
題名 家族企業多角化經營程度、股權質押比例與盈餘管理之關聯性研究
作者 郭心怡
貢獻者 張清福
關鍵詞 盈餘管理
Earnings management
Family companies
Stock pledge of directors
日期 2007
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 09:07:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 家族企業約佔我國上市公司的80.63%,其管理權與經營權多掌握在同一家族中,家族對企業有很大的影響力。本研究探討家族企業與非家族企業多角化程度與董監質押比例之高低跟盈餘管理之關聯性。
Family firms take about 81% of the listed firms in Taiwan. This study investigates the relation between business diversification and earnings management and that between stock pledge of directors and earnings management under the family-firms/non-family -firms setting.
Based on the sample of firms listed in Taiwan during 1997-2006, the empirical results show that the family companies are more apt to manipulate earnings than the non-family companies. The higher the degree of diversification, the more the companies are apt to manipulate the earnings. However, neither unrelated diversification nor stock pledge of directors is related to earning management. Contrast to non-families, well-diversified family companies may decrease the possibility of earnings management, but taking family companies as a sample, diversification is not associated with earnings management.
參考文獻 中文部分
黃光國,1984,談家族企業的組織型態,中國論壇,第13 卷,第7期: 20-22。
侍台誠,1994,董事會特性中家族因素與經營績效之實證硏究 : 兼論法人董事的影響,國立台灣大學會計學研究所碩士論文。
林文鵬、侯文屏、廖莞姿、吳金秀與陳秋芬,2004,家族企業與資產掏空案之相關性,國立屏東商業技術學院學報,第六期( 9月):39-54。

Aharony, J., C. Lin and M. Loeb. 1993. Initial public offerings, accounting choices, and earnings management. Contemporary Accounting Research (Fall):61-81.
Anderson, R. M., and P. C. Rosenblatt. 1985. Intergenerational transfer of farm land.Journal of Rural Community Psycholog 16:19-25.
Anderson, R. C., S. A. Mansi, and D. M. Reeb. 2003. Founding family ownership and the agency cost of debt. Journal of Financial Economics 68: 263-285.
Ansoff, H. I. 1957. Strategies for diversification. Harvard Business Review 35: 113-114.
Ansoff, H. I. 1965. Corporate Strategy. McGraw-Hill.
Ashiq, A., T. Y. Chen, and S. Radhakrishnan. 2007. Corporate disclosures by family firms . Journal of Accounting and Economics 44 (Sept.): 238-286.
Becker, C., M. DeFond, J. Jiambalvo, and K. Subramanyam. 1998. The effect of audit quality on earnings management. Contemporary Accounting Research 15: 1-24.
Villalonga, B. and R. Amit 2006. How do family ownership, control and management affect firm value? Journal of Financial Economics 80 (May): 385-417.
Berry, C. H. 1971.Corporate growth and diversification. Journal of Law and Economics 14 (Oct.): 371-383.
Berry, C. H. 1975.Corporate growth and diversification .New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Bettis, R. A. 1981. Performance differences in related and unrelated diversified firms. Strategic Management Journal 2: 379-393.
Booz, E., J. Allen, and C. Hamilton. 1985. Diversification: A survey of European chief executive. New York: Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc.
Lim, C. Y., T. Y. Thong, and D. K. Ding. 2008. Firm diversification and earnings management: Evidence from seasoned equity offerings. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 30 (Jan.): 69-92.
Claessens, S., S. Djankoy, J. P. H. Fan, and L. H. P. Lang. 2000. The separation of ownership and control in east Asian corporation. Journal of Financial Economics 58: 81-112.
Davis, P. 1983. Realizing the potential of the family business. Organizational Dynamics.12 (Summer): 47-56.
DeAngelo, L. E. 1986. Accounting numbers as market valuation substitutes: A study Of management buyout of public stockholders. The Accounting Review 61 (July): 400-420.
Dechow, Sloan and Sweeney. 1995. Detecting earnings management. The Accounting Review (Sept.): 193-225.
Dye, R. 1988. Earnings management in an overlapping generations model. Journal of Accounting Research 26: 325-1360.
Gort, M. 1962. Diversification and integration in American industry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton university press.
Healy, P. M. 1985. The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics 7 (April): 85-107.
Jacqemin, A. P., and C. H. Berry. 1979. Entropy measure of diversification and corporate growth. Journal of Industrial Economics 27: 359-369.
Jensen, M. C. and W. H. Meckling. 1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior agency cost and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics 3: 305-360.
Jones, J. J. 1991. Earnings management during import relief investigation. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 193-228.
Jose, M. L., L. M. Nichols and J. L. Stevens. 1986. Contribution of diversification, promotion, and R&D to the value of multiproduct firms: A Tobin`s q approach. Financial Management 15 (Winter): 33-42.
Kamien, M., and N. Schweartz. 1975. Market structure and innovation: A survey. Journal of Economics Literature 13: 1-37.
La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, and A. Shleifer. 1999. Corporate ownership around the world. Journal of Financial 54: 471-517.
Margarethe, F. W., and J. P. Liebeskind. 1995. The effects of leveraged buyouts on corporate growth and diversification in large Firms. Strategy Management Journal 16 (Sept.): 447-460.
Montgomery, C. A. 1985. Product-market diversification and market power. Academy of Management Journal 28: 789-798.
Mork, R., A. Shleifer, and R. W. Vishny. 1988. Management ownership and market valuation: An empirical analysis. Journal of Financial Economics 20: 293-315.
Pitts, R. A. and H. D. Hopkins. 1982. Firm diversify: Conceputualization and measurement. Academy of Management Review 7 (April): 620-629.
Ramanujam, R., and P. Varadarajan. 1989. Research on corporate diversification: A synthesis. Strategic Management Journal 10: 523-551.
Anderson, R. C., and D. M. Reeb. 2003. Founding-family ownership and firm performance: Evidence from the S&P 500. The Journal of Finance 58 (Jun.): 1301-1327.
Rumelt, R. P. 1974. Strategy, structure, and economic performance. Boston: Harvard University Press.
Rumelt, R. P. 1982. Diversification strategy and profitability. Strategic Management Journal 3: 359-369.
Teoh, S. H., I. Welch, and T. J. Wong. 1997. Earnings management and the underperformance of seasoned equity. Journal of Financial Economics 50: 63-99.
Sweeney, A. P. 1994. Debt-covenants and managers` accounting response. Journal of Accounting and Economics 17 (May): 281-308.
Trueman, B., S., Titman. 1988. An explanation for accounting income smoothing. Journal of Accounting Research 26: 127-139.
Watts, R. L. and J. L. Zimmerman. 1978. Towards a positive theory of the determination of accounting standards. The Accounting Review 53 (1): 112-134.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張清福zh_TW (Authors) 郭心怡zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 郭心怡zh_TW (日期) 2007en_US 18-Sep-2009 09:07:57 (UTC+8)- 18-Sep-2009 09:07:57 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 09:07:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094353056en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 會計研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94353056zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 家族企業約佔我國上市公司的80.63%,其管理權與經營權多掌握在同一家族中,家族對企業有很大的影響力。本研究探討家族企業與非家族企業多角化程度與董監質押比例之高低跟盈餘管理之關聯性。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Family firms take about 81% of the listed firms in Taiwan. This study investigates the relation between business diversification and earnings management and that between stock pledge of directors and earnings management under the family-firms/non-family -firms setting.
Based on the sample of firms listed in Taiwan during 1997-2006, the empirical results show that the family companies are more apt to manipulate earnings than the non-family companies. The higher the degree of diversification, the more the companies are apt to manipulate the earnings. However, neither unrelated diversification nor stock pledge of directors is related to earning management. Contrast to non-families, well-diversified family companies may decrease the possibility of earnings management, but taking family companies as a sample, diversification is not associated with earnings management.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 家族企業 7
第二節 代理理論 12
第三節 盈餘管理 15
第四節 企業多角化 27
第三章 研究方法 32
第一節 研究假說 32
第二節 研究對象與資料來源 37
第三節 變數衡量與定義 39
第四章 實證結果與分析 48
第一節 樣本敘述性統計分析 48
第二節 實證結果分析 57
第五章 研究結論與建議 64
第一節 研究結論 64
第二節 研究限制 65
第三節 研究建議 66
參考文獻 67
中文部分 67
英文部分 69
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dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 盈餘管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 家族企業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多角化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 董監質押zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Earnings managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Family companiesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Diversificationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Stock pledge of directorsen_US
dc.title (題名) 家族企業多角化經營程度、股權質押比例與盈餘管理之關聯性研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 黃光國,1984,談家族企業的組織型態,中國論壇,第13 卷,第7期: 20-22。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 陳定國,1986,有效經營,天下叢書,台北:經濟與生活出版事業股份有限公司。zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 林文鵬、侯文屏、廖莞姿、吳金秀與陳秋芬,2004,家族企業與資產掏空案之相關性,國立屏東商業技術學院學報,第六期( 9月):39-54。zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 英文部分zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Aharony, J., C. Lin and M. Loeb. 1993. Initial public offerings, accounting choices, and earnings management. Contemporary Accounting Research (Fall):61-81.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Anderson, R. M., and P. C. Rosenblatt. 1985. Intergenerational transfer of farm land.Journal of Rural Community Psycholog 16:19-25.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Anderson, R. C., S. A. Mansi, and D. M. Reeb. 2003. Founding family ownership and the agency cost of debt. Journal of Financial Economics 68: 263-285.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Ansoff, H. I. 1957. Strategies for diversification. Harvard Business Review 35: 113-114.zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Villalonga, B. and R. Amit 2006. How do family ownership, control and management affect firm value? Journal of Financial Economics 80 (May): 385-417.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Berry, C. H. 1971.Corporate growth and diversification. Journal of Law and Economics 14 (Oct.): 371-383.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Berry, C. H. 1975.Corporate growth and diversification .New Jersey: Princeton University Press.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Bettis, R. A. 1981. Performance differences in related and unrelated diversified firms. Strategic Management Journal 2: 379-393.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Booz, E., J. Allen, and C. Hamilton. 1985. Diversification: A survey of European chief executive. New York: Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Lim, C. Y., T. Y. Thong, and D. K. Ding. 2008. Firm diversification and earnings management: Evidence from seasoned equity offerings. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 30 (Jan.): 69-92.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Claessens, S., S. Djankoy, J. P. H. Fan, and L. H. P. Lang. 2000. The separation of ownership and control in east Asian corporation. Journal of Financial Economics 58: 81-112.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Davis, P. 1983. Realizing the potential of the family business. Organizational Dynamics.12 (Summer): 47-56.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) DeAngelo, L. E. 1986. Accounting numbers as market valuation substitutes: A study Of management buyout of public stockholders. The Accounting Review 61 (July): 400-420.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Dechow, Sloan and Sweeney. 1995. Detecting earnings management. The Accounting Review (Sept.): 193-225.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Dye, R. 1988. Earnings management in an overlapping generations model. Journal of Accounting Research 26: 325-1360.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Gort, M. 1962. Diversification and integration in American industry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton university press.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Healy, P. M. 1985. The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics 7 (April): 85-107.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jacqemin, A. P., and C. H. Berry. 1979. Entropy measure of diversification and corporate growth. Journal of Industrial Economics 27: 359-369.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jensen, M. C. and W. H. Meckling. 1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior agency cost and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics 3: 305-360.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jones, J. J. 1991. Earnings management during import relief investigation. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 193-228.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Jose, M. L., L. M. Nichols and J. L. Stevens. 1986. Contribution of diversification, promotion, and R&D to the value of multiproduct firms: A Tobin`s q approach. Financial Management 15 (Winter): 33-42.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Kamien, M., and N. Schweartz. 1975. Market structure and innovation: A survey. Journal of Economics Literature 13: 1-37.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, and A. Shleifer. 1999. Corporate ownership around the world. Journal of Financial 54: 471-517.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Margarethe, F. W., and J. P. Liebeskind. 1995. The effects of leveraged buyouts on corporate growth and diversification in large Firms. Strategy Management Journal 16 (Sept.): 447-460.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Montgomery, C. A. 1985. Product-market diversification and market power. Academy of Management Journal 28: 789-798.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Mork, R., A. Shleifer, and R. W. Vishny. 1988. Management ownership and market valuation: An empirical analysis. Journal of Financial Economics 20: 293-315.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Pitts, R. A. and H. D. Hopkins. 1982. Firm diversify: Conceputualization and measurement. Academy of Management Review 7 (April): 620-629.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Ramanujam, R., and P. Varadarajan. 1989. Research on corporate diversification: A synthesis. Strategic Management Journal 10: 523-551.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Anderson, R. C., and D. M. Reeb. 2003. Founding-family ownership and firm performance: Evidence from the S&P 500. The Journal of Finance 58 (Jun.): 1301-1327.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Rumelt, R. P. 1974. Strategy, structure, and economic performance. Boston: Harvard University Press.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Rumelt, R. P. 1982. Diversification strategy and profitability. Strategic Management Journal 3: 359-369.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Teoh, S. H., I. Welch, and T. J. Wong. 1997. Earnings management and the underperformance of seasoned equity. Journal of Financial Economics 50: 63-99.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Sweeney, A. P. 1994. Debt-covenants and managers` accounting response. Journal of Accounting and Economics 17 (May): 281-308.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Trueman, B., S., Titman. 1988. An explanation for accounting income smoothing. Journal of Accounting Research 26: 127-139.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Watts, R. L. and J. L. Zimmerman. 1978. Towards a positive theory of the determination of accounting standards. The Accounting Review 53 (1): 112-134.zh_TW