
題名 評估我國大學校院之發展策略:以資料包絡法為例
作者 傅遠智
Fu,Yuan Chih
貢獻者 秦夢群
Fu,Yuan Chih
關鍵詞 資料包絡法
Data envelopment analysis
Analysis hierarchy process
accountability of higher education
日期 2006
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 15:11:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在運用資料包絡法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)分析「教育部公私立大學校務資訊評鑑系統」中90至92學年度我國50所大學校院在研究與教學上之經營效率。研究問題有四:(1)國內大學校院教學與研究之投入與產出性指標系統分別為何?(2)國內各大學校院之相對效率值為何?改進策略為何?(3)國內各大學校院之發展類型為何?(4)國內各大學校院之發展趨勢為何?本研究考量投入項與產出項之重要性,編製「評估我國大學校院之發展策略指標權重專家調查問卷」以國內30位高等教育行政主管為調查對象進行層級分析取得指標相對權重,並套用於確定區域模式進行效率值之估算。指標係依據文獻探討與積差相關的同向性檢定,在研究效率上選擇6個投入項及5個產出項;在教學效率上選擇7個投入項及2個產出項。所使用之統計分析包括:積差相關、層級分析法、資料包絡法(效率分析、差額變數分析、參考集合分析、Malmquist 生產力指數)、Kruska-Wallis H檢定、Mann-Whitney U檢定、Tobit迴歸。
The purpose of this study is to assess the research and teaching productivities of 50 Taiwanese universities and colleges over the period of academic years 2001-2003. Research questions include: (1)What is the index system to assess school performance? (2)How many efficiency scores do these schools get? Inefficient units can implement what kinds of improvement to achieve efficiency? (3)What are their development styles? (4)What are their development tendencies? In order to consider weight restriction on inputs and outputs, author compiles “the expert questionnaire of assessing development strategy in Taiwanese universities and colleges”, and invites 30 specialists to answer, including 15 principals in higher education institutes and superintendents from Ministry of Education and 15 professors majoring in this field. Assurance region model with weigh indexes is used to calculate the whole efficiency scores. According to the result of literature reviewing and isotonicity test, author picks out 6 inputs and 5 outputs in research dimension and 7 inputs and 2 outputs in teaching dimension. Some statistic methods are used, including Pearson correlations, analytic hierarchy process, data envelopment analysis, Kruska-Wallis H test, Mann-Whitney U test and Tobit regression.
Results based on data show as follows:
1. Through statistic analysis, those indexes the author drafts can be used to assess the productivity of Taiwanese higher education institutes practically.
2. In research dimension, the most important input is the number of assist professor, output is academic paper accepted by prestigious journals. Besides, in teaching dimension, the most important input is the number of faculty; however, the amount of class hours is equal to the amount of graduates on output part.
3. In research dimension over three academic years, 5 schools were efficient in each year; however, 40 schools were inefficient in each year. Furthermore, in teaching dimension, only 1 school was efficient in each year; in contrast, 48 schools were inefficient. Both of research and teaching inefficiency mainly came from pure technical inefficiency, wasted 22.4%-27.2% and 26%-27.3% separately.
4. The effect of different authorities upon the efficiency mainly came from the pure technical efficiency. In addition, because of the effect mixed pure technical efficiency (PTE) with scale efficiency (SE) the effect of the different school scale upon the efficiency was non-significant.
5. Research universities are mostly from national universities and medical colleges. In contrast, teaching universities are mostly from private universities and normal colleges.
6. As a whole, research efficiency score grows but declines in teaching. Beside of some fluctuations on efficiency score, there are 35 schools maintain their development styles stably.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 秦夢群zh_TW (Authors) 傅遠智zh_TW (Authors) Fu,Yuan Chihen_US
dc.creator (作者) 傅遠智zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Fu,Yuan Chihen_US (日期) 2006en_US 17-Sep-2009 15:11:48 (UTC+8)- 17-Sep-2009 15:11:48 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 15:11:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0921520141en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92152014zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在運用資料包絡法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)分析「教育部公私立大學校務資訊評鑑系統」中90至92學年度我國50所大學校院在研究與教學上之經營效率。研究問題有四:(1)國內大學校院教學與研究之投入與產出性指標系統分別為何?(2)國內各大學校院之相對效率值為何?改進策略為何?(3)國內各大學校院之發展類型為何?(4)國內各大學校院之發展趨勢為何?本研究考量投入項與產出項之重要性,編製「評估我國大學校院之發展策略指標權重專家調查問卷」以國內30位高等教育行政主管為調查對象進行層級分析取得指標相對權重,並套用於確定區域模式進行效率值之估算。指標係依據文獻探討與積差相關的同向性檢定,在研究效率上選擇6個投入項及5個產出項;在教學效率上選擇7個投入項及2個產出項。所使用之統計分析包括:積差相關、層級分析法、資料包絡法(效率分析、差額變數分析、參考集合分析、Malmquist 生產力指數)、Kruska-Wallis H檢定、Mann-Whitney U檢定、Tobit迴歸。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of this study is to assess the research and teaching productivities of 50 Taiwanese universities and colleges over the period of academic years 2001-2003. Research questions include: (1)What is the index system to assess school performance? (2)How many efficiency scores do these schools get? Inefficient units can implement what kinds of improvement to achieve efficiency? (3)What are their development styles? (4)What are their development tendencies? In order to consider weight restriction on inputs and outputs, author compiles “the expert questionnaire of assessing development strategy in Taiwanese universities and colleges”, and invites 30 specialists to answer, including 15 principals in higher education institutes and superintendents from Ministry of Education and 15 professors majoring in this field. Assurance region model with weigh indexes is used to calculate the whole efficiency scores. According to the result of literature reviewing and isotonicity test, author picks out 6 inputs and 5 outputs in research dimension and 7 inputs and 2 outputs in teaching dimension. Some statistic methods are used, including Pearson correlations, analytic hierarchy process, data envelopment analysis, Kruska-Wallis H test, Mann-Whitney U test and Tobit regression.
Results based on data show as follows:
1. Through statistic analysis, those indexes the author drafts can be used to assess the productivity of Taiwanese higher education institutes practically.
2. In research dimension, the most important input is the number of assist professor, output is academic paper accepted by prestigious journals. Besides, in teaching dimension, the most important input is the number of faculty; however, the amount of class hours is equal to the amount of graduates on output part.
3. In research dimension over three academic years, 5 schools were efficient in each year; however, 40 schools were inefficient in each year. Furthermore, in teaching dimension, only 1 school was efficient in each year; in contrast, 48 schools were inefficient. Both of research and teaching inefficiency mainly came from pure technical inefficiency, wasted 22.4%-27.2% and 26%-27.3% separately.
4. The effect of different authorities upon the efficiency mainly came from the pure technical efficiency. In addition, because of the effect mixed pure technical efficiency (PTE) with scale efficiency (SE) the effect of the different school scale upon the efficiency was non-significant.
5. Research universities are mostly from national universities and medical colleges. In contrast, teaching universities are mostly from private universities and normal colleges.
6. As a whole, research efficiency score grows but declines in teaching. Beside of some fluctuations on efficiency score, there are 35 schools maintain their development styles stably.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論…………………………………………….…………………1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的………………………….……………..1
第二節 待答問題……………………………………….……………..6
第三節 重要名詞釋義……………………………………………...…7
第四節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………...…9
第二章 文獻探討………..………………………………………………13
第一節 我國高等教育政策分析…………………………………….13
第二節 資料包絡法之理論………………………………………….32
第三節 資料包絡法之相關研究…………………………………….62
第四節 高等教育表現指標………………………………………….76
第五節 衡鑑指標的選擇與分析…………………………………...103
第三章 研究設計與實施……….……………………………………..126
第一節 研究架構與變項………………………………….………..126
第二節 研究方法……………………………………………..…….132
第三節 研究樣本對象與取樣方法………………………………...135
第四節 資料蒐集與處理……………………………………..…….139
第五節 研究程序與研究進度…………………………………..….146
第四章 實證結果...…………………………………….………………148
第一節 基本資料分析與討論………………………….…………..148
第二節 層級分析法專家問卷結果分析……………….…………..156
第三節 資料包絡法實證結果分析………………………………...161
第四節 大學發展類型與趨勢分析………………………………...243
第五章 結論……….……..…………………………………………..…250
第一節 研究結論…………………………………………………...250
第二節 研究涵義…………………………………………………...257
第三節 研究限制與未來展望……………………………………...260

表 次
表2-1-1 :我國大學基本資料一覽表………………………………..…....14
表2-1-2 :學校基本資料統計表…………………………………….…….17
表2-1-3 :研究型大學方案補助名單………………………………..…....23
表2-1-4 :獎勵大學教學卓越計畫經費核撥表……………………...…...25
表2-1-5 :技職校院95年度獎勵大學教學卓越計畫核定名單及經費
表2-1-6 :各國負責高等教育品質相關機構與其功能定位……………..28
表2-1-7 :我國高等教育品質保證發展…………………………………..30
表2-2-1 :量化取向績效評估方法比較表………………………….…….33
表2-2-2 :資料包絡法運算軟體功能比較表……………………………..56
表2-3-1 :資料包絡法之相關研究成果彙整………………..……………72
表2-4-1 :台灣地區大學排名指標構面之權重……………………….….84
表2-4-2 :前10項大學三大功能表現指標平均數排序結果摘要表……86
表2-4-3 :高等教育指標之重要研究成果彙整表………………………..87
表2-4-4 :大學系所評鑑參考效標………………………………………..89
表2-4-5 :大學校務評鑑量化評鑑指標(含校務類組暨專業類組)………91
表2-4-6 :U.S. News & World Reports大學排名指標體系與權重……....96
表2-4-7 :我國大學學術聲譽排名指標系統……………………………..98
表2-4-8 :2006年上海交通大學「世界大學學術排名」指標與權重….99
表2-4-9 :英國研究評鑑制度指標一覽表…………………………...…..101
表2-5-1 :2001年至2006年專題研究計畫核定件數………………….118
表2-5-2 :不同模式投入與產出指標表………………………………….123
表3-1-1 :各指標之操作型定義…………………………………………130
表3-3-1 :研究對象一覽表………………………………………………135
表3-3-2 :研究對象基本資料統計表…………………………………....137
表3-4-1 :專家問卷委員名單……………………………………………140
表4-1-1 :研究投入項與產出項敘述統計表………………………..…..149
表4-1-2 :教學投入項與產出項敘述統計表……………………….…...151
表4-1-3 :研究投入項與產出項積差相關係數表…………………..…..153
表4-1-4 :教學投入項與產出項積差相關係數表…………………....…154
表4-1-5 :專家問卷回收率……………………………………………....155
表4-2-1 :層級分析研究變數權重表……………………………………156
表4-2-2 :研究變數權重表AR模式…………………………………….158
表4-2-3 :層級分析教學變數權重表……………………………….……159
表4-2-4 :教學變數權重表AR模式……….……………………………160
表4-3-1 :未加權模式研究效率值總表………………..……………...…162
表4-3-2 :90學年度未加權模式研究整體技術效率值組間差異檢定表167
表4-3-3 :91學年度未加權模式研究整體技術效率值組間差異檢定表167
表4-3-4 :92學年度未加權模式研究整體技術效率值組間差異檢定表167
表4-3-5 :未加權模式教學效率值總表………………………………….169
表4-3-6 :90學年度未加權模式教學整體技術效率值組間差異檢定表174
表4-3-7 :91學年度未加權模式教學整體技術效率值組間差異檢定表174
表4-3-8 :92學年度未加權模式教學整體技術效率值組間差異檢定表174
表4-3-9 :各校研究Malmquist Index比較表……………………………177
表4-3-10:各校教學Malmqusit Index比較表……………………………182
表4-4-1 :90學年度至92學年度各校發展類型一覽表……………….244
表5-5-1 :指標建構過程一覽表…………………………………………251

圖 次
圖2-1-1 :近十年大學校院成長數……………………………………..…14
圖2-1-2 :近十年淨在學率暨出生人口數之成長………………………..18
圖2-1-3 :高等教育經費之成長…………………………………………..19
圖2-1-4 :高等教育生師比之變動………………………………………..20
圖2-2-1 :技術效率與配置效率:以投入為導向………………………..36
圖2-2-2 :技術效率及配置效率:以產出為導向………………………..37
圖2-2-3 :效率評估時的投入差額………………………………………..41
圖2-2-4 :整體技術效率、純技術效率及規模效率…………………..…46
圖2-2-5 :資料包絡法實施流程圖………………………………………..47
圖2-2-6 :DEA等量曲線圖……………………………………………….52
圖2-2-7 :Malmquist生產力指數…………………………………………55
圖2-4-1 :表現指標的類型………………………………………………..81
圖2-5-1 :大學生產關係…………………………………………………104
圖3-1-1 :大學校院群組分佈………………………………………….…127
圖3-1-2 :研究步驟圖…………………………………………………….129
圖3-4-1 :射線與非射線之投入差額……………………………………144
圖3-5-1 :研究進度甘梯圖(Gantt Chart)………………………………...147
圖4-3-1 :不同組別於未加權模式研究整體技術效率值走勢圖………168
圖4-3-2 :不同組別於未加權模式教學整體技術效率值走勢圖………175
圖4-3-3 :不同組別於確定區域加權模式研究整體技術效率值走勢圖195
圖4-3-4 :不同組別於確定區域加權模式教學整體技術效率值走勢圖204
圖4-3-5 :未加權模式與加權模式效率值次數分配比較………………211
圖4-3-6 :各組研究投入差額分析改善百分比盒形圖…………………220
圖4-3-7 :各組研究產出差額分析改善百分比盒形圖…………………227
圖4-3-8 :各組教學投入差額分析改善百分比盒形圖…………………235
圖4-3-9 :各組教學產出差額分析改善百分比盒形圖………………....241
圖4-4-1 :90學年度確定區域加權模式各校發展類型………………...248
圖4-4-2 :91學年度確定區域加權模式各校發展類型…………...……248
圖4-4-3 :92學年度確定區域加權模式各校發展類型…………..….…249
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dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資料包絡法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 層級分析法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高等教育績效評估zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Data envelopment analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Analysis hierarchy processen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) accountability of higher educationen_US
dc.title (題名) 評估我國大學校院之發展策略:以資料包絡法為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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