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題名 後鄧時期中共政治意識型態的轉變:以三個代表為例
作者 王瑞鎰
貢獻者 李英明
關鍵詞 中共意識型態
日期 2004
上傳時間 19-Sep-2009 14:56:19 (UTC+8)
摘要 中國大陸在改革開放的過程中,意識型態一直是理論與實踐的辯證過程。簡言之,中共意識型態是無法以「共產主義」一語概括,它隨著組黨、革命、建政、領導人的更替,在不同的歷史階段各有其不同的發展與名詞意涵,從「共產主義」開始,歷經「馬克思主義」、「馬克思列寧主義」、「毛澤東思想」、「中國特色社會主義」到「鄧小平理論」,均在其所屬年代中各領風騷。作為後鄧時期中共領導人的江澤民面對新世紀的新條件和新考驗,提出「三個代表」論述,除透過電視、報紙等輿論媒體向社會各界宣傳灌輸之外,並由理論界針對馬克思理論中的各項要素進行辯護,逐漸完成中共意識型態重構工程,成為指導中共綱領的「實踐意識型態」。
江澤民在「六四事件」後上台,不遺餘力進行中共意識型態「重構」工程,在「純粹」與「實踐」二重結構內涵上推動相應的重置與調整,一方面高舉「鄧小平理論」旗幟掌握意識型態解釋權,將「鄧小平理論」定義為:「是馬克思主義同當代中國實踐和時代特徵相結合的產物,是對毛澤東思想的繼承和發展,是當代中國的馬克思主義,是馬克思主義在中國發展的新階段」,將之供奉於「十五大」黨章中,移除其對實際政策的指導能力,成為中共意識型態「核心」的「純粹意識型態」,藉以鞏固其權力與地位;另方面採取批評與自我批評,開展黨內思想鬥爭,陸續推動「講政治」、「精神文明建設」、「三講」、「三個代表」等運動,透過政策制定與輿論灌輸,強調理論創新,在信仰體系中重新安排、接受、建立新內涵, 發揮「外圍」的「實踐意識型態」所具有的政權統治指導功能。
In the reform and opening-up of Mainland China, the ideology development has always been a dialectical process of theory and practice. In other words, the word “communism” does not fully convey the ideology of Communist China, which has developed various meanings with the establishment of the Communist Party, revolution, political establishment and leadership succession in the different periods of the history: from “communism” to “Marxism”, “Marxism-Leninism”, “Mao Zedong Thought”, “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, and “Deng Siaoping Theory”, all of which dominated the eras they were in. Jiang Zemin, the Chinese Communist leader in the Post-Deng period, proposed the thought of “Three-Represents” in facing the new conditions and challenges of the new era. The thought was propagandized to the public through mass media such as TV and newspapers, and theoretically argued against the essential factors of Marxist Theory to gradually complete the reconstruction of the ideology of Communist China and become the “practical ideology” that works as the guiding principle of Communist China.
In review of the historical development of the Chinese Communist Party, Deng Siaoping first proposed to emancipate the mind and social productive forces. Before the 14th Party Congress in early1992, he also proposed the criterion of productive forces, “three favorables”, which solved the dispute of “socialist” or “capitalist”. In the Post-Deng period, the 15th Party Congress was held in 1997. Jiang Zemin continued to hold high the banner of Deng Siaoping Theory and also solved the dispute of “state-owned” or “privately-owned”. However, how to further consolidate the “privately-owned” sector, which had been acknowledged, was yet a tough issue for Jiang Zemin on the cross-century journey. Therefore, when the thought of “Three-Represents” was recognized as the key breakthrough of Marxism about the party-construction theory, it also indicated that the traditional Marxist Theory and the Chinese Communist Party, armed with Marxism, had to face the great challenges of the new era and prospects.
Jiang Zemin came into power after the June 4 Incident. He made strenuous efforts to carry out the reconstruction of the ideology of Communist China and promote the corresponding replacement and adjustment related to the connotation of the “pure” and “practical” ideology. On one hand, he held high the banner of Deng Siaoping Theory to hold the power of interpretation of the ideology, defined Deng Siaoping Theory as: “an outcome of the integration of Marxism, the practice of present-day China and the features of the times, a continuation and development of Mao Zedong Thought, and Marxism of present-day China, representing a new stage of development of Marxism in China”. This definition was included in the party constitution at the 15th Party Congress to eliminate its guiding power to the actual policies and allow it to become the “core pure ideology” of Communist China, which as a result, consolidated Jiang’s power and status. On the other hand, he adopted criticism and self-criticism, carried out the inner-party thought battle, continually promoted the movements including “Stressing Political Awareness”, “Socialist Ideological and Ethical Progress”, “Three Emphases” and “Three Represents”, stressed innovation of theory, rearranged, adopted and established new content of the belief system, and brought the political power governing and guiding functions of the “peripheral practical ideology” into full play through policy establishment and public propaganda.
In review of the reconstruction of the ideology of Communist China, the changes of the dual-structure of the “pure” and “practical” ideology are observed. The former is reflected in the redefinition of the fundamental theories of Marxism-Leninism, reconsolidation of the inevitability and world outlook of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, and reemphasis on the socialism, people’s democratic dictatorship, leadership of the Communist Party, and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought through the Four Cardinal Principles in order to consolidate the fundamental frame of the ideology of Communist China. The latter is reflected in seeking truth from facts, integrated with China’s reality, theory innovation, etc., based on the “Three-Represents” thought as the annotation, argument and development focus of modern Chinese Marxism, and thus allows sustainable development of the life-force of the ideology of Communist China under this frame.
Compared to the era of Mao zedong and Deng Siaoping, the ideology constructed by Jiang Zemin apparently tends to move away from socialism. Its major functions are to demonstrate the rationality and argue in defense of the present policies. Suppose this changing direction will continue, based on the present production relations, the future ideology of Communist China will be likely to develop in the following directions: 1) under the principles of “Four Upholdings”, to proceed to seek legitimate basis for the argument for “one-party dictatorship” in the ideological field, and promote the “Four Upholdings” to be the national ideology and policy guidance for political and economic development of Communist China; 2) following the inexorable trend of departure from socialism, to proceed to conduct progressive political and economic reform, in other words, on the basis that “the Party has evolved from one that led the people in the fight for seizing the power nationwide to one that has led the people in exercising the State power and to a party in power for a long period of time”, as Jiang Zemin stated, to proceed with social stratification to form a more stable social structure and gradually weaken the practical guiding function of the ideology.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0919210151
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李英明zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 王瑞鎰zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 王瑞鎰zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2004en_US
dc.date.accessioned 19-Sep-2009 14:56:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 19-Sep-2009 14:56:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 19-Sep-2009 14:56:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0919210151en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/34883-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 919210151zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中國大陸在改革開放的過程中,意識型態一直是理論與實踐的辯證過程。簡言之,中共意識型態是無法以「共產主義」一語概括,它隨著組黨、革命、建政、領導人的更替,在不同的歷史階段各有其不同的發展與名詞意涵,從「共產主義」開始,歷經「馬克思主義」、「馬克思列寧主義」、「毛澤東思想」、「中國特色社會主義」到「鄧小平理論」,均在其所屬年代中各領風騷。作為後鄧時期中共領導人的江澤民面對新世紀的新條件和新考驗,提出「三個代表」論述,除透過電視、報紙等輿論媒體向社會各界宣傳灌輸之外,並由理論界針對馬克思理論中的各項要素進行辯護,逐漸完成中共意識型態重構工程,成為指導中共綱領的「實踐意識型態」。
江澤民在「六四事件」後上台,不遺餘力進行中共意識型態「重構」工程,在「純粹」與「實踐」二重結構內涵上推動相應的重置與調整,一方面高舉「鄧小平理論」旗幟掌握意識型態解釋權,將「鄧小平理論」定義為:「是馬克思主義同當代中國實踐和時代特徵相結合的產物,是對毛澤東思想的繼承和發展,是當代中國的馬克思主義,是馬克思主義在中國發展的新階段」,將之供奉於「十五大」黨章中,移除其對實際政策的指導能力,成為中共意識型態「核心」的「純粹意識型態」,藉以鞏固其權力與地位;另方面採取批評與自我批評,開展黨內思想鬥爭,陸續推動「講政治」、「精神文明建設」、「三講」、「三個代表」等運動,透過政策制定與輿論灌輸,強調理論創新,在信仰體系中重新安排、接受、建立新內涵, 發揮「外圍」的「實踐意識型態」所具有的政權統治指導功能。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the reform and opening-up of Mainland China, the ideology development has always been a dialectical process of theory and practice. In other words, the word “communism” does not fully convey the ideology of Communist China, which has developed various meanings with the establishment of the Communist Party, revolution, political establishment and leadership succession in the different periods of the history: from “communism” to “Marxism”, “Marxism-Leninism”, “Mao Zedong Thought”, “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, and “Deng Siaoping Theory”, all of which dominated the eras they were in. Jiang Zemin, the Chinese Communist leader in the Post-Deng period, proposed the thought of “Three-Represents” in facing the new conditions and challenges of the new era. The thought was propagandized to the public through mass media such as TV and newspapers, and theoretically argued against the essential factors of Marxist Theory to gradually complete the reconstruction of the ideology of Communist China and become the “practical ideology” that works as the guiding principle of Communist China.
In review of the historical development of the Chinese Communist Party, Deng Siaoping first proposed to emancipate the mind and social productive forces. Before the 14th Party Congress in early1992, he also proposed the criterion of productive forces, “three favorables”, which solved the dispute of “socialist” or “capitalist”. In the Post-Deng period, the 15th Party Congress was held in 1997. Jiang Zemin continued to hold high the banner of Deng Siaoping Theory and also solved the dispute of “state-owned” or “privately-owned”. However, how to further consolidate the “privately-owned” sector, which had been acknowledged, was yet a tough issue for Jiang Zemin on the cross-century journey. Therefore, when the thought of “Three-Represents” was recognized as the key breakthrough of Marxism about the party-construction theory, it also indicated that the traditional Marxist Theory and the Chinese Communist Party, armed with Marxism, had to face the great challenges of the new era and prospects.
Jiang Zemin came into power after the June 4 Incident. He made strenuous efforts to carry out the reconstruction of the ideology of Communist China and promote the corresponding replacement and adjustment related to the connotation of the “pure” and “practical” ideology. On one hand, he held high the banner of Deng Siaoping Theory to hold the power of interpretation of the ideology, defined Deng Siaoping Theory as: “an outcome of the integration of Marxism, the practice of present-day China and the features of the times, a continuation and development of Mao Zedong Thought, and Marxism of present-day China, representing a new stage of development of Marxism in China”. This definition was included in the party constitution at the 15th Party Congress to eliminate its guiding power to the actual policies and allow it to become the “core pure ideology” of Communist China, which as a result, consolidated Jiang’s power and status. On the other hand, he adopted criticism and self-criticism, carried out the inner-party thought battle, continually promoted the movements including “Stressing Political Awareness”, “Socialist Ideological and Ethical Progress”, “Three Emphases” and “Three Represents”, stressed innovation of theory, rearranged, adopted and established new content of the belief system, and brought the political power governing and guiding functions of the “peripheral practical ideology” into full play through policy establishment and public propaganda.
In review of the reconstruction of the ideology of Communist China, the changes of the dual-structure of the “pure” and “practical” ideology are observed. The former is reflected in the redefinition of the fundamental theories of Marxism-Leninism, reconsolidation of the inevitability and world outlook of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, and reemphasis on the socialism, people’s democratic dictatorship, leadership of the Communist Party, and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought through the Four Cardinal Principles in order to consolidate the fundamental frame of the ideology of Communist China. The latter is reflected in seeking truth from facts, integrated with China’s reality, theory innovation, etc., based on the “Three-Represents” thought as the annotation, argument and development focus of modern Chinese Marxism, and thus allows sustainable development of the life-force of the ideology of Communist China under this frame.
Compared to the era of Mao zedong and Deng Siaoping, the ideology constructed by Jiang Zemin apparently tends to move away from socialism. Its major functions are to demonstrate the rationality and argue in defense of the present policies. Suppose this changing direction will continue, based on the present production relations, the future ideology of Communist China will be likely to develop in the following directions: 1) under the principles of “Four Upholdings”, to proceed to seek legitimate basis for the argument for “one-party dictatorship” in the ideological field, and promote the “Four Upholdings” to be the national ideology and policy guidance for political and economic development of Communist China; 2) following the inexorable trend of departure from socialism, to proceed to conduct progressive political and economic reform, in other words, on the basis that “the Party has evolved from one that led the people in the fight for seizing the power nationwide to one that has led the people in exercising the State power and to a party in power for a long period of time”, as Jiang Zemin stated, to proceed with social stratification to form a more stable social structure and gradually weaken the practical guiding function of the ideology.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章  導論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究途徑與研究方法 2
第三節 文獻回顧與探討 6
第四節 相關概念之界定 15
第二章  意識型態總體分析 18
第一節 意識型態的涵意與類型 18
第二節 政治意識型態的意義與性質 32
第三節 政治意識型態結構功能分析與界定 35
第四節 意識型態的結構 43
第五節 中共的意識型態的探討 46
第三章  鄧小平時期中共政治意識型態的發展 52
第一節 鄧小平時期的中共政治意識型態 52
第二節 鄧小平時期中共政治意識型態維護與矛盾 59
第四章  後鄧時期中共政治意識型態的新詮釋:三個代表 67
第一節 江澤民重塑中共意識型態之探討 67
第二節 「三個代表」思想的歷程 75
第三節 「三個代表」思想的相互關係 81
第四節 「三個代表」思想對中共政治意識型態的影響 92
第五章  鄧小平時期中共政治意識型態的發展 123
第一節 三個代表提出的時代背景 123
第二節 後鄧時期中共意識型態的建構 133
第三節 「江澤民時代」重塑中共意識型態的探討 153
第六章  結論 159
第一節 研究發現 159
第二節 後續研究 163

參考文獻 165
一、中文部分 165
 二、英文部分 172

表2-1 意識型態純粹及外圍結構部分的內容特性與功能分析 35
表2-2 中共解釋「意識型態」所使用的名詞 47
表2-3 中共意識型態核心理論與外圍實踐位置的更迭 49
表4-1 中國十大階層分析表 97
表4-2 中國社會階層分類表(三大類) 97
表4-3 體制內外倡議「政改」一覽表(1997/04~2001/11) 115
表5-1 毛澤東時代、鄧小平時代與「江澤民時代」的「中國模式」發展道路
的比較 158

圖2-1 社會大眾從屬於意識型態的國家機器權力的疆界 44
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dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0919210151en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中共意識型態zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 鄧小平理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 江澤民zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 三個代表zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 後鄧時期中共政治意識型態的轉變:以三個代表為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (一)專書zh_TW
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