen to find that the 1970s literature suddenly exhibits an interest in disabilities with an unprecedented intensity. I consider my research proposal should focus on the zeitgeist of the 1970s rather than on one single author. This consideration leads me to submit a proposal for two years rather than one for one year only. This project is interdisciplinary as well as transnational. It will incorporate insights from literary studies, philosophy, and social sciences. It consists of a proposal of studying abroad in Britain, where the dialogue between disabilities and literature has been fruitful.
dc.format.extent 116 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部, MOST106-2410-H004-163, 106.08-107.07
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 身心障礙; 同志研究; 冷戰; 戰後; 瓊瑤; 七等生; 黃春明; 洪醒夫; 鄉土文學
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Critical Disability Studies; Queer Theory; LGBT Studies; the Cold War; Post-WII Literature; the Gothic Romance; the Nativist Literature
dc.title (題名) 如何在文學「收容」障礙?:一九七O年代台灣小說的跨領域研究
dc.title (題名) How to Accommodate Disabilities in Literature?: an Interdisciplinary Research of the 1970s Taiwanese Fiction
dc.type (資料類型) report