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題名 國內政治與民進黨的大陸政策
Domestic Politics and the Democratic Progressive Party`s China Policy
作者 李秀燕
貢獻者 袁易
關鍵詞 Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
Taiwan domestic politics
DPP`s China policy
elections in Taiwan
日期 2006
上傳時間 14-Sep-2009 13:35:09 (UTC+8)
摘要 In a surprising turn of events Chen Shui-bien won the 2000 presidential election in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) became the ruling party of Taiwan. This marked a dramatic change in Taiwan`s China policy, in that the DPP`s China policy was quickly characterized by Taiwan’s objection to the one China principle, the DPP’s insistence on cross-Strait relations is a two-state’s relationship and emphasize Taiwan independence. However, Chen`s actions prompted China to pass the Anti-Secession Law in March of 2005 and to force Chen and the DPP to moderate Taiwan’s China Policy.
     Part of the reasons for Chen`s provocative actions toward China and China`s response are Taiwan`s domestic politics where elections control what the political parties do. The electoral factor in Taiwan has had a critical effect of the establishment of the DPP’s China policy. Therefore, the electoral factor in Taiwan’s domestic politics influences the DPP’s China policy because the DPP is primarily motivated by maintaining their power through vote maximization in elections and uses Taiwan’s China policy as a tool to increase their vote totals.
     This thesis explores how such domestic political issues have affected Chen and the DPP`s China policy and China`s response. It also explores how these domestic factors will affect Taiwan`s China policy in the future under the DPP.
     Keywords: Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Taiwan domestic politics, DPP’s China policy,
     elections in Taiwan.
1. “台獨運動新世代綱領”, 台北 : 民進黨, 1995
(“Tai-Du-Yun-Dong-Sin-Shih-Dai-Gang-Ling”, Taipei: Democratic Progressive Party, 1995)
2. “台灣前途決議文”, 台北 : 民進黨第八屆第二次全國黨員代表大會, 1999
(“Tai-Wan-Cian-Tu-Jue-Yi-Wen”, Taipei: Democratic Progressive Party, 1999)
3. 邵宗海, “兩岸關係” 台北 : 五南出版社, 2006
( Zong-hai Shao, “Research into Cross-Strait Relations”, Taipei: Wunan, 2006)
4. 柳金財, “民進黨大陸政策剖析”, 台北 : 時英出版社, 1998
(Jin-cai, Liu, “Analyses of the DPP’s China Policy”, Taipei: Shih-ying, 1998)
5. “國家統一綱領”, 台北 : 中華民國國家統一委員會, 1991
(“National Unification Guidelines”, Taipei: National Unification Council, 1991)
6. 郭正亮, “民進黨轉型之痛” 台北 : 天下出版社, 1998
(Jheng-Liang Guo, “The Transitional Process of the Democratic Progressive Party”, Taipei:
Tian-xia, 1998)
7. 楊憲村、徐博東, “世紀交鋒”, 台北 : 時報出版社, 2002
(Xian-cun Yang, Bo-dong Syu, “Shih-Ji-Jiao-Fong”, Taipei: Shih-bao, 2002)
8. “跨世紀中國政策白皮書”, 台北 : 陳水扁總統競選指揮中心國家藍圖委員會, 1999
(“China Policy White Paper”, Taipei: Democratic Progressive Party, 1999)
9. ”中國大陸研究”,44卷1期–44卷12期,2001
(Mainland China Studies, Vol. 44, No. 1-12, 2001)
10. ”台灣民主季刊”,台灣民主基金會,1卷1期–1卷4期, 2004
(Taiwan Democracy Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1-4, 2004)
11. ”2004 國家政策論壇”,台北 : 國家政策研究基金會,2004
(Taiwan Development Perspectives 2004, Taipei: National Policy Foundation, 2004)
Allione, Tsultrim. 2000. Women of Wisdom. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications.
Auw, David C.L. 1993. “Mainland Policy Debate: Implications for Future Political Development in Taiwan.” Journal of Northeast Asian Studies 12, No. 1, 90-96.
“Basic Guidelines of the China Policy.” 1993. White Paper of the DPP, Taipei: The Democratic
Progressive Party, 217-246.
Bush, Richard C. 2005. Untying the Knot, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution Press.
Chao, Chien-min. 2005. “Reformation of a Nation: Taiwan’s Mainland China Policy after the
2004 Presidential Election.” in I Yuan, ed. Rethinking New International Order in East
Asia, Taipei: Institute of International Relations.
___. 2004. “National Security vs. Economic Interests: Reassessing Taiwan’s Mainland Policy
under Chen Shui-bian.” Journal of Contemporary China, 136-138.
Chiu, Hungdah. 1973. “China, the United States, and the Question of Taiwan.” Hungdah Chiu,
ed. China and the Question of Taiwan: Documents and Analysis, New York: Praeger,
Chu, Yun-Han. 1997. “The Political Economy of Taiwan`s Mainland Policy.” Journal of
Contemporary China 6, No. 15, 229-257.
Clark, Cal. 2001. “Prospects for Taiwan-China Economic Relations under the Chen Shui-bian
Administration.” American Asian Review 19, No.1, 27-54.
___. 2004. “Taiwan`s 2004 Presidential Election: The End of Chen Shui-bian`s ‘Strategic
Ambiguity’ on Cross-Strait Relations.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 24, No. 4, 25-37.
DeLisle, Jacques. 2000. “The Chinese Puzzle of Taiwan`s Status.” Orbis 44, No. 1, 35-63.
Denton, Robert. E. 2000. The 2000 Presidential Campaign: A Communication Perspective. New
York: Praeger, 1-139.
Fürst, Rudolf. 2005. “Taiwan—A Maturing Chinese Democracy.” Perspectives: Central
European Review of International Affairs 24, 42-60.
Hsien, Fuh-sheng. 2004. “National Identity and Taiwan`s Mainland China Policy.” Journal of
Contemporary China 13, No. 40, 479-490.
Jewel Huang. 2006. “DPP Votes to Do Away with Factions.” Taipei Times, Monday, July 24.
___. 2006. “Former DPP Chairman Leaves Party.” Taipei Times, Monday, January 25.
Keum, Hieyeon and Campell, Joel R. 2001. “Devouring Dragon and Escaping Tiger:
China`sUnification Policy vs. Taiwan`s Quasi-independence as a Problem of International
Relations.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 19, No. 1/2, 58-95.
Lin, Gang. 2005. “Beijing’s Taiwan Policy after the 2004 Taiwanese Election.” in I Yuan, ed.
Rethinking New International Order in East Asia, Taipei: Institute of International Relations.
Noble, Gregory W. 2005. “What Can Taiwan and the United States Expect from Japan?”
Journal of East Asian Studies 5, No. 1, 1-34.
Sheng, Lijun. 2002. China and Taiwan: Cross-Strait Relations Under Chen Shui-bian, New
York: Zed Books, 40-69.
“The Party Plank of the Democratic Progressive Party.” 1995. Taipei: The Democratic
Progressive Party.
“The Proceedings of the China Policy Conference of the Democratic Progressive Party.” 1998.
Taipei: The Democratic Progressive Party.
“The 1998 Report on Cross-Strait Relations.” 1998. Taipei : The Democratic Progressive Party.
Tung, Chen-yuan. 2005. “Cross-Strait Relations after Taiwan’s 2004 Presidential Election.” in I
Yuan, ed. Rethinking New International Order in East Asia, Taipei: Institute of International Relations.
Wang, Wei-cheng. 2002. “The Chen Shui-bian Administration`s Mainland Policy: Toward a
Modus Vivendi or Continued Stalemate?” American Asian Review 20, No. 3, 91-125.
Wang, Jianwei. 2005. “Seize the Moment--Cross Strait Relations After the Anti-secession Law.”
American Foreign Policy Interests 27, No. 4, 265-279.
Wei, Yung. 2004. “From Functional Integration to Structural Readjustment: Taipei-Beijing
Relations and the Role of the United States.” Journal of Contemporary China 13, No. 40,
White III, Lynn T. 2002. “America’s Interests in the First Democratic Chinese President.”
American Asian Review 20, No. 1, 155-210.
Wu, Yu-shan. 2006. “Domestic Politics Competition and Triangular Interaction Among
Washington, Beijing, and Taipei: The U.S. China Policy.” Issues & Studies 42, No. 1,
___. 2005. “Taiwan’s Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relations.” The China Journal No.53.
Wuthnow, Joel. 2006. “The Integration of Cooperation and Coercion: China`s Taiwan Strategy
since 2001.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 23, No. 3, 22-45.
Zhao, Suisheng. 1999. “Economic Interdependence and Political Divergence.” in Suisheng Zhao,
ed. Across the Taiwan Strait, New York: Routledge, 197-299.
Mainland Affairs Council – Mainland Policy Documents
Republic of China Presidential Election, 2000 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( _China_presidential_election%2C_2000)
Republic of China Presidential Election, 2004 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( _China_presidential_election%2C_2004)
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 袁易zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yuan,Ien_US (Authors) 李秀燕zh_TW (Authors) Li,Hsiu-yenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李秀燕zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Li,Hsiu-yenen_US (日期) 2006en_US 14-Sep-2009 13:35:09 (UTC+8)- 14-Sep-2009 13:35:09 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Sep-2009 13:35:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094925020en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 中國大陸研究英語碩士學程(IMCS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94925020zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In a surprising turn of events Chen Shui-bien won the 2000 presidential election in Taiwan, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) became the ruling party of Taiwan. This marked a dramatic change in Taiwan`s China policy, in that the DPP`s China policy was quickly characterized by Taiwan’s objection to the one China principle, the DPP’s insistence on cross-Strait relations is a two-state’s relationship and emphasize Taiwan independence. However, Chen`s actions prompted China to pass the Anti-Secession Law in March of 2005 and to force Chen and the DPP to moderate Taiwan’s China Policy.
     Part of the reasons for Chen`s provocative actions toward China and China`s response are Taiwan`s domestic politics where elections control what the political parties do. The electoral factor in Taiwan has had a critical effect of the establishment of the DPP’s China policy. Therefore, the electoral factor in Taiwan’s domestic politics influences the DPP’s China policy because the DPP is primarily motivated by maintaining their power through vote maximization in elections and uses Taiwan’s China policy as a tool to increase their vote totals.
     This thesis explores how such domestic political issues have affected Chen and the DPP`s China policy and China`s response. It also explores how these domestic factors will affect Taiwan`s China policy in the future under the DPP.
     Keywords: Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Taiwan domestic politics, DPP’s China policy,
     elections in Taiwan.
dc.description.tableofcontents TABLE OF CONTENTS
     Chapter 1 Introduction......................................................................................1
     1.1. Problem Statement........................................................................................1
     1.2. Background of the Study..............................................................................1
     1.2.1. Domestic Factor…………….…..………………………….…..……1
     1.2.2. Cross-Strait Factor………….…..………………………….……..…3
     1.3. Purpose of Research.....................................................................................5
     Chapter 2 Literature Review.............................................................................8
     Chapter 3 Methodology....................................................................................................15
     3.1. Research Method.........................................................................................15
     3.2. Sequentiаl Model.........................................................................................16
     3.3. Political Model............................................................................................17
     Chapter 4 Taiwan’s 2000 Presidential Election………..………………...…...20
     4.1. Introduction………......................................................................................20
     4.2. Candidates and Platforms............................................................................20
     4.3. Strategies in Chen Shui-bian’s Presidential Campaign………………..….22
     4.3.1. The Unification/Independence Issue…………….…….. ..…………22
      4.3.2. Economic and Political Negotiations………………………..…….. 23
     4.3.3. National Defence and International Recognition……….…..………23
     4.4. Aftermath after the Presidential Election…….……………………………25
     4.5. Reaction from China ……………………………..…………………….... 26
     Chapter 5 Growing Concern from China over the Cross-Strait Relations…...28
     5.1. China`s Concerns Over Taiwan’s Presidential Election ..............................28
     5.2. How Did China Read the DPP Before the Election? ...................................29
      5.3. How did China Read Chen Shui-bian After the Election? ............................31
      5.4. The DPP’s China Policy - "One China, One Taiwan".................................35
     Chapter 6 Taiwan`s 2004 Presidential Election.........................................................39
     6.1. Introduction………………..………………………….……………….……39
     6.2. Formation of the Tickets .............................................................................39
     6.3. Moderate Positions than Before……………………….…………..………41
     6.4. Popular Mobilization……………………………………..……….….……42
     6.5. 319 Shooting Incident…………………………………………….……….44
     6.6. Reaction from the PRC.................................................................................44
     Chapter 7 Raised Issues from the DPP’s China Policy...........................................46
     7.1. Will the Economy Become Hostage to Politics?.........................…..….….46
     7.2. The Westbound Boldly Policy vs. the Base Strengthening Strategy……..47
     7.3. Is There Any Policy Convergence Between the DPP and the KMT?.........51
     Chapter 8 Conclusion........................................................................................................55
     Internet Sources
     Figure 3-1 Research Framework……………………..………………..…………………..…………..……19
     Figure 8-1 Rotating Situation between Idealism and Realism……………….…..…………………..……..56
     Figure 8-2 Attitude toward the DPP’s China Policy between Election and Non-election Period………….56
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan domestic politicsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) DPP`s China policyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) elections in Taiwanen_US
dc.title (題名) 國內政治與民進黨的大陸政策zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Domestic Politics and the Democratic Progressive Party`s China Policyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) CHINESEzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1. “台獨運動新世代綱領”, 台北 : 民進黨, 1995zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (“Tai-Du-Yun-Dong-Sin-Shih-Dai-Gang-Ling”, Taipei: Democratic Progressive Party, 1995)zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 2. “台灣前途決議文”, 台北 : 民進黨第八屆第二次全國黨員代表大會, 1999zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (“Tai-Wan-Cian-Tu-Jue-Yi-Wen”, Taipei: Democratic Progressive Party, 1999)zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 3. 邵宗海, “兩岸關係” 台北 : 五南出版社, 2006zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) ( Zong-hai Shao, “Research into Cross-Strait Relations”, Taipei: Wunan, 2006)zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (Jin-cai, Liu, “Analyses of the DPP’s China Policy”, Taipei: Shih-ying, 1998)zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Tian-xia, 1998)zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (“China Policy White Paper”, Taipei: Democratic Progressive Party, 1999)zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Auw, David C.L. 1993. “Mainland Policy Debate: Implications for Future Political Development in Taiwan.” Journal of Northeast Asian Studies 12, No. 1, 90-96.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) “Basic Guidelines of the China Policy.” 1993. White Paper of the DPP, Taipei: The Democraticzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Progressive Party, 217-246.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bush, Richard C. 2005. Untying the Knot, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution Press.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Chao, Chien-min. 2005. “Reformation of a Nation: Taiwan’s Mainland China Policy after thezh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 2004 Presidential Election.” in I Yuan, ed. Rethinking New International Order in Eastzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Asia, Taipei: Institute of International Relations.zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Administration.” American Asian Review 19, No.1, 27-54.zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Fürst, Rudolf. 2005. “Taiwan—A Maturing Chinese Democracy.” Perspectives: Centralzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) European Review of International Affairs 24, 42-60.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Hsien, Fuh-sheng. 2004. “National Identity and Taiwan`s Mainland China Policy.” Journal ofzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Contemporary China 13, No. 40, 479-490.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jewel Huang. 2006. “DPP Votes to Do Away with Factions.” Taipei Times, Monday, July 24.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) ___. 2006. “Former DPP Chairman Leaves Party.” Taipei Times, Monday, January 25.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Keum, Hieyeon and Campell, Joel R. 2001. “Devouring Dragon and Escaping Tiger:zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lin, Gang. 2005. “Beijing’s Taiwan Policy after the 2004 Taiwanese Election.” in I Yuan, ed.zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Noble, Gregory W. 2005. “What Can Taiwan and the United States Expect from Japan?”zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Wang, Wei-cheng. 2002. “The Chen Shui-bian Administration`s Mainland Policy: Toward azh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) American Foreign Policy Interests 27, No. 4, 265-279.zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) American Asian Review 20, No. 1, 155-210.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Wu, Yu-shan. 2006. “Domestic Politics Competition and Triangular Interaction Amongzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Washington, Beijing, and Taipei: The U.S. China Policy.” Issues & Studies 42, No. 1,zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1-46.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) ___. 2005. “Taiwan’s Domestic Politics and Cross-Strait Relations.” The China Journal No.53.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Wuthnow, Joel. 2006. “The Integration of Cooperation and Coercion: China`s Taiwan Strategyzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) since 2001.” East Asia: An International Quarterly 23, No. 3, 22-45.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Zhao, Suisheng. 1999. “Economic Interdependence and Political Divergence.” in Suisheng Zhao,zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) ed. Across the Taiwan Strait, New York: Routledge, 197-299.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) INTERNET SOURCESzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) http://www.chinaview.cnzh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Republic of China Presidential Election, 2000 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( _China_presidential_election%2C_2000)zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Republic of China Presidential Election, 2004 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( _China_presidential_election%2C_2004)zh_TW