
題名 台灣地區公共圖書館危機管理之研究:以人為誘發型危機為例
A Study on Crisis Management of the Public Libraries in Taiwan: Based on the Human-induced Crisis
作者 劉家寶
Lau, Ka-po
貢獻者 楊美華
Yang, Mei-hwa
Lau, Ka-po
關鍵詞 公共圖書館
Public Libraries
Crisis Management
Library Management
Human-induced crisis
日期 2004
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 16:57:52 (UTC+8)
摘要 任何開放性的公共服務組織,都必須承擔由環境或其他因素帶來的風險。隨著社會環境日趨複雜,不確定因素提昇,增加了危機發生的機會,對組織或個人的緊急應變及管理能力造成嚴峻考驗。公共圖書館作為開放性的全民社區資訊中心,除了肩負起文化傳承、推廣教育的任務外,確保所有讀者能在安全、舒適的環境下安心地使用各項圖書資源與服務,亦是所有圖書館的責任。如何在緊急或突發的危機狀況下及時作出適當的控制及處理,並迅速進行善後及復原措施,皆顯示出危機管理的重要性。



根據本研究發現,提出的結論如下:一、讀者與館員素質的良莠不齊,雙方在危機意識上的不足,加上公共圖書館本身的服務性質、軟硬體設施、管理政策上的限制,都是構成國內公共圖書館人為誘發型危機之相關因素;二、國內公共圖書館管理階層的危機意識及處理態度仍有待加強及改變;三、國內公共圖書館己規劃並實施危機管理的公共圖書館仍屬少數,相關教育訓練、違規處理措施之規劃與執行上,未能發揮應有功能;四、國內公共圖書館較著重危機處理,在危機偵測及預防工作上略顯不足。故在安全及違規管理政策不清的情況下,未能發揮危機管理應有的效能;五、國內公共圖書館在進行危機管理工作時所面臨的困難與障礙,主要為:(1)缺乏足夠經費與人力(2)缺乏足夠的危機管理教育訓練及危機處理經驗(3)公共圖書館人員流動率高,危機處理經驗傳承與培訓不易(4)民眾公權利的意識上昇,申訴浮濫構成的壓力 (5)公共圖書館屬社教單位,基於教育觀點與服務立場的不同,往往容易造成執法上的衝突。

Public libraries are the public access institutions, which always face lots of different risks that arose from the social environment. As the uncertain factors have been rising, which made the society became more complicated, and increased the probability of crises, it also caused the ordeals and challenges for organizations and individuals. Public libraries are the community information centers for the whole people, undertaking the mission of preserving culture and promoting education, which also have the responsibilities to ensure and provide a safe environment for the readers. Therefore, how to deal with the crisis and emergency situations, revealed the importance of the crisis management for each library.

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the general situation of the human-induced crisis which occurred on the public libraries in Taiwan, and also expected to combine the theory and practical needs. The result of this study would provide a reference model of crisis management for the public libraries. In addition, it could also give suggestions for on-the-job training and curriculum development to the Library Association and the schools of Library and Information Science.

This thesis applied a questionnaire investigation associated with the in-depth interview approach. The interviewers included library directors and decision supervisors of the public libraries. This study further expected to gather the attitude, experience, crisis management plan, related strategies, and the comments from the administers in the public libraries.

The findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) both the characteristics of the readers and librarians were different, and both of their consciousnesses of crisis were not enough. Furthermore, the nature of the public libraries service, the inappropriate facilities, and management strategies also became the related factors of the human-induced crisis of the public libraries. (2) The administrators of public libraries in Taiwan need to be conscious about crisis. (3) Only a minority of the public libraries in Taiwan had drawn up the crisis management plan, and the implementation of the training courses and costumer charters also couldn’t fully accomplish the purposes desired. (4) The public libraries in Taiwan paid much attention on the crisis handling, but usually neglected both the detection and prevention works of the crisis, which also lowered the whole efficiency of the crisis management plan. (5) The main difficulties and obstacles confronted with the public libraries were: (i) Lack of sufficient funds and human resources. (ii) Lack of sufficient crisis management training courses and related experience. (iii) For a long time, the position of the librarian of public libraries in Taiwan was instable. The staffs turn over also made the crisis management training courses not easy to conduct, either of the impartation of related experiences. (iv) As the sense of the public rights had increased recently, the abusive complain also brought serious stress and anxiety to public libraries. (v) Public libraries were a part of social education institutions, based on their service and education standpoint, which always brought conflicts when they enforced the rules and laws.

The suggestions included: (1) The government and the chief administers of the public libraries should provide supports and funds to all public libraries, and must take the security issue into account of the library laws and operational standard as soon as possible. Thus, related units must help the public libraries to share experience and form cooperative partnership. (2) The public libraries should review their current crisis management strategies, and make an appropriate revision and augment. Moreover, the public libraries also need to put the trainings into effect, and must enhance the consciousness of crisis for each staff. (3) Both of the association of library and schools of library and information science should try to put the crisis management issues into the library management curriculum to fulfill the practical need of the public libraries, and reinforcing the crisis management knowledge and capacity for the librarians.
參考文獻 【參考書目】
一、 中文
(一) 圖書
Steven Fink著;韓應寧譯。危機管理。台北:天下文化,民國76年。
米特羅夫 (Mitroff, Ian I.)、皮爾遜 (Pearson, Christine M.) 合著;吳宜蓁譯。危機管理診斷手冊。台北:五南,民國85年。
(二) 期刊論文
杜京生。「公共圖書館安全政策之探討」。臺北市立圖書館館訊15:2(民國86年12 月):40-46。
邱毅。「面對危機的因應和對策」。人力發展月刊 54(民87年7月):1-6。
苗蕙芬。「淺談公共圖書館的安全問題」。臺北市立圖書館館訊7:3 (民國79年3月):62-66。
楊春生。「危機乎?轉機乎?」。中等教育 53卷1期(民國91年2月), 30-43。
楊時榮。「圖書館安全規劃之探討」。佛教圖書館館訊8(民85年12月): 13-19。
廖明達主講、張秀琴記錄。「公共場所逃生要領:圖書館安全教育」。國立臺灣師範大學圖書館通訊19 (民國84年12月):6-9。
(三) 網路資源
(四) 碩博士論文
二、 西文
(一) 圖書
Alire, Camila. Library disaster planning and recovery handbook. New York : Neal-Schuman, 2000.
Algar, Philip. Managing industrial emergencies : a planning and communications guide. London : Financial Times Business Information, 1992.
Coombs, W. Timothy. Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning. Managing. And Responding. Calif: Sage Publications, 1999.
Chaney, Michael & MacDougall, Alan F. Security and crime prevention in libraries. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt.: Gower, 1994.
George, Susan C. Emergency plan and management in college libraries.Chicago: College Library Information Packet Committee, College Libraries Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, 1994.
Jackson, Peggy M. Mission accomplished : a practical guide to risk management for nonprofits. Washington, D.C : Nonprofit Risk Management Center, 1999.
Larson, Jeanette. Model policies for small and medium public libraries. New York : Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1998.
Lerbinger, Otto. The crisis manger: Facing risk and responsibility. NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Association, 1997.
Matthews, Graham & Eden Paul. Disaster Management In British Libraries—Project Report with Guidelines For Library Managers. London :The British Library, 1996.
Professional Practice Center, Public Relations Society of America. Crisis planning & management. New York: Professional Practice Cente, 1998.
Ray, Sally J. Strategic communication in crisis management: lessons from the airline industry. London: Quorum, 1999.
Sarkodie-Mensah, Kwasi. Helping the difficult library patron : new approaches to examining and resolving a long-standing and ongoing problem. New York : Haworth Information Press, 2002.
Shuman, Bruce A. Case studies in library security .Conn : Libraries Unlimited, 2002.
Shuman, Bruce A. Library security and safety handbook : prevention, policies, and procedures. Chicago: American Library Association, 1999.
Wellheiser, Johanna & Scott Jude. An Ounce of Prevention: Integrated Disaster Planning for Archives, Libraries, and Record Centers. Md : Scarecrow, 2002.
Willis, Mark R. Dealing with difficult people in the library .Chicago, Ill. :American Library Association, 1999.
(二) 期刊論文
Arndt, Donald A. “Problem patrons and library security.” Legal Reference Services Quarterly 19:1/2(2001):19-40.
Bolger, Laurie.“Scared or Prepared? Disaster Planning Makes the Difference.” Information Outlook 7:7(2003):26-30.
Braaksma, Elizabeth B. “Zero tolerance at the library: the work of the Thunder Bay Public Library`s security task force.” Library and Archival Security 14:2(1998): 43-49.
Chavez, Alice M. “Library crime and security in academic libraries in Texas.” Library and Archival Security 12:1(1993): 55-78.
Colleen, McLaughlin. “Salt Lake City: a model.” Library Journal 119 (1994):37.
Cronin, Mary J. “A workshop approach to library security.” Library and Archival Security 3:1(1980):49-56.
George, Susan C. “Library disasters: Are you prepared?” College & Research Libraries News. 56:2 (Feb1995):80, 82-84.
Lincoln, Alan Jay. “Library legislation relating to crime and security: Part two.” Library and Archival Security 11:1 (1991):71-101.
Lincoln, Alan Jay. “Patterns of crime and security in U.S. public libraries.” Library and Archival Security4:4(1982):1-11.
Muir, Adrinne & Shenton Sarah. “If the worst happens:the use and effectiveness of disaster in libraries and archives.” Library Management. 23:3(2002):115-123.
Page, Julie A. “When disaster strikes: first steps in disaster preparedness.” The Serials Librarian 36:3-4(1999): 347-361.
Patricia, Wellinger. “Workplace violence: is your library at risk?” Colorado Libraries;23:1(1997):16-18.
Polloni, Diana & Harkins Barney. “Picking up the pieces: an organizational profile of the Library Disaster Centre.” Library Management 17:1(1996):37-40.
Robertson, Guy. “Downsizing the Binder: Effective Security Planning for Libraries.” Feliciter 49:5(2003): 263-265.
Robertson, Guy. “Investigating Risk: Assessing and Analyzing Trouble Before It Strikes.” Feliciter 48-1(2002): 30-32.
Schlicke, Priscilla. “Disaster management.” Information management report(Mar,1998):11.
Shuman, Bruce A. “The devious, the distraught and the deranged: designing and applying personal safety into library protection.” Library and Archival Security 14:1(1997): 53-73.
(三) 網路資源
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. “Preparing for the Worst, Planning for the Best: Protecting our Cultural Heritage from Disaster. <http://www.ifla.org/VII/s19/conf/preconf03.html>.(2004/10/16)
Marie, Th&eacute;r&egrave;se Varlamoff & Marie, France Plassard. "Survey on disaster Planning In NationalLibraries."<http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/papers/142e_trans-Varlamoff_Plassard.pdf.>.(2004/10/16)
Preiss, Lydia. “Learning from disaster: A decade of experience at the National Library of Austraian.” <http://www.nla.gov.au/nla/staffpaper/lpreiss1.html>.(2004/10/19)
The Library Administration and Management Association. “Library Security GuidelinesDocument.”<http://www.ala.org/ala/lama/lamapublications/librarysecurity.htm>.(2004/10/16)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. “Disaster Planning.”<http://webworld.unesco.org/safeguarding/en/all_sini.htm>.(2004/10/19)
描述 國立政治大學
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0921550071
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 楊美華zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yang, Mei-hwaen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 劉家寶zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Lau, Ka-poen_US
dc.creator (作者) 劉家寶zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lau, Ka-poen_US
dc.date (日期) 2004en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-Sep-2009 16:57:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-Sep-2009 16:57:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 16:57:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0921550071en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33530-
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92155007zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 任何開放性的公共服務組織,都必須承擔由環境或其他因素帶來的風險。隨著社會環境日趨複雜,不確定因素提昇,增加了危機發生的機會,對組織或個人的緊急應變及管理能力造成嚴峻考驗。公共圖書館作為開放性的全民社區資訊中心,除了肩負起文化傳承、推廣教育的任務外,確保所有讀者能在安全、舒適的環境下安心地使用各項圖書資源與服務,亦是所有圖書館的責任。如何在緊急或突發的危機狀況下及時作出適當的控制及處理,並迅速進行善後及復原措施,皆顯示出危機管理的重要性。



根據本研究發現,提出的結論如下:一、讀者與館員素質的良莠不齊,雙方在危機意識上的不足,加上公共圖書館本身的服務性質、軟硬體設施、管理政策上的限制,都是構成國內公共圖書館人為誘發型危機之相關因素;二、國內公共圖書館管理階層的危機意識及處理態度仍有待加強及改變;三、國內公共圖書館己規劃並實施危機管理的公共圖書館仍屬少數,相關教育訓練、違規處理措施之規劃與執行上,未能發揮應有功能;四、國內公共圖書館較著重危機處理,在危機偵測及預防工作上略顯不足。故在安全及違規管理政策不清的情況下,未能發揮危機管理應有的效能;五、國內公共圖書館在進行危機管理工作時所面臨的困難與障礙,主要為:(1)缺乏足夠經費與人力(2)缺乏足夠的危機管理教育訓練及危機處理經驗(3)公共圖書館人員流動率高,危機處理經驗傳承與培訓不易(4)民眾公權利的意識上昇,申訴浮濫構成的壓力 (5)公共圖書館屬社教單位,基於教育觀點與服務立場的不同,往往容易造成執法上的衝突。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) Public libraries are the public access institutions, which always face lots of different risks that arose from the social environment. As the uncertain factors have been rising, which made the society became more complicated, and increased the probability of crises, it also caused the ordeals and challenges for organizations and individuals. Public libraries are the community information centers for the whole people, undertaking the mission of preserving culture and promoting education, which also have the responsibilities to ensure and provide a safe environment for the readers. Therefore, how to deal with the crisis and emergency situations, revealed the importance of the crisis management for each library.

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the general situation of the human-induced crisis which occurred on the public libraries in Taiwan, and also expected to combine the theory and practical needs. The result of this study would provide a reference model of crisis management for the public libraries. In addition, it could also give suggestions for on-the-job training and curriculum development to the Library Association and the schools of Library and Information Science.

This thesis applied a questionnaire investigation associated with the in-depth interview approach. The interviewers included library directors and decision supervisors of the public libraries. This study further expected to gather the attitude, experience, crisis management plan, related strategies, and the comments from the administers in the public libraries.

The findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) both the characteristics of the readers and librarians were different, and both of their consciousnesses of crisis were not enough. Furthermore, the nature of the public libraries service, the inappropriate facilities, and management strategies also became the related factors of the human-induced crisis of the public libraries. (2) The administrators of public libraries in Taiwan need to be conscious about crisis. (3) Only a minority of the public libraries in Taiwan had drawn up the crisis management plan, and the implementation of the training courses and costumer charters also couldn’t fully accomplish the purposes desired. (4) The public libraries in Taiwan paid much attention on the crisis handling, but usually neglected both the detection and prevention works of the crisis, which also lowered the whole efficiency of the crisis management plan. (5) The main difficulties and obstacles confronted with the public libraries were: (i) Lack of sufficient funds and human resources. (ii) Lack of sufficient crisis management training courses and related experience. (iii) For a long time, the position of the librarian of public libraries in Taiwan was instable. The staffs turn over also made the crisis management training courses not easy to conduct, either of the impartation of related experiences. (iv) As the sense of the public rights had increased recently, the abusive complain also brought serious stress and anxiety to public libraries. (v) Public libraries were a part of social education institutions, based on their service and education standpoint, which always brought conflicts when they enforced the rules and laws.

The suggestions included: (1) The government and the chief administers of the public libraries should provide supports and funds to all public libraries, and must take the security issue into account of the library laws and operational standard as soon as possible. Thus, related units must help the public libraries to share experience and form cooperative partnership. (2) The public libraries should review their current crisis management strategies, and make an appropriate revision and augment. Moreover, the public libraries also need to put the trainings into effect, and must enhance the consciousness of crisis for each staff. (3) Both of the association of library and schools of library and information science should try to put the crisis management issues into the library management curriculum to fulfill the practical need of the public libraries, and reinforcing the crisis management knowledge and capacity for the librarians.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目次

目次 Ⅴ
表目次 Ⅶ
圖目次 Ⅷ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 預期貢獻 4
第五節 名詞解釋 5

第二章 文獻探討

第一節 圖書館危機管理之探析 7
第二節 圖書館人為誘發型危機個案之探討 36
第三節 圖書館人為誘發型危機防範措施之探討 44
第四節 圖書館危機管理計劃內容之制作 53

第三章 研究方法與步驟

第一節 研究架構 66
第二節 研究方法 68
第三節 研究範圍與限制 69
第四節 研究設計與工具 70
第五節 資料處理 71
第六節 研究實施與步驟 72
第七節 研究時程規劃表 74

第四章 研究結果分析

第一節 問卷結果分析 76
第二節 訪談結果分析 84
第三節 綜合討論 117

第五章 公共圖書館危機管理模式之探討

第一節 公共圖書館危機管理機制之規劃程序 126
第二節 圖書館危機管理計劃之相關內容要件 130
第三節 公共圖書館危機管理模式之芻議 131

第六章 結論與建議

第一節 結論 137
第二節 建議 144
第三節 後續研究建議 150

參考書目 153
附錄一:本研究之問卷調查受訪單位名單 159
附錄二:台灣地區公共圖書館之危機管理問卷調查 162
附錄三:公共圖書館危機管理深度訪談之邀請函與訪談大綱 166


表2-1 Lerbinger的危機分類表 12
表2-2 吳宜蓁的危機分類表 12
表2-3 危機管理的階段 13
表2-4 博物館危機分類表 29
表2-5 國內外圖書館人為誘發型危機之案例 38
表2-6 大英圖書館災害管理計劃之項目內容 58
表3-1 研究時程規劃表 74
表4-1 問卷寄發與回收統計表 76
表4-2 公共圖書館尚未制定危機管理政策/計劃的原因分析 77
表4-3 公共圖書館已實施的危機管理工作項目之分析 80
表4-4 公共圖書館曾發生的人為誘發型危機類型之統計 81
表4-5 引致公共圖書館發生『人為誘發型危機』之因素分析 82
表4-6 公共圖書館管理階層獲取危機管理知能的管道與來源 83
表4-7 公共圖書館在危機事件中的媒體互動原則 84
表4-8 公共圖書館進行危機管理工作時可能面臨的困難與障礙分析 84
表4-9 深度訪談受訪者名單 85


圖2-1 危機意涵解析圖 9
圖2-2 危機階段圖 14
圖2-3 圖書館危機的利益關係人分析圖 16
圖2-4 危機管理的動態模式 17
圖3-1 研究架構圖 67
圖3-2 研究實施步驟流程圖 73
圖4-1 公共圖書館危機管理教育訓練課程主題層面分析 90
圖4-3 防範圖書被竊的相關措施 103
圖4-4 有關犯案嫌犯之公告 104
圖5-1 公共圖書館危機管理模式之芻議 135
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dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0921550071en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公共圖書館zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 危機管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 圖書館管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人為誘發型危機zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Public Librariesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Crisis Managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Library Managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Human-induced crisisen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣地區公共圖書館危機管理之研究:以人為誘發型危機為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Crisis Management of the Public Libraries in Taiwan: Based on the Human-induced Crisisen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 【參考書目】zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 中文zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (一) 圖書zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 詹中原。危機管理—理論架構。台北:聯經,初版,民國93年。zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (二) 期刊論文zh_TW
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