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其他題名 Library and Information Exchanges Across the Taiwan Strait: Retrospect and Prospects
Chao, Su-Cheng
Key Words國際圖書館協會聯盟;兩岸圖書資訊交流;中國圖書館學會;國家書目控制
International Federation of Library Associations;Exchanges of library and information across the strait;Library Association of China;National Bibliographic Control
Date Issued16-Jan-2009 11:55:12 (UTC+8)
Since mainland China`s adoption of economic reform and open door policies in 1979, Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao have gradually formed an informal system of economic cooperation. This economic cooperation system is non political and therefore can avoid political interference thus the cultural exchanges that take place within the system, particularly in the cooperation and sharing of library resources and information, should not only facilitate the library and information science profession on a mutually beneficiary basis across the Taiwan Strait, but also consolidate a foundation for future development of a stable cross-striat relations. Consequently, it should also further promote the economic integration within this system. This paper elaborates the exchanges of library and information science across the Taiwan Strait. The author analyzes the pattern of participation by both Taiwan and mainland China in the "International Federation of Library Association" and suggests this cooperation can be a paradigm for Taiwan`s further endeavors to join other international organizations.
dc.creator (作者) 趙甦成zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chao, Su-Cheng- (日期) 1999-01en_US 16-Jan-2009 11:55:12 (UTC+8)- 16-Jan-2009 11:55:12 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 16-Jan-2009 11:55:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自一九七九年中國大陸採取改革開放政策以來,大陸、臺灣、香港,和澳門四地之間,已逐漸形成一種鬆散的經濟協作體系。由於兩岸四地經濟協作概念的形成,基本上政治敏感度較低。因此,有關區域內文教交流,尤其是圖書資訊方面的合作與共享,在政治因素介入降到最低的情況下,不但有利於加強海峽兩岸間之圖書資訊合作與交流,並可藉此奠定兩岸關係未來發展的良性互動基礎,進而推動區域內的經濟整合。本文主要針對兩岸圖書資訊交流進行探討,作者首先闡釋臺灣與大陸共同參與「國際圖書館協會聯盟」此一國際組織的特殊運作模式,並肯定此模式對於兩岸圖書館專業交流與合作,以及未來兩岸關係的發展上,具正面示範之作用。此外,本文亦探討了在當前兩岸關係的架構下,臺北和北京在圖書資訊的合作交流方面,所發展出的獨特交流互動模式,並分析兩岸在交流互動過程中所遭遇的障礙因素。總括而言,自一九九○年,海峽兩岸圖書資訊界開展交流以來,已頗具成效,並奠定了日後雙方繼續加強合作的良好基礎。然而目前囿於兩岸圖書資訊界尚未建立起具體的協調機制,再加上兩岸政治因素的橫梗其中,亦造成雙方難以有系統的開展圖書資訊交流與合作。因此,如何在現有的架構下,排除不必要的政治干預,繼續朝向有系統、有組織的擴大兩岸圖書資訊的交流而努力,皆為兩岸目前所面臨的共同課題。同時就兩岸四地的經濟整合而言,兩岸圖書資訊的合作與交流,除有利於雙方的專業合作,以及兩岸關係的良性互動外,就更深層的意義而言,亦將對該區域內整體社會經濟的整合與發展有所助益。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since mainland China`s adoption of economic reform and open door policies in 1979, Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao have gradually formed an informal system of economic cooperation. This economic cooperation system is non political and therefore can avoid political interference thus the cultural exchanges that take place within the system, particularly in the cooperation and sharing of library resources and information, should not only facilitate the library and information science profession on a mutually beneficiary basis across the Taiwan Strait, but also consolidate a foundation for future development of a stable cross-striat relations. Consequently, it should also further promote the economic integration within this system. This paper elaborates the exchanges of library and information science across the Taiwan Strait. The author analyzes the pattern of participation by both Taiwan and mainland China in the "International Federation of Library Association" and suggests this cooperation can be a paradigm for Taiwan`s further endeavors to join other international organizations.-
dc.format application/en_US
dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language en-USen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 中國大陸研究,42(1),37-53+97en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國際圖書館協會聯盟;兩岸圖書資訊交流;中國圖書館學會;國家書目控制-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) International Federation of Library Associations;Exchanges of library and information across the strait;Library Association of China;National Bibliographic Control-
dc.title (題名) 兩岸圖書資訊的交流與合作:回顧及展望zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Library and Information Exchanges Across the Taiwan Strait: Retrospect and Prospects-
dc.type (資料類型) articleen