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題名 人力資本報酬與技術進步
其他題名 Human Capital Return and Technological Change
作者 莊奕琦
日期 2004
上傳時間 18-Apr-2007 18:27:38 (UTC+8)
Publisher 臺北市:國立政治大學經濟學系
摘要 人力資本投資可以有效的提升生產力,然而人力資本投資為何在許多的開發中國家 都未見顯住增加?實證研究顯示人力資本報酬率高達15%-20%(參見Heckman, 2003) 。除了正規教育被視為主要人力資本投資外,大約有1/3 至1/2 的技能養成是在 畢業後的在職訓練與學習(參見Heckman, Lochner, and Taber, 1998)。顯然人力資本投 資並非可以隨意的增加必須要存在相當的環境,Rosenweig (1995)指出必須要有某種技 術進步或市場環境的改變提升有效的學習環境才有可能誘發人力資本投資。 台灣教育的投資過去四十幾年來呈現顯著提昇。高等教育淨入學率由1976 年的 9.97% 持續增加至2002 年為45.68%。在1950-1960 年代台灣的受教育程度和其他的 開發中國家相似,為何台灣會有如此快速了的人力資本投資,進而創造了快速的經濟發 展奇蹟?本研究主要目的為實證探討技術進步和學習環境如何影響台灣人力資本的投資 與報酬。實證上將採用台灣1978-2002 年人力運用調查資料,首先估計不同時期的教育 與經驗的報酬率,亦考慮以cohort 資料估計以控制特定的時間或年代的效果,並分析不 同時代可能存在的技術和學習環境的變動及其對教育投資和經驗報酬的影響。同時考量 學習內容的複製度另將針對不同產業或職業別作估計並考量教育與經驗學習的交互作 用。
Researches have shown that human capital is a critical factor in enhancing productivity hence affecting a country』s long run growth. If human capital is so important, why are there any significant improvements in human capital investment? The rate of return on human capital investment is around 15%-20% (see Heckman, 2003). Besides formal education, which is the fundamental investment of human capital, about one third to a half of skill formation is taken by the form of on-the-job training or learning in the job place (see Heckman, Lochner, and Taber, 1998). Human capital investment is by no means happened automatically, and it must be cultivated and required certain prerequisite conditions for it to happen. Rosenweig (1995) points out that changes in technology and learning environment for effective learning is the key for human capital investment. The educational investment in Taiwan for the past forty years has been by leaps and bounds. The net enrollment rate of higher education increases from 9.97% to 45.68% in 2002. In 1950s and 1960s, economic condition in Taiwan was relatively the same compared to that of other developing countries. However, from then on Taiwan has continuously accumulated its human capital and thus stimulates its rapid economic growth. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationships among human capital return, learning environment, and technological change. Using data from 1978-2002 of Taiwan』s Manpower Utilization Survey, the research will estimate returns to education and experience at different periods and among different cohorts. By taking the complexity of learning into account, this research will also estimate the return of human capital investment among different industries and occupations and test the hypothesis of education-learning complementarity.
描述 核定金額:675449元
資料類型 report
dc.coverage.temporal 計畫年度:93 起迄日期:20040801~20050731en_US
dc.creator (作者) 莊奕琦zh_TW (日期) 2004en_US 18-Apr-2007 18:27:38 (UTC+8)en_US 9-Sep-2008 09:02:31 (UTC+8)- 18-Apr-2007 18:27:38 (UTC+8)en_US 9-Sep-2008 09:02:31 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Apr-2007 18:27:38 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) 932415H004004.pdfen_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 核定金額:675449元en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 人力資本投資可以有效的提升生產力,然而人力資本投資為何在許多的開發中國家 都未見顯住增加?實證研究顯示人力資本報酬率高達15%-20%(參見Heckman, 2003) 。除了正規教育被視為主要人力資本投資外,大約有1/3 至1/2 的技能養成是在 畢業後的在職訓練與學習(參見Heckman, Lochner, and Taber, 1998)。顯然人力資本投 資並非可以隨意的增加必須要存在相當的環境,Rosenweig (1995)指出必須要有某種技 術進步或市場環境的改變提升有效的學習環境才有可能誘發人力資本投資。 台灣教育的投資過去四十幾年來呈現顯著提昇。高等教育淨入學率由1976 年的 9.97% 持續增加至2002 年為45.68%。在1950-1960 年代台灣的受教育程度和其他的 開發中國家相似,為何台灣會有如此快速了的人力資本投資,進而創造了快速的經濟發 展奇蹟?本研究主要目的為實證探討技術進步和學習環境如何影響台灣人力資本的投資 與報酬。實證上將採用台灣1978-2002 年人力運用調查資料,首先估計不同時期的教育 與經驗的報酬率,亦考慮以cohort 資料估計以控制特定的時間或年代的效果,並分析不 同時代可能存在的技術和學習環境的變動及其對教育投資和經驗報酬的影響。同時考量 學習內容的複製度另將針對不同產業或職業別作估計並考量教育與經驗學習的交互作 用。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Researches have shown that human capital is a critical factor in enhancing productivity hence affecting a country』s long run growth. If human capital is so important, why are there any significant improvements in human capital investment? The rate of return on human capital investment is around 15%-20% (see Heckman, 2003). Besides formal education, which is the fundamental investment of human capital, about one third to a half of skill formation is taken by the form of on-the-job training or learning in the job place (see Heckman, Lochner, and Taber, 1998). Human capital investment is by no means happened automatically, and it must be cultivated and required certain prerequisite conditions for it to happen. Rosenweig (1995) points out that changes in technology and learning environment for effective learning is the key for human capital investment. The educational investment in Taiwan for the past forty years has been by leaps and bounds. The net enrollment rate of higher education increases from 9.97% to 45.68% in 2002. In 1950s and 1960s, economic condition in Taiwan was relatively the same compared to that of other developing countries. However, from then on Taiwan has continuously accumulated its human capital and thus stimulates its rapid economic growth. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationships among human capital return, learning environment, and technological change. Using data from 1978-2002 of Taiwan』s Manpower Utilization Survey, the research will estimate returns to education and experience at different periods and among different cohorts. By taking the complexity of learning into account, this research will also estimate the return of human capital investment among different industries and occupations and test the hypothesis of education-learning complementarity.-
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dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language.iso zh-TWen_US
dc.publisher (Publisher) 臺北市:國立政治大學經濟學系en_US
dc.rights (Rights) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.title (題名) 人力資本報酬與技術進步zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Human Capital Return and Technological Change-
dc.type (資料類型) reporten