
題名 外派主管的管理職能之研究-以我國企業外派大陸地區為例
作者 顏瑞瑩
貢獻者 林文政
關鍵詞 職能
managerial competencies
expatriate worker
Mainland China
expatriate manager
working performance
assessment scale
expatriate selection
cross - cultural
日期 2003
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 10:14:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究的目的針對國內蔚為盛行的產業外移風潮,而大陸地區正在彼岸用無限的商機和減少勞動成本的誘因招手著,如何有效的創造最大的利潤和競爭力正是對大陸投資的臺商共同關切的問題,而企業最大的資產來自於優秀的人才,唯有適才適所才能創造雙贏,因此本研究希望藉由建構客觀的指標性工具--外派管理職能評鑑量表,用以輔助企業有效地找出適切的外派大陸地區之主管。


問卷回收後,進行因素分析篩選出七個外派管理職能的衡量性構面共計有31題。七個構面的內部一致性α值介於0.74 ~ 0.82之間,具備高度的內部一致性。研究結果的七個構面分述於下:








The purpose of this study is to research on the current of Taiwan industry relocation, and the Mainland China is waving with the limitless business opportunity and inducement of the labor cost of the reduction on the other shore, how the effective creation largest profit and competitiveness are exactly common issues deeply concerned of Taiwan corporations of investing in the Mainland China, and enterprise`s largest assets come from outstanding talented human resources. The win-win situation could only be created rightly by proper arrangement. Therefore, this research hopes by building and constructing the objective index tool –Expatriate managerial competencies assessment scale, is used to find out the appropriate executive who sends the continent area to oversea operation effectively in auxiliary enterprises.

This research is reviewed and put in order through documents first, the model is in charge of depth interview, build and construct preliminary 146 questions of form of the China regional managerial competencies and have confirmed after and then analyzing through content validity . Among them, 103 questions are regarded as the formal questions by the level of importance that formats final questionnaire. Sending 427 questionnaires altogether in this research, there is 221 retrieved the effective questionnaire; the effective rate of recovery of questionnaire is 51.8.

After the questionnaire is retrieved, I carry on the factor analysis that has 31 questions to construct the surface altogether to screen seven domains .While Cronbach α between 0.74 to 0.82 in internal consistency, a value of seven domains of managerial competencies, possess the internal consistency of the height. Seven domains of the result of study are divided and stated as follow:

First, ability of dealing with the cross-cultural affairs competencies:Possess and preventing the ability that the question happens; Possess the ability to pinpoint the problems rapidly; Possess the understanding, analysis, ability to solve to the affairs, problem; Deal with the crisis, fast, ruthless, accurate adaptability to changes and action strength; There is planning which substitutes the scheme that is prepared; And the prudent negotiation with cross-cultural labor and capital, group`s dispute and so on.

Second, adjustment of overseas life competencies:Possess the steadfast and persevering strength to the setback. Possess and tolerate the indeterminate ability and specialty. Can self- mood control, develop of IQ manage; Possess it to cultural-toughness, cross-cultural adjustment (life, environment, adaptive capacity at work); Specialties, such as and pressure management, resisting the pressing well by itself and so on.

Third, self-oriented competencies:Possess modestly, to requiring oneself that improves the place of any disappearance continuously, specialty that is surmounting oneself constantly; Do the activity that likes regularly, help to release the pressure which cause by new entity and cultural environment; Ability to find the substitute to take place the original hobby or activity; There can be self-confidence of filling one and self- approval; Oneself substantiates, grows up and studies new knowledge, so that characteristic of innovation ,etc. constantly.

Fourth, ability of decision making when facing local environments of various fields competencies:The ability with independent decision making; Possess the enterprise planning in real time, plan ability; Possess and face more with clear logic, systematic thinking; Possess the correct judgment ability to the affairs rapidly; And have it to acumen degree of the figure, the political, economic environment influences etc. the market in order to meet an emergency.

Fifth, ability of the cross-cultural team builder and development cluster competencies:The ability with cross-cultural team unity; have centripetal force, cohesiveness, work values of creating the cross-cultural team; And possess and promote smooth setting-up, development and ability of operation which step the cross-cultural work team and so on.

Sixth, the similarity of structure of societies competencies:Possess and can pass on company`s culture and habits and acquired characteristics and use in sending the task to some other department; Have cognition that can be channeled into the values of the company in sending the task to some other department; Have humane specialty that culture among here, none-local staff merges; Respect local culture, attitude of selfish depart mentalism to possess.

Seventh, execution of the transnational task competencies:The sense of duty to the working height; Realization ability to attend to each and every aspect of a matter and execute the task; and the cordiality, enthusiasm, vigor of the one that possess execution assignments and so on.

Finally, through regression analysis, it proves that there is a great
connection between the assessment scale and the performance mana-
gement personnel who is sent to Mainland China. The competencies that with higher influences are self-directed competencies, adjustment of overseas life competencies, the similarity of structure of societies com- petencies, execution of the transnational task competencies.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林文政zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lin,Wen-Jengen_US (Authors) 顏瑞瑩zh_TW (Authors) Yen,Jui-Yingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 顏瑞瑩zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yen,Jui-Yingen_US (日期) 2003en_US 18-Sep-2009 10:14:26 (UTC+8)- 18-Sep-2009 10:14:26 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 10:14:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0087262013en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 勞工研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 87262013zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 92zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究的目的針對國內蔚為盛行的產業外移風潮,而大陸地區正在彼岸用無限的商機和減少勞動成本的誘因招手著,如何有效的創造最大的利潤和競爭力正是對大陸投資的臺商共同關切的問題,而企業最大的資產來自於優秀的人才,唯有適才適所才能創造雙贏,因此本研究希望藉由建構客觀的指標性工具--外派管理職能評鑑量表,用以輔助企業有效地找出適切的外派大陸地區之主管。


問卷回收後,進行因素分析篩選出七個外派管理職能的衡量性構面共計有31題。七個構面的內部一致性α值介於0.74 ~ 0.82之間,具備高度的內部一致性。研究結果的七個構面分述於下:








dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of this study is to research on the current of Taiwan industry relocation, and the Mainland China is waving with the limitless business opportunity and inducement of the labor cost of the reduction on the other shore, how the effective creation largest profit and competitiveness are exactly common issues deeply concerned of Taiwan corporations of investing in the Mainland China, and enterprise`s largest assets come from outstanding talented human resources. The win-win situation could only be created rightly by proper arrangement. Therefore, this research hopes by building and constructing the objective index tool –Expatriate managerial competencies assessment scale, is used to find out the appropriate executive who sends the continent area to oversea operation effectively in auxiliary enterprises.

This research is reviewed and put in order through documents first, the model is in charge of depth interview, build and construct preliminary 146 questions of form of the China regional managerial competencies and have confirmed after and then analyzing through content validity . Among them, 103 questions are regarded as the formal questions by the level of importance that formats final questionnaire. Sending 427 questionnaires altogether in this research, there is 221 retrieved the effective questionnaire; the effective rate of recovery of questionnaire is 51.8.

After the questionnaire is retrieved, I carry on the factor analysis that has 31 questions to construct the surface altogether to screen seven domains .While Cronbach α between 0.74 to 0.82 in internal consistency, a value of seven domains of managerial competencies, possess the internal consistency of the height. Seven domains of the result of study are divided and stated as follow:

First, ability of dealing with the cross-cultural affairs competencies:Possess and preventing the ability that the question happens; Possess the ability to pinpoint the problems rapidly; Possess the understanding, analysis, ability to solve to the affairs, problem; Deal with the crisis, fast, ruthless, accurate adaptability to changes and action strength; There is planning which substitutes the scheme that is prepared; And the prudent negotiation with cross-cultural labor and capital, group`s dispute and so on.

Second, adjustment of overseas life competencies:Possess the steadfast and persevering strength to the setback. Possess and tolerate the indeterminate ability and specialty. Can self- mood control, develop of IQ manage; Possess it to cultural-toughness, cross-cultural adjustment (life, environment, adaptive capacity at work); Specialties, such as and pressure management, resisting the pressing well by itself and so on.

Third, self-oriented competencies:Possess modestly, to requiring oneself that improves the place of any disappearance continuously, specialty that is surmounting oneself constantly; Do the activity that likes regularly, help to release the pressure which cause by new entity and cultural environment; Ability to find the substitute to take place the original hobby or activity; There can be self-confidence of filling one and self- approval; Oneself substantiates, grows up and studies new knowledge, so that characteristic of innovation ,etc. constantly.

Fourth, ability of decision making when facing local environments of various fields competencies:The ability with independent decision making; Possess the enterprise planning in real time, plan ability; Possess and face more with clear logic, systematic thinking; Possess the correct judgment ability to the affairs rapidly; And have it to acumen degree of the figure, the political, economic environment influences etc. the market in order to meet an emergency.

Fifth, ability of the cross-cultural team builder and development cluster competencies:The ability with cross-cultural team unity; have centripetal force, cohesiveness, work values of creating the cross-cultural team; And possess and promote smooth setting-up, development and ability of operation which step the cross-cultural work team and so on.

Sixth, the similarity of structure of societies competencies:Possess and can pass on company`s culture and habits and acquired characteristics and use in sending the task to some other department; Have cognition that can be channeled into the values of the company in sending the task to some other department; Have humane specialty that culture among here, none-local staff merges; Respect local culture, attitude of selfish depart mentalism to possess.

Seventh, execution of the transnational task competencies:The sense of duty to the working height; Realization ability to attend to each and every aspect of a matter and execute the task; and the cordiality, enthusiasm, vigor of the one that possess execution assignments and so on.

Finally, through regression analysis, it proves that there is a great
connection between the assessment scale and the performance mana-
gement personnel who is sent to Mainland China. The competencies that with higher influences are self-directed competencies, adjustment of overseas life competencies, the similarity of structure of societies com- petencies, execution of the transnational task competencies.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論

第一節 研究背景與動機 ---------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 ---------------------------- 6
第三節 研究範圍 ---------------------------------- 7
第四節 研究流程 ---------------------------------- 8

第二章 文獻探討

第一節 職能之意義與內涵 ------------------------- 10
第二節 管理職能之意義與內涵 --------------------- 22
第三節 我國企業外派大陸地區主管應具備之管理職能-- 30
第四節 我國企業外派大陸地區主管之管理職能評鑑方法-51

第三章 研究方法

第一節 量表發展 --------------------------------- 58
第二節 研究設計與研究對象 ----------------------- 74
第三節 資料分析與統計方法 ----------------------- 76

第四章 研究結果與討論

第一節 敘述統計分析 ----------------------------- 80
第二節 信度、效度分析 --------------------------- 82
第三節 相關分析 --------------------------------- 90
第四節 迴歸分析 --------------------------------- 91

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究成果 --------------------------------- 93
第二節 研究發現與貢獻 --------------------------- 96
第三節 研究限制與建議 ------------------------- 100



表 目 錄

表1-1 2004年核准對大陸投資統計總表 ----------------- 4
表1-2 2002年核准對外投資金額前十名國家/地區 -------- 4
表2-1 職能的意義與內涵 ---------------------------- 20
表2-2 管理職能類型 -------------------------------- 28
表2-3 各種不同層級外派人員的遴選準則 -------------- 32
表2-4 外派經理人的成功決定因素 -------------------- 35
表2-5 Gillette 國際事務儲備人才的遴選標準 --------- 36
表2-6 二十一世紀外派經理人的輪廓 ------------------ 37
表2-7 外派經理人的行為和職------------------------- 38
表2-8 海外派駐經理人的遴選標準 -------------------- 40
表2-9 有關外派遴選準則研究的文獻總整理 ------------ 41
表2-10 我國製造業廠商在大陸地區投資所面臨的主要問題 - 45
表2-11 臺商與外商企業自外方母公司派遣人員數量之比較 - 46
表2-12 大陸臺商企業自母公司派遣人員 ----------------- 47
表2-13 臺商企業海外派遣人員之甄選標準 --------------- 50
表2-14 國內大陸地區派遣人員相關實證文獻選任條件彙整表 51
表3-1 訪談樣本對象資料 ---------------------------- 58
表3-2 各外派主管訪談結果之摘錄資料 ---------------- 60
表3-3 外派主管管理職能訪談結果歸納總表 -------------66
表3-4 測驗上常用之效標類別 ------------------------ 72
表3-5 量表區分等級 -------------------------------- 74
表4-1 研究樣本回收情況 ---------------------------- 80
表4-2 樣本統計資料表 ------------------------------ 80
表4-3 樣本統計資料表 – 性別分析 ------------------ 81
表4-4 樣本統計資料表 – 婚姻分析 ------------------ 81
表4-5 樣本統計資料表 – 年齡分析 ------------------ 81
表4-6 樣本統計資料表 – 教育程度分析 -------------- 82
表4-7 樣本統計資料表 – 工作年資分析 -------------- 82
表4-8 因素轉軸分析所刪除之題項 -------------------- 83
表4-9 二十個管理職能共同因素之累積解釋變異量及百分比-86
表4-10 各題項在七個共同因素之因素負荷量 ------------- 88
表4-11 外派管理職能七個共同因素命名分類表整理-------- 89
表4-12 外派大陸地區主管之管理職能-效標關聯效度相關分析的結
果 -------------------------------------------------- 90
表4-13 管理職能群組對外派大陸地區管理者工作績效的影響 92

圖 目 錄

圖1-1 外派主管管理職能評鑑量表建立研究流程圖 -------- 8
圖2-1 職能的源起 ----------------------------------- 11
圖2-2 職能冰山模型---------------------------------- 15
圖2-3 職能因果流程模型 ----------------------------- 16
圖2-4 管理才能內涵各項變項關係 --------------------- 26
圖2-5 外派人員的遴選模式 --------------------------- 39
圖2-6 建構外派主管之管理職能的操作步驟-------------- 57
圖4-1 陡坡圖 --------------------------------------- 83
圖5-1 駐外經理所面對的難題 ------------------------- 98
圖5-2 具備外派大陸地區管理職能主管面對難題的對應圖 - 99
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職能zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 管理職能zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外派人員(駐外人員)zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大陸地區zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外派主管zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 工作績效zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 主管人員zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 評鑑量表zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外派遴選zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 跨文化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) competencyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) managerial competenciesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) expatriate workeren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mainland Chinaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) expatriate manageren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) working performanceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) executivesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) assessment scaleen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) expatriate selectionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) cross - culturalen_US
dc.title (題名) 外派主管的管理職能之研究-以我國企業外派大陸地區為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分zh_TW
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