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題名 菁英循環或再生?十二大以來中共技術官僚的發展趨勢
Elite Circulation or Reproduction? A Study of the CCP Technocracy
作者 趙建民;張鈞智
Chao,Chien-min; Chang Chun-chih
關鍵詞 菁英再生; 菁英循環; 菁英甄補; 技術官僚制;elite circulation; elite recruitment; elite reproduction; technocracy
日期 2006-06
上傳時間 29-Jul-2009 21:08:32 (UTC+8)
摘要 中國大陸在經濟上採行改革開放政策之後, 邁入[後革命時期],但在菁英甄補方面,卻出現菁英循環與菁英再生之間的爭辯. 本文採用技術官僚途徑, 自汰換率, 教育程度, 職業背景三方面, 分析中共技術官僚形成的背景及意義. 十六大政治局常委中, 有九位具有技術官僚背景,同時, 有百分之六十的政治局委員出身於技術官僚. 預計十七大後,政治局常委將持續此一趨勢, 然在政治局委員方面,卻有鬆動的可能. 本研究支持後社會主義菁英循環理論,並證明了技術官僚理論對於檢視中共菁英政治的適用性. Politics in a post-revolutionary Leninist state can be destabilizing. Debates have been waged as to whether elites are been circulated or reproduced in China. By using three indexes:recruitment, education and profession, this paper observes elite politics in China and discovers that a new breed of leadership, basing their career on professionalism, has indeed arrived in China. The paper further analyzes the background and implications of this technocracy. As of today, 60% of the Politburo members and all its standing Committee members are technocrats. This finding supports the theory of elite circulation in a post-revolutionary society.
關聯 中國大陸研究
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 趙建民;張鈞智zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chao,Chien-min; Chang Chun-chihen (日期) 2006-06- 29-Jul-2009 21:08:32 (UTC+8)- 29-Jul-2009 21:08:32 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 29-Jul-2009 21:08:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中國大陸在經濟上採行改革開放政策之後, 邁入[後革命時期],但在菁英甄補方面,卻出現菁英循環與菁英再生之間的爭辯. 本文採用技術官僚途徑, 自汰換率, 教育程度, 職業背景三方面, 分析中共技術官僚形成的背景及意義. 十六大政治局常委中, 有九位具有技術官僚背景,同時, 有百分之六十的政治局委員出身於技術官僚. 預計十七大後,政治局常委將持續此一趨勢, 然在政治局委員方面,卻有鬆動的可能. 本研究支持後社會主義菁英循環理論,並證明了技術官僚理論對於檢視中共菁英政治的適用性. Politics in a post-revolutionary Leninist state can be destabilizing. Debates have been waged as to whether elites are been circulated or reproduced in China. By using three indexes:recruitment, education and profession, this paper observes elite politics in China and discovers that a new breed of leadership, basing their career on professionalism, has indeed arrived in China. The paper further analyzes the background and implications of this technocracy. As of today, 60% of the Politburo members and all its standing Committee members are technocrats. This finding supports the theory of elite circulation in a post-revolutionary society.-
dc.format.extent 1479481 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language zh_TWen
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 中國大陸研究en
dc.relation (關聯) 49(2)期en
dc.relation (關聯) 69-97頁en
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 菁英再生; 菁英循環; 菁英甄補; 技術官僚制;elite circulation; elite recruitment; elite reproduction; technocracy-
dc.title (題名) 菁英循環或再生?十二大以來中共技術官僚的發展趨勢zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Elite Circulation or Reproduction? A Study of the CCP Technocracyen
dc.type (資料類型) articleen