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題名 學校創新經營與學校效能之後設分析
A meta-analysis of school innovation and school effectiveness
作者 古雅瑄
Ku, Ya Hsuan
貢獻者 湯志民
Ku, Ya Hsuan
關鍵詞 學校創新經營
日期 2009
上傳時間 9-Dec-2010 09:40:55 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在探討我國學校創新經營與學校效能的實際效果,藉由整合2003到2009年的25篇博碩士論文的研究數據,探討學校創新經營與學校效能兩變項的相關性、調節變項的影響力、及跨變項相關作用的結果。

一、 學校創新經營與學校效能的效應量有顯著相關,且在程度上為大效應量。
二、 轉型領導為學校創新經營與學校效能間的調節變項。
(一) 地區特徵不會影響學校創新經營與學校效能的相關性。
(二) 轉型領導是影響學校創新經營與學校效能的異質因素,其與效應量有同方向變動關係。
三、 學校創新經營與學校效能跨變項間均具有顯著相關,且各效應量在程度上均為大效應量。
(一) 整體學校創新經營與個別學校效能間均有顯著相關存在,其中以行政績效表現與整體學校創新經營的平均效應量為最高。
(二) 整體學校效能與個別學校創新經營間均有顯著相關存在,其中以行政管理創新與整體學校效能的平均效應量為最高。
(三) 個別學校創新經營與個別學校效能間均有顯著相關存在,其中以行政管理創新與行政績效表現的平均效應量為最高。

一、 各縣市政府可多辦理獎勵型的創新經營比賽。
二、 進行學校創新經營時,建議校長使用轉型領導策略。
三、 建議學校從事創新經營應重視組織文化之改變。
四、 建議學校創新經營策略之擬定,宜先確定效能標的。
五、 對未來研究在取樣地區、方法使用及變項設定的建議。
The purpose of this study is to confirm the effect size of school innovative management and school effectiveness. Researcher analyze mean correlations, moderators’ effect, and correlation across two variables which are school innovative management and school effectiveness by collecting data of 25 theses published in 2003-2009.
Meta-Analysis divides results into 3 parts. The first part takes 25 theses into calculation for estimating mean correlations between school innovative management and school effectiveness. The second part is trying to examine the existence of moderators and their moderate effects on the mean correlation. This study sets 2 possible moderators that are areas and transformational leadership for analyzing. The third part is to clarify the relationship across variables. For the sake of keeping a stable effect size, every analysis must build on 5 valid theses’ data.

The main conclusions are as follows:
1.There is significant correlation between school innovative management and school effectiveness, and the effect size is demonstrates high effect.
2.Transformational leadership is the moderator that influences school innovative management and school effectiveness.
2.1 The area variable did not moderate the effect size.
2.2 Transformational leadership is the variable that moderates the effect size of school innovative management and school effectiveness.
3. Every Analysis across variables shows significant correlations, and the effect size is demonstrates high effect too.
3.1 In dimension of total school innovation versus single school effectiveness, all effect sizes are significant, and the strongest mean correlation is administrative effectiveness.
3.2 In dimension of total school effectiveness versus single school innovation, all effect sizes are significant, and the strongest mean correlation is administrative innovation.
3.3 In dimension of single school innovation versus single school effectiveness, all effect sizes are significant, and the strongest mean correlation is administrative innovation versus administrative effectiveness.

According to the above conclusions, some suggestions have been proposed:
1. Local governments can hold innovative race with award to encourage schools.
2. Principals can use transformational leadership strategy to initiate innovation.
3. Change the rigid organizational culture when schools execute innovation.
4. Define the effective target before the innovative strategies are formed.
5. Suggestions for future researches: About area, method and setting variables.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096171012
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 湯志民zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 古雅瑄zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Ku, Ya Hsuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 古雅瑄zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Ku, Ya Hsuanen_US
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 9-Dec-2010 09:40:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-Dec-2010 09:40:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-Dec-2010 09:40:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0096171012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/49798-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育行政與政策研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96171012zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在探討我國學校創新經營與學校效能的實際效果,藉由整合2003到2009年的25篇博碩士論文的研究數據,探討學校創新經營與學校效能兩變項的相關性、調節變項的影響力、及跨變項相關作用的結果。

一、 學校創新經營與學校效能的效應量有顯著相關,且在程度上為大效應量。
二、 轉型領導為學校創新經營與學校效能間的調節變項。
(一) 地區特徵不會影響學校創新經營與學校效能的相關性。
(二) 轉型領導是影響學校創新經營與學校效能的異質因素,其與效應量有同方向變動關係。
三、 學校創新經營與學校效能跨變項間均具有顯著相關,且各效應量在程度上均為大效應量。
(一) 整體學校創新經營與個別學校效能間均有顯著相關存在,其中以行政績效表現與整體學校創新經營的平均效應量為最高。
(二) 整體學校效能與個別學校創新經營間均有顯著相關存在,其中以行政管理創新與整體學校效能的平均效應量為最高。
(三) 個別學校創新經營與個別學校效能間均有顯著相關存在,其中以行政管理創新與行政績效表現的平均效應量為最高。

一、 各縣市政府可多辦理獎勵型的創新經營比賽。
二、 進行學校創新經營時,建議校長使用轉型領導策略。
三、 建議學校從事創新經營應重視組織文化之改變。
四、 建議學校創新經營策略之擬定,宜先確定效能標的。
五、 對未來研究在取樣地區、方法使用及變項設定的建議。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of this study is to confirm the effect size of school innovative management and school effectiveness. Researcher analyze mean correlations, moderators’ effect, and correlation across two variables which are school innovative management and school effectiveness by collecting data of 25 theses published in 2003-2009.
Meta-Analysis divides results into 3 parts. The first part takes 25 theses into calculation for estimating mean correlations between school innovative management and school effectiveness. The second part is trying to examine the existence of moderators and their moderate effects on the mean correlation. This study sets 2 possible moderators that are areas and transformational leadership for analyzing. The third part is to clarify the relationship across variables. For the sake of keeping a stable effect size, every analysis must build on 5 valid theses’ data.

The main conclusions are as follows:
1.There is significant correlation between school innovative management and school effectiveness, and the effect size is demonstrates high effect.
2.Transformational leadership is the moderator that influences school innovative management and school effectiveness.
2.1 The area variable did not moderate the effect size.
2.2 Transformational leadership is the variable that moderates the effect size of school innovative management and school effectiveness.
3. Every Analysis across variables shows significant correlations, and the effect size is demonstrates high effect too.
3.1 In dimension of total school innovation versus single school effectiveness, all effect sizes are significant, and the strongest mean correlation is administrative effectiveness.
3.2 In dimension of total school effectiveness versus single school innovation, all effect sizes are significant, and the strongest mean correlation is administrative innovation.
3.3 In dimension of single school innovation versus single school effectiveness, all effect sizes are significant, and the strongest mean correlation is administrative innovation versus administrative effectiveness.

According to the above conclusions, some suggestions have been proposed:
1. Local governments can hold innovative race with award to encourage schools.
2. Principals can use transformational leadership strategy to initiate innovation.
3. Change the rigid organizational culture when schools execute innovation.
4. Define the effective target before the innovative strategies are formed.
5. Suggestions for future researches: About area, method and setting variables.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論.........................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.........................................................................1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題.................................................................3
第三節 名詞釋義.....................................................................................5
第四節 研究方法與步驟.........................................................................9
第五節 研究範圍與限制........................................................................15
第二章 文獻探討…………………………...……………19
第一節 學校創新經營的理念探討………………………………...…19
第二節 學校效能的理念分析………………………………………...75
第三節 學校創新經營與學校效能之相關研究……………………..108
第三章 研究設計與實施.................................................123
第一節 研究架構………………………………………………...…..123
第二節 研究假設…………………………………………………….129
第三節 研究對象…………………………………………...………..130
第四節 資料處理............……………………………………………..133
第四章 研究結果分析與討論.........................................139
第一節 學校創新經營與學校效能相關性之後設分析.....................139
第二節 調節變項探討.........................................................................140
第三節 學校創新經營與學校效能跨變項間相關性之後設分析.....144
第五章 結論與建議........................................................169
第一節 結論.........................................................................................169
第二節 建議.........................................................................................172

表 次
表2-1 我國碩博士論文對學校創新經營之分析構面……………….…29
表2-2 InnoSchool課程與教學領導組特優案例………………………..61
表2-3 InnoSchool行政管理革新組組特優案例………………………..63
表2-4 InnoSchool學生多元展能組特優案例…………………………..65
表2-5 InnoSchool社會與環境資源應用組特優案例…………………..68
表2-6 InnoSchool校園環境美化組特優案例…………………………..70
表2-7 我國歷年學校創新經營相關量化論文主題整理……....……….73
表2-8 我國碩博士論文對學校效能的分析構面.....................................88
表2-9 國內相關研究結果摘要表............................................................114
表3-1 提供跨變項相關係數的研究篇數統計表...................................126
表3-2 研究對象表...................................................................................131
表4-1 學校創新經營與學校效能相關性之後設分析摘要表...............140
表4-2 地區特徵分析結果.......................................................................142
表4-3 轉型領導對學校創新經營與學校效能的調節效果...................142
表4-4 課程教學創新與整體學校效能相關性之後設分析摘要表.......145
表4-5 行政管理創新與整體學校效能相關性之後設分析摘要表.......146
表4-6 學生展能創新與整體學校效能相關性之後設分析摘要表.......147
表4-7 社區資源創新與整體學校效能相關性之後設分析摘要表.......147
表4-8 校園環境創新與整體學校效能相關性之後設分析摘要表.......148
表4-9 組織氣氛創新與整體學校效能相關性之後設分析摘要表.......148
表4-10 教師專業表現與整體學校創新經營相關性之後設分析摘要表......149
表4-11 行政績效表現與整體學校創新經營相關性之後設分析摘要表......150
表4-12 社區認同參與與整體學校創新經營相關性之後設分析摘要表......151
表4-13 學生成就表現與整體學校創新經營相關性之後設分析摘要表......151
表4-14 校園環境規劃與整體學校創新經營相關性之後設分析摘要表......152
表4-15 課程教學創新與個別學校效能相關性之後設分析結果摘要表......153
表4-16 行政管理創新與個別學校效能相關性之後設分析結果摘要表......154
表4-17 課程教學創新與個別學校效能相關性之後設分析結果摘要表......155
表4-18 社區資源創新與個別學校效能相關性之後設分析結果摘要表......156
表4-19 校園環境創新與個別學校效能相關性之後設分析結果摘要表......157
表4-20 組織氣氛創新與個別學校效能相關性之後設分析結果摘要表......158
表4-21 學校創新經營與學校效能跨變項間後設分析結果摘要表..............159

圖 次
圖1-1 研究步驟圖.......................................................................................15
圖2-1 芬蘭InnoSchool計畫內涵.............................................................28
圖2-2 單面向學校效能模式圖.................................................................81
圖2-3 社會系統模式學校效能模式圖.....................................................83
圖2-4 我國早期的學校效能模式圖.........................................................84
圖2-5 由利害關係人角度建構的學校效能模式圖.................................85
圖3-1 研究架構圖...................................................................................124
圖4-1 學校創新經營與學校效能的關係模式.......................................160
圖4-2 學校創新經營與學校效能跨變項間關係模式...........................161
dc.format.extent 1020524 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096171012en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學校創新經營zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學校效能zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 後設分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 學校創新經營與學校效能之後設分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A meta-analysis of school innovation and school effectivenessen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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