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題名 東京與京都之外──渡邊信一郎的中國古代史研究
其他題名 Beyond Tokyo and Kyoto: A Study of Chinese Ancient History by Watanabe Shinichirō
作者 王德權
Wang, Te-Chuan
關鍵詞 社會分工;生產關係;意識型態;貢納制;國家自主性;social coordination;relations of production;ideology;tribute system;national independence
日期 2006-03
上傳時間 18-Dec-2008 10:17:32 (UTC+8)
摘要 戰後日本的中國史研究,繼承自戰前內藤湖南觀點的京都學派與延續日本馬克思史學傳統的東京學派,涇渭分明地展開近三十年的中國史分期論戰。時序進入八○年代,論戰漸入尾聲,幾位出身京都大學的研究者另組中國史研究會,其論旨多本於京都學派,最終卻脫離京都傳統,上承日本夙有傳承的馬克思史學。中國史研究會成員之一的渡邊信一郎,研究領域跨越漢唐,其馬克思史學立場較接近東京學派;強調國家相對自主性,也和東京學派若相彷彿。但在實證研究方面,渡邊氏卻高度綜合京都學派、尤其是谷川道雄的豐碩成果,強調社會的動態發展。渡邊氏的中國古代史探索,一方面繼承、改造東京學派的馬克思史學,作為骨幹;另一方面擷取京都學派論點,補充其血肉,最後統一在中村哲新詮釋的馬克思歷史理論下。就此脈絡觀之,渡邊氏對日本戰後中國史研究的繼承與批判,可視為一個吸收前人成果、破繭而出的過程,同時說明世代間學術交替的辯證發展。
The Study of Chinese history in Japan during the first half of the twentieth century can be divided into two main schools, the Kyoto School founded by Naito Konan and the Tokyo School under the influence of Marxism. One of the most discussed controversies between the two schools during the post-war era was the periodization of Chinese history. In the 1980s, this prolonged debate came to a halt. Some scholars from Kyoto University organized a new academic association, the Society for the Study of Chinese History. At first, they followed the tradition of Kyoto school, but gradually came closer to the Marxist school.
     One of the members of the Society, Watanabe Shinichirō, whose interests cover a period from the Han to the Tang dynasties, emphasized the idea of national independence. He also applied a Marxist interpretation of history, an approach generally used by the Tokyo School. His historical narrative and organization were nevertheless under strong influence of the Kyoto School, which accentuated the dynamic development of the society. Watanabe revised Marxist theories as the basis of his analytical frame and nourished himself with the fruits of the Kyoto school. Tanigawa Michio also served as a great inspiration. Watanabe stressed the dynamic development of Chinese society and portrayed the character of the imperial administration through social classification. Departing from earlier focus on the production system, he went on to discuss imperial organization and management, then to the social system. He analyzed the political structure of the Han and Tang empires. Some of his conclusions convincingly shed new light on the study of social mobilization as well as political roles of the elites of imperial China. His success marks the formation of the post-war Chinese studies in Japan.
關聯 新史學, 17(1), 143-202
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 王德權zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Te-Chuan- (日期) 2006-03en_US 18-Dec-2008 10:17:32 (UTC+8)- 18-Dec-2008 10:17:32 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Dec-2008 10:17:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 戰後日本的中國史研究,繼承自戰前內藤湖南觀點的京都學派與延續日本馬克思史學傳統的東京學派,涇渭分明地展開近三十年的中國史分期論戰。時序進入八○年代,論戰漸入尾聲,幾位出身京都大學的研究者另組中國史研究會,其論旨多本於京都學派,最終卻脫離京都傳統,上承日本夙有傳承的馬克思史學。中國史研究會成員之一的渡邊信一郎,研究領域跨越漢唐,其馬克思史學立場較接近東京學派;強調國家相對自主性,也和東京學派若相彷彿。但在實證研究方面,渡邊氏卻高度綜合京都學派、尤其是谷川道雄的豐碩成果,強調社會的動態發展。渡邊氏的中國古代史探索,一方面繼承、改造東京學派的馬克思史學,作為骨幹;另一方面擷取京都學派論點,補充其血肉,最後統一在中村哲新詮釋的馬克思歷史理論下。就此脈絡觀之,渡邊氏對日本戰後中國史研究的繼承與批判,可視為一個吸收前人成果、破繭而出的過程,同時說明世代間學術交替的辯證發展。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Study of Chinese history in Japan during the first half of the twentieth century can be divided into two main schools, the Kyoto School founded by Naito Konan and the Tokyo School under the influence of Marxism. One of the most discussed controversies between the two schools during the post-war era was the periodization of Chinese history. In the 1980s, this prolonged debate came to a halt. Some scholars from Kyoto University organized a new academic association, the Society for the Study of Chinese History. At first, they followed the tradition of Kyoto school, but gradually came closer to the Marxist school.
     One of the members of the Society, Watanabe Shinichirō, whose interests cover a period from the Han to the Tang dynasties, emphasized the idea of national independence. He also applied a Marxist interpretation of history, an approach generally used by the Tokyo School. His historical narrative and organization were nevertheless under strong influence of the Kyoto School, which accentuated the dynamic development of the society. Watanabe revised Marxist theories as the basis of his analytical frame and nourished himself with the fruits of the Kyoto school. Tanigawa Michio also served as a great inspiration. Watanabe stressed the dynamic development of Chinese society and portrayed the character of the imperial administration through social classification. Departing from earlier focus on the production system, he went on to discuss imperial organization and management, then to the social system. He analyzed the political structure of the Han and Tang empires. Some of his conclusions convincingly shed new light on the study of social mobilization as well as political roles of the elites of imperial China. His success marks the formation of the post-war Chinese studies in Japan.
dc.format application/en_US
dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language en-USen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 新史學, 17(1), 143-202en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會分工;生產關係;意識型態;貢納制;國家自主性;social coordination;relations of production;ideology;tribute system;national independence-
dc.title (題名) 東京與京都之外──渡邊信一郎的中國古代史研究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Beyond Tokyo and Kyoto: A Study of Chinese Ancient History by Watanabe Shinichirō-
dc.type (資料類型) articleen