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題名 以嚇阻理論檢證解放軍戰略武力之建構
作者 鄒文豐
Tzou, Wen-Feng
貢獻者 馬振坤<br>陳世民<br>李英明
Tzou, Wen-Feng
關鍵詞 中共軍事
China Military
Deterrence Theory
Deterrence Strategic
Treat and Deterrence Strategy
Strategic Weapon
No first use
日期 2005
上傳時間 14-Sep-2009 10:37:45 (UTC+8)
摘要 學界常以嚇阻理論觀點詮釋解放軍的外在戰略作為,但經由本研究透過嚇阻理論分析檢證的結果,發現事實上中共有其一貫的「威懾戰略」思維模式,並且為解放軍核心戰略「積極防禦」的依據,此戰略思維內涵承襲中國傳統戰略文化與原則,其實際意義和中共學界定義的威懾戰略不同。「威懾戰略」思維也是解放軍在建構與運用戰略武力時的根本依循原則,而非根據嚇阻理論產生的嚇阻戰略,因此以嚇阻戰略的標準來檢驗與分析解放軍戰略作為,將不能得到正確解答。
Researchers often apply the concept of Deterrence Theory to explain the outward strategic actions of People’s Liberation Army (PLA). However, through comprehensive analyses and examinations of Deterrence Theory, the research result indicated that PLA has created its own strategic logic of “Threat and Deterrent Strategy” which became the foundation of PLA’s core military strategy--Active Defense. In addition, this kind of strategic thinking which can be considered as the heritage of traditional Chinese military culture and principle is significantly different from the concept and measures of Deterrence Theory commonly agreed by scholars. “Threat and Deterrent Strategy” also became the foundation of PLA’s main military strategy “Active Defense”. “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” is PLA’s principle of building and operating its strategic weapon. Applying the concept of Deterrence Theory to explain PLA’s military actions may be inappropriate and result in misunderstanding because the concept and application of “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” are different from Deterrence Theory.
      Even though China official claimed that the goal of obtaining nuclear power is based on an ideal and proper purpose such as to break the exclusive development of nuclear weapon by certain countries and abolish nuclear weapon eventually, the reason why PLA developed nuclear weapon is because of the military advantages and strategic interests from obtaining nuclear power. PLA announced its “no-first-use” principle of using nuclear weapon without notifying the proviso is a typical example of playing “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” so that China can develop its strategic weapon without creating opposition from other countries. Along the strategic interactions among countries, the changing attitude toward national security in China, the development of Ballistic Missile Defense System in U.S, and the adjustment of using nuclear weapon and its strategy, PLA will keep improving its strategic weapon, including nuclear and non-nuclear. However, PLA will not speed up its development of nuclear weapon. Instead, PLA will emphasize more on improving the capacity and variety of its strategic weapon so that PLA can utilize all kinds of strategic weapon flexibly and ingeniously. On the one hand, improving military strength can ensure the effectiveness of deterrence; on the other hand, cooperating “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” and military actions can help PLA to complete the mission from China.
     Keywords: China Military, Deterrence Theory, Deterrence Strategic, Threat and Deterrence Strategy, Strategic Weapon, No first use
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 馬振坤<br>陳世民<br>李英明zh_TW (Authors) 鄒文豐zh_TW (Authors) Tzou, Wen-Fengen_US
dc.creator (作者) 鄒文豐zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tzou, Wen-Fengen_US (日期) 2005en_US 14-Sep-2009 10:37:45 (UTC+8)- 14-Sep-2009 10:37:45 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Sep-2009 10:37:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0922600151en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 東亞研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92260015zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 學界常以嚇阻理論觀點詮釋解放軍的外在戰略作為,但經由本研究透過嚇阻理論分析檢證的結果,發現事實上中共有其一貫的「威懾戰略」思維模式,並且為解放軍核心戰略「積極防禦」的依據,此戰略思維內涵承襲中國傳統戰略文化與原則,其實際意義和中共學界定義的威懾戰略不同。「威懾戰略」思維也是解放軍在建構與運用戰略武力時的根本依循原則,而非根據嚇阻理論產生的嚇阻戰略,因此以嚇阻戰略的標準來檢驗與分析解放軍戰略作為,將不能得到正確解答。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Researchers often apply the concept of Deterrence Theory to explain the outward strategic actions of People’s Liberation Army (PLA). However, through comprehensive analyses and examinations of Deterrence Theory, the research result indicated that PLA has created its own strategic logic of “Threat and Deterrent Strategy” which became the foundation of PLA’s core military strategy--Active Defense. In addition, this kind of strategic thinking which can be considered as the heritage of traditional Chinese military culture and principle is significantly different from the concept and measures of Deterrence Theory commonly agreed by scholars. “Threat and Deterrent Strategy” also became the foundation of PLA’s main military strategy “Active Defense”. “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” is PLA’s principle of building and operating its strategic weapon. Applying the concept of Deterrence Theory to explain PLA’s military actions may be inappropriate and result in misunderstanding because the concept and application of “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” are different from Deterrence Theory.
      Even though China official claimed that the goal of obtaining nuclear power is based on an ideal and proper purpose such as to break the exclusive development of nuclear weapon by certain countries and abolish nuclear weapon eventually, the reason why PLA developed nuclear weapon is because of the military advantages and strategic interests from obtaining nuclear power. PLA announced its “no-first-use” principle of using nuclear weapon without notifying the proviso is a typical example of playing “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” so that China can develop its strategic weapon without creating opposition from other countries. Along the strategic interactions among countries, the changing attitude toward national security in China, the development of Ballistic Missile Defense System in U.S, and the adjustment of using nuclear weapon and its strategy, PLA will keep improving its strategic weapon, including nuclear and non-nuclear. However, PLA will not speed up its development of nuclear weapon. Instead, PLA will emphasize more on improving the capacity and variety of its strategic weapon so that PLA can utilize all kinds of strategic weapon flexibly and ingeniously. On the one hand, improving military strength can ensure the effectiveness of deterrence; on the other hand, cooperating “Threat and Deterrence Strategy” and military actions can help PLA to complete the mission from China.
     Keywords: China Military, Deterrence Theory, Deterrence Strategic, Threat and Deterrence Strategy, Strategic Weapon, No first use
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
     壹、研究動機目的與假設 1
     一、研究動機 1
     二、研究目的 4
     三、研究假設 5
     貳、文獻檢討 6
     參、研究途徑、方法與分析架構 16
     一、研究途徑 16
     二、研究方法 17
     三、分析架構 19
     肆、理論介紹與重要名詞定義 21
     一、採用理論 21
     二、重要名詞定義 30
     伍、研究範圍與限制 39
     一、研究範圍 39
     二、研究限制 40
     第二章 嚇阻理論與威懾戰略…………………………………………43
     壹、嚇阻理論的實踐 43
     一、嚇阻理論與嚇阻戰略 43
     二、嚇阻戰略的運用 46
     貳、中國傳統戰略與威懾 50
     一、戰略文化 50
     二、中國傳統戰略原則 52
     三、威懾的意義與威懾戰略 56
     四、中共重塑威懾戰略的原因 58
     參、解放軍對外戰役及其戰略 60
     一、1949年∼1979年:解放軍的對外戰爭 61
     二、解放軍的戰略原則 66
     肆、以嚇阻理論檢證解放軍的戰略作為 74
     一、嚇阻理論的觀點 74
     二、嚇阻與威懾的差異 77
     三、解放軍和威懾戰略 82
     伍、小結 84
     第三章 解放軍戰略武力的建構與發展………………………………87
     壹、解放軍建構戰略武力的動因與思維 87
     一、動因和需求 88
     二、兩彈一星及兩彈一艇 93
     三、建構戰略武力的思維 98
     貳、以嚇阻理論的觀點分析解放軍初期的戰略武力 101
     一、發展政策的檢證 102
     二、戰略的檢證 104
     三、實力的檢證 104
     參、中共安全環境與安全認知的改變 106
     一、1980年代的轉折 107
     二、九一一事件後亞洲戰略情勢概述 112
     肆、1980年代至21世紀初解放軍戰略武力的發展 117
     一、作戰思維 117
     二、武器裝備 121
     伍、小結 126
     第四章 解放軍戰略武力的運用準則及其思維…………………… 129
     壹、自我設限原則與戰略武力運用 130
     一、僵化的聲明 130
     二、供奉的準則 133
     貳、解放軍當前面臨的難題 137
     一、美國彈道飛彈防禦政策與核態勢評估報告 137
     二、中共的戰略壓力 141
     參、解放軍的因應作為 144
     一、解決之道的辯論和中共的政策選項 144
     二、韜光養晦細緻務實的因應之道 147
     肆、嚇阻理論的檢證 151
     一、檢視建構政策 151
     二、檢視運用原則 153
     伍、小結 157
     第五章 結論……………………………………………………………159
     壹、研究發現 159
     一、分析過程 159
     二、研究發現 162
     貳、結語:一個分析解放軍戰略的途徑 164
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中共軍事zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 嚇阻理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 嚇阻戰略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 威懾戰略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 戰略武力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 不首先使用zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) China Militaryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Deterrence Theoryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Deterrence Strategicen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Treat and Deterrence Strategyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Strategic Weaponen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) No first useen_US
dc.title (題名) 以嚇阻理論檢證解放軍戰略武力之建構zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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