
題名 電信私有化的政治邏輯︰以英國、俄羅斯與台灣為例
Political logic of telecom privatization in UK, Russia and Taiwan
作者 羅彥傑
貢獻者 何思因
關鍵詞 電信私有化
telecom privatization
日期 2007
上傳時間 19-Sep-2009 15:30:34 (UTC+8)
摘要 自1980年代以降,私有化成為跨國、跨區域的全球化現象。在各種國公營事業私有化中,電信私有化堪稱是其中最具政治意涵的項目之一,其遭遇的政治阻力也最大。有鑑於過去相關研究多半側重意識型態、制度或利益團體等單一途徑,本研究嘗試統合理念、制度與利益等途徑,以完整的政治分析架構來解釋影響電信私有化三面向-進展速度、成功機率與順暢性-的最重要條件,建構電信私有化的政治理論。
Privatization has become international and interregional phenomena since 1980s. Among the privatizations of all state-owned and public enterprises, telecom ones can be described as one of the most political implications, facing more political resistance than others. Given the fact that the past researches mostly focused on such single approaches as ideology, institutions and interest groups, this study tries to integrate idea, institutions and interests into a political analytical framework. This study hopes to answer the key prerequisites affecting telecom privatization’s three dimensions-speed, success and smoothness, constructing the political theory of telecom privatization.
Two indicators of measuring “idea” are “telecom assets historically privately-owned” and “re-elected ruler (or ruling party)’s winning margins”. Two indicators of measuring “institutions” are “fusion of political powers” and “health of capital markets”. Two indicators of measuring “interests” are “arbitrage incentives during first shares sale” and “offering shares to individual investors and employees”. If the case is simultaneously qualified for two indicators, it means the case could perform well in that dimension, and vice versa. If the case only satisfies one indicator, it means the case could perform intermediately.
The author found that as far as the results of telecom privatizations in United Kingdom, Russia and Taiwan are concerned, idea, institutions and interests actually are able to explain the difference of the three cases in terms of speed, success and smoothness. In other words, a speedy, successful and smooth telecom privatization depends on idea, institutions and interests. Although it is difficult to change idea, the governments can begin with institutions and interests. Institutions play the “commitment” role, and interests show the “allocation” effect. In particular, the more broadly interests being allocated, and the more profitable individual investors and employees obtaining from telecom privatization, the less opposition the government encountering. The study suggests that the government think of telecom privatization reversely. Telecom privatizations can be pressed ahead smoothly only with “cheaply selling” telecom assets to individual investors and employees during first shares offering.
Keywords: Telecom privatization, idea, institution, interest, arbitrage.
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英國《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)
英國《金融時報》(Financial Times)
英國《泰晤士報》(The Times)
美國《商業週刊》(Business Week)
美國《中歐經濟評論》(Central European Economic Review)
美國《IEEE通訊雜誌》(IEEE Communications Magazine)

British Telecom
Office of Communications
Russian-European Centre for Economic Policy
Russia Profile網站
Russia Today
Russian Trading System
The Journal of Literacy and Technology
The Reason Public Policy Institute

描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 何思因zh_TW (Authors) 羅彥傑zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 羅彥傑zh_TW (日期) 2007en_US 19-Sep-2009 15:30:34 (UTC+8)- 19-Sep-2009 15:30:34 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 19-Sep-2009 15:30:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0912525031en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 政治研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 91252503zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自1980年代以降,私有化成為跨國、跨區域的全球化現象。在各種國公營事業私有化中,電信私有化堪稱是其中最具政治意涵的項目之一,其遭遇的政治阻力也最大。有鑑於過去相關研究多半側重意識型態、制度或利益團體等單一途徑,本研究嘗試統合理念、制度與利益等途徑,以完整的政治分析架構來解釋影響電信私有化三面向-進展速度、成功機率與順暢性-的最重要條件,建構電信私有化的政治理論。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Privatization has become international and interregional phenomena since 1980s. Among the privatizations of all state-owned and public enterprises, telecom ones can be described as one of the most political implications, facing more political resistance than others. Given the fact that the past researches mostly focused on such single approaches as ideology, institutions and interest groups, this study tries to integrate idea, institutions and interests into a political analytical framework. This study hopes to answer the key prerequisites affecting telecom privatization’s three dimensions-speed, success and smoothness, constructing the political theory of telecom privatization.
Two indicators of measuring “idea” are “telecom assets historically privately-owned” and “re-elected ruler (or ruling party)’s winning margins”. Two indicators of measuring “institutions” are “fusion of political powers” and “health of capital markets”. Two indicators of measuring “interests” are “arbitrage incentives during first shares sale” and “offering shares to individual investors and employees”. If the case is simultaneously qualified for two indicators, it means the case could perform well in that dimension, and vice versa. If the case only satisfies one indicator, it means the case could perform intermediately.
The author found that as far as the results of telecom privatizations in United Kingdom, Russia and Taiwan are concerned, idea, institutions and interests actually are able to explain the difference of the three cases in terms of speed, success and smoothness. In other words, a speedy, successful and smooth telecom privatization depends on idea, institutions and interests. Although it is difficult to change idea, the governments can begin with institutions and interests. Institutions play the “commitment” role, and interests show the “allocation” effect. In particular, the more broadly interests being allocated, and the more profitable individual investors and employees obtaining from telecom privatization, the less opposition the government encountering. The study suggests that the government think of telecom privatization reversely. Telecom privatizations can be pressed ahead smoothly only with “cheaply selling” telecom assets to individual investors and employees during first shares offering.
Keywords: Telecom privatization, idea, institution, interest, arbitrage.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的:為何研究電信私有化? 2
第三節 名詞界定 6
第四節 電信的特殊性 11
第五節 研究問題與個案的選擇 15
第六節 研究途徑與研究方法 24
第二章 電信私有化理論建構 26
第一節 前言 26
第二節 決定電信私有化速度的心理條件:理念 35
第三節 決定電信私有化成敗的結構條件:制度 38
第四節 決定電信私有化的順暢性:利益 48
第五節 小結 53
第三章 英國電信私有化 54
第一節 私有化釋股前的英國電信簡史 54
第二節 英國電信私有化的執行 67
第三節 檢視英國電信私有化的條件 76
第四節 小結 106
第四章 俄羅斯電信私有化 107
第一節 私有化釋股前的俄羅斯電信簡史 107
第二節 俄羅斯電信私有化的執行 121
第三節 檢視俄羅斯電信私有化的條件 127
第四節 小結 152
第五章 台灣電信私有化 153
第一節 私有化前的台灣電信簡史 153
第二節 台灣電信私有化的執行 167
第三節 檢視台灣電信私有化的條件 177
第四節 小結 197
第六章 比較英俄台電信私有化暨結論 198
第一節 理論驗證 198
第二節 英俄台電信私有化共同點 214
第三節 結論 220
第四節 後續研究建議 224
參考書目 225
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電信私有化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 理念zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 制度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 利益zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 套利zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) telecom privatizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ideaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) institutionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) interesten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) arbitrageen_US
dc.title (題名) 電信私有化的政治邏輯︰以英國、俄羅斯與台灣為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Political logic of telecom privatization in UK, Russia and Taiwanen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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