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題名 Effects of Nine-Ending Prices on Store Image - A Case of Restaurant Image
作者 方音
Fong, Ying
貢獻者 別蓮蒂
Bei, Lienti
Fong, Ying
關鍵詞 九尾數
日期 2004
上傳時間 11-Sep-2009 16:42:14 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究由消費者認知的角度,在價格位數和特價符號的調節作用下,針對九尾數價格對商店形象之影響進行研究,並以餐廳形象作為商店形象之範例。
      本研究採2(九尾數、零尾數) x 2(短價格位數、長價格位數) x 2(有特價符號、無特價符號)之研究設計。經由前測的確認,本研究設計共八份虛擬菜單,作為價格尾數、價格位數、與特價符號之操弄。樣本為兩百五十八位大學生,採組間設計的實驗法,每位受測者在閱讀一份菜單後,依照個人感覺填答有關商店形象的問卷。
      透過因素分析得知七個商店形象構面,包括-價值、食物品質、顧客、服務、信譽、便利、隨時/可靠。價格尾數、價格位數、和特價符號對個別商店形象構面之影響則是以Three-Way MANOVA進行分析。研究結果顯示,價格位數對價值、食物品質、顧客、服務、便利等構面具有顯著影響,而特價符號對於食物品質、顧客、和信譽等構面亦具有顯著影響。換言之,當餐廳價格為長位數時,顧客會感受到相對於短位數餐廳較差的價值及較佳的食物品質、顧客、服務、和便利。另外,當餐廳使用特價符號時,顧客會感受到相對於無特價符號餐廳較差的食物品質、顧客、和信譽。本研究結果指出,價格位數與特價符號對於消費者在商店形象的認知上,具有比九尾數價格更顯著的影響。
This study examined the effects of 9-ending prices on consumers’ perception of store image with the moderators of price digit length and discount sign by taking restaurant image as a case of store image.
     The research method employed a 2 (9-ending, 0-ending) x 2 (short digit length, long digit length) x 2 (with discount signs, without discount signs) factorial design. Eight types of fictitious restaurant menus were designed with the confirmation of pretest to manipulate the independent variables of price ending, price digit length, and discount sign. A total of 253 undergraduate students participated in this study by reading one type of the menus first and responding to the store image questionnaires according to their perception.
     The statistical analysis of factor analysis extracted seven store image dimensions of value, quality, clientele, service, reputation, convenience, and anytime/reliability. The effects of price ending, price digit length, and discount sign on each store image dimensions were examined by Three-Way MANOVA. The results indicated that price digit length had significant effects on value, food quality, clientele, service, and convenience, and discount sign had significant influence over food quality, clientele, and reputation. In other words, consumers will perceive inferior value, superior food quality, clientele, service, and convenience for the long digit length restaurants than for the short digit length restaurants. In addition, consumers will perceive inferior good quality, clientele, and reputation for those restaurants that use discount signs in the menus than for those restaurants that do not use discount signs in the menus. These findings suggested that price digit length and discount signs have greater influence over consumers’ perception of store image than 9-ending prices.
     In fact, this study presented results that were different from the previous studies about 9-ending prices. Possible reasons included industry difference, cultural difference, income difference, and consumers’ level of familiarity. Therefore, the effects of 9-ending prices on store image still require further investigation by future studies.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 別蓮蒂zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Bei, Lientien_US (Authors) 方音zh_TW (Authors) Fong, Yingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 方音zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Fong, Yingen_US (日期) 2004en_US 11-Sep-2009 16:42:14 (UTC+8)- 11-Sep-2009 16:42:14 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Sep-2009 16:42:14 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0090355039en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 90355039zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究由消費者認知的角度,在價格位數和特價符號的調節作用下,針對九尾數價格對商店形象之影響進行研究,並以餐廳形象作為商店形象之範例。
      本研究採2(九尾數、零尾數) x 2(短價格位數、長價格位數) x 2(有特價符號、無特價符號)之研究設計。經由前測的確認,本研究設計共八份虛擬菜單,作為價格尾數、價格位數、與特價符號之操弄。樣本為兩百五十八位大學生,採組間設計的實驗法,每位受測者在閱讀一份菜單後,依照個人感覺填答有關商店形象的問卷。
      透過因素分析得知七個商店形象構面,包括-價值、食物品質、顧客、服務、信譽、便利、隨時/可靠。價格尾數、價格位數、和特價符號對個別商店形象構面之影響則是以Three-Way MANOVA進行分析。研究結果顯示,價格位數對價值、食物品質、顧客、服務、便利等構面具有顯著影響,而特價符號對於食物品質、顧客、和信譽等構面亦具有顯著影響。換言之,當餐廳價格為長位數時,顧客會感受到相對於短位數餐廳較差的價值及較佳的食物品質、顧客、服務、和便利。另外,當餐廳使用特價符號時,顧客會感受到相對於無特價符號餐廳較差的食物品質、顧客、和信譽。本研究結果指出,價格位數與特價符號對於消費者在商店形象的認知上,具有比九尾數價格更顯著的影響。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study examined the effects of 9-ending prices on consumers’ perception of store image with the moderators of price digit length and discount sign by taking restaurant image as a case of store image.
     The research method employed a 2 (9-ending, 0-ending) x 2 (short digit length, long digit length) x 2 (with discount signs, without discount signs) factorial design. Eight types of fictitious restaurant menus were designed with the confirmation of pretest to manipulate the independent variables of price ending, price digit length, and discount sign. A total of 253 undergraduate students participated in this study by reading one type of the menus first and responding to the store image questionnaires according to their perception.
     The statistical analysis of factor analysis extracted seven store image dimensions of value, quality, clientele, service, reputation, convenience, and anytime/reliability. The effects of price ending, price digit length, and discount sign on each store image dimensions were examined by Three-Way MANOVA. The results indicated that price digit length had significant effects on value, food quality, clientele, service, and convenience, and discount sign had significant influence over food quality, clientele, and reputation. In other words, consumers will perceive inferior value, superior food quality, clientele, service, and convenience for the long digit length restaurants than for the short digit length restaurants. In addition, consumers will perceive inferior good quality, clientele, and reputation for those restaurants that use discount signs in the menus than for those restaurants that do not use discount signs in the menus. These findings suggested that price digit length and discount signs have greater influence over consumers’ perception of store image than 9-ending prices.
     In fact, this study presented results that were different from the previous studies about 9-ending prices. Possible reasons included industry difference, cultural difference, income difference, and consumers’ level of familiarity. Therefore, the effects of 9-ending prices on store image still require further investigation by future studies.
dc.description.tableofcontents Page
     摘要 iii
     LIST OF TABLES viii
     Motivation and Research Background 1
     Nine-Ending Prices and Store Image 3
     Chapter Framework 5
     Objectives 6
     Aspects of Prices 7
     Price as a Profit Generator 8
     Price as a Quality Signal 8
     Relevant Studies about Price 9
     Price as a Whole 10
     Price as Independent Digits 10
     Mechanisms of Nine-Ending Price Perception 12
     The Underestimation Mechanism 12
     The Association Mechanism 14
     The Symbolic Mechanism 16
     Consumers’ Perceptions from Nine-Ending Prices 16
     The Low Quality Perception 16
     The High Value Perception 18
     Discussion on Perceived Value of Gain 20
     Store Image 23
     Definitions of Store Image 24
     Dimensions of Store Image 25
     Tangible Store Image Attributes 28
     Merchandise 28
     Clientele 29
     Physical Facilities 30
     Intangible Store Image Attributes 31
     Service 32
     Convenience 32
     Promotion 33
     Store Atmosphere 33
     Institutional Factors 34
     Post-Transaction Satisfaction 34
     Effects of Nine-Ending Prices on Store Image 35
     The Moderating Effect of Discount Sign 37
     The Moderating Effect of Digit Length 37
     Research Framework 39
     Subjects of Main Study 41
     Pretest 41
     Pretest Food Selection 42
     Pretest Price Selection 43
     Design of the Discount Signs 44
     Design of the Pretest Questionnaire 44
     Pretest Procedure 45
     Pretest Results and Main Study Choice 46
     Design of Main Study 47
     Independent Variables 48
     Price Ending 48
     Price Digit Length 49
     Discount Sign 49
     Dependent Variable 50
     Quality 50
     Value 50
     Store Image 51
     Main Study Procedure 54
     Sample Profiles 56
     Manipulation and Confounding Checks 58
     Manipulation Checks of Discount Signs and Price Endings 58
     Confounding Checks of Restaurant Names and Food Names 59
     Confounding Check of the Perceived Value of Gain 62
     The Association of Nine-Ending Prices and Discount 64
     Factor Analysis and Reliability 66
     Quality Dimensions 66
     Value Dimensions 67
     Additional Store Image Dimensions 68
     Descriptive Analysis 71
     Three-Way MANOVA 74
     Food Quality 75
     Value 77
     Clientele 78
     Service 80
     Reputation 81
     Convenience 83
     Anytime/Reliability 85
     Summary of Results 88
     Additional Findings 89
     Conclusions 90
     Price Ending and Discount Sign 90
     Effects of Price Ending on Store Image 91
     Additional Findings 93
     Suggestions and Contributions 93
     Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 94
     Appendix A Pretest Menus
     Version 1 (9-ending, short digit, with discount) 103
     Version 2 (9-ending, short digit, without discount) 104
     Version 3 (9-ending, long digit, with discount) 105
     Version 4 (9-ending, long digit, without discount) 106
     Version 5 (0-ending, short digit, with discount) 107
     Version 6 (0-ending, short digit, without discount) 108
     Version 7 (0-ending, long digit, with discount) 109
     Version 8 (0-ending, long digit, without discount) 110
     Appendix B Pretest Questionnaire
     Version 1 (With Discount Signs) 111
     Version 2 (Without Discount Signs) 114
     Appendix C Main Study Menus
     Version 1 (9-ending, short digit, with discount) 117
     Version 2 (9-ending, short digit, without discount) 118
     Version 3 (9-ending, long digit, with discount) 119
     Version 4 (9-ending, long digit, without discount) 120
     Version 5 (0-ending, short digit, with discount) 121
     Version 6 (0-ending, short digit, without discount) 122
     Version 7 (0-ending, long digit, with discount) 123
     Version 8 (0-ending, long digit, without discount) 124
     Appendix D Main Study Questionnaire 125
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 九尾數zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 商店形象zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 價格位數zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Effects of Nine-Ending Prices on Store Image - A Case of Restaurant Imagezh_TW
dc.title (題名) 九尾數訂價對商店形象之影響-以餐廳形象為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Chinese Referenceszh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 洪順慶(民90年),「行銷管理-第二版」,台北市:新陸書局股份有限公司。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 樓永堅 (民88年),「價格尾數的符碼式意義之研究-奇數訂價之分析」,台北市:zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 華泰文化事業股份有限公司。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) English Referenceszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Aaker, Jennifer L. (1997). “Dimensions of Brand Personality,” Journal of Marketingzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Research, 34 (August), 347-56.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Amirani, Shahrzad and Roger Gates (1993). “An Attribute-anchored Conjointzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Approach to Measuring Store Image,” International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 21 (5), 30-9.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Arons, L. (1961). “Does Television Viewing Influence Store Image and Shoppingzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Odd-Pricing Effect,” working paper presented at the 2001 convention of the Association for Consumer Research in Austin, Texas, 1-5.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Boulding, William and Amna Kirmani (1993). “A Consumer-Side Experimentalzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Examination of Signaling Theory: Do Consumers Perceive Warranties as Signals of Quality?” Journal of Consumer Research, 20 (June), 111-23.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Burke, Marian C. and Leonard L. Berry (1974-1975). “Do Social Actions of azh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Corporation Influence Store Image and Profits?” Journal of Retailing, 50 (4), 62-72.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Burt, Steve and Jose Carralero-Encinas (2000). “The Role of Store Image in Retailzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Internationalisation,” International Marketing Review, 17 (4/5), 433-53.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Darden, William R. and Barry J. Babin (1994). “Exploring the Concept of Affectivezh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Quality: Expanding the Concept of Retail Personality,” Journal of Business Research, 29 (2), 101-9.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Darley, William K. and Jeen-Su Lim (1999). “Effects of Store Image and Attitudezh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Information in Multidigit Number Comparison,” Memory and Cognition, 10 (5), 487-95.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) toward Secondhand Stores on Shopping Frequency and Distance Traveled,”zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 27 (8), 311-8.zh_TW
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