
題名 大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質評量指標之建構與影響因素的分析研究
The study of the fundamental indicators construction and the assessment of counseling service quality in university counseling centers
作者 汪慧瑜
Wang, Hui Yu
貢獻者 林邦傑<br>修慧蘭
Wang, Hui Yu
關鍵詞 輔導諮商中心
counseling center
counselling service quality
gap theory
counseling psychologist
日期 2008
上傳時間 19-Sep-2009 12:42:29 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究主要目的在根據落差理論建構大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質影響因素,並編製「輔導服務品質量表」及「輔導服務品質影響因素量表」以探討大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質現況。依此目的,本研究首先對專家學者、學務長、輔諮中心主任與學生等23人進行訪談,歸納出大學校院輔諮中心的輔導服務品質包含六大指標:「有形性」、「可靠性」、「反應性」、「保證性」、「體貼性」、「認同性」。影響輔導服務品質有四個影響因素,管理階層認知向度、品質承諾向度、輔導服務人員之知能與態度與宣導與溝通向度。
  第三.輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質影響因素組成因素之間的關係。(一)「品質承諾」、「控制力」對於輔導服務品質的「有形性」較具有預測力。(二)「員工適配」、「目標設置」、「加強宣導」、「工作標準化」與「學生需求調查」對於輔導服務品質的「可靠性」較具有預測力。(三)「員工適配」、「水平溝通」、「加強宣導」、「學生需求調查」、「監控系統」與「工作標準化」對於輔導服務品質「反應性」較具有預測力。(四)「員工適配」、「控制力」、「加強宣導」、「水平溝通」、「監控系統」與「學生需求調查」對於輔導服務品質「保證性」較具有預測力。(五)「員工適配」、「加強宣導」、「工作標準化」對於輔導服務品質「體貼性」較具有預測力。其中「員工適配」為主要預測變項。(六) 「品質承諾」、「加強宣導」、「水平溝通」、「團隊合作」與「目標設置」對於輔導服務品質的「認同性」較具有預測力。
The main purpose of this research was to construct fundamental indicators of counseling service quality, develop an inventory of counseling service quality, and assess counseling service quality of university counseling centers. This research was conducted under three processes. First, semistructured interviews of professional scholars, deans of student affairs, directors of counseling center and students were conducted. Six indicators of counseling service quality were obtained from analyzing the responses as follows: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and identification. The determinants of counseling service quality involved managers’ perception of students’ expectations, management commitment to service quality, counselors’ competence and attitude, as well as propagation and communication. Several specific criteria emerged for each of the determinants. Second, the inventory was constructed under the framework of literature review and Delphi method. The inventory was finally sent to 379 counselors and 1343 students from 24 universities in Taiwan. The data was analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, and stepwise regression.
Our findings are summarized below:
First, regarding counselors of different backgrounds: (1) No differences were found between the public and private university counselors in perceived counseling service quality. The same results were found between counselors of differing seniority. (2) The perceived “employee-job fit” of university counselors was better than that of those from vocational university. (3) The perceived tangibility of the first district in northern universities was greater than that of southern universities. (4) There were disparities in the assessment of determinants of counseling service quality between male and female counselors. The same was true with counselors of different professional backgrounds. (5) The perceived counseling service quality of the director and counselors with doctorate degrees from the university counseling center was better than that of other counselors.
Second, students with different backgrounds: (1) The perceived counseling service quality was different between males and females, universities and technological universities, different grades, and possessing or not possessing prior counseling experience. (2) No differences were found between public and private university students in perceived counseling service quality.
Third, the relationship between counselor service quality indicators and factors of counselor service quality: (1) The criteria of management commitment to service quality and perceived control were the two major factors in predicting the tangibility of counseling service quality. (2) The criteria of “employee-job fit”, goal-setting, propagation-enhancement, task standardization, and student request investigation were the five major factors in predicting the reliability of counseling service quality.3. The criteria of “employee-job fit”, horizontal communication, propagation-enhancement, student request investigation, supervisory control systems, and task standardization were the six major factors in predicting the responsiveness of counseling service quality.4. The criteria of employee-job fit, perceived control, propagation-enhancement, horizontal communication, supervisory control systems, and student research orientation were the six major factors in predicting the assurance of counseling service quality. (5) The criteria of employee-job fit, propagation-enhancement, and task standardization were the six major factors in predicting the empathy of counseling service quality.(6) The criteria of management commitment to service quality, propagation-enhancement, horizontal communication, teamwork and goal-setting were the four major factors in predicting counseling service quality.
Based on the results of this study, we have proposed some suggestions and provided reference materials for the counseling profession as well as for the pursuit of further research in this area.
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林邦傑<br>修慧蘭zh_TW (Authors) 汪慧瑜zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Hui Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 汪慧瑜zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Hui Yuen_US (日期) 2008en_US 19-Sep-2009 12:42:29 (UTC+8)- 19-Sep-2009 12:42:29 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 19-Sep-2009 12:42:29 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0911525121en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91152512zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究主要目的在根據落差理論建構大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質影響因素,並編製「輔導服務品質量表」及「輔導服務品質影響因素量表」以探討大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質現況。依此目的,本研究首先對專家學者、學務長、輔諮中心主任與學生等23人進行訪談,歸納出大學校院輔諮中心的輔導服務品質包含六大指標:「有形性」、「可靠性」、「反應性」、「保證性」、「體貼性」、「認同性」。影響輔導服務品質有四個影響因素,管理階層認知向度、品質承諾向度、輔導服務人員之知能與態度與宣導與溝通向度。
  第三.輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質影響因素組成因素之間的關係。(一)「品質承諾」、「控制力」對於輔導服務品質的「有形性」較具有預測力。(二)「員工適配」、「目標設置」、「加強宣導」、「工作標準化」與「學生需求調查」對於輔導服務品質的「可靠性」較具有預測力。(三)「員工適配」、「水平溝通」、「加強宣導」、「學生需求調查」、「監控系統」與「工作標準化」對於輔導服務品質「反應性」較具有預測力。(四)「員工適配」、「控制力」、「加強宣導」、「水平溝通」、「監控系統」與「學生需求調查」對於輔導服務品質「保證性」較具有預測力。(五)「員工適配」、「加強宣導」、「工作標準化」對於輔導服務品質「體貼性」較具有預測力。其中「員工適配」為主要預測變項。(六) 「品質承諾」、「加強宣導」、「水平溝通」、「團隊合作」與「目標設置」對於輔導服務品質的「認同性」較具有預測力。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The main purpose of this research was to construct fundamental indicators of counseling service quality, develop an inventory of counseling service quality, and assess counseling service quality of university counseling centers. This research was conducted under three processes. First, semistructured interviews of professional scholars, deans of student affairs, directors of counseling center and students were conducted. Six indicators of counseling service quality were obtained from analyzing the responses as follows: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and identification. The determinants of counseling service quality involved managers’ perception of students’ expectations, management commitment to service quality, counselors’ competence and attitude, as well as propagation and communication. Several specific criteria emerged for each of the determinants. Second, the inventory was constructed under the framework of literature review and Delphi method. The inventory was finally sent to 379 counselors and 1343 students from 24 universities in Taiwan. The data was analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, and stepwise regression.
Our findings are summarized below:
First, regarding counselors of different backgrounds: (1) No differences were found between the public and private university counselors in perceived counseling service quality. The same results were found between counselors of differing seniority. (2) The perceived “employee-job fit” of university counselors was better than that of those from vocational university. (3) The perceived tangibility of the first district in northern universities was greater than that of southern universities. (4) There were disparities in the assessment of determinants of counseling service quality between male and female counselors. The same was true with counselors of different professional backgrounds. (5) The perceived counseling service quality of the director and counselors with doctorate degrees from the university counseling center was better than that of other counselors.
Second, students with different backgrounds: (1) The perceived counseling service quality was different between males and females, universities and technological universities, different grades, and possessing or not possessing prior counseling experience. (2) No differences were found between public and private university students in perceived counseling service quality.
Third, the relationship between counselor service quality indicators and factors of counselor service quality: (1) The criteria of management commitment to service quality and perceived control were the two major factors in predicting the tangibility of counseling service quality. (2) The criteria of “employee-job fit”, goal-setting, propagation-enhancement, task standardization, and student request investigation were the five major factors in predicting the reliability of counseling service quality.3. The criteria of “employee-job fit”, horizontal communication, propagation-enhancement, student request investigation, supervisory control systems, and task standardization were the six major factors in predicting the responsiveness of counseling service quality.4. The criteria of employee-job fit, perceived control, propagation-enhancement, horizontal communication, supervisory control systems, and student research orientation were the six major factors in predicting the assurance of counseling service quality. (5) The criteria of employee-job fit, propagation-enhancement, and task standardization were the six major factors in predicting the empathy of counseling service quality.(6) The criteria of management commitment to service quality, propagation-enhancement, horizontal communication, teamwork and goal-setting were the four major factors in predicting counseling service quality.
Based on the results of this study, we have proposed some suggestions and provided reference materials for the counseling profession as well as for the pursuit of further research in this area.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機 …………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的與問題 ………………………………………………7
第三節 名詞釋義 ……………………………………………………8
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 大學校院輔諮中心概況…………………………………………15
第二節 服務品質-落差理論…………………………………………… 23
第三節 落差理論的有關研究……………………………………………48
第四節 影響大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質的因素…………………53
第三章 研究設計與實施
第一節 研究架構與假設…………………………………………………67
第二節 研究方法 ………………………………………………………70
第三節 研究對象…………………………………………………………74
第四節 研究工具 ………………………………………………………85
第五節 資料處理…………………………………………………………92
第四章 研究結果
第一節 根據專家訪談分析輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質影響
第二節 根據德懷術專家諮詢編製「輔導服務品質量表」及「輔導服
務品質影響因素表」 …………………………………………112
第三節 預試量表的項目分析與信度分 ………………………………134
第四節 我國大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質現況 …………………142
第五節 大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質
影響因素組成因素之間的關 …………………………………164
第五章 討論 
第一節 大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質指標與影響因素……………173
第二節 不同背景輔導老師對於輔諮中心輔導服務品質以及輔導
第三節 不同背景變項學生對於輔導服務品質六項指標的評估
第四節 大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質指標與輔導服務品質
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 ………………………………………………………………201
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………………209
第三節 建議………………………………………………………………213
中文部份………………………………………………………………… 221
英文部分 ……………………………………………………………… 224
附錄一 訪談邀請函 ………………………………………………………229
附錄二 訪談同意書 ……………………………………………………230
附錄三 德懷術專家小組邀請函…………………………………………231
附錄四 大學校院輔導諮商中心輔導服務品質調查問卷(最初問卷)…232
附錄五 大學校院輔導諮商中心輔導服務品質評量指標之建構與
附錄六 大學校院輔導諮商中心輔導服務品質評量指標之建構與
影響因素之分析《專家諮詢調查問卷》(德懷術第二階段) 254
附錄七 大學校院輔導諮商中心輔導服務品質評量指標之建構與
附錄八 請大學校院輔諮中心協助問卷調查函 ……………………… 275
附錄九 大學校院輔諮中心服務狀況調查問卷(學生版)……………276
附錄十 大學校院輔諮中心服務狀況調查問卷(教師版)……………278
附錄十一 北二區與南區學校兼任非專業輔導老師人數 ………………282

表 次

表2-1 服務品質定義…………………………………………………………27
表2-2 服務品質衡量構面與原十項評量對照………………………………40
表2-3 服務品質的組成因素…………………………………………………41
表2-4  PZB模式應用於教育服務品質之研…………………………………49
表2-5 學生需求研究結果與研究建議的落差………………………………58
表3-1 訪談成員基本資料……………………………………………………75
表3-2 德懷術小組成員………………………………………………………77
表3-3  輔導老師預試樣本回覆參加學校及人數分佈 ……………………78
表3-4  輔導老師預試樣本基本資料表 ………………………………………79
表3-5  學生預試樣本基本資料表 ……………………………………………80
表3-6  北ㄧ區回覆參加學校及人數分佈表 …………………………………81
表3-7  北二區回覆參加學校及人數分佈表 …………………………………81
表3-8 中區回覆參加學校及人數分佈表 ……………………………………82
表3-9  南區回覆參加學校及人數分佈表 ……………………………………82
表3-10 輔導老師正式樣本基本資料 …………………………………………83表3-11 學生樣本所屬學校及人數分佈表 ……………………………………84表3-12 學生正式樣本基本資料 ………………………………………………84
表3-13 受訪者編碼範例………………………………………………………93
表4-1 受訪者第一項訪談大綱所提出概念分佈表…………………………99
表4-2 受訪者前四項訪談大綱所提出概念分佈表…………………………100
表4-3 受訪者第一項訪談大綱提出非輔導服務品質架構中的概念分析表101
表4-4 受訪者第二項訪談大綱所提概念分佈…………………………… 102
表4-5 受訪者第二項訪談大綱所提出非輔導服務品質架構中的概念分析表…………………………………………………………………………………103
表4-6 受訪者第三項訪談大綱所提出概念分佈表…………………………105
表4-7 受訪者第三項訪談大綱所提出非輔導服務品質架構中的概念分析表…………………………………………………………………………………107
表4-8  受訪者第五項訪談大綱的反…………………………………………110
表4-9 受訪者對於PZB模式的意見 ……………………………………… 111
表4-10 第一階段德懷術輔導服務品質問卷之修正意見統計表……………113
表4-11 第一階段德懷術輔導服務品質影響因素問卷之修正意見統計表…116
表4-12 第二階段德懷術輔導服務品質問卷之修正意見統計表……………122
表4-13 第二階段德懷術專家小組在第一題的修正意見……………………124
表4-14 第二階段德懷術輔導服務品質影響因素問卷之修正意見統計……124
表4-15 第三階段德懷術輔導服務品質問卷之修正意見統計表……………129
表4-16 第三階段德懷術輔導服務品質影響因素問卷之修正意見統計表…130
表4-17 輔導服務品質量表項目分析(教師版)……………………………136
表4-18 輔導服務品質影響因素量表項目分析摘要表………………………137
表4-19 輔導服務品質量表項目分析(學生版)………………………………141
表4-20 輔導服務品質量表與輔導服務品質影響因素量表信度分析………142
表4-21 公私立學校輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的t考驗結
果摘要表 …………………………………………………………… 143
表4-22 不同性質學校輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的t考驗
結果摘要表………………………………………………………… 144
表4-23 不同區域學校輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的t考驗
結果摘要表………………………………………………………… 145
表4-24 不同性別輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的t考驗結果
摘要表……………………………………………………………… 147
表4-25 不同性別老師在輔導服務品質各影響因素上的t考驗結果摘要表148
表4-26 不同年資輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的單因子變異
數分析摘要表 ………………………………………………………149
表4-27 不同職稱輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的單因子變異
數分析摘要表……………………………………………………… 151
表4-28 不同職稱輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的單因子變異
數分析摘要表……………………………………………………… 153
表4-29 不同專業背景輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的單因子
變異數分析摘要表………………………………………………… 154
表4-30 不同專業背景輔導老師在影響因素組成因素的單因子變異數分析
摘要表……………………………………………………………… 155
表4-31 不同教育程度輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素評估的單因子
變異數分析摘要表………………………………………………… 156
表4-32 不同教育程度輔導老師在各影響因素上的單因子變異數分析摘要
表…………………………………………………………………… 157
表4-33 男、女學生對學校輔諮中心輔導服務品質評估的t考驗結果摘要
表…………………………………………………………………… 159
表4-34 不同類別學校學生對輔諮中心輔導服務品質評估的t考驗結果
摘要表……………………………………………………………… 160
表4-35 不同性質學校學生對輔諮中心輔導服務品質評估的單因子變異數
分析摘要表………………………………………………………… 161
表4-36 不同年級學生對輔諮中心輔導服務品質評估的單因子變異數分析
摘要表……………………………………………………………… 162
表4-37 不同經驗學生對學校輔諮中心輔導服務品質評估的t考驗結果
摘要表……………………………………………………………… 163
表4-38 輔導服務品質指標與影響因素組成因素之間的相關………………164
表4-39 輔導服務品質影響因素組成因素預測輔導服務品質「有形性」
指標的逐步回歸分析摘要表……………………………………… 165
表4-40 導服務品質影響因素組成因素預測輔導服務品質「可靠性」    
指標的逐步回歸分析摘要表……………………………………… 166
表4-41 導服務品質影響因素組成因素預測輔導服務品質「反應性」    
指標的逐步回歸分析摘要表……………………………………… 167
表4-42 導服務品質影響因素組成因素預測輔導服務品質「保證性」    
指標的逐步回歸分析摘要表……………………………………… 168
表4-43 導服務品質影響因素組成因素預測輔導服務品質「體貼性」    
指標的逐步回歸分析摘要表……………………………………… 169
表4-44 導服務品質影響因素組成因素預測輔導服務品質「認同性」    
指標的逐步回歸分析摘要表……………………………………… 170
表4-45 輔導服務品質影響因素預測輔導服務品質的逐步回歸分析摘要表171
表5-1 不同背景變項輔導老師對輔導服務品質與影響因素與組成因素評估
差異彙整…………………………………………………………… 184
表5-2 不同背景學生在輔導服務品質評估差異的彙整表…………………190
表5-3  輔導服務品質多元回歸分析結果一覽………………………… 191

圖 次

圖2-1 落差理論-P.Z.B.服務品質概念模式 ………………………………29
圖2-2 服務品質延伸模式………………………………………………………30
圖3-1 本研究輔導服務品質架構圖……………………………………………68
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 輔導諮商中心zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 輔導服務品質zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 落差理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 諮商心理師zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) counseling centeren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) counselling service qualityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) gap theoryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) counseling psychologisten_US
dc.title (題名) 大學校院輔諮中心輔導服務品質評量指標之建構與影響因素的分析研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The study of the fundamental indicators construction and the assessment of counseling service quality in university counseling centersen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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