
題名 數位落差狀態衡量、策略規劃及績效管理之整合性架構與模式研究
The Study of the Integrated Architecture and Model for the Measurement of the Status, the Strategic Planning and the Performance Management of Digital Divide
作者 王行一
Wang, Hsing I
貢獻者 余千智
Yu, Chien Chih
Wang, Hsing I
關鍵詞 數位落差
Digital divide
Balancecd Scorecard
Strategy gap analysis
Strategy map
Performance evaluation
日期 2007
上傳時間 18-Sep-2009 20:15:22 (UTC+8)
摘要 數位落差是資訊科技與數位化經濟快速發展下的產物。研究發現數位落差代表著機會的消失,更反映著社會基本素養、貧窮、醫療或其他社會問題存在的議題,只要數位落差存在,經濟的發展、國家競爭力的提升、人民生活的進步都將受到拖延而遲緩。事實上,有關數位落差如何發生、如何衡量、影響層面與嚴重性以及如何縮減數位落差的相關議題不斷的被討論,各國政府與國際組織或者自行組成研究小組,或者邀請學者專家針對縮減數位落差議題加以探討,期以建立一個公平共享數位化所帶來各項利益的社會。然而研究顯示縮減數位落差各方努力的成效仍不如預期。如何縮減數位落差的相關研究至今仍有許多缺口待彌補,包括數位落差現象觀察不完整、欠缺一個具有全方位評量的架構、縮減數位落差的方案與數位落差現象間的因果關係並無法提出一個對應的脈絡、如何檢討縮減數位落差策略的執行績效等等。
1. 研究提出一個國內與國際數位落差觀察與衡量整合架構,架構共分為ICT普及、均等機會、資訊社會與國家競爭力四個構面。
2. 研究結果認為縮減數位落差在策略上應考量受益群體、政府功能與流程、全國性學習與成長以及公共財政的支援。
3. 利用策略地圖所闡述的因果特性進行策略缺口分析。研究結果提出四類水平策略議題缺口、五類水平策略目標缺口、兩類垂直策略議題缺口與三類垂直策略目標缺口。水平策略缺口分析可確保策略議題之完整性,而垂直缺口分析則可檢視策略間之因果關係是否連結。最終目標則是保證縮減數位落差策略之品質。
4. 本研究將策略與數位落差評估架構結合,除了以AHP計算各指標權數,瞭解各指標之重要性,並於指標架構表中指出該指標為績效驅動指標,或為策略執行結果指標。
5. 實例分析發現,目前台灣在縮減數位落差議題上水平策略缺口包含遺漏策略議題、缺少因應台灣特質之策略與策略目標、策略議題不明、遺漏重要策略目標、缺少適當衡量指標以及無效的策略等等。垂直策略缺口情況較嚴重,表示策略間的邏輯性並未詳細檢討過。
Digital divide (DD) is the byproduct of the fast development of information technologies and digital economy. Previous researches indicated that the existence of digital divide implies the vanishment of digital opportunities, and furthermore, it reflects the presence of servere social problems including literacy, poverty, medical systems, etc. As long as there is a gap, the development of economy, national competitiveness, and the advance of human lives will be affected. As the matter of fact, the issues of the causes, the measurements, the impacts as well as the reducing of digital divide have been constantly discussed over a decade. Governments and international organizations have put a lot of efforts in pursuit of establishing a society in which people would equally share the benefits of e-society by minimizing the gaps. Unfortunately, research findings have indicated that the efforts for reducing digital divides were inconvincible. Major themes, such as the observation as well as the evaluation of the status of digital divide in an integrated view, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationship between strategies and the outcomes, are still absent in the discussions or researches.
By reviewing literatures and analyzing the documents collected, this research first provides an integrated framework for simultaneously analyzing domestic and international digital divides. The framework is later incorporated with the BSC to form the strategic management platform for reducing DD. To ease the process for a nation to build its own DD-BSC and to refine its DD strategies, this research also presents a systemized approach to locate strategic gaps. The AHP is adopted in this research to verify the consistency of the structure of the framework as well as to calculate the weights of the indicators.
In summary, this research contributes the following results:
1. An integrated model, containing ICT Diffusion, Equal Opportunity, Information Society and National Competitiveness dimension for the measurement and evaluation of digital divide, is presented in this research.
2. Research findings suggest the strategies of reducing DD should be planned based on Beneficiaries, Governmental Functions and Processes, Nation-Wide Learning and Growth and Public Finance perspectives.
3. The research proposes and defines four types of horizontal strategic theme gaps, five types of horizontal strategic objective gaps, two types of vertical strategic theme gaps and three types of vertical strategic objective gap types. The ultimate goal of strategic gaps analysis is to ensure the qualities of the strategies of reducing DD.
4. The measurements proposed in this research can be used to measure the status of DD and to evaluate the performances of the strategies of reducing DD.
5. The case study of Taiwn reveals that in the issue of reducing DD, the government could initiate more effective strategies by referencing other developed countries. Major problems of Taiwan regarding to reducing DD include the lack of strategic objectives, the lack of proper measurement, the broken links among strategies as well as between strategy and its objectives.
Suggestions proposed to the government including the reexamination the scopes and strutrucures of measuring the status of digital divide, designing a strategic planning and control system for reducing DD, seeking for cross-nation cooperations and focusing on improving the qualities of the DD strategies. Future studies may focus on the refinement of the frameworks proposed in this research; determine the changes that are affected by the new concept of digital opportunities; define more clearly and precisely the terms used in observing or measuring DD; design questionnaires and collect data regularly. Finally, more interviews and case studies are to be conducted to improve the practical values of this research.
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1. Demark, National IT and Telecom Agency, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Denmark, http://itst.dk.
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3. Finish, http://www.sitra.fi.
4. Finish Government, http://www.government.fi.
5. Japan, Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC), http://www.johotsusintokei.soumu.go.jp.
6. Korea, Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC), http://www.mic.go.kr.
7. Korea, Nation computerization Agency of Korea (NCA), http://www.nca.or.kr.
8. Norway, http://www.sintef.no.
9. Singapore, Infocomm Development Authority (IDA), http://www.ida.gov.sg.
10. Sweden, http://www.itkommissionen.se.
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13. United States, NTIA, National Telecommunication and Information Administration, U.S. department of Commerce, United States, www.ntia.doc.gov.
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6. 行政院國家科學委員會,https://nscnt07.nsc.gov.tw/tc/NEWS/ATTFILE/0950006_1.pdf.
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8. 財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心,http://cdnet.stpi.org.tw.
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8. G8, Group of Eight, http://www.g8.utoronto.ca.
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12. OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation And Development, http://www.oecd.org.
13. RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ab/docs.
14. The World Bank Group http://www.worldbank.org.
15. UNCTAD, The United Nations Conferences on Trade and Development, http://www.unctad.org/en.
16. WEF World Economic Forum, http://www.weforum.org.
17. WSIS World Summit on the Information Society, http://www.itu.int/wsis.
描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0903565051
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 余千智zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yu, Chien Chihen_US
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 王行一zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Wang, Hsing Ien_US
dc.creator (作者) 王行一zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Hsing Ien_US
dc.date (日期) 2007en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-Sep-2009 20:15:22 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-Sep-2009 20:15:22 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-Sep-2009 20:15:22 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0903565051en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/36951-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 資訊管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 90356505zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 數位落差是資訊科技與數位化經濟快速發展下的產物。研究發現數位落差代表著機會的消失,更反映著社會基本素養、貧窮、醫療或其他社會問題存在的議題,只要數位落差存在,經濟的發展、國家競爭力的提升、人民生活的進步都將受到拖延而遲緩。事實上,有關數位落差如何發生、如何衡量、影響層面與嚴重性以及如何縮減數位落差的相關議題不斷的被討論,各國政府與國際組織或者自行組成研究小組,或者邀請學者專家針對縮減數位落差議題加以探討,期以建立一個公平共享數位化所帶來各項利益的社會。然而研究顯示縮減數位落差各方努力的成效仍不如預期。如何縮減數位落差的相關研究至今仍有許多缺口待彌補,包括數位落差現象觀察不完整、欠缺一個具有全方位評量的架構、縮減數位落差的方案與數位落差現象間的因果關係並無法提出一個對應的脈絡、如何檢討縮減數位落差策略的執行績效等等。
1. 研究提出一個國內與國際數位落差觀察與衡量整合架構,架構共分為ICT普及、均等機會、資訊社會與國家競爭力四個構面。
2. 研究結果認為縮減數位落差在策略上應考量受益群體、政府功能與流程、全國性學習與成長以及公共財政的支援。
3. 利用策略地圖所闡述的因果特性進行策略缺口分析。研究結果提出四類水平策略議題缺口、五類水平策略目標缺口、兩類垂直策略議題缺口與三類垂直策略目標缺口。水平策略缺口分析可確保策略議題之完整性,而垂直缺口分析則可檢視策略間之因果關係是否連結。最終目標則是保證縮減數位落差策略之品質。
4. 本研究將策略與數位落差評估架構結合,除了以AHP計算各指標權數,瞭解各指標之重要性,並於指標架構表中指出該指標為績效驅動指標,或為策略執行結果指標。
5. 實例分析發現,目前台灣在縮減數位落差議題上水平策略缺口包含遺漏策略議題、缺少因應台灣特質之策略與策略目標、策略議題不明、遺漏重要策略目標、缺少適當衡量指標以及無效的策略等等。垂直策略缺口情況較嚴重,表示策略間的邏輯性並未詳細檢討過。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Digital divide (DD) is the byproduct of the fast development of information technologies and digital economy. Previous researches indicated that the existence of digital divide implies the vanishment of digital opportunities, and furthermore, it reflects the presence of servere social problems including literacy, poverty, medical systems, etc. As long as there is a gap, the development of economy, national competitiveness, and the advance of human lives will be affected. As the matter of fact, the issues of the causes, the measurements, the impacts as well as the reducing of digital divide have been constantly discussed over a decade. Governments and international organizations have put a lot of efforts in pursuit of establishing a society in which people would equally share the benefits of e-society by minimizing the gaps. Unfortunately, research findings have indicated that the efforts for reducing digital divides were inconvincible. Major themes, such as the observation as well as the evaluation of the status of digital divide in an integrated view, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationship between strategies and the outcomes, are still absent in the discussions or researches.
By reviewing literatures and analyzing the documents collected, this research first provides an integrated framework for simultaneously analyzing domestic and international digital divides. The framework is later incorporated with the BSC to form the strategic management platform for reducing DD. To ease the process for a nation to build its own DD-BSC and to refine its DD strategies, this research also presents a systemized approach to locate strategic gaps. The AHP is adopted in this research to verify the consistency of the structure of the framework as well as to calculate the weights of the indicators.
In summary, this research contributes the following results:
1. An integrated model, containing ICT Diffusion, Equal Opportunity, Information Society and National Competitiveness dimension for the measurement and evaluation of digital divide, is presented in this research.
2. Research findings suggest the strategies of reducing DD should be planned based on Beneficiaries, Governmental Functions and Processes, Nation-Wide Learning and Growth and Public Finance perspectives.
3. The research proposes and defines four types of horizontal strategic theme gaps, five types of horizontal strategic objective gaps, two types of vertical strategic theme gaps and three types of vertical strategic objective gap types. The ultimate goal of strategic gaps analysis is to ensure the qualities of the strategies of reducing DD.
4. The measurements proposed in this research can be used to measure the status of DD and to evaluate the performances of the strategies of reducing DD.
5. The case study of Taiwn reveals that in the issue of reducing DD, the government could initiate more effective strategies by referencing other developed countries. Major problems of Taiwan regarding to reducing DD include the lack of strategic objectives, the lack of proper measurement, the broken links among strategies as well as between strategy and its objectives.
Suggestions proposed to the government including the reexamination the scopes and strutrucures of measuring the status of digital divide, designing a strategic planning and control system for reducing DD, seeking for cross-nation cooperations and focusing on improving the qualities of the DD strategies. Future studies may focus on the refinement of the frameworks proposed in this research; determine the changes that are affected by the new concept of digital opportunities; define more clearly and precisely the terms used in observing or measuring DD; design questionnaires and collect data regularly. Finally, more interviews and case studies are to be conducted to improve the practical values of this research.
dc.description.tableofcontents 致謝
目錄 I
表目錄 III
圖目錄 V
第1章 緒論 1-1
1-1研究背景與動機 1-1
1-1.1數位落差的影響 1-1
1-1.2台灣縮減數位落差現況 1-1
1-1.3數位落差研究之缺口 1-2
1-1.4策略管理概念興起 1-4
1-2研究目的 1-5
1-3研究範圍 1-6
1-4研究流程 1-6
第2章 文獻回顧 2-1
2-1數位落差定義與規範 2-1
2-2文獻數位落差研究理論與模型 2-4
2-3數位落差評量指標 2-11
2-3.1指標總整理 2-11
2-3.2 現階段相關研究之不足 2-13
2-4平衡計分卡 2-15
2-4.1策略管理 2-15
2-4.2 BSC核心概念 2-16
2-4.3 BSC在非營利組織之應用 2-20
2-4.4 BSC發展原則 2-22
2-5決策因素權數決定方法 2-24
第3章 研究設計與研究方法 3-1
3-1研究模型與研究階段 3-1
3-2建立DD-BSC-文獻整理與內容分析 3-2
3-2.1提出研究問題 3-4
3-2.2選取樣本 3-5
3-2.3建立類目與選擇分析單位 3-5
3-2.4 訓練編碼者 3-9
3-2.5開始編碼 3-9
3-2.6資料分析 3-9
3-3 評量指標-建置AHP層級與問卷設計 3-11
3-4模式應用-個案分析 3-13
第4章 數位落差平衡計分卡架構 4-1
4-1數位落差整合評估模型 4-1
4-1.1模型構面說明 4-1
4-1.2模式驗證 4-15
4-2數位落差平衡計分卡模型 4-18
4-2.1認清願景與使命 4-19
4-2.2確認關鍵成功因素 4-20
4-2.3定義BSC構面 4-20
4-2.4建立策略 4-21
4-3策略地圖 4-22
第5章 策略缺口種類與定義 5-1
5-1策略缺口意義 5-1
5-2為何以BSC平台作為策略缺口分析工具? 5-3
5-3策略地圖與策略缺口 5-4
5-4策略缺口分析方法發展 5-5
5-4.1決定DD-BSC策略地圖為基礎之「策略陳述」缺口 5-5
5-4.2水平缺口分析-類型與定義 5-5
5-4.3垂直缺口分析-類型與定義 5-8
5-5策略缺口分析之啟示 5-9
第6章 數位落差與績效評量指標 6-1
6-1 AHP架構與問卷設計 6-1
6-2問卷資料分析 6-1
6-3結合AHP結果與DD-BSC 6-16
6-4數位落差與績效評量指標之應用方式 6-16
第7章 案例分析-以台灣為例 7-1
7-1 建立台灣數位落差DD-BSC 7-1
7-2水平策略缺口分析 7-1
7-3策略地圖與垂直缺口分析 7-9
7-4 數位落差表現與績效衡量應用 7-12
7-4.1 指標缺口 7-12
7-4.2跨年度或跨國比較 7-12
7-5 案例分析發現 7-22
第8章 結論與建議 8-1
8-1研究限制 8-1
8-2研究結論 8-2
8-3對政府的建議 8-3
8-4本研究主要貢獻 8-4
8-5 未來研究方向 8-4
參考文獻 1
附錄A 內容分析資料彙整 1
附錄B 問卷
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0903565051en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位落差zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平衡計分卡zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 策略缺口分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 策略地圖zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 績效評估zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital divideen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Balancecd Scorecarden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Strategy gap analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Strategy mapen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Performance evaluationen_US
dc.title (題名) 數位落差狀態衡量、策略規劃及績效管理之整合性架構與模式研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Study of the Integrated Architecture and Model for the Measurement of the Status, the Strategic Planning and the Performance Management of Digital Divideen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文論文與書籍:zh_TW
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dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 8. 黃恆獎、王仕茹(1997)”國家競爭力指標之構念效度分析-IMD與WEF指標之評估”,管理學報, 14 (4),第635-665頁。zh_TW
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