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其他題名 Changes in the PRC Public Library System during the Period of Economic Reform
Chao, Su-Cheng
Key Words中國大陸;公共圖書館;有償服務;組織重建 ; 廣東省中山圖書館;深圳圖書館
Public library;China;Reorganization;Fee-based information services;Zhongshan Library;Shenzhen Library
Date Issued16-Jan-2009 11:55:34 (UTC+8)
Summary本文旨在探討自一九七八年以來,大陸公共圖書館在經營管理機制及組織體制,如何從舊有的計畫經濟體制,逐漸向社會主義市場經濟過渡。在經營管理機制的變革方面,本文首先分析了大陸公共圖書館引進的「有償服務」概念,以凸顯其在社會主義市場經濟下所展現的新思維;其次,採用了企業界「組織再造」的理論,以及現代組織管理學之理念,探討在社會主義市場經濟體制下,大陸公共圖書館如何進行組織結構及經營管理上的重建與調整。 本文選擇了廣東省中山圖書館以及深圳市圖書館此兩座較具代表性之公共圖書館,根據筆者實地訪談的內容,分析此二圖書館在中國大陸從計畫經濟過渡到市場經濟體制的衝擊下,在組織結構和經營管理方面,所進行的調適與因應。 基本上,大陸公共圖書館已發展出所謂具中國特色的圖書館事業。其中又以「一館兩業」和「有償服務」兩項最為突出。此一轉變,雖仍存在著爭議,然而圖書館因此拓展了服務範疇、延伸了服務行為,增進了服務效益,對大陸公共圖書館的發展以及邁向現代化而言,是具有相當正面意義的
This paper explores the transition of the public library system in mainland China from a planned economy to a socialist market economy in terms of library management and organizational change. The adoption by libraries of fee-based information services-a new concept of the economic reform period-has stimulated further library reforms such as "reorganization" and "one library runs two different types of business". This study has chosen Zhongshan library and Shenzhen library of Guangdong as case studies to analyze these transitions. Generally speaking, during this period of reform, public libraries in mainland China have developed librarianship with Chinese characteristics. While controversial, the current practices do improve the library services across various dimensions as well as facilitates the building up of a modern librarianship in mainland China.
dc.creator (作者) 趙甦成zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chao, Su-Cheng- (日期) 1999-07en_US 16-Jan-2009 11:55:34 (UTC+8)- 16-Jan-2009 11:55:34 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 16-Jan-2009 11:55:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文旨在探討自一九七八年以來,大陸公共圖書館在經營管理機制及組織體制,如何從舊有的計畫經濟體制,逐漸向社會主義市場經濟過渡。在經營管理機制的變革方面,本文首先分析了大陸公共圖書館引進的「有償服務」概念,以凸顯其在社會主義市場經濟下所展現的新思維;其次,採用了企業界「組織再造」的理論,以及現代組織管理學之理念,探討在社會主義市場經濟體制下,大陸公共圖書館如何進行組織結構及經營管理上的重建與調整。 本文選擇了廣東省中山圖書館以及深圳市圖書館此兩座較具代表性之公共圖書館,根據筆者實地訪談的內容,分析此二圖書館在中國大陸從計畫經濟過渡到市場經濟體制的衝擊下,在組織結構和經營管理方面,所進行的調適與因應。 基本上,大陸公共圖書館已發展出所謂具中國特色的圖書館事業。其中又以「一館兩業」和「有償服務」兩項最為突出。此一轉變,雖仍存在著爭議,然而圖書館因此拓展了服務範疇、延伸了服務行為,增進了服務效益,對大陸公共圖書館的發展以及邁向現代化而言,是具有相當正面意義的-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This paper explores the transition of the public library system in mainland China from a planned economy to a socialist market economy in terms of library management and organizational change. The adoption by libraries of fee-based information services-a new concept of the economic reform period-has stimulated further library reforms such as "reorganization" and "one library runs two different types of business". This study has chosen Zhongshan library and Shenzhen library of Guangdong as case studies to analyze these transitions. Generally speaking, during this period of reform, public libraries in mainland China have developed librarianship with Chinese characteristics. While controversial, the current practices do improve the library services across various dimensions as well as facilitates the building up of a modern librarianship in mainland China.-
dc.format application/en_US
dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language en-USen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 中國大陸研究,42(7),53-68en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中國大陸;公共圖書館;有償服務;組織重建 ; 廣東省中山圖書館;深圳圖書館-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Public library;China;Reorganization;Fee-based information services;Zhongshan Library;Shenzhen Library-
dc.title (題名) 大陸公共圖書館:組織結構與經營管理的變革zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Changes in the PRC Public Library System during the Period of Economic Reform-
dc.type (資料類型) articleen