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題名 建立山區道路修建工程評估準則及決策機制之研究
作者 李維峰;廖洪鈞;林美聆;連惠邦;劉小蘭;黃台生
貢獻者 行政院經建會
關鍵詞 修建工程;評估準則;決策機制;serviceable maintenance;evaluation guideline;decision-making aspect;土木水利工程類
日期 2004
上傳時間 15-Sep-2010 13:38:00 (UTC+8)
摘要 道路建設為我國交通工程建設之主要項目,亦為我國重要施政項目之一,其所提供的服務品質對促進整體經濟成長、保障社會安全、提升文化發展,甚至確保國防安全均有關鍵性之影響。然而由於台灣是個多山的島嶼國家,山區道路的興築,可促進山區之經濟發展,但若不當之道路修建,人群及產業活動,除破壞地形、引發坍方外,將進一步造成濫墾、濫建及土地超限利用,甚且引發土石流或其他坡地災害,危及人民生命財產及公共安全。此外,台灣島大部分地區的地質年代較輕,造山運動持續進行造成地殼因受造山運動的擠壓而褶皺斷裂,以致山區地表岩體破碎,每遇颱風豪雨、地震,山區道路時常崩坍阻斷,歷年來政府投入相關修復經費,實已不符成本效益。本研究計畫擬參考國內外相關文獻與經驗,依據 貴會所彙整建置之山區道路資料庫進行相關檢討與分析,建立山區道路修建工程之成本效益評估標準作業手冊,及山區道路修建工程之決策機制,並以南投縣為例,選取較常發生山區道路災害之路段進行案例分析研究。期本計畫研擬建立之山區道路修建工程成本效益評估標準作業手冊及決策機制,能全面應用於所有山區道路之相關經濟效益及風險之評估分析,以確立未來山區道路修建之路網圖。The roadway construction is one of the major steps in the transportation development.Because th island of taiwan is composed by mountain with young fractured rock formation and frequent tectonic events,this geological feature creates a unique situation for roadway system that failure can be triggered by heavy rainfall and earthquake. The consequence of these roadway system failure not only damages the economic developing of our society,but also the human safety.Combined with the roadway system database in taiwan area, this project plans to invovecurrent Taiwan and other countries experience to accomplish a design manual. This design manual will benefit engineers to evaluate the seviceable maintenance of roadway system in mountain area,with considering the economic and financial factor. In the design manual, the roadway system in the Nantou County will be presented as an example case to demonstrate the procedure. Theprogress on developing this manual concentrates on the decision-making aspect of economic and financial risk evaluation. This will help to re-evaluate the current roadway system in mountain area and then provide a improved methodology for future developing.
關聯 CEPD92070
研究經費: 2700 千元
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 行政院經建會en_US
dc.contributor 財團法人臺灣營建研究院;國立政治大學地政學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 李維峰;廖洪鈞;林美聆;連惠邦;劉小蘭;黃台生zh_TW (日期) 2004en_US 15-Sep-2010 13:38:00 (UTC+8)- 15-Sep-2010 13:38:00 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 15-Sep-2010 13:38:00 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 道路建設為我國交通工程建設之主要項目,亦為我國重要施政項目之一,其所提供的服務品質對促進整體經濟成長、保障社會安全、提升文化發展,甚至確保國防安全均有關鍵性之影響。然而由於台灣是個多山的島嶼國家,山區道路的興築,可促進山區之經濟發展,但若不當之道路修建,人群及產業活動,除破壞地形、引發坍方外,將進一步造成濫墾、濫建及土地超限利用,甚且引發土石流或其他坡地災害,危及人民生命財產及公共安全。此外,台灣島大部分地區的地質年代較輕,造山運動持續進行造成地殼因受造山運動的擠壓而褶皺斷裂,以致山區地表岩體破碎,每遇颱風豪雨、地震,山區道路時常崩坍阻斷,歷年來政府投入相關修復經費,實已不符成本效益。本研究計畫擬參考國內外相關文獻與經驗,依據 貴會所彙整建置之山區道路資料庫進行相關檢討與分析,建立山區道路修建工程之成本效益評估標準作業手冊,及山區道路修建工程之決策機制,並以南投縣為例,選取較常發生山區道路災害之路段進行案例分析研究。期本計畫研擬建立之山區道路修建工程成本效益評估標準作業手冊及決策機制,能全面應用於所有山區道路之相關經濟效益及風險之評估分析,以確立未來山區道路修建之路網圖。The roadway construction is one of the major steps in the transportation development.Because th island of taiwan is composed by mountain with young fractured rock formation and frequent tectonic events,this geological feature creates a unique situation for roadway system that failure can be triggered by heavy rainfall and earthquake. The consequence of these roadway system failure not only damages the economic developing of our society,but also the human safety.Combined with the roadway system database in taiwan area, this project plans to invovecurrent Taiwan and other countries experience to accomplish a design manual. This design manual will benefit engineers to evaluate the seviceable maintenance of roadway system in mountain area,with considering the economic and financial factor. In the design manual, the roadway system in the Nantou County will be presented as an example case to demonstrate the procedure. Theprogress on developing this manual concentrates on the decision-making aspect of economic and financial risk evaluation. This will help to re-evaluate the current roadway system in mountain area and then provide a improved methodology for future developing.en_US
dc.format.extent 412 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/octet-stream-
dc.language zh-Twen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) CEPD92070en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 應用研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 委託研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:921230~930331en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費: 2700 千元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 修建工程;評估準則;決策機制;serviceable maintenance;evaluation guideline;decision-making aspect;土木水利工程類en_US
dc.title (題名) 建立山區道路修建工程評估準則及決策機制之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) reporten