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題名 經濟部科技專案計畫委外管理之研究
作者 陳素惠
Chen, Su-Huei
貢獻者 蕭武桐
Hsiao, Wu-Tung
Chen, Su-Huei
關鍵詞 科技專案計畫
Scientific technology development project
Public procurement act
日期 2003
上傳時間 14-Sep-2009 12:27:45 (UTC+8)
摘要   在面臨知識經濟的潮流下,隨著全球化、知識化的衝擊以及快速發展,有效的取得前瞻技術已成為企業建立與維持競爭優勢的重要手段,科學與技術的創新能力亦成為國家強化產業領導地位、厚植總體競爭力的主要方式。
       經過上述的研究程序,本研究發現以下結論:1.組織面:(1)技術處委外歷史背景為由下而上,促成辦理。(2)委外以資金換取無形成本,而有形成本並未降低。(3)以代理人執行作業,卻由委託人擔負責任,權責不相當。(4) 從事研發工作之代理人大多為政府扶植財團法人。2.管制面:(1)行政控管著重進行過程甚過於執行結果。(2)研發控管方式著重預定標準及實際績效。(3)每年簽約作業繁複瑣碎,致使信任降低。3.心理面:(1)公務事不再是終身職。(2)沿用以往模式,陷入行動慣性,成功假象!
Nowadays many governments seek factors influencing the economic growth of a country to continue developing and to be more competitive in a rapidly changing and globalizing world. In this era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge is often assumed to be the fundamental resource. It is a crucial factor for the economic growth of a country. How to produce and create more knowledge is deemed to be one of the most crucial tasks of a government. One way of producing knowledge is investing in research and development (R&D) to develop new technologies. Recently, many studies suggest that a new technology that raises higher total productivity is one of the factors to the economic growth of a country. So for countries and private enterprises it is especially important to have access to leading, advanced and key component technologies.
      Each year the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan invests a lot in public research and development. They started the “scientific technology development project”, to develop new technologies, especially industrial technologies. MOEA expects these huge investments to strengthen the innovative capabilities of Taiwanese industries and to upgrade Taiwanese industries. Due to heavy workloads and insufficient human resources in the Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) , DOIT needs to outsource these scientific technology development projects to research institutes and corporations. DOIT expects to take advantages of the efficiency and flexible organizational structure of the private sector. Hence, recently the issue towards “government outsource” catches more and more attentions than ever.
      The main purposes of this research paper are as followed. Through qualitative interviews with civil servants, governmental officers, outsourcers, agents and specialists and context analysis, this research paper would like to have an overview on the historical background, the current situation of DOIT’s outsource and its management, to describe the difficulties and problems for the outsourcer (DOIT) and the agents (research institutes and corporations). This research paper would also illustrate policies, legal part, such as public procurement act and decision-making strategies of outsourcing of DOIT. At the end, this paper will give suggestions for DOIT’s outsource.
      First of all, from organizational aspect, the important findings are as followed.
     1.Originally, the demand of outsource exists earlier than the supply. More precisely, the agents reinforce the government to have a way working on scientific technology development projects properly.
     2.DOIT subsidizes the research institutes to carry out these projects in order to exchange intangible assets of the research institutes, such as human capital and so on. Nevertheless, the real cost is not less.
     3.The agents carry out these projects, but outsourcer needs to take the responsibility of the consequences.
     4.Most agents are research institutes, which are fully subsidized by the government.
     Secondly, from the governing and managing aspect, the findings are as below.
     1.Administrative governance puts more emphasis on the executive process of these projects than the results per se of the projects.
     2.About the management of research and development results, DOIT focuses on the comparison between anticipating and real effects.
     3.Each year the outsourcing contracts between DOIT and those agents have to be either re-new or re-made. It makes the relationship between two parties less reliable.
     Thirdly, from the psychological aspect, the subsidies from government for the agents are less and less. And repeating the same way will be the tarp of inertia for outsourcers and agents and it will make it difficult to have breakthrough or new ides.
     Finally, in this research paper give some suggestions to the findings for the governmental outsourcing management for scientific technology development project.
     1.DOIT needs to clearly state who should take responsibility.
     2.DOIT should simplify the procedure by making better use of information communication technologies.
     3.DOIT should emphasize more on finding a better way in coping with the termination of an outsourcing contract.
     4.The original governing and managing module should be revised. New module, “peer review” and multi-year contract, should be taken into consideration.
     Keywords: Scientific technology development project, Outsourcing, Public procurement act, Management
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蕭武桐zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsiao, Wu-Tungen_US (Authors) 陳素惠zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Su-Hueien_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳素惠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Su-Hueien_US (日期) 2003en_US 14-Sep-2009 12:27:45 (UTC+8)- 14-Sep-2009 12:27:45 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Sep-2009 12:27:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0091921073en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91921073zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   在面臨知識經濟的潮流下,隨著全球化、知識化的衝擊以及快速發展,有效的取得前瞻技術已成為企業建立與維持競爭優勢的重要手段,科學與技術的創新能力亦成為國家強化產業領導地位、厚植總體競爭力的主要方式。
       經過上述的研究程序,本研究發現以下結論:1.組織面:(1)技術處委外歷史背景為由下而上,促成辦理。(2)委外以資金換取無形成本,而有形成本並未降低。(3)以代理人執行作業,卻由委託人擔負責任,權責不相當。(4) 從事研發工作之代理人大多為政府扶植財團法人。2.管制面:(1)行政控管著重進行過程甚過於執行結果。(2)研發控管方式著重預定標準及實際績效。(3)每年簽約作業繁複瑣碎,致使信任降低。3.心理面:(1)公務事不再是終身職。(2)沿用以往模式,陷入行動慣性,成功假象!
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Nowadays many governments seek factors influencing the economic growth of a country to continue developing and to be more competitive in a rapidly changing and globalizing world. In this era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge is often assumed to be the fundamental resource. It is a crucial factor for the economic growth of a country. How to produce and create more knowledge is deemed to be one of the most crucial tasks of a government. One way of producing knowledge is investing in research and development (R&D) to develop new technologies. Recently, many studies suggest that a new technology that raises higher total productivity is one of the factors to the economic growth of a country. So for countries and private enterprises it is especially important to have access to leading, advanced and key component technologies.
      Each year the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan invests a lot in public research and development. They started the “scientific technology development project”, to develop new technologies, especially industrial technologies. MOEA expects these huge investments to strengthen the innovative capabilities of Taiwanese industries and to upgrade Taiwanese industries. Due to heavy workloads and insufficient human resources in the Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) , DOIT needs to outsource these scientific technology development projects to research institutes and corporations. DOIT expects to take advantages of the efficiency and flexible organizational structure of the private sector. Hence, recently the issue towards “government outsource” catches more and more attentions than ever.
      The main purposes of this research paper are as followed. Through qualitative interviews with civil servants, governmental officers, outsourcers, agents and specialists and context analysis, this research paper would like to have an overview on the historical background, the current situation of DOIT’s outsource and its management, to describe the difficulties and problems for the outsourcer (DOIT) and the agents (research institutes and corporations). This research paper would also illustrate policies, legal part, such as public procurement act and decision-making strategies of outsourcing of DOIT. At the end, this paper will give suggestions for DOIT’s outsource.
      First of all, from organizational aspect, the important findings are as followed.
     1.Originally, the demand of outsource exists earlier than the supply. More precisely, the agents reinforce the government to have a way working on scientific technology development projects properly.
     2.DOIT subsidizes the research institutes to carry out these projects in order to exchange intangible assets of the research institutes, such as human capital and so on. Nevertheless, the real cost is not less.
     3.The agents carry out these projects, but outsourcer needs to take the responsibility of the consequences.
     4.Most agents are research institutes, which are fully subsidized by the government.
     Secondly, from the governing and managing aspect, the findings are as below.
     1.Administrative governance puts more emphasis on the executive process of these projects than the results per se of the projects.
     2.About the management of research and development results, DOIT focuses on the comparison between anticipating and real effects.
     3.Each year the outsourcing contracts between DOIT and those agents have to be either re-new or re-made. It makes the relationship between two parties less reliable.
     Thirdly, from the psychological aspect, the subsidies from government for the agents are less and less. And repeating the same way will be the tarp of inertia for outsourcers and agents and it will make it difficult to have breakthrough or new ides.
     Finally, in this research paper give some suggestions to the findings for the governmental outsourcing management for scientific technology development project.
     1.DOIT needs to clearly state who should take responsibility.
     2.DOIT should simplify the procedure by making better use of information communication technologies.
     3.DOIT should emphasize more on finding a better way in coping with the termination of an outsourcing contract.
     4.The original governing and managing module should be revised. New module, “peer review” and multi-year contract, should be taken into consideration.
     Keywords: Scientific technology development project, Outsourcing, Public procurement act, Management
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
       第一節 研究動機及目的 1
       第二節 研究範圍及研究架構 4
       第三節 研究方法及其限制 7
       第四節 重要名詞解釋 9
     第二章 相關文獻探討 14
       第一節 國內有關業務委外之學術論文及內涵 14
       第二節 業務委外辦理之法令依據及理論依據 23
       第三節 業務委外國內外辦理之方式 39
     第三章 經濟部技術處科專委外現況分析 50
       第一節 科專計畫委外背景之探討 50
       第二節 委外管理制度現況 54
       第三節 委外作業規定比較 78
      第四章 研究設計與調查分析 82
     第一節 研究問題 82
     第二節 訪談對象與進行方式 83
       第三節 訪談設計與內容 85
       第四節 分析與討論 91
     第五章 結論 96
       第一節 發現 96
       第二節 建議 108
       第三節 後續研究建議 115
     參考文獻 116
     圖   次
     圖1-1 研究架構 6
     圖2-1 我國政府業務委託民間辦理模式 22
     圖3-1 歷年度科技專案預算之成長 53
     圖3-2 技術處組織架構圖 54
     圖3-3 科技專案之運作機制 58
     圖3-4 公開評選類計畫辦理時程 64
     圖3-5 經濟部科專計畫補助財團法人辦理流程 68
     圖3-6 經濟部科技專案績效考評圖 77
     表 次
     表1-1 委外(Outsourcing)之定義 10
     表2-1 國內有關委外辦理的學術論文一覽表 14
     表2-2 交易成本內涵說明 33
     表2-3 委託方式分類表 49
     表3-1 經濟部科專委辦作業在政府採購法實施
      前、後比較差異表 62
     表3-2 採購法招標模式比較 63
     表3-3 八十七年度至九十三年度科專計畫管理變化軌跡 69
     表3-4 各單位委外作業程序一覽表 78
     表4-1 訪談對象列表 83
     表4-2 研究理論(構念)與個案間操作性對照表 85
     附錄一 訪談記錄 126
     附錄二 訪談題綱 210
     附錄三 人事行政局委外標準作業程序(四化) 214
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 科技專案計畫zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 委外zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政府採購法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Scientific technology development projecten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Outsourcingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Public procurement acten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Managementen_US
dc.title (題名) 經濟部科技專案計畫委外管理之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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