
題名 上市公司監理機制,多角化策略與績效關聯性之研究
作者 陳瓊蓉
Chen, Chiung-Jung
貢獻者 陳隆麒<br>謝劍平
Chen, Long-Chi<br>Shieh, Joseph C. P.
Chen, Chiung-Jung
關鍵詞 監理機制
日期 2002
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 13:35:16 (UTC+8)
摘要 由於台灣公司因面臨有限的市場規模與資本市場發展程度不如歐美已開發國家,多角化可能是公司維持競爭力與增加獲利的一種主要方式。過去文獻主張多角化與代理問題有所關聯,著重探討多角化與績效的關係,但對於監理機制、多角化與績效的關係缺乏系統性的研究,本研究以代理理論為基礎,再以民國85年至90年的台灣上市公司為研究對象,挑選在研究期間進行新多角化活動(產業部門變動)的公司共133筆作為研究樣本,探討監理機制、多角化與短期績效的關係。此外,經由7家上市公司的個案訪談發現,多角化為長期性行為,績效於長期才能完全顯現出來,故不同於過去國內外文獻,本研究探討監理機制、多角化策略以及短期績效(133筆樣本),中期績效(99筆樣本)與長期績效(54筆樣本)的關係。

4.管理者股權比例與多角化程度呈現先負後正的非線性關係,管理者股權比例的轉折點大約發生在50%,實證結果與部分文獻(Denis, et al., 1997)一致。
5.機構投資人持股率與多角化程度呈現負相關,證實Pound (1988)的效率監督假說,也與過去文獻(Wright, et al., 2002)一致。
6.多角化程度與短期績效呈現顯著正相關,但與中期或長期績效,此種顯著正相關就逐漸消失,甚至轉為負相關(但不顯著),即多角化效益有遞減的趨勢,實證發現與過去多數文獻結論(Berger與Ofek, 1995; Lang與Stulz, 1994;Lins與Servaes, 1999 )並不一致,本文試圖提出原因來詮釋實證發現。
7.非相關多角化程度愈高的公司有顯著較佳短期績效,但在中期或長期績效時,此種好績效就逐漸消失,甚至不再有較佳績效,結論與過去文獻(Jose, et al., 1986; Lubatkin與Rogers, 1989)不一致。

Diversification is one major way for Taiwanese firms to maintain their competitiveness and enhance profitability when they are confronted with limited local market share and are in a less developed capital market. Past studies have asserted that decisions related to diversification are often associated with the agency problems. However, past studies have chiefly focused on exploring the relationship between diversification and performance, with less attention having been devoted to the relationship of governance mechanisms, diversification and performance. Based on previous studies, Taiwan obviously lacks external control mechanisms, which are quite widespread in western countries. Hence, this paper explored whether internal control mechanisms (equity ownership and the structure of the board of directors) can be valid ways to alleviate agency problems. This paper uses agency theory to examine the relationship between the governance mechanisms, corporate diversification, and firm performance of Taiwanese TSE-listed firms from 1996 to 2001. We respectively selected 133, 99, and 54 samples to explore the relationships between governance mechanisms, corporate diversification, and short-term, intermediate-term and long-term performance.

The major empirical results are as:
1.Most diversification activities occurred in traditional industries, e.g. textile, chemistry and building industries. This may reflect that these industries are in the mature stage of the industrial cycle. Therefore, they have to achieve growth by seeking diversification in other industries.
2.Larger or older firms have higher level of diversification. Moreover, firms with higher debt ratio or RD ratio have lower level of diversification.
3.Managerial equity ownership declined significantly in the year of diversification activity. This may indicate that managers were not optimistic about their industry’s future prospects.
4.Our results clearly showed an U-shaped relationship between managerial equity ownership and level of diversification. The threshold point was at 50%, similar to that in prior studies. Moreover, diversification was found to be positively associated with short-term and intermediate-term performance (statistical significance has declined) and to be negatively associated with long-term performance. It showed that the benefits of diversification have decreased. Our findings are different from those of most previous studies. Some possible interpretations are discussed.
5.The level of diversification was negatively related to equity ownership of institutional investors, and this was confirmed by the Efficiency Monitoring Hypothesis by Pound (1988) and is consistent with prior studies.
6.In contrast to prior studies, firms with unrelated diversification have superior short-term performance. However, in the long-term, firm performance gradually declined.
7.By using simultaneous equations, we confirmed managerial equity ownership did affect firm performance through diversification.

Future research directions and suggestions for Taiwanese-listed firms and investors are also discussed in the paper.
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳隆麒<br>謝劍平zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Long-Chi<br>Shieh, Joseph C. P.en_US (Authors) 陳瓊蓉zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Chiung-Jungen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳瓊蓉zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Chiung-Jungen_US (日期) 2002en_US 18-Sep-2009 13:35:16 (UTC+8)- 18-Sep-2009 13:35:16 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 13:35:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0883555051en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 88355505zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 由於台灣公司因面臨有限的市場規模與資本市場發展程度不如歐美已開發國家,多角化可能是公司維持競爭力與增加獲利的一種主要方式。過去文獻主張多角化與代理問題有所關聯,著重探討多角化與績效的關係,但對於監理機制、多角化與績效的關係缺乏系統性的研究,本研究以代理理論為基礎,再以民國85年至90年的台灣上市公司為研究對象,挑選在研究期間進行新多角化活動(產業部門變動)的公司共133筆作為研究樣本,探討監理機制、多角化與短期績效的關係。此外,經由7家上市公司的個案訪談發現,多角化為長期性行為,績效於長期才能完全顯現出來,故不同於過去國內外文獻,本研究探討監理機制、多角化策略以及短期績效(133筆樣本),中期績效(99筆樣本)與長期績效(54筆樣本)的關係。

4.管理者股權比例與多角化程度呈現先負後正的非線性關係,管理者股權比例的轉折點大約發生在50%,實證結果與部分文獻(Denis, et al., 1997)一致。
5.機構投資人持股率與多角化程度呈現負相關,證實Pound (1988)的效率監督假說,也與過去文獻(Wright, et al., 2002)一致。
6.多角化程度與短期績效呈現顯著正相關,但與中期或長期績效,此種顯著正相關就逐漸消失,甚至轉為負相關(但不顯著),即多角化效益有遞減的趨勢,實證發現與過去多數文獻結論(Berger與Ofek, 1995; Lang與Stulz, 1994;Lins與Servaes, 1999 )並不一致,本文試圖提出原因來詮釋實證發現。
7.非相關多角化程度愈高的公司有顯著較佳短期績效,但在中期或長期績效時,此種好績效就逐漸消失,甚至不再有較佳績效,結論與過去文獻(Jose, et al., 1986; Lubatkin與Rogers, 1989)不一致。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) Diversification is one major way for Taiwanese firms to maintain their competitiveness and enhance profitability when they are confronted with limited local market share and are in a less developed capital market. Past studies have asserted that decisions related to diversification are often associated with the agency problems. However, past studies have chiefly focused on exploring the relationship between diversification and performance, with less attention having been devoted to the relationship of governance mechanisms, diversification and performance. Based on previous studies, Taiwan obviously lacks external control mechanisms, which are quite widespread in western countries. Hence, this paper explored whether internal control mechanisms (equity ownership and the structure of the board of directors) can be valid ways to alleviate agency problems. This paper uses agency theory to examine the relationship between the governance mechanisms, corporate diversification, and firm performance of Taiwanese TSE-listed firms from 1996 to 2001. We respectively selected 133, 99, and 54 samples to explore the relationships between governance mechanisms, corporate diversification, and short-term, intermediate-term and long-term performance.

The major empirical results are as:
1.Most diversification activities occurred in traditional industries, e.g. textile, chemistry and building industries. This may reflect that these industries are in the mature stage of the industrial cycle. Therefore, they have to achieve growth by seeking diversification in other industries.
2.Larger or older firms have higher level of diversification. Moreover, firms with higher debt ratio or RD ratio have lower level of diversification.
3.Managerial equity ownership declined significantly in the year of diversification activity. This may indicate that managers were not optimistic about their industry’s future prospects.
4.Our results clearly showed an U-shaped relationship between managerial equity ownership and level of diversification. The threshold point was at 50%, similar to that in prior studies. Moreover, diversification was found to be positively associated with short-term and intermediate-term performance (statistical significance has declined) and to be negatively associated with long-term performance. It showed that the benefits of diversification have decreased. Our findings are different from those of most previous studies. Some possible interpretations are discussed.
5.The level of diversification was negatively related to equity ownership of institutional investors, and this was confirmed by the Efficiency Monitoring Hypothesis by Pound (1988) and is consistent with prior studies.
6.In contrast to prior studies, firms with unrelated diversification have superior short-term performance. However, in the long-term, firm performance gradually declined.
7.By using simultaneous equations, we confirmed managerial equity ownership did affect firm performance through diversification.

Future research directions and suggestions for Taiwanese-listed firms and investors are also discussed in the paper.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目 錄
第壹章 緒論………………………………………..1
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………4
第二節 研究範圍與限制………………………………9
第三節 研究流程與論文結構………………………..14
第貳章 文獻探討與個案分析……………………21
第一節 多角化的定義………………………………..21
第二節 代理理論與多角化的關係…………………..23
第三節 股權結構與多角化的關係…………………..30
第四節 董事會結構與多角化的關係………………..40
第五節 多角化與績效的關係………………………..47
第六節 文獻評述與個案訪談分析…………………..65
第參章 研究設計…………………………………72
第一節 監理機制、多角化與績效的關聯性………..73
第二節 實證架構與研究假說………………………..75
第三節 資料來源與樣本選取………………………..95
第四節 研究變數的操作性定義…………………….100
第五節 實證分析方法……………………………….108
第肆章 實證結果分析…………………………...117
第一節 樣本資料敘述統計分析…………………….118
第二節 監理機制、多角化與短期績效分析……….120
第三節 監理機制、多角化與中期績效分析……….141
第四節 監理機制、多角化與長期績效分析……….163
第五節 實證結果與涵義…………………………….187
第伍章 結論與建議……………………………..194
第一節 結論………………………………………….195
第二節 建議………………………………………….200


表2-8 個案訪談發現與對本研究涵義的整理………………………..69
表3-1 理論關係推導的符號說明…………………………… .………76
表3-2 研究假說的彙整………………………………………………..94
表3-3 變數衡量方式及預期符號(3-7式)……………………………110
表3-4 變數衡量方式與預期符號(3-8式)……………………………112
表4-1 研究樣本的年度別分佈………………………………………118
表4-2 研究樣本的產業別分佈………………………………………119
表4-3 研究樣本的敘述性統計值 (1年樣本)……………………….121
表4-4 研究變數的相關分析 (1年樣本)…………………………….124
表4-5 股權與董事會結構之差異性檢定 (1年樣本)……………….125
表4-6 多角化增加的股權與董事會結構之差異性檢定 (1年樣本).126
表4-7 股權結構與多角化的實證關係(DIVA,1年樣本)………….128
表4-8 股權結構與多角化的實證關係(SEG,1年樣本)……………130
表4-9 股權與董事會結構與多角化的關係(DIVA,1年樣本)…….132
表4-10 多角化與績效的實證關係(ROA,1年樣本)………………133
表4-11 多角化與績效的實證關係(Tobin’s Q,1年樣本)………….134
表4-12 相關多角化與績效的關係(ROA,1年樣本)……………….135
表4-13 相關多角化與績效的關係(Tobin’s Q,1年樣本)………….136
表4-14 股權結構、多角化與績效的關係(ROA,1年樣本)…………138
表4-15 股權結構、多角化與績效關係(Tobin’s Q,1年樣本)………139
表4-16 研究樣本的敘述性統計值 (2年樣本)……………………...142
表4-17 研究變數的相關分析 (2年樣本)…………………………...144
表4-18 股權與董事會結構之差異檢定 (2年樣本)………………..146
表4-19 多角化增加的股權與董事會結構之差異檢定 (2年樣本)..146
表4-20 股權結構與多角化的關係 (DIVA,2年樣本)…………….148
表4-21 股權結構與多角化的關係(SEG,2年樣本)……………….150
表4-22 股權與董事會結構與多角化關係(DIVA,2年樣本)………152
表4-23 短期與中期績效的差異性檢定……………………………..153
表4-24 多角化與1年績效的實證關係(Tobin’s Q,2年樣本)…….154
表4-25 多角化與2年績效的實證關係(Tobin’s Q,2年樣本)…….155
表4-26 相關多角化與短期績效的實證關係(ROA,2年樣本)…….157
表4-27 相關多角化與2年績效的實證關係(ROA,2年樣本)……..158
表4-28 股權結構、多角化與短期績效的關係(Tobin’s Q,2年樣本).159
表4-29 股權結構、多角化與2年績效的關係(Tobin’s Q,2年樣本).161
表4-30 研究樣本的敘述性統計值 (3年樣本)……………………..164
表4-31 研究變數的相關分析 ( 3年樣本)…………………………..166
表4-32 股權與董事會結構之差異檢定 (3年樣本)………………..168
表4-33 多角化增加的股權與董事會結構之差異檢定 (3年樣本)..169
表4-34 股權結構與多角化的實證關係 (SEG,3年樣本)…………170
表4-35 股權與董事會結構與多角化關係(SEG,3年樣本)……….173
表4-36 短期與中期績效的差異性檢定 (3年樣本)………………..174
表4-37 短期與長期績效的差異性檢定 (3年樣本)………………..174
表4-38 多角化與1年績效的實證關係(ROA,3年樣本)…………175
表4-39 多角化與2年績效的實證關係(ROA,3年樣本)…….……176
表4-40 多角化與3年績效的實證關係(ROA,3年樣本)………….177
表4-41 相關多角化與1年績效的實證關係(ROA,3年樣本)…….178
表4-42 相關多角化與2年績效的實證關係(ROA,3年樣本)…….179
表4-43 相關多角化與3年績效的實證關係(ROA,3年樣本)…….180
表4-44 股權結構、多角化與1年績效的關係(ROA,3年樣本)……182
表4-45 股權結構、多角化與2年績效的關係(ROA,3年樣本)……183
表4-46 股權結構、多角化與3年績效的關係(ROA,3年樣本)……184
表4-47 各研究假說的實證結果彙整………………………………..187

圖1-1 論文架構………………………………………………………..17
圖2-1 降低權益代理問題的內外部控制機制………………………..29
圖3-1 實證架構………………………………………………………..75
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dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 監理機制zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多角化策略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公司績效zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 上市公司監理機制,多角化策略與績效關聯性之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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