
題名 俄羅斯的聯邦制與民族自治--以1990年代為中心的分析
Federalism and National Autonomy in Russia--the Analysis of 1990s
作者 徐桂香
Hsu, Kuei-hsiang
貢獻者 周陽山
Chou, Yang-Sun
Hsu, Kuei-hsiang
關鍵詞 俄羅斯聯邦
Russian Federation
National autonomy
Buryatia Republic
Tuva Republic
Kalmykia Republic
日期 2003
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 10:05:36 (UTC+8)
摘要 俄羅斯作為一個多民族的聯邦國家,自一九九一年獨立以後採行市場改革與民主制度,轉型後面臨國家、民族與民主化的多重挑戰。民主轉型是一條冗長而複雜的道路,而且通常不是一條坦途。俄羅斯也不可避免要面對這樣的挑戰。俄羅斯的聯邦制度承繼了前蘇聯的遺緒,前蘇聯的民族區域自治政策相當程度的影響了俄羅斯的聯邦制度。聯邦制度被許多人視為是一種能容納民族多元文化的制度化機制,但是採行聯邦制的俄羅斯一開始就面對蜂擁而至的民族分離勢力,統一成為議題而非共識,聯邦制度與民族自治的關係與發展成為攸關俄羅斯未來的一項重要問題,本文就選擇俄羅斯的聯邦制與民族自治作為論文主題,而以一九九○年作為分析的中心。
As a multi-ethnic federation nation, Russia, since its independence in 1991, initiated market reform and embarked on establishing a democratic system. In the process of this transformation, it had to confront many challenges related to ethnicity and democratization. Democratization is a long and complex process and, more than often, not an easy road. Russia too, hence, was not exempted from facing such challenges.
The federalism of Russia has inherited some remnants of its legacy from former Soviet Union. Former Soviet Union’s policy of regional autonomy based on ethnicity has had substantial degree of influence on Russia’s federalism. The federalism is regarded by many people as a systematic mechanism which is able to accommodate a multi-ethnic culture. However, Russia, at the very onset of adopting this system, had to confront many forces which supported ethnic separation. Unification became a mere agenda not mutual consensus. The relationship between federalism and ethnic autonomy and development became an important issue for the future of Russia. This paper hereby chooses the federalism of Russia and ethnic autonomy as the topic of the thesis, and selects the 1990s as the focal point of this analytical study.
The analytical framework of this paper exploits the approach of new-institutionalism to examine a post-Communist Russia. Our paper comprises of three key frameworks for analysis. First, we will pick one of the relatively distinct concepts of democratic transition-“Pacted Transitions” to analyze Russia’s democratization process. Let’s take the reference of political expert Terry Lynn Karl’s study on compromise. His analysis on pacts includes both basics and managerial, thus offering a much better understanding on pacts. At the same time, he employs strategy and leadership as variables to create modes of transition to democracy. The writer of this paper amends this chart to include two additional variables. From the aspect of strategy and leadership, we can analyze some of the compromises undertaken by the federalism and regional autonomies including the “Union Treaty,” the Federation Treaty, the Constitution of Russian Federation, “On Delimitation of Jurisdictional Subjects and Mutual Delegation of Authority between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan,” the Civic Accord, the power-sharing agreements between Russian federal government and its subjects, etc, which Russia encountered during its transition process. In addition to these, this paper will also accommodate in its analysis chart the ethnic republics of Tatarstan and Chechnya - two most prominent regional forces during the initial period of Russia’s transition, plus three study cases on Kalmykiya, Buryat and Tuva.
All the above mentioned treaties and agreements, with the exception of the Civic Accord, had significant influence on the development of Russia’s federalism and the interrelationship between the Federation and the territories. Here we’ll discover that, except for the “Constitution of Russian Federation” which can be classified as “Imposition” in the mode of ”Cooperation between the elite and the mass”, the rest belong to the mode of “Compromise” in “Elite Ascendant”. Even though most of the agreements were conceived by way of compromises, but since the national constitution was passed and approved in a coercive manner, this has remained as one of the predominant reason for the subsequent instability of the Russian Federation. Secondly, while referring to the theories proposed by various political experts on the federalism, including studies on asymmetrical federalism, we can examine the arrangement of the Russian Federalism and analyze its characteristics from its constitution’s perspective on division of powers and jurisdictions between the center and the territories. From the analyses of these experts, wherein they infer that this type of asymmetrical federalism holds potential for generating conflicts and does not have any positive influence towards the development of the federalism, even to the extent of possible undermining of the federation’s unification, we can provide some explanation for the instability of the Russian Federation.
Finally, let us inspect the development of relationship between the Russian Federation and the regions from the perspective of utilization of strategies - the strategies which were employed by the Federal government and the territories (especially the ethnic republics) from the time of Russia’s initial phase of independence till the late nineteen nineties, and through the type of strategies, time progression and the distribution of spectrum, understand the synopsis of this relationship.
From the development of events since the “Parade of Sovereignties” in the early nineties till the “Parade of Bilateral Treaties,” after 1994, by referring to time progression and the distribution of spectrum we can understand that the government of the Russian Federation has been deteriorating progressively –at first posing benign and offering incentives, and then eventually resorting to oppression by military might. Since it’s first conflict with Chechnya in 1994, the secessionist forces in the regions have relatively quailed, with the majority of the territories rather claiming for economic rights and autonomy. It was only after the appointment of President Vladimir Putin that these problems between the federal government and the territories were intensively looked into and dealt with.
This paper utilizes the approach of new-institutionalism to analyze the Russian Federation and the ethnic autonomies. We choose the nineteen nineties period as the focus of this research and select Kalmykiya, Buryat and Tuva as the subjects for case studies. This paper allots the time beginning from the independence of Russia till the departure of President Boris Yeltsin as the primary time period for analysis, with in-depth look on ways to resolve ethnic conflicts while studying the process of development of the Russian Federation, with a hope to get a deeper understanding of how to resolve ethnic problems within a multi-ethnic nation.
The whole paper is comprised of six chapters.
The first chapter explains the motive of this study, the various approaches used for the study, the frameworks of this analysis and the distribution of the chapters. Taking the characteristics of nationalism in Russia, it’s ethnic groups and various related theories and policies instigating the disintegration of the former Soviet Union as the basis of study for its background aspects, the second chapter deals with nationalism and Russia, the interrelationship between the two.
The third chapter probes into Russia’s democratization and its federalism. It analyzes Russia’s early stages of transition to democracy with special reference to “Pacted Transition” as the focal point. Here we study the contents and significance of the various treaties and agreements of Russia and thereafter from the theories of the federalism, we analyze the essence and features of the federalism adopted by Russia.
The fourth chapter focuses on the relationship between the Russian federal government and the territories. Here we take Russia’s policies on ethnicity, the relationship between the federal government and the regions and the regional elites as the focus of our observation.
The fifth chapter partakes the republics of Kalmykia, Buryat and Tuva as case studies for this research. These three republics are either descendants of the Mongol or have close association with Mongoloid ancestry. In this chapter we take a look at the policies adopted after Russia’s independence and their interaction with the center.
The sixth chapter evaluates the pros and cons of Russia’s democratization and federalism. Thereafter, as the foreground of this paper, we study all the reforms in Russia, which are undertaken by the Russian Federation following the election of President Vladimir Putin, and the relationship between Russia, a multi-ethnic nation and its democratic consolidation.
This paper assumes that Russia has inherited the vestiges of former Soviet Union and at the same time adorning itself with a style of a modern democracy, making it very difficult to adapt to changes following its democratization. In the nineteen nineties, the Russian federal government was quite unsuccessful in handling the secessionist forces in the regions, especially the ethnic republics. The federal government was unable to restrain the trend in regional power struggles, which became fervent after the secessionist forces tempered down. This eventually led to the use of prolonged methods of suppression by President Vladimir Putin. This paper assumes that the Russian Federation needs to make major structural changes in its system in order to adapt itself to future reforms, failing which, the regional forces will once again rise up as the center weakens, thus proving unfavorable for the development of Russia in the long-run.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0085261506
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 周陽山zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chou, Yang-Sunen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 徐桂香zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Hsu, Kuei-hsiangen_US
dc.creator (作者) 徐桂香zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsu, Kuei-hsiangen_US
dc.date (日期) 2003en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-Sep-2009 10:05:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-Sep-2009 10:05:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 10:05:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0085261506en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/34375-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 中山人文社會科學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 85261506zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 俄羅斯作為一個多民族的聯邦國家,自一九九一年獨立以後採行市場改革與民主制度,轉型後面臨國家、民族與民主化的多重挑戰。民主轉型是一條冗長而複雜的道路,而且通常不是一條坦途。俄羅斯也不可避免要面對這樣的挑戰。俄羅斯的聯邦制度承繼了前蘇聯的遺緒,前蘇聯的民族區域自治政策相當程度的影響了俄羅斯的聯邦制度。聯邦制度被許多人視為是一種能容納民族多元文化的制度化機制,但是採行聯邦制的俄羅斯一開始就面對蜂擁而至的民族分離勢力,統一成為議題而非共識,聯邦制度與民族自治的關係與發展成為攸關俄羅斯未來的一項重要問題,本文就選擇俄羅斯的聯邦制與民族自治作為論文主題,而以一九九○年作為分析的中心。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) As a multi-ethnic federation nation, Russia, since its independence in 1991, initiated market reform and embarked on establishing a democratic system. In the process of this transformation, it had to confront many challenges related to ethnicity and democratization. Democratization is a long and complex process and, more than often, not an easy road. Russia too, hence, was not exempted from facing such challenges.
The federalism of Russia has inherited some remnants of its legacy from former Soviet Union. Former Soviet Union’s policy of regional autonomy based on ethnicity has had substantial degree of influence on Russia’s federalism. The federalism is regarded by many people as a systematic mechanism which is able to accommodate a multi-ethnic culture. However, Russia, at the very onset of adopting this system, had to confront many forces which supported ethnic separation. Unification became a mere agenda not mutual consensus. The relationship between federalism and ethnic autonomy and development became an important issue for the future of Russia. This paper hereby chooses the federalism of Russia and ethnic autonomy as the topic of the thesis, and selects the 1990s as the focal point of this analytical study.
The analytical framework of this paper exploits the approach of new-institutionalism to examine a post-Communist Russia. Our paper comprises of three key frameworks for analysis. First, we will pick one of the relatively distinct concepts of democratic transition-“Pacted Transitions” to analyze Russia’s democratization process. Let’s take the reference of political expert Terry Lynn Karl’s study on compromise. His analysis on pacts includes both basics and managerial, thus offering a much better understanding on pacts. At the same time, he employs strategy and leadership as variables to create modes of transition to democracy. The writer of this paper amends this chart to include two additional variables. From the aspect of strategy and leadership, we can analyze some of the compromises undertaken by the federalism and regional autonomies including the “Union Treaty,” the Federation Treaty, the Constitution of Russian Federation, “On Delimitation of Jurisdictional Subjects and Mutual Delegation of Authority between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan,” the Civic Accord, the power-sharing agreements between Russian federal government and its subjects, etc, which Russia encountered during its transition process. In addition to these, this paper will also accommodate in its analysis chart the ethnic republics of Tatarstan and Chechnya - two most prominent regional forces during the initial period of Russia’s transition, plus three study cases on Kalmykiya, Buryat and Tuva.
All the above mentioned treaties and agreements, with the exception of the Civic Accord, had significant influence on the development of Russia’s federalism and the interrelationship between the Federation and the territories. Here we’ll discover that, except for the “Constitution of Russian Federation” which can be classified as “Imposition” in the mode of ”Cooperation between the elite and the mass”, the rest belong to the mode of “Compromise” in “Elite Ascendant”. Even though most of the agreements were conceived by way of compromises, but since the national constitution was passed and approved in a coercive manner, this has remained as one of the predominant reason for the subsequent instability of the Russian Federation. Secondly, while referring to the theories proposed by various political experts on the federalism, including studies on asymmetrical federalism, we can examine the arrangement of the Russian Federalism and analyze its characteristics from its constitution’s perspective on division of powers and jurisdictions between the center and the territories. From the analyses of these experts, wherein they infer that this type of asymmetrical federalism holds potential for generating conflicts and does not have any positive influence towards the development of the federalism, even to the extent of possible undermining of the federation’s unification, we can provide some explanation for the instability of the Russian Federation.
Finally, let us inspect the development of relationship between the Russian Federation and the regions from the perspective of utilization of strategies - the strategies which were employed by the Federal government and the territories (especially the ethnic republics) from the time of Russia’s initial phase of independence till the late nineteen nineties, and through the type of strategies, time progression and the distribution of spectrum, understand the synopsis of this relationship.
From the development of events since the “Parade of Sovereignties” in the early nineties till the “Parade of Bilateral Treaties,” after 1994, by referring to time progression and the distribution of spectrum we can understand that the government of the Russian Federation has been deteriorating progressively –at first posing benign and offering incentives, and then eventually resorting to oppression by military might. Since it’s first conflict with Chechnya in 1994, the secessionist forces in the regions have relatively quailed, with the majority of the territories rather claiming for economic rights and autonomy. It was only after the appointment of President Vladimir Putin that these problems between the federal government and the territories were intensively looked into and dealt with.
This paper utilizes the approach of new-institutionalism to analyze the Russian Federation and the ethnic autonomies. We choose the nineteen nineties period as the focus of this research and select Kalmykiya, Buryat and Tuva as the subjects for case studies. This paper allots the time beginning from the independence of Russia till the departure of President Boris Yeltsin as the primary time period for analysis, with in-depth look on ways to resolve ethnic conflicts while studying the process of development of the Russian Federation, with a hope to get a deeper understanding of how to resolve ethnic problems within a multi-ethnic nation.
The whole paper is comprised of six chapters.
The first chapter explains the motive of this study, the various approaches used for the study, the frameworks of this analysis and the distribution of the chapters. Taking the characteristics of nationalism in Russia, it’s ethnic groups and various related theories and policies instigating the disintegration of the former Soviet Union as the basis of study for its background aspects, the second chapter deals with nationalism and Russia, the interrelationship between the two.
The third chapter probes into Russia’s democratization and its federalism. It analyzes Russia’s early stages of transition to democracy with special reference to “Pacted Transition” as the focal point. Here we study the contents and significance of the various treaties and agreements of Russia and thereafter from the theories of the federalism, we analyze the essence and features of the federalism adopted by Russia.
The fourth chapter focuses on the relationship between the Russian federal government and the territories. Here we take Russia’s policies on ethnicity, the relationship between the federal government and the regions and the regional elites as the focus of our observation.
The fifth chapter partakes the republics of Kalmykia, Buryat and Tuva as case studies for this research. These three republics are either descendants of the Mongol or have close association with Mongoloid ancestry. In this chapter we take a look at the policies adopted after Russia’s independence and their interaction with the center.
The sixth chapter evaluates the pros and cons of Russia’s democratization and federalism. Thereafter, as the foreground of this paper, we study all the reforms in Russia, which are undertaken by the Russian Federation following the election of President Vladimir Putin, and the relationship between Russia, a multi-ethnic nation and its democratic consolidation.
This paper assumes that Russia has inherited the vestiges of former Soviet Union and at the same time adorning itself with a style of a modern democracy, making it very difficult to adapt to changes following its democratization. In the nineteen nineties, the Russian federal government was quite unsuccessful in handling the secessionist forces in the regions, especially the ethnic republics. The federal government was unable to restrain the trend in regional power struggles, which became fervent after the secessionist forces tempered down. This eventually led to the use of prolonged methods of suppression by President Vladimir Putin. This paper assumes that the Russian Federation needs to make major structural changes in its system in order to adapt itself to future reforms, failing which, the regional forces will once again rise up as the center weakens, thus proving unfavorable for the development of Russia in the long-run.
dc.description.tableofcontents 頁次
序 言 i
第一章 緒論 1
研究動機 1
新制度主義研究 6
後共產主義制度 12
民族主義的因素 18
研究架構 23
章節安排 24

第二章 民族主義與俄羅斯 26
俄羅斯擴張的特徵 26
俄羅斯民族主義的特徵 29
蘇聯的民族政策 33
蘇聯解體的民族因素 40
一、遠因分析 40
二、近因分析 48
小結 52

第三章 俄羅斯的民主化與聯邦制 54
俄羅斯的協議轉型 54
一、協議轉型的探討 54
二、俄羅斯的轉型過程 59
三、俄羅斯轉型中的協議 63
俄羅斯的聯邦制度 72
一、聯邦制理論的探討 72
二、俄羅斯聯邦中央與地方的權力劃分 81
三、俄羅斯聯邦體制的特點 85
小結 89

第四章 俄羅斯聯邦中央與地區的關係 91
俄羅斯聯邦的民族政策 91
一、多民族國家的制度安排 91
二、對俄羅斯民族自治制度的思考 93
三、俄羅斯的民族事務機構 97
四、俄羅斯的民族政策 101
俄羅斯聯邦中央與地區的關係 105
壹、地區的策略 108
一、要求獨立 108
二、爭取地位 109
三、跨地區合作 115
貳、中央的策略 118
一、提昇聯邦主體的地位 118
二、總統全權代表 119
三、雙邊條約 121
四、財政機制 125
五、武力 127
叁、策略的分析 128
俄羅斯聯邦的地區菁英 130
一、地區菁英崛起的現象 130
二、地區菁英的結構與策略 134
三、地區首長與聯邦關係的發展 137
四、聯邦委員會的作用 139
小結 140

第五章 個案研究與比較 142
喀爾瑪克共和國 142
一、共和國建制經過 142
二、喀爾瑪克共和國與中央的關係 143
三、喀爾瑪克政治菁英-總統伊律季諾夫 150
布里亞特共和國 154
一、共和國建制經過 154
二、布里亞特共和國與中央的關係 155
三、布里亞特政治菁英-總統玻塔波夫 160
圖瓦共和國 161
一、共和國建制經過 161
二、圖瓦共和國與中央的關係 162
三、圖瓦政治菁英-總統歐察克與議會主席畢契爾岱 167
個案的比較 169
一、地緣與民族的影響 169
二、共和國與中央關係的比較 170
三、共和國政治菁英的特色 171

第六章 結論 175


圖一 俄羅斯聯邦中央與地區策略光譜圖 129
圖二 俄羅斯聯邦中央對地區策略時間圖 129
圖三 俄羅斯聯邦行政區域圖(喀爾瑪克、圖瓦、布里亞特位置圖) 174


表一 俄羅斯聯邦2002年人口數最多之民族統計表 27
表二 俄羅斯歷代沙皇擴張歷程表 29
表三 卡爾的民主轉型模型表 57
表四 俄羅斯的協議類型表 64
表五 《俄羅斯聯邦憲法》與《俄韃條約》比較表 69
表六 俄羅斯聯邦各主體一覽表 82
表七 俄羅斯各聯邦主體權利比較表 87
表八 俄羅斯聯邦政府民族事務部門歷任首長任期對照表 100
表九 發表主權宣言對照表 110
表十 俄羅斯聯邦地區性組織 115
表十一 俄羅斯聯邦中央與地方策略比較表 128
表十二 喀爾瑪克、圖瓦、布里亞特之面積、人口與主要民族比較表 169
表十三 伊律季諾夫、歐察克、玻塔波夫競選地區首長得票率一覽表 172

附錄一 俄羅斯聯邦聯邦主體中英文對照表 184

參考文獻 187
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0085261506en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 俄羅斯聯邦zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聯邦制度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 民族自治zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 布里亞特共和國zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 圖瓦共和國zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 喀爾瑪克共和國zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Russian Federationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Federalismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) National autonomyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Buryatia Republicen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Tuva Republicen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Kalmykia Republicen_US
dc.title (題名) 俄羅斯的聯邦制與民族自治--以1990年代為中心的分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Federalism and National Autonomy in Russia--the Analysis of 1990sen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Pravda: http://english.pravda.ru.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Prism(The Jamestown Foundation): http://www.jamestown.org.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) RFE/RL:Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: http://www.rferl.org.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) RFE/RL Newsline Archives(1991-1999):http://www.friends-partners.org/friends/news/omri/zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Tatarstan on the Internet: http://www.kcn.ru.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) The Moscow Times: http://www.moscowtimes.ru.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI): http://www.nupi.no.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Transitions Online、Open Media Research Institute (OMRI)、Daily Digest、Russian Regional Report: http://www.tol.cz or http://archive.tol.cz/archive.html.zh_TW