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Key Words真杉靜枝;語言政策;內台結婚問題;皇民化;性/別問題
Date Issued26-Jun-2009 04:56:46 (UTC+8)
Summary真杉靜枝於一九○○年出生於日本福井縣。三歲時,與擔任神官的父親真杉千里及家人一起定居台灣。二十一歲時,聽從父母安排結婚,但無法忍耐婚姻生活,離開台灣投靠大阪的祖父母。之後,成為大阪每日新聞記者,結識武者小路實篤並登上日本文壇。也是少數擁有台灣生活經驗,以及以台灣生活經驗為寫作題材的日本女性作家。一九四一年十一月的《囑咐》以及一九四二年六月的《南方紀行》,均為反映日本「南進政策」中台灣當時位置的作品。收錄在《囑咐》中的〈南方的語言〉正反映了中日戰爭全面爆發的一九三七年以後,台灣皇民化運動如火如荼地展開,國語普及化運動更積極推進的當時時代背景。「南方的語言」的人物關係以及人物形象也反映日本領台以來語言教育政策的執行以及內台結婚問題的關係。殖民地宗主國的男性殖民者通常對被殖民者的語言政策持有掌控權,而另一方面學習殖民者語言者的被殖民者,長久以來被迫定位於「學舌」的次元。但是在〈南方的語言〉中的人物「阿花」(木村花子)與本島人丈夫「李金史」的重層語言構造關係所反映的殖民地語言政策問題,不但脫離了我們當時對植民地語言政策印象的常軌,也反映了性/別問題,內台結婚問題與語言政策執行的密切關係。本文將以真杉靜枝的〈南方的語言〉為中心探討皇民化時期的語言政策、性/別問題以及內台結婚問題之間的相關性。 Masugi Shizue is few of the Japanese female writers who possesses the colonial experience and creates her works based on her life experience in colonial Taiwan. “The Language of the South” is one of them reflects the language policy in Taiwan under Japanese colonization as well as the issue of the Inter-racial marriage between Japanese and Taiwanese. In general, the male colonizers dominate the power of language. On the contrary, the colonized have been forced to pick up the language of the colonizers and achieved nothing but mimicry during the process of learning the colonizer’s language. However, the linguistic relationship between Kimura Hanako and Ree Kinshi in “the Language of the South” indicates more complicated layer in colonial language policy in contemporary Taiwan. Through analyzing this work, this paper will shed light on the relationships between the language policy in the period of the imperial subjective, the gender issue and the marriage between Japanese and Taiwanese in “the Language of the South”.
Relation臺灣文學學報, 12, 45-61
dc.creator (作者) 吳佩珍zh_TW (日期) 2008-06- 26-Jun-2009 04:56:46 (UTC+8)- 26-Jun-2009 04:56:46 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 26-Jun-2009 04:56:46 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 真杉靜枝於一九○○年出生於日本福井縣。三歲時,與擔任神官的父親真杉千里及家人一起定居台灣。二十一歲時,聽從父母安排結婚,但無法忍耐婚姻生活,離開台灣投靠大阪的祖父母。之後,成為大阪每日新聞記者,結識武者小路實篤並登上日本文壇。也是少數擁有台灣生活經驗,以及以台灣生活經驗為寫作題材的日本女性作家。一九四一年十一月的《囑咐》以及一九四二年六月的《南方紀行》,均為反映日本「南進政策」中台灣當時位置的作品。收錄在《囑咐》中的〈南方的語言〉正反映了中日戰爭全面爆發的一九三七年以後,台灣皇民化運動如火如荼地展開,國語普及化運動更積極推進的當時時代背景。「南方的語言」的人物關係以及人物形象也反映日本領台以來語言教育政策的執行以及內台結婚問題的關係。殖民地宗主國的男性殖民者通常對被殖民者的語言政策持有掌控權,而另一方面學習殖民者語言者的被殖民者,長久以來被迫定位於「學舌」的次元。但是在〈南方的語言〉中的人物「阿花」(木村花子)與本島人丈夫「李金史」的重層語言構造關係所反映的殖民地語言政策問題,不但脫離了我們當時對植民地語言政策印象的常軌,也反映了性/別問題,內台結婚問題與語言政策執行的密切關係。本文將以真杉靜枝的〈南方的語言〉為中心探討皇民化時期的語言政策、性/別問題以及內台結婚問題之間的相關性。 Masugi Shizue is few of the Japanese female writers who possesses the colonial experience and creates her works based on her life experience in colonial Taiwan. “The Language of the South” is one of them reflects the language policy in Taiwan under Japanese colonization as well as the issue of the Inter-racial marriage between Japanese and Taiwanese. In general, the male colonizers dominate the power of language. On the contrary, the colonized have been forced to pick up the language of the colonizers and achieved nothing but mimicry during the process of learning the colonizer’s language. However, the linguistic relationship between Kimura Hanako and Ree Kinshi in “the Language of the South” indicates more complicated layer in colonial language policy in contemporary Taiwan. Through analyzing this work, this paper will shed light on the relationships between the language policy in the period of the imperial subjective, the gender issue and the marriage between Japanese and Taiwanese in “the Language of the South”.-
dc.format.extent 2727944 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh_TWen
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 臺灣文學學報, 12, 45-61en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 真杉靜枝;語言政策;內台結婚問題;皇民化;性/別問題-
dc.title (題名) 皇民化時期的語言政策與內台結婚問題-以真杉靜枝〈南方的語言〉為中心zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) articleen