
題名 台灣地區國中生家庭教育資源結構之探究及其與學業表現之關連
作者 蔡毓智
Tsai, Yuh Jyh
貢獻者 林佳瑩
Tsai, Yuh Jyh
關鍵詞 家庭教育資源
family educational resources
structure analysis
academic achievement
typology methodology
日期 2007
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 10:51:10 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究採用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS)的調查結果,對當前台灣地區國中生家庭教育資源組成結構進行次級資料分析,並探討家庭教育資源與學生學業表現之間的關連性。本研究目的在對家庭教育資源概念提出一探索性概念模型,並經由結構分析的方式,探討家庭教育資源的組成面向之內部結構組成。經由類型學的分析方法,本研究企圖區分出家庭教育資源弱勢與優勢的不同類型,並進行不同類型之間與學業表現的比較。結果發現家庭教育資源的弱勢類型與優勢類型彼此之間的在學業表現上的確存有明顯差異。因此分析結果也驗證了本研究所提出之模型架構與學業表現之間的關連性。
This study analyzes the constitution structure of family educational resources of Taiwan arena Junior High School students and its connection with academic achievement of students. The secondary data is adapted from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The goal of this study is to propose an explorative conceptual framework of family educational resources, and investigate the internal constitution structure of its different constitutional dimensions. This study tries to distinguish the relative advantage and disadvantage types of family educational resources by typology method and make a comparison on academic achievement between these different types. The results show that there are significant differences between the advantage and disadvantage types on academic achievement. Accordingly, the results support our proposed model and its connection with academic achievement of students.
This study divide family educational resources into two different theoretical dimensions: economic and non-economic resources and subdivide the economic resources into two sub-dimensions of apparent and unapparent resources; subdivide the non-economic resources into four sub-dimensions of family constitution structure, family member interaction, parents involvement, and parents’ education and occupation.
The methodology of this study is to analyze the constitutional structures of these sub-dimensions by proximities structure analysis. The results show that there are similarities structure patterns within the constitutional structures of family educational resources. Meanwhile, the results show that there are connections between the different types of family educational resources and academic achievement. Author summarizes the findings as follows:
1. The different types of residential arrangements, the absence of parents is a very crucial type and is very obviously connection with academic achievement. The number of siblings is also crucial to academic achievement.
2. Family members’ interaction is crucial to academic achievement; especially the discipline styles of parents are influential to achievement of their children; meanwhile, the different conflict types of parents and children are very different resources meanings per se.
3. The different educational involvement behaviors are influential to children’s academic achievement, but it depends on the types of behaviors. Parents’ educational involvements within family are influential to children’s achievement; parents’ education expectations to their children are influential to their children; parents’ involvements with school are not found significant connections with academic achievement.
4. The education and occupation backgrounds of parents are found to be a very crucial factor to their children’s achievement, low level background is negative to achievement, and high level background is positive to achievement.
5. Family economic resources whichever apparent or unapparent are crucial to children’s achievement. Those who are richer and invest more resources on extraclass learning are found positive correlation with achievement; those who are poorer and never invest any resources on extraclass learning are found negative correlation with achievement.
To summarize, our research found that those who are parent absence, the number of siblings are more than three, parent’s discipline style is negative and ignored, extrovertive conflict between parents and children, low level of parents’ education and occupation background, the poor and the family never invest any resources on extraclass learning are the disadvantage type; in contrast, those who are parent are not absence, the number of siblings are less than two, parent’s discipline style are positive and concerned, parents concern about children’s learning, high level of parents education and occupation background, the richer and invest more on extraclass learning are advantage type. The two different types of family educational resources are different on academic achievement. The performances on academic achievement of the advantages are better than the disadvantages. For the ultimate goal of social justices, results suggest that the educational policy makers, the teachers and researchers should invest more resources on the disadvantages.
In additions, this study penetrates the limitations of data measurement level which distract earlier researchers. By proximities structures analysis method, we analyze the categorical data with typology methodology, and enlarge the landscape of secondary data analysis and possibilities of construction of conceptual frameworks.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0912545011
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林佳瑩zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 蔡毓智zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Tsai, Yuh Jyhen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡毓智zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tsai, Yuh Jyhen_US
dc.date (日期) 2007en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-Sep-2009 10:51:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-Sep-2009 10:51:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 10:51:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0912545011en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/34659-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91254501zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究採用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS)的調查結果,對當前台灣地區國中生家庭教育資源組成結構進行次級資料分析,並探討家庭教育資源與學生學業表現之間的關連性。本研究目的在對家庭教育資源概念提出一探索性概念模型,並經由結構分析的方式,探討家庭教育資源的組成面向之內部結構組成。經由類型學的分析方法,本研究企圖區分出家庭教育資源弱勢與優勢的不同類型,並進行不同類型之間與學業表現的比較。結果發現家庭教育資源的弱勢類型與優勢類型彼此之間的在學業表現上的確存有明顯差異。因此分析結果也驗證了本研究所提出之模型架構與學業表現之間的關連性。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study analyzes the constitution structure of family educational resources of Taiwan arena Junior High School students and its connection with academic achievement of students. The secondary data is adapted from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The goal of this study is to propose an explorative conceptual framework of family educational resources, and investigate the internal constitution structure of its different constitutional dimensions. This study tries to distinguish the relative advantage and disadvantage types of family educational resources by typology method and make a comparison on academic achievement between these different types. The results show that there are significant differences between the advantage and disadvantage types on academic achievement. Accordingly, the results support our proposed model and its connection with academic achievement of students.
This study divide family educational resources into two different theoretical dimensions: economic and non-economic resources and subdivide the economic resources into two sub-dimensions of apparent and unapparent resources; subdivide the non-economic resources into four sub-dimensions of family constitution structure, family member interaction, parents involvement, and parents’ education and occupation.
The methodology of this study is to analyze the constitutional structures of these sub-dimensions by proximities structure analysis. The results show that there are similarities structure patterns within the constitutional structures of family educational resources. Meanwhile, the results show that there are connections between the different types of family educational resources and academic achievement. Author summarizes the findings as follows:
1. The different types of residential arrangements, the absence of parents is a very crucial type and is very obviously connection with academic achievement. The number of siblings is also crucial to academic achievement.
2. Family members’ interaction is crucial to academic achievement; especially the discipline styles of parents are influential to achievement of their children; meanwhile, the different conflict types of parents and children are very different resources meanings per se.
3. The different educational involvement behaviors are influential to children’s academic achievement, but it depends on the types of behaviors. Parents’ educational involvements within family are influential to children’s achievement; parents’ education expectations to their children are influential to their children; parents’ involvements with school are not found significant connections with academic achievement.
4. The education and occupation backgrounds of parents are found to be a very crucial factor to their children’s achievement, low level background is negative to achievement, and high level background is positive to achievement.
5. Family economic resources whichever apparent or unapparent are crucial to children’s achievement. Those who are richer and invest more resources on extraclass learning are found positive correlation with achievement; those who are poorer and never invest any resources on extraclass learning are found negative correlation with achievement.
To summarize, our research found that those who are parent absence, the number of siblings are more than three, parent’s discipline style is negative and ignored, extrovertive conflict between parents and children, low level of parents’ education and occupation background, the poor and the family never invest any resources on extraclass learning are the disadvantage type; in contrast, those who are parent are not absence, the number of siblings are less than two, parent’s discipline style are positive and concerned, parents concern about children’s learning, high level of parents education and occupation background, the richer and invest more on extraclass learning are advantage type. The two different types of family educational resources are different on academic achievement. The performances on academic achievement of the advantages are better than the disadvantages. For the ultimate goal of social justices, results suggest that the educational policy makers, the teachers and researchers should invest more resources on the disadvantages.
In additions, this study penetrates the limitations of data measurement level which distract earlier researchers. By proximities structures analysis method, we analyze the categorical data with typology methodology, and enlarge the landscape of secondary data analysis and possibilities of construction of conceptual frameworks.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
第三節 研究使用概念-------------------------------------------------------------------------16
第四節 研究分析進路-------------------------------------------------------------------------20
第二章 家庭教育資源相關理論及研究----------------------------------------------------25
第一節 家庭系統理論介紹-------------------------------------------------------------------25
第二節 家庭經濟資源與學業表現----------------------------------------------------------32
第三節 家庭結構與學業表現----------------------------------------------------------------35
第四節 家庭背景與學業表現----------------------------------------------------------------42
第五節 學習資本理論與學業表現----------------------------------------------------------47
第三章 方法與架構----------------------------------------------------------------------------61
第一節 分析方法論----------------------------------------------------------------------------61
第二節 分析架構-------------------------------------------------------------------------------70
第三節 資料來源及使用----------------------------------------------------------------------75
第四節 分析方法-------------------------------------------------------------------------------79
第五節 分析模型定義-------------------------------------------------------------------------86
第四章 家庭教育資源結構分析結果-------------------------------------------------------93
第一節 家庭組成型態結構分析-------------------------------------------------------------93
第二節 家庭成員互動結構分析------------------------------------------------------------110
第三節 家長對子女的教育參與結構分析------------------------------------------------141
第四節 家長教育及職業結構分析---------------------------------------------------------156
第五節 家庭經濟資源結構分析------------------------------------------------------------170
第五章 家庭教育資源與學業表現關連性之探討---------------------------------------192
第一節 家庭非經濟性教育資源與學業表現之關連------------------------------------194
第二節 家庭經濟性情教育資源與學業表現之關連------------------------------------211
第三節 家庭教育資源與學業表現之關連------------------------------------------------217
第四節 城鄉差距及家庭教育資源與學業表現之關連---------------------------------227
第六章 研究發現與討論---------------------------------------------------------------------241
第一節 結構分析結果討論------------------------------------------------------------------241
第二節 家庭教育資源因素對學業表現之效果------------------------------------------264
第三節 研究貢獻與限制---------------------------------------------------------------------274
第七章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------------------------------------289
第一節 研究結論------------------------------------------------------------------------------289
第二節 研究結果之啟發---------------------------------------------------------------------295
第三節 實務建議------------------------------------------------------------------------------306

圖 目次
圖2- 2:社經背景透過各項學習資本影響教育成就的中介機制-------------------------------47
圖3- 1:家庭教育資源結構分析概念架構圖-------------------------------------------------------70
圖3- 2:家庭教育資源結構分析及其與學業表現關連分析架構圖----------------------------71
圖3- 3:集群分析概念圖------------------------------------------------------------------------------81
圖3- 4:變項類似性距離關係圖----------------------------------------------------------------------84
圖3- 5:stress值與空間座標關係--------------------------------------------------------------------91
圖4- 1:家庭居住安排關係MDS圖-----------------------------------------------------------------101
圖4- 2:親子常見衝突原因及解決方式集群分析圖-------------------------------------------121
圖4- 3:親子常見衝突原因及解決方式MDS圖-------------------------------------------------122
圖4- 4:家長管教類型及對子女行為表現反應方式集群分析圖-----------------------------126
圖4- 5:家長管教類型與行為反應類型MDS圖--------------------------------------------------128
圖4- 6:親子溝通行為模式近似性MDS圖--------------------------------------------------------129
圖4- 7:手足不同互動型式集群分析圖-----------------------------------------------------------130
圖4- 8:家長教育參與行為集群分析圖--------------------- --------------------------------------149
圖4- 9:家人教育參與行為MDS圖----------------------------------------------------------------149
圖4- 10 家長教育程度及職業類別集群分析圖-------------------------------------------------163
圖4- 11:家長教育程度與職業類別MDS圖-----------------------------------------------------164
圖4- 12:補習費用支出與才藝學習費用支出集群分析圖-------------------------------------181
圖4- 13:補習費用支出與才藝學習費用支出相似性MDS圖--------------------------------181
圖4- 14:受訪者之家庭經濟狀況集群分析圖----------------------------------------------------183
圖4- 15:受訪者之家庭經情況MDS圖-----------------------------------------------------------183
圖4- 16:隱性經濟性資源集群分析圖-----------------------------------------------------------185
圖4- 17:隱性經濟性資源MDS圖-----------------------------------------------------------------185
圖5- 1:家庭教育資源對學業表現影響關係模式圖-------------------------------------------192
附圖3:家庭教育資源概念特性模型建構概念圖 -------------------------------------------------------328

表 目次
表3- 2:TEPS 抽樣學校數與實際完訪樣本數量說明表--------------------------------------76
表3- 3:家庭教育資源結構成理論面向及內容表-----------------------------------------------78
表3- 4:二分變項之反應同異區分表--------------------------------------------------------------88
表4- 1:學生家庭同住成員居住情況--------------------------------------------------------------94
表4- 2:受訪者學期中之居住類型-----------------------------------------------------------------95
表4- 3:受訪者家中手足總人數表-----------------------------------------------------------------95
表4- 4:受訪者居住安排組成元素近似性結構矩陣--------------------------------------------100
表4- 5:受訪者不同居住安排關係類型表--------------------------------------------------------101
表4- 6:居住安排基本構成要素與學業表現差異表--------------------------------------------103
表4- 7:居住安排基本構成要素不同類型雪菲式事後比較表--------------------------------103
表4- 8:居住安排之基本類型與擴展類型與學業表現差異表--------------------------------105
表4- 9:居住安排基本類型與擴展類型學生學業表現雪菲式事後比較表-----------------105
表4- 10:居住安排基本類型與非血緣居住類型與學業表現差異表-------------------------107
表4- 11:基本類型與非血緣類型居住安排雪菲式事後比較表-------------------------------107
表4- 12:親子常見衝突原因次數分配表----------------------------------------------------------111
表4- 13:家庭衝突解決方式-------------------------------------------------------------------------112
表4- 14:家長對於子女行為表現之反應方式----------------------------------------------------114
表4- 15:父母親與子女的溝通情況----------------------------------------------------------------115
表4- 16:手足不同互動關係次數分配表 --------------------------------------------------------117
表4- 17:母子衝突原因及解決方式近似性矩陣-------------------------------------------------119
表4- 18:父子衝突原因及解決方式近似性矩陣-------------------------------------------------120
表4- 19:親子衝突及解決方式類型區分表-------------------------------------------------------123
表4- 20:家長管教方式及管教類型近似性結構矩陣-------------------------------------------125
表4- 21:親子之間的溝通行為模式近似性矩陣-------------------------------------------------129
表4- 22:手足不同互動類型近似性矩陣----------------------------------------------------------130
表4- 23:親子之間不同衝突類型及解決原因差異學業表現變異數比較表----------------134
表4- 24:家長不同管教、行為反應類型及管教類型學業表現差異比較表---------------136
表4- 25:家長和子女不同的溝通類型學業表現差異比較表---------------------------------137
表4- 26:手足不同互動類型與學業表現差異比較表------------------------------------------138
表4- 27:家長對子女的學習活動參與情況次數分配表---------------------------------------142
表4- 28:家裡教功課次數分配表------------------------------------------------------------------143
表4- 29:家長對子女教育程度之期望------------------------------------------------------------144
表4- 30:家長與學校溝通聯繫頻率---------------------------------------------------------------145
表4- 31:家長教育參與活動近似性結構矩陣---------------------------------------------------148
表4- 32:家長不同家內參與程度學業表現差異比較表---------------------------------------151
表4- 33:家長學校活動參與程度與學業表現差異比較表------------------------------------152
表4- 34:家長與學校不同溝通聯繫程度與學業表現差異比較表---------------------------153
表4- 35:家長從來沒有與經常會與學校溝通聯繫者與學業表現差異比較表------------153
表4- 36:家長對子女不同教育程度期望與子女學業表現差異表---------------------------154
表4- 37:家長教育程度次數分配表---------------------------------------------------------------156
表4- 38:父親及母親職業類別表------------------------------------------------------------------158
表4- 39:填答問卷之家長職業類別表------------------------------------------------------------158
表4- 40:家長教育程度與職業類別近似性矩陣------------------------------------------------160
表4- 41:家長教育程度及職業類別交叉類別表------------------------------------------------165
表4- 42:家長教育程度及職業類別交叉表------------------------------------------------------166
表4- 43:家長不同教育程度及職業類別與子女學業表現差異比較表---------------------167
表4- 44:家長不同教育程度及職業類別與子女學業表現差異比較表---------------------168
表4- 45:受訪者顯性經濟資源次數分配表------------------------------------------------------175
表4- 46:受訪者隱性經濟資源次數分配表------------------------------------------------------175
表4- 47:家庭課外學習活動支出近似性矩陣---------------------------------------------------178
表4- 48:家庭經濟情況主客觀因素近似性矩陣------------------------------------------------178
表4- 49:學生參加之課外學習活動近似性矩陣------------------------------------------------180
表4- 50:隱性經濟性資源指標類型表------------------------------------------------------------184
表4- 51:家庭隱性經濟性資源投入累積類型表------------------------------------------------186
表4- 52:家庭經濟情況與學業表現差異表------------------------------------------------------188
表4- 53:隱性經濟性資源累積類型與學業表現差異比較表---------------------------------189
表5- 1:本研究區分之家庭教育資源指標類型與組成-----------------------------------------193
表5- 2:家庭型態組成與學業表現關連分析結果表─模型(一) ------------------------------198
表5- 3:家庭型態及家庭成員互動與學業表現關連分析結果表─模型(二)- -------------- 200
表5- 4:家庭型態、家庭成員互動、
及家長教育參與與學業表現關連分析結果表─模型(三) -------------------------------------204
表5- 5:家庭非經濟性資源與學業表現關連分析結果表─模型(四) ------------------------208
表5- 6:家庭顯性經濟資源與學業表現關連分析結果表─模型(五) ------------------------213
表5- 7:家庭經濟性資源與學業表現關連分析結果表─模型(六) ---------------------------215
表5- 8:家庭教育資源概念模型成份指標構成表----------------------------------------------218
表5- 9:家庭教育資源與學業表現關連分析結果表─模型(七) ------------------------------223
表5- 10:家庭教育資源對學業表現之效果變異數分析結果表─模型(七) -----------------225
表5- 11:不同城鄉層級之家庭教育資源念模型指標------------------------------------------228
表5- 12:不同城鄉層級及家庭教育資源與一般能力測驗關連分析結果表---------------234
表5- 13:不同城鄉層級及家庭教育資源與數學能力測驗關連分析結果表---------------235
表5- 14:不同城鄉層級家庭教育資源對學業表現之效果變異數分析結果表-------------238
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0912545011en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 家庭教育資源zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 結構分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學業表現zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 類型學方法論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) family educational resourcesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) structure analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) TEPSen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) academic achievementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) typology methodologyen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣地區國中生家庭教育資源結構之探究及其與學業表現之關連zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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