
題名 公司盈餘宣佈對個股選擇權之影響
作者 林耿玄
貢獻者 杜化宇
關鍵詞 盈餘宣告
日期 2008
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 20:12:50 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究透過研究個股選擇權在盈餘宣告日附近的價量變化關係來探討公司盈餘發佈對投資人投資決策的影響,研究對象為在LIFFE掛牌之49家個股選擇權,資料期間為2003/01/01至2007/12/31共五年,蒐集到盈餘宣佈日樣本共636筆,透過研究公司盈餘宣告日附近,個股選擇權之隱含波動度、交易量、未平倉口數之變化情形來試圖找出投資人對盈餘宣告期間的投資決策。並進一步將公司盈餘宣告分類為正面消息與負面消息,觀察不同消息類型對投資人投資決策之影響。最後採用拔靴法,在不破壞原資料結構下來擴增研究樣本數至5000筆,來消除可能因為樣本不足所造成之統計誤差。

參考文獻 一、中文部分
1. Athony, J. H., (1988) “The interrelation of stock and options markets trading volume data” , Journal of Finance, Vol.43, pp.949-964.
2. Ball, R., and P. Brown, (1968) “An empirical evaluation of accounting income
numbers” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.6, pp.159-177.
3. Ball, R., (1978) “Anomalies in relationships between securities’ yields and yield
Surrogates” , Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.6, pp.103-126.
4. Bamber, L.S., (1986) “The information content of annual earnings releases: a
trading volume approach ” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.24, pp.40-56.
5. Beaver, W. H., (1968) “The information content of annual earnings announcements” , Journal of Accounting Research(Supplement), Vol.6, pp.67-92.
6. Beaver, W.H., R. Clarke, and W.F. Wright, (1979) “The association between
unsystematic security percentage change in price and the magnitude of earnings
foreast errors” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.17, pp.316-340.
7. Bhattacharya, Mihir, (1987) “Price Changes of Related Securities: The Case of Call Options and Stocks” , Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, Vol.22, pp.1-15.
8. Black, Fischer, (1975) “Fact and Fantasy In the Use of Options” , Financial
Analysts Journal, Vol.31, pp.36-72.
10. Donders, M. W. M. and Ton C. F. Vorst, (1996)“The impact of firm specific news    
 on implied volatilities” , Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.20, pp.1447-1461.
11. Donders, M. W. M. and Ton C. F. Vorst, (2000) “Option and earnings
announcements : an empirical study of volatility, trading volume, open interest and liquidity” , European Financial Management, Vol.6, No.2, pp.149-171.
12. Donders, M. W. M., Roy Kouwenberg, and Ton C.F. Vorst, (2000) “Options and earnings announcements:an empirical study of volatility, trading volume, open interest and liquidity” , European Financial Management, Vol. 6,No.2,pp.149-171.
13. George, T.J., G. Kaul, and M. Nimalendran, (1994) “Trading volume and transaction costs in specialist markets” , Journal of Finance, Vol.49,pp.1498-1505.
14. Isakov, Dusan and C. Perignon, (2001) “Evolution of market uncertainty around earnings announcements” , Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol.25, pp.1769-1788.
15. Karpoff, J.M., (1986) “A theory of trading volume” , Journal of Finance, Vol.41, pp.1069-1087.
16. Latané, Henry A., Charles P. Jones, and R. Rieke, (1974) “Quarterly earning reports and subsequent period returns” , Journal of Business Research, Vol.2 , pp.119-132.
17. Latané, Henry A., and Charles P. Jones, (1977) “Standard unexpected earnings : A
progress report” , Journal of Finance, Vol. 32, pp.1457-1465.
18. Latané, Henry A., and Charles P. Jones, (1979) “Standard unexpected earnings :
1971-77” , Journal of Finance, Vol.34, pp.1457-1465.
19. Manaster, S., and R. Rendleman, (1982) “Option Prices as Predictors of Equilibrium Stock Prices” , Journal of Finance, Vol.37, pp.1043-58.
20. Patell, J., and M. Wolfson, (1979) “Anticipated Information Release Reflected in Call Option Prices” , Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.1, pp.117-40.
21. Patell, J., and M. Wolfson, (1981) “The Ex Ante and Ex Post Price Effects of Quarterly Earnings Announcements Reflected in Stock and Option Prices”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.19, pp.434-58.
22. Schachter, B., (1998) “Open interest in stock options around quarterly earnings announcements” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.26, pp.353-372.
23. Varson, P. L. and M. J. P. Selby, (1997) “Option prices as predictors of stock
prices: intraday adjustments to information releases” , European Journal
of Finance, Vol.3, pp.49-72.
24. Watts, R., (1978) “ Systematic ‘abnormal’ returns after quarterly earnings Announcements” , Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.3, pp.127-150.
25. Whaley, R., and J. Cheung, (1982) “Anticipation of Quarterly Earnings Announcements: A Test of Option Market Efficiency” , Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.4, pp.57-83.
26. Wilson, A.J., (1997) “On options trading and open interest around earnings report dates” , working paper, George Washington University
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 杜化宇zh_TW (Authors) 林耿玄zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 林耿玄zh_TW (日期) 2008en_US 18-Sep-2009 20:12:50 (UTC+8)- 18-Sep-2009 20:12:50 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 20:12:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0096357034en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財務管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96357034zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究透過研究個股選擇權在盈餘宣告日附近的價量變化關係來探討公司盈餘發佈對投資人投資決策的影響,研究對象為在LIFFE掛牌之49家個股選擇權,資料期間為2003/01/01至2007/12/31共五年,蒐集到盈餘宣佈日樣本共636筆,透過研究公司盈餘宣告日附近,個股選擇權之隱含波動度、交易量、未平倉口數之變化情形來試圖找出投資人對盈餘宣告期間的投資決策。並進一步將公司盈餘宣告分類為正面消息與負面消息,觀察不同消息類型對投資人投資決策之影響。最後採用拔靴法,在不破壞原資料結構下來擴增研究樣本數至5000筆,來消除可能因為樣本不足所造成之統計誤差。

dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 2
第三節 研究架構與流程 4
第貳章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 股票市場之盈餘宣告效果 6
第二節 個股選擇權市場之盈餘宣告效果 8
第三節 隱含波動度、交易量以及未平倉口數相關文獻 10
第參章 研究資料與研究方法 13
第一節 研究資料 13
第二節 變數定義與研究方法 18
第三節 拔靴法 22
第肆章 實證結果 25
第一節 異常隱含波動度 25
第二節 異常交易量 33
第三節 異常未平倉口數增量 40
第四節 拔靴法 47
第伍章 結論 55
參考文獻 58
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dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 盈餘宣告zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 個股選擇權zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) LIFFEzh_TW
dc.title (題名) 公司盈餘宣佈對個股選擇權之影響zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1.王佑民,“年度盈餘資訊內容之研究:以台灣股票上市公司為實證”,國立中山大學企管研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十四年。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 2.李釗芹,“臺灣上市公司自行宣告盈餘資訊內涵之研究”,私立東海大學企管研究所碩士論文,民國八十九年。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 3.喬慧雯,“上市公司季盈餘宣告資訊內涵之實證研究”,國立政治大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民國八十四年。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 4.謝銘偉,“概估盈餘與公告盈餘不一致對股價影響之研究”,國立台灣大學會計研究所碩士論文,民國八十八年。zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 二、英文部分zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1. Athony, J. H., (1988) “The interrelation of stock and options markets trading volume data” , Journal of Finance, Vol.43, pp.949-964.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 2. Ball, R., and P. Brown, (1968) “An empirical evaluation of accounting incomezh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) numbers” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.6, pp.159-177.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 3. Ball, R., (1978) “Anomalies in relationships between securities’ yields and yieldzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Surrogates” , Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.6, pp.103-126.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 4. Bamber, L.S., (1986) “The information content of annual earnings releases: azh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) trading volume approach ” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.24, pp.40-56.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 5. Beaver, W. H., (1968) “The information content of annual earnings announcements” , Journal of Accounting Research(Supplement), Vol.6, pp.67-92.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 6. Beaver, W.H., R. Clarke, and W.F. Wright, (1979) “The association betweenzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) unsystematic security percentage change in price and the magnitude of earningszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) foreast errors” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.17, pp.316-340.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 7. Bhattacharya, Mihir, (1987) “Price Changes of Related Securities: The Case of Call Options and Stocks” , Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, Vol.22, pp.1-15.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 8. Black, Fischer, (1975) “Fact and Fantasy In the Use of Options” , Financialzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Analysts Journal, Vol.31, pp.36-72.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 10. Donders, M. W. M. and Ton C. F. Vorst, (1996)“The impact of firm specific news    zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻)  on implied volatilities” , Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.20, pp.1447-1461.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 11. Donders, M. W. M. and Ton C. F. Vorst, (2000) “Option and earningszh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) announcements : an empirical study of volatility, trading volume, open interest and liquidity” , European Financial Management, Vol.6, No.2, pp.149-171.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 12. Donders, M. W. M., Roy Kouwenberg, and Ton C.F. Vorst, (2000) “Options and earnings announcements:an empirical study of volatility, trading volume, open interest and liquidity” , European Financial Management, Vol. 6,No.2,pp.149-171.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 13. George, T.J., G. Kaul, and M. Nimalendran, (1994) “Trading volume and transaction costs in specialist markets” , Journal of Finance, Vol.49,pp.1498-1505.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 14. Isakov, Dusan and C. Perignon, (2001) “Evolution of market uncertainty around earnings announcements” , Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol.25, pp.1769-1788.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 15. Karpoff, J.M., (1986) “A theory of trading volume” , Journal of Finance, Vol.41, pp.1069-1087.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 16. Latané, Henry A., Charles P. Jones, and R. Rieke, (1974) “Quarterly earning reports and subsequent period returns” , Journal of Business Research, Vol.2 , pp.119-132.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 17. Latané, Henry A., and Charles P. Jones, (1977) “Standard unexpected earnings : Azh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) progress report” , Journal of Finance, Vol. 32, pp.1457-1465.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 18. Latané, Henry A., and Charles P. Jones, (1979) “Standard unexpected earnings :zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1971-77” , Journal of Finance, Vol.34, pp.1457-1465.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 19. Manaster, S., and R. Rendleman, (1982) “Option Prices as Predictors of Equilibrium Stock Prices” , Journal of Finance, Vol.37, pp.1043-58.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 20. Patell, J., and M. Wolfson, (1979) “Anticipated Information Release Reflected in Call Option Prices” , Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.1, pp.117-40.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 21. Patell, J., and M. Wolfson, (1981) “The Ex Ante and Ex Post Price Effects of Quarterly Earnings Announcements Reflected in Stock and Option Prices”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.19, pp.434-58.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 22. Schachter, B., (1998) “Open interest in stock options around quarterly earnings announcements” , Journal of Accounting Research, Vol.26, pp.353-372.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 23. Varson, P. L. and M. J. P. Selby, (1997) “Option prices as predictors of stockzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) prices: intraday adjustments to information releases” , European Journalzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) of Finance, Vol.3, pp.49-72.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 24. Watts, R., (1978) “ Systematic ‘abnormal’ returns after quarterly earnings Announcements” , Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.3, pp.127-150.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 25. Whaley, R., and J. Cheung, (1982) “Anticipation of Quarterly Earnings Announcements: A Test of Option Market Efficiency” , Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.4, pp.57-83.zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 26. Wilson, A.J., (1997) “On options trading and open interest around earnings report dates” , working paper, George Washington Universityzh_TW