
題名 數位內容整合廠商之經營管理研究-以數位內容加值服務產業為例
作者 蔡志鴻
貢獻者 劉江彬
關鍵詞 數位內容
日期 2002
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 09:17:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 台灣近年來傳統的音樂工業、影視娛樂業與廣播媒體業等產業正蓬勃發展,這些產業看似傳統,不像所謂「高科技產業」般大起大落,但隨著台灣文化資產的累積,這些所謂傳統產業卻逐漸形成一種新興的「文化創意產業」,若再將這些文化創意、創作的內容加以「數位化」,透過各種數位媒體通路加以傳播、付費收看收聽,便形成一種結合「內容」與「數位科技」的「數位內容加值服務產業」,若能有效將數位科技與文化內容的優勢充分結合,發揮綜效,台灣應有相當機會能在全球數位內容產業發展上佔有重要地位。
綜觀產業發展趨勢,可知數位內容產業在國內正不斷成長,而本文欲研究的「數位內容加值服務產業」為整體數位內容產業的一個子產業,概觀來說,數位內容加值服務產業便是將音樂、圖片、文字、影片等各式內容加以數位化,再透過寬頻網站、手機行動通訊、互動數位電視或Cable TV等三大電信與媒體通路來提供使用者各式加值服務的產業。科技先進大國中,國家資訊通訊高速公路NII均是由三大網路所組合,包括「電腦數據網路」、「無線電信網路」、「有線電視網路」三大網路,二十一世紀之3C產業將和三大網路結合,並對世界產生革命性的影響。
數位內容加值服務產業之市場主要可區分為三大市場,即寬頻影音網站市場、手機行動加值市場、互動數位電視市場。此三大市場中以寬頻影音網站發展最早也較為成熟。手機行動加值市場因MMS、Java download技術的創新,在近一兩年內開始成長,主要由遠傳、中華電信、台灣大哥大等五大電信公司與內容整合廠商合作經營,國內目前最大行動加值內容整合廠商即為滾石移動。至於互動電視與數位電視市場國內才剛起步,主要推動業者分為走ADSL系統的電信業者以及走Cable系統的有線電視業者,
An Exploratory Study on Business Management of Digital Content Aggregator:The Case of Digital Content Value-added Service Industry
Advisor : Professor Paul C.B. Liu
Author : C.H. Tsai
The traditional musical industry, video entertainment industry, and broadcasting media industry in Taiwan are growing these years. Didn’t rise and fall violently like so called “high tech. companies”, these industries seem traditional and old-fashioned. Accompanies the accumulation of culture asset in Taiwan, however, these traditional industries gradually form a burgeoning “Creative Culture Industry”. If the cultural creativities and creative contents can be digitalized and been transmitted through variety of media with watching or listening fee, it becomes a new “Digital Content Value-added Service Industry” which is combined with “content” and “digitalization technology”. If we can integrate our digital technologies and rich cultural content efficiently to result in synergy, there is probably a big chance that Taiwan can play a major role of digital content industry in the world.
Comprehensively surveying the trend of industry, we know the whole digital content industry is growing constantly. The “digital content value-added service industry” (DCVS) this thesis study on is a sub-industry of the whole digital content industry. Briefly speaking, the DCVS digitalize music, images, texts, videos, and any other types of contents, and provide variety value-added services to end users through three major telecommunication and media channels including broadband websites, cellular phones, and digital interactive TV or Cable TV.
The DCVS can be divided to three major market segments including broadband website market, mobile valued-added market, and interactive digital TV market. Among these three markets the broadband website market is most mature. Since the technology innovation of MMS and Java Download, the mobile value-added market started growing in recent years. This market monopolized by Fareastone, CHT, TCC, etc. five major telecom companies and some aggregators. Rockmobile corp. is the largest content aggregator of mobile value-added market domestically. As regards to interactive digital TV market, it just grows up and set into action by ADSL and Cable modem operators.
Resulting from the increasing demand of specialty division of the industrial value chain, an emerging “content aggregator” appears and plays a critical role in DCVS industry. However, there is seldom thesis study on the issue of the operation and management of aggregator companies. Therefore, in this thesis, we choose aggregators as the major study object and compare with the study of its cooperative telecom companies. In our study, we found out the aggregator and telecom companies have a very tight cooperation relationship, but each has their special operation strategies and core capabilities.
As regarding to the business strategy, most companies choose to enter the three major markets extensively. On one hand, it can increase the source of revenue; on the other hand, it can develop a scope economy. Some others choose to focus on only one market in order to build its brand status and competitive advantages. There are three significant core capabilities on operation of DCVS: (1) excellent business and technology group. (2) Building a well relationship with vertical cooperative companies and a platform which can integration with other’s system. (3) Have numerous video contents and a lot of cooperation content providers. Besides, each company has its great tech. group and builds a special digital content management system according to its position of value chain and its market segments.
It’s very tough to survive in DCVS market, and a company should have a great tech. group to develop their content management system. In additional, it should build a well relationship with each telecom companies or integrate the popular record industry, TV industry, movie industry, broadcasting industry, etc. according to its position in value chain and should have great project management ability. Hence, it can operate permanently and build it own competitive advantage.
Finally, this thesis point out the trend of DCVS industry in three major markets and also gives some concrete suggestions to our government and the related companies. Hope it can be a reference for government to advance the industry and for business operation of related companies.
參考文獻 一、 論文
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二、 書籍
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5. Lesley Ellen Harris(民88)著,林以舜譯,「WWW.數位智慧財.$」,台北:麥格羅•希爾。
三、 專文及其他
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2. 林明定(2001),「愛爾達陳怡君讓和信、東森靠邊站,與中華電信合作搶攻『第五台』寬頻網路市場」,e周刊 Vol.46。
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4. 台灣微軟知識庫(2001),「使用 Microsoft Content Management Server企業網路解決方案」,Microsoft TechNet發行。
5. 蘇建元(2002),「2002年前三季我國通訊產業營運分析」,經濟部技術處ITIS計畫產業分析報告。
6. 中華電信民國91年服務白皮書。
四、 英文部份
1. Brett May, Marc Singer(2001), " Unchained Melody", The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 No.1.
2. Francois Lainge, Gregory Maged, Paul Roche(2001), “Internet services: Who`s smiling now?”, The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 No.4.
3. Hill C. Jeanne, and William R. Fannin (1986), “Profession Service Marketing Strategies in 80s”, Journal ff Profession Service Marketing, Vol2.(1/2) , p.12-14.
4. Joe Berchtold, Jeff Grass, Elizabeth Stephenson, Bonnie Johnson(2002), "Can broadband save internet media?", The McKinsey Quarterly 2002 No.2.
5. Jacques R. Bughin, Fredrik Lind, Per Stenius, Michael J. Wilshire(2001), "Mobile portals mobilize for scale", The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 No.2.
6. Jacques R. Bughin, Renee C. Foster, Alan Miles, Luis A. Ubinas(2001), "Home is where the network is”, The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 No.2.
7. Joe Berchtold, Veit Dengler, Bonnie Johnson , Vidya Prakash(2001), " What do broadband consumers want?", The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 No.4.
8. Joseph Berchtold, Veit Dengler, Srividya Prakash(2001), "What users think of broadband”, The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 No.1.
9. Kotler, P. and Bloom, P. N. (1984), “Marketing Profession Services”, Prentice-Hall Inc.
10. Kotler, Philip (2000), “Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control, 10th ed.”, Prentice-Hall Inc.
11. Michael J. Wolf, Media mergers(2002), “The waves rolls on”, The McKinsey Quarterly 2002 No.2.
12. Scott Beardsley, Andrew Doman, Par Edin(2003), "Making sense of broadband", The McKinsey Quarterly 2003 No.2.
五、 參考網站
1. 經濟部工業局網路多媒體產業資訊網:http://www.nmipo.org.tw/
2. 經濟部數位內容產業推動辦公室:http://www.digitalcontent.org.tw/
3. 中華多媒體協會:http://www.cma.org.tw/
4. 文建會文化創意產業發展計畫網:http://www.cca.gov.tw/creative/
5. EMBA世界經理文摘:http://www.emba.com.tw/
6. 資策會全球高科技產業研究資料庫:http://mic.iii.org.tw/itdb/
7. 經濟部智慧財產局網站:http://www.tipo.org.tw/
8. 中華電信Hinet加值服務網站:http://www.hinet.net/
9. Hinet影視網:http://www.hiChannel.hinet.net/
10. 愛爾達科技公司網站:http://www.elta.com.tw/
11. 第五台影視娛樂網:http://www.ch5.com.tw/
12. 中華電信emome行動加值網:http://www.emome.net/
13. 中華電信知識庫:http://www.cht.com.tw/
14. 滾石移動手機娛樂網:http://www.yoyo666.com/
15. 和信i-mode行動加值網站:http://www.imode.net.tw/
16. 亞太寬頻網:http://www.apbb.com.tw/
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090359006
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉江彬zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 蔡志鴻zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 蔡志鴻zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2002en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-Sep-2009 09:17:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-Sep-2009 09:17:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 09:17:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0090359006en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/34295-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 90359006zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 台灣近年來傳統的音樂工業、影視娛樂業與廣播媒體業等產業正蓬勃發展,這些產業看似傳統,不像所謂「高科技產業」般大起大落,但隨著台灣文化資產的累積,這些所謂傳統產業卻逐漸形成一種新興的「文化創意產業」,若再將這些文化創意、創作的內容加以「數位化」,透過各種數位媒體通路加以傳播、付費收看收聽,便形成一種結合「內容」與「數位科技」的「數位內容加值服務產業」,若能有效將數位科技與文化內容的優勢充分結合,發揮綜效,台灣應有相當機會能在全球數位內容產業發展上佔有重要地位。
綜觀產業發展趨勢,可知數位內容產業在國內正不斷成長,而本文欲研究的「數位內容加值服務產業」為整體數位內容產業的一個子產業,概觀來說,數位內容加值服務產業便是將音樂、圖片、文字、影片等各式內容加以數位化,再透過寬頻網站、手機行動通訊、互動數位電視或Cable TV等三大電信與媒體通路來提供使用者各式加值服務的產業。科技先進大國中,國家資訊通訊高速公路NII均是由三大網路所組合,包括「電腦數據網路」、「無線電信網路」、「有線電視網路」三大網路,二十一世紀之3C產業將和三大網路結合,並對世界產生革命性的影響。
數位內容加值服務產業之市場主要可區分為三大市場,即寬頻影音網站市場、手機行動加值市場、互動數位電視市場。此三大市場中以寬頻影音網站發展最早也較為成熟。手機行動加值市場因MMS、Java download技術的創新,在近一兩年內開始成長,主要由遠傳、中華電信、台灣大哥大等五大電信公司與內容整合廠商合作經營,國內目前最大行動加值內容整合廠商即為滾石移動。至於互動電視與數位電視市場國內才剛起步,主要推動業者分為走ADSL系統的電信業者以及走Cable系統的有線電視業者,
dc.description.abstract (摘要) An Exploratory Study on Business Management of Digital Content Aggregator:The Case of Digital Content Value-added Service Industry
Advisor : Professor Paul C.B. Liu
Author : C.H. Tsai
The traditional musical industry, video entertainment industry, and broadcasting media industry in Taiwan are growing these years. Didn’t rise and fall violently like so called “high tech. companies”, these industries seem traditional and old-fashioned. Accompanies the accumulation of culture asset in Taiwan, however, these traditional industries gradually form a burgeoning “Creative Culture Industry”. If the cultural creativities and creative contents can be digitalized and been transmitted through variety of media with watching or listening fee, it becomes a new “Digital Content Value-added Service Industry” which is combined with “content” and “digitalization technology”. If we can integrate our digital technologies and rich cultural content efficiently to result in synergy, there is probably a big chance that Taiwan can play a major role of digital content industry in the world.
Comprehensively surveying the trend of industry, we know the whole digital content industry is growing constantly. The “digital content value-added service industry” (DCVS) this thesis study on is a sub-industry of the whole digital content industry. Briefly speaking, the DCVS digitalize music, images, texts, videos, and any other types of contents, and provide variety value-added services to end users through three major telecommunication and media channels including broadband websites, cellular phones, and digital interactive TV or Cable TV.
The DCVS can be divided to three major market segments including broadband website market, mobile valued-added market, and interactive digital TV market. Among these three markets the broadband website market is most mature. Since the technology innovation of MMS and Java Download, the mobile value-added market started growing in recent years. This market monopolized by Fareastone, CHT, TCC, etc. five major telecom companies and some aggregators. Rockmobile corp. is the largest content aggregator of mobile value-added market domestically. As regards to interactive digital TV market, it just grows up and set into action by ADSL and Cable modem operators.
Resulting from the increasing demand of specialty division of the industrial value chain, an emerging “content aggregator” appears and plays a critical role in DCVS industry. However, there is seldom thesis study on the issue of the operation and management of aggregator companies. Therefore, in this thesis, we choose aggregators as the major study object and compare with the study of its cooperative telecom companies. In our study, we found out the aggregator and telecom companies have a very tight cooperation relationship, but each has their special operation strategies and core capabilities.
As regarding to the business strategy, most companies choose to enter the three major markets extensively. On one hand, it can increase the source of revenue; on the other hand, it can develop a scope economy. Some others choose to focus on only one market in order to build its brand status and competitive advantages. There are three significant core capabilities on operation of DCVS: (1) excellent business and technology group. (2) Building a well relationship with vertical cooperative companies and a platform which can integration with other’s system. (3) Have numerous video contents and a lot of cooperation content providers. Besides, each company has its great tech. group and builds a special digital content management system according to its position of value chain and its market segments.
It’s very tough to survive in DCVS market, and a company should have a great tech. group to develop their content management system. In additional, it should build a well relationship with each telecom companies or integrate the popular record industry, TV industry, movie industry, broadcasting industry, etc. according to its position in value chain and should have great project management ability. Hence, it can operate permanently and build it own competitive advantage.
Finally, this thesis point out the trend of DCVS industry in three major markets and also gives some concrete suggestions to our government and the related companies. Hope it can be a reference for government to advance the industry and for business operation of related companies.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機 ..........................................1
第二節 研究背景 ..........................................3
第三節 研究目的與問題 ....................................6
第四節 研究流程 ..........................................7
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 數位內容 ..........................................9
一、 內容 .............................................9
二、 數位內容 ........................................10
第二節 加值服務業 .......................................13
一、 服務與服務業 ....................................13
二、 內容加值策略 ....................................15
第三節 經營策略三構面 ...................................19
一、 營運範疇 ........................................19
二、 核心資源 ........................................20
三、 事業網路 ........................................22
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 .........................................25
第二節 分析模式 .........................................26
第三節 研究範圍 .........................................28
第四節 研究對象 .........................................29
第五節 研究限制 .........................................32

第四章 個案分析
第一節 愛爾達科技股份有限公司 ...........................33
第二節 滾石移動股份有限公司 .............................60
第三節 中華電信數據通信分公司 ...........................78
第五章 個案整理與研究發現
第一節 個案基本資料 ....................................101
第二節 產品市場 ........................................103
第三節 核心能耐 ........................................106
第四節 數位內容管理機制 ................................108
第五節 經營模式與發展障礙 ..............................112
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 ............................................115
一、 產業現況 .......................................115
二、 經營管理議題 ...................................116
三、 產業發展趨勢與建議 .............................117
第二節 後續研究建議 ....................................120
參考文獻 .............................................121
附錄 訪談大綱 ..........................................127
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090359006en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位內容zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 加值服務zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 內容整合廠商zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經營管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) aggregatoren_US
dc.title (題名) 數位內容整合廠商之經營管理研究-以數位內容加值服務產業為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、 論文zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 2. 王韋翔(民91),「我國智慧財產權資訊服務業之研究」,國立政治大學科技管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 3. 王靖傑(民90),「行動通訊業創新策略探討-以芬蘭Sonera為例」,國立臺灣大學商學研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 4. 沈永軒(民91),「台灣行動電話市場區隔與定位分析--以行動加值服務市場為例」,國立臺灣大學國際企業學研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 5. 林培堅(民91),「隨選視訊科技之研究:採用與影響」,世新大學傳播研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 6. 阮子珊(民90),「網際網路商業方法專利之研究」,國立政治大學科技管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 7. 吳建伯(民91),「影音新聞網站之經營與管理」,世新大學傳播研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 8. 吳志強(民91),「數位內容差別取價對購買意願影響之研究-以文獻資料庫為例」,國立台北科技大學商業自動化與管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 13. 陳定富(民89),「網際網路商業模式與專利關係之探討」,國立政治大學科技管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 14. 陳玉霖(民91),「數位影音產業在寬頻時代下之經營模式」,國立清華大學科技管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 15. 黃育綸(民90),「網路數位產品交易之付費與資料內容保護機制之設計」,國立交通大學資訊工程系研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 16. 黃宛華(民88),「資訊服務業的智慧資本研究」,國立政治大學科技管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 17. 鄭景熒(民90),「內容提供者加值策略類型之研究」,國立政治大學企業管理學系研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 18. 楊維楷(民86),「資訊廠商智慧財產權攻防策略之研究—以動態策略之觀點」,國立政治大學科技管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 19. 鄭詩芸(民91),「寬頻影音網站之策略聯盟模式研究」,臺南藝術學院音像藝術管理研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 20. 鄭允達(民91),「有線電視發展互動寬頻影音服務之研究」,國立中山大學企業管理學系研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 21. 趙敏(民91),「和信「遊戲大聯盟」數位內容營運計劃策略探討」,世新大學傳播研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 22. 蔡偉逸(民91),「網路服務業者之著作權侵害責任」,東吳大學法律學系研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 23. 蘇信方(民90),「台灣寬頻網路使用者對網播服務網站使用性之探討:以東森寬頻網為例」,世新大學資訊管理學系研究所碩士論文。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 二、 書籍zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 三、 專文及其他zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 6. 中華電信民國91年服務白皮書。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 四、 英文部份zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 五、 參考網站zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 7. 經濟部智慧財產局網站:http://www.tipo.org.tw/zh_TW
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