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題名 城市全球化認知之研究
作者 李金銓;鄭夙芬;羅文輝
貢獻者 台北市政府研究發展考核委員會
關鍵詞 城市全球化;全球化態度;社會學;公共行政;政治學
日期 2008-07
上傳時間 14-Dec-2010 13:19:28 (UTC+8)
摘要 馬英九總統矢言「帶領台灣勇敢地迎接全球化帶來的挑戰」,臺北市永續發展願景的總目標是「建構世界級首都」。本問卷調查旨在研究臺北市民對「全球化」的認知與態度,以及媒介建構這項認知的角色。此外,我們研究臺北市民對於「全球化」主導者—美國—的看法。「全球化」理論至今褒貶不一 。臺北市民對全球化的態度大致是開放的,評價正面多於負面。玆分四個層次析之:在全球的層次,市民認爲利弊參半。在利的一面,他們認爲全球化提高各國人權的程度,對各國經濟有很多好處,促進多個地區的文化交流,令每個國家的環保措施受到國際社會監察;在弊的一面,他們認爲全球化只會幫助強國達成政治目的,另窮國越窮而富國越富,而且由於國際往來的增多使禽流感和SARS等傳染病越來越難控制。在臺灣的層次,市民認爲全球化利多於弊。全球化會使臺灣政府更透明,有助於臺灣經濟的發展,促使政府採用更多的環保措施。負面影響包括會使臺灣政治受到西方國家的控制,不利於臺灣經濟的自力更生,或破壞臺灣的生態環境。但正面多於負面。在臺北市的層次,市民認爲全球化利多於弊。全球化會使臺北市政府更有生産力,有助於其經濟發展,為它帶來更多不同的文化特色,並使之採用更多的環保措施。負面影響使市府不重視人民的意見、使臺北的公司被跨國公司控制、使臺北市的獨特文化消失、給臺北市帶來更多環境污染。但負面評價顯然低於對正面影響。在個人層次,市民認爲全球化讓「我」個人更積極參與民主步伐,接觸到其他新穎刺激的文化,更重視環保措施,但未必會增加「我」的收入或就業機會,也增加患病的機會。 臺北市民對美國「愛惡交加」(ambivalent):其一,他們認同美國的制度,包括兩黨政治和媒體揭發腐敗;其二,他們未必認同美國的國際霸權角色,認爲美國的政策講利益不講道義;其三,對美國社會毀譽參半,既充滿機會,卻物欲橫流,歧視少數民族。論者批評臺北「向内看」,有自戀情結 。本研究顯示市民對「全球化」有所期待。因此我們提出政策建議,使臺北成爲「全球」與「國際」的臺北,而不是閉關自守的臺北。 As President Ma vows to “lead Taiwan to meet the challenges of globalization with courage” and the Taipei government aims to build itself as a “world-class capi-tal,” this survey study investigates the cognitive and attitude structures of the Taipei citizens toward “globalization” as well as the role of the media in this process. A related purpose is to study how they perceive the United States as the leader of the global order. The globalization theories are varied and controversial. Our study concludes that most Taipei citizens are open-minded about globalization and perceive it as more positive than negative. To wit, First, they perceive that on the global level, globalization’s benefits and harms are equally divided. On the positive side, globalization is believed to enhance hu-man rights and international economies, while promoting cultural flow between re-gions and subjecting environmental policies to more rigorous international scrutiny. On the negative side, it is perceived to benefit the political objectives of the strong nations, result in the gaps between rich and poor countries, while more international contacts may also make the control of contagious diseases more difficult. Second, they perceive globalization to be more beneficial than harmful to Tai-wan. It will increase the government’s transparency, enhance its economic devel-opment, and push for more environmental-friendly policies. However, it will also subject Taiwan to greater political control of the West, hurt Taiwan’s economic inde-pendence, and spoil Taiwan’s environmental integrity. Third, they also perceive globalization to be more beneficial than harmful to the Taipei city. It will increase Taipei’s productivity and economic growth while induc-ing better polices to protect the environment. However, it may make the city gov-ernment more indifferent to public opinion and put Taipei under increasing control of multinational companies; globalization is also perceived as negative to Taipei’s unique cultural fabric and to its ecological health. Fourth, they perceive globalization as facilitating individuals to participate in democracy, to come into contact with other exciting cultures and to be more environ-mentally conscious, even though it may not increase one’s income or occupational opportunities and, more, may increase the chance of illness. The Taipei citizens are ambivalent about the United States. They admire the U.S. system, including its two-party politics and media exposure of corruption. iii However, they do not identify with its international role as a hegemon or with its pol-icy of placing interest over moral principle. Besides, they also think of the U.S. so-ciety as a land of opportunity that is nonetheless too materialistically oriented and ra-cially discriminating. Taipei has often been criticized for being inward-looking. Our study reveals that the Taipei citizens have high expectations for globalization. Therefore, based on our findings, we have proposed a series of policy recommendations, including the role of the media, to make Taipei a “global Taipei,” not a closed Taipei.
關聯 市政專題研究報告第365輯
研究期間: 9707~9711
研究經費: 810 千元
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 台北市政府研究發展考核委員會en_US
dc.contributor 國立政治大學選舉研究中心en_US
dc.creator (作者) 李金銓;鄭夙芬;羅文輝zh_TW (日期) 2008-07en_US 14-Dec-2010 13:19:28 (UTC+8)- 14-Dec-2010 13:19:28 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Dec-2010 13:19:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 馬英九總統矢言「帶領台灣勇敢地迎接全球化帶來的挑戰」,臺北市永續發展願景的總目標是「建構世界級首都」。本問卷調查旨在研究臺北市民對「全球化」的認知與態度,以及媒介建構這項認知的角色。此外,我們研究臺北市民對於「全球化」主導者—美國—的看法。「全球化」理論至今褒貶不一 。臺北市民對全球化的態度大致是開放的,評價正面多於負面。玆分四個層次析之:在全球的層次,市民認爲利弊參半。在利的一面,他們認爲全球化提高各國人權的程度,對各國經濟有很多好處,促進多個地區的文化交流,令每個國家的環保措施受到國際社會監察;在弊的一面,他們認爲全球化只會幫助強國達成政治目的,另窮國越窮而富國越富,而且由於國際往來的增多使禽流感和SARS等傳染病越來越難控制。在臺灣的層次,市民認爲全球化利多於弊。全球化會使臺灣政府更透明,有助於臺灣經濟的發展,促使政府採用更多的環保措施。負面影響包括會使臺灣政治受到西方國家的控制,不利於臺灣經濟的自力更生,或破壞臺灣的生態環境。但正面多於負面。在臺北市的層次,市民認爲全球化利多於弊。全球化會使臺北市政府更有生産力,有助於其經濟發展,為它帶來更多不同的文化特色,並使之採用更多的環保措施。負面影響使市府不重視人民的意見、使臺北的公司被跨國公司控制、使臺北市的獨特文化消失、給臺北市帶來更多環境污染。但負面評價顯然低於對正面影響。在個人層次,市民認爲全球化讓「我」個人更積極參與民主步伐,接觸到其他新穎刺激的文化,更重視環保措施,但未必會增加「我」的收入或就業機會,也增加患病的機會。 臺北市民對美國「愛惡交加」(ambivalent):其一,他們認同美國的制度,包括兩黨政治和媒體揭發腐敗;其二,他們未必認同美國的國際霸權角色,認爲美國的政策講利益不講道義;其三,對美國社會毀譽參半,既充滿機會,卻物欲橫流,歧視少數民族。論者批評臺北「向内看」,有自戀情結 。本研究顯示市民對「全球化」有所期待。因此我們提出政策建議,使臺北成爲「全球」與「國際」的臺北,而不是閉關自守的臺北。 As President Ma vows to “lead Taiwan to meet the challenges of globalization with courage” and the Taipei government aims to build itself as a “world-class capi-tal,” this survey study investigates the cognitive and attitude structures of the Taipei citizens toward “globalization” as well as the role of the media in this process. A related purpose is to study how they perceive the United States as the leader of the global order. The globalization theories are varied and controversial. Our study concludes that most Taipei citizens are open-minded about globalization and perceive it as more positive than negative. To wit, First, they perceive that on the global level, globalization’s benefits and harms are equally divided. On the positive side, globalization is believed to enhance hu-man rights and international economies, while promoting cultural flow between re-gions and subjecting environmental policies to more rigorous international scrutiny. On the negative side, it is perceived to benefit the political objectives of the strong nations, result in the gaps between rich and poor countries, while more international contacts may also make the control of contagious diseases more difficult. Second, they perceive globalization to be more beneficial than harmful to Tai-wan. It will increase the government’s transparency, enhance its economic devel-opment, and push for more environmental-friendly policies. However, it will also subject Taiwan to greater political control of the West, hurt Taiwan’s economic inde-pendence, and spoil Taiwan’s environmental integrity. Third, they also perceive globalization to be more beneficial than harmful to the Taipei city. It will increase Taipei’s productivity and economic growth while induc-ing better polices to protect the environment. However, it may make the city gov-ernment more indifferent to public opinion and put Taipei under increasing control of multinational companies; globalization is also perceived as negative to Taipei’s unique cultural fabric and to its ecological health. Fourth, they perceive globalization as facilitating individuals to participate in democracy, to come into contact with other exciting cultures and to be more environ-mentally conscious, even though it may not increase one’s income or occupational opportunities and, more, may increase the chance of illness. The Taipei citizens are ambivalent about the United States. They admire the U.S. system, including its two-party politics and media exposure of corruption. iii However, they do not identify with its international role as a hegemon or with its pol-icy of placing interest over moral principle. Besides, they also think of the U.S. so-ciety as a land of opportunity that is nonetheless too materialistically oriented and ra-cially discriminating. Taipei has often been criticized for being inward-looking. Our study reveals that the Taipei citizens have high expectations for globalization. Therefore, based on our findings, we have proposed a series of policy recommendations, including the role of the media, to make Taipei a “global Taipei,” not a closed Taipei.en_US
dc.format.extent 411 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/octet-stream-
dc.language zh-Twen_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 市政專題研究報告第365輯en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 委託研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間: 9707~9711en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費: 810 千元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 城市全球化;全球化態度;社會學;公共行政;政治學en_US
dc.title (題名) 城市全球化認知之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) reporten