
題名 自費老人安養護中心服務體驗之研究-以雙連安養護中心為例
作者 謝小雀
貢獻者 樓永堅
關鍵詞 老人自費
日期 2007
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 15:04:21 (UTC+8)
摘要 人口老化已經是全球性的新議題了,老人學隨著社會變遷也成為重要的新領域。台灣從1993年開始進入高齡化社會。未來不論在食衣住行育樂、醫藥衛生、保健照護等各領域,銀髮族都將成為各行各業服務的重要對象。為了因應台灣高齡社會的到來,行政院院會在2007年3月14日已經通過老人福利十年大溫暖計劃,10年內將投入新台幣817億元,服務對象有四項,其中一項就是65歲以上老人 。
Aging of population is the latest issue in the world and gerontology also becomes an important new field due to the change of society. Since 1993, Taiwan has become an aging society. In the future, the elderly will be important customers to various walks of life, such as medical treatment, health care, nursing care, entertainment, and so on. In order to cope with the coming of an aging Taiwan, the Executive Yuan had passed a ten-year plan for the welfare of the elderly on March 14th, 2007. Taiwan will spend 81.7 billion dollars in ten years for four categories of citizens, and one of which is the elderly over 65 years old.
At present, there are about 80 thousands of beds in the nursing-care institutions, which is only 3.5 percent of the elderly population. There are still a lot of opportunities in the market of elderly nursing care. For the talent development, there are already ten colleges which have added the gerontology-related departments and there will be more colleges to do so. In the near future, with the integration of government policy, set-up of institutions and talent development, home care, community care and institution-based care will definitely be under good development.
The purpose of this thesis is to do further analysis of the case, Suan-Lien Elderly Center. Through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, the gap between the importance and satisfaction of the service items for the customers is discovered and the results are provided to the elderly center as a reference for management to help it establish a better value proposition.
In the research results, it is found that in the service experience items, the scores of the importance of the first five items that the habitants value most is higher than those of the satisfaction, and the habitants put more emphasis on the personnel service items. This shows that the attitude of the service personnel may influence the habitants’ satisfaction of the nursing-care centers and their willingness of staying. The family of the habitants found larger gap between the importance and satisfaction of the first five service items. The reason may be that the family of the habitants only use the services for a short time during the visit. Or it may be because the family of the habitants learn the feelings of using the services through the habitants or others.
This research suggests that the nursing-care centers can use the order of the importance of the service items as the main appeal while making the strategies of management. The nursing-care centers can stress that they can provide perfect living environment and barrier-free access and equipment or they can display the photos or films of the nursing-care centers. When the consumers call or visit the nursing-care centers, through the actual services and conversations, the consumers can feel the enthusiasm of the staff. In this way, the entire satisfaction of the nursing-care centers will be increased. When the actual satisfaction is higher than the expected one, the consumers will send their elderly to the nursing-care center.
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參、 中文網站資料
1. 內政部,「老人生活狀況分析」,,存取時間:2007/5/20。
2. 內政部,「老人福利法」,,存取時間:2007/6/17。
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 樓永堅zh_TW (Authors) 謝小雀zh_TW (Authors) Hsieh,Hsiao-Chuehen_US
dc.creator (作者) 謝小雀zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsieh,Hsiao-Chuehen_US (日期) 2007en_US 18-Sep-2009 15:04:21 (UTC+8)- 18-Sep-2009 15:04:21 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 15:04:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094932113en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94932113zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 人口老化已經是全球性的新議題了,老人學隨著社會變遷也成為重要的新領域。台灣從1993年開始進入高齡化社會。未來不論在食衣住行育樂、醫藥衛生、保健照護等各領域,銀髮族都將成為各行各業服務的重要對象。為了因應台灣高齡社會的到來,行政院院會在2007年3月14日已經通過老人福利十年大溫暖計劃,10年內將投入新台幣817億元,服務對象有四項,其中一項就是65歲以上老人 。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Aging of population is the latest issue in the world and gerontology also becomes an important new field due to the change of society. Since 1993, Taiwan has become an aging society. In the future, the elderly will be important customers to various walks of life, such as medical treatment, health care, nursing care, entertainment, and so on. In order to cope with the coming of an aging Taiwan, the Executive Yuan had passed a ten-year plan for the welfare of the elderly on March 14th, 2007. Taiwan will spend 81.7 billion dollars in ten years for four categories of citizens, and one of which is the elderly over 65 years old.
At present, there are about 80 thousands of beds in the nursing-care institutions, which is only 3.5 percent of the elderly population. There are still a lot of opportunities in the market of elderly nursing care. For the talent development, there are already ten colleges which have added the gerontology-related departments and there will be more colleges to do so. In the near future, with the integration of government policy, set-up of institutions and talent development, home care, community care and institution-based care will definitely be under good development.
The purpose of this thesis is to do further analysis of the case, Suan-Lien Elderly Center. Through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, the gap between the importance and satisfaction of the service items for the customers is discovered and the results are provided to the elderly center as a reference for management to help it establish a better value proposition.
In the research results, it is found that in the service experience items, the scores of the importance of the first five items that the habitants value most is higher than those of the satisfaction, and the habitants put more emphasis on the personnel service items. This shows that the attitude of the service personnel may influence the habitants’ satisfaction of the nursing-care centers and their willingness of staying. The family of the habitants found larger gap between the importance and satisfaction of the first five service items. The reason may be that the family of the habitants only use the services for a short time during the visit. Or it may be because the family of the habitants learn the feelings of using the services through the habitants or others.
This research suggests that the nursing-care centers can use the order of the importance of the service items as the main appeal while making the strategies of management. The nursing-care centers can stress that they can provide perfect living environment and barrier-free access and equipment or they can display the photos or films of the nursing-care centers. When the consumers call or visit the nursing-care centers, through the actual services and conversations, the consumers can feel the enthusiasm of the staff. In this way, the entire satisfaction of the nursing-care centers will be increased. When the actual satisfaction is higher than the expected one, the consumers will send their elderly to the nursing-care center.
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論…………...……………………………………1
第一節、 研究背景與動機………………………………………1
第二節、 研究目的………………………………………………3
第三節、 研究流程………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻回顧…………...………………………………5
第一節、 老人福利與安養護照護相關議題………………………5
壹、 老人福利政策與措施………………………………5
貳、 安養護照護機構………………………………………7
第二節、 服務體驗與滿意度相關文獻…………………………...13
壹、 顧客滿意度意涵 ………………….…………………13
貳、 服務品質………………………….……………….…16
參、 服務體驗………………………….……………….…19
第三節、 人口統計變數相關研究………….…….………….…30
壹、 性別………………………………….…….…….…31
貳、 年齡………………………………….…….………31
參、 教育程度…………………………..……….………32
第三章 研究方法……………………………….…………33
第一節、 研究架構…………………………………………..……34
第二節、 研究假設…………………………………………...……35
第三節、 研究變項衡量方式………………………………..……35
壹、 服務體驗量表設計……………………………..……35
貳、 基本資料設計…………………………………...……36
參、 李克特五點量表………………………………..……37
第四節、 抽樣設計…………………………………………..……37
壹、 抽樣樣本數………………………………….…..……37
貳、 抽樣對象…………………………………….…..……39
第五節、 資料分析方式…………………………………...………40
壹、 信度與效度…………………………………..………40
貳、 巴氏球型檢定(Bartlett Sphericity Test)……..………43
參、 因素分析(Factor Analysis)…………………...………43
肆、 敘述統計分析………………………………...………46
伍、 相依樣本T檢定(Paired-Samples T-test) …….………46
陸、 單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA) …….………46
第四章 資料分析……………………………………….…48
壹、 住民樣本結構……………………………………..…48
貳、 住民家屬樣本結構………………………………..…50
第二節、 住民對安養護中心服務體驗結果分析……………..…51
壹、 住民對安養護中心之服務體驗構面滿意度差異分析51
貳、 住民對安養護中心之體驗項目滿意度差異分析…..53
第三節、 住民家屬對安養護中心服務體驗結果分析…………..56
壹、 住民家屬對安養護中心之服務體驗構面滿意度差異分析56
貳、 家屬對安養護中心之體驗項目滿意度差異分析…...57
第四節、 住民人口統計變數對服務體驗構面分析……………...61
壹、 性別對服務體驗構面之分析………………………..61
貳、 年齡對服務體驗構面之分析………………………..62
參、 教育程度對服務體驗構面之分析…………………..63
肆、 入住時間對服務體驗構面之分析…………………...64
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………….66
壹、 檢定結果……………………………………………..66
貳、 結論-服務體驗……………………………………….67
參、 討論…………………………………………………...69
第二節、 研究建議……………………………………………...71
壹、 品質改善策略………………………………………..71
貳、 營運管理策略………………………………………..72
參、 經營管理策略………………………………………..72
肆、 產業發展方向………………………………………..73
壹、 英文部分…………………………………………..…74
貳、 中文部分……………………………………………..80
參、 中文網站資料………………………………………..82
附錄一 研究問卷…………………………………………….83
附錄二 96.03.27雙連安養護中心第一次訪談內容摘要......85
附錄三 96.04.26雙連安養護中心第二次訪談內容摘要......90
附錄四 住戶訪談摘要……………………………………….92


表2-1、老人居住環境調查表………………………………………… 9
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dc.subject (關鍵詞) 老人自費zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 服務體驗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 顧客滿意度zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 自費老人安養護中心服務體驗之研究-以雙連安養護中心為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、 英文部分:zh_TW
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