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題名 勞工對工作場所安全衛生認知與影響之研究--以加油站為例--
A study on workers’ cognition of workplace health and safety and its influences --using a gas station as an example--
作者 張嘉成
Chang, Chia Chen
貢獻者 成之約
Cheng, Jr Yue
Chang, Chia Chen
關鍵詞 安全衛生風險認知
日期 2010
上傳時間 29-Sep-2011 18:33:50 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在瞭解加油站勞工對工作場所安全衛生認知與影響現況,探討個人屬性與安全衛生風險認知之關聯性、個人屬性與安全衛生影響之關聯性及安全衛生風險認知與安全衛生影響間關聯性,研究並提供為主管機關改善勞工安全衛生及勞工強化本身安全衛生認知參考,俾能建立加油站勞工對工作現場安全衛生正確的認知進而發揮正面的影響,有效降低加油站意外事故發生之頻率,提供加油站勞工安全健康的工作環境並使每位到加油站;加油、購物、洗車、保養車輛的消費者皆能同樣享受優質的服務與安全的保障。
     一、個人基本資料部份,加油站勞工性別以男性占64.7%較高,年齡分佈以21-30歲占56.9%較高, 教育程度以大學占70.9%較高,安全衛生訓練頻率以2次以下占73.1%較高,勞工工作年資以ㄧ年以下占42.2%較高。
This study aims to explore the current conditions of the gas station laborers’ knowledge of their workplace and its influences, to find out the relationship between personal properties and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the relationship between personal properties and influences on safety and sanitation, and the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation. This study provides the related authorities references for improving safety and sanitation for laborers and increasing their knowledge of safety and sanitation. This way, gas station laborers can learn the correct knowledge of safety and sanitation of their workplaces and there will be positive influences, effectively reducing chances of accidents in gas stations, providing gas station laborers safe and healthy working environments, and making sure that every consumer who goes to a gas station to fill up the gas tank of his car, shop, or have his car washed or maintained can enjoy the same high-quality services and guarantee of safety.
     After the empirical analysis, the summaries of this study are listed below:
     1. In the aspect of personal attributes, gas station laborers are mainly male (64.7%). Most of them are of ages between 21 and 30 (56.9%). As for educational background, most of them (70.9%) had graduated from universities. And their frequencies of safety and sanitation trainings are mainly 2 or less (73.1%). Their seniorities are mainly under 1 year (42.2%).
     2. In the aspect of influences on safety and sanitation, (1) the highest percentage of the self-discipline construct is the percentage of agreeing with “I will participate in the safety and sanitation training provided by my company”, which is 64.1%. It is obvious that most people would participate in the safety and sanitation trainings provided by their companies. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “I am always on guard while working”, which is 48.1%. It is obvious that most gas station laborers are not concentrated at work. Lack of alertness may lead to accidents; (2) the highest percentage of the customers’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with question #29 “I would refuse to fill the tank when I find the engine of the tank truck is still running”, which is 71.9%. It is obvious that most people agree engines of tank trucks should be turned off. . The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a customer using his cell phone in a gas station, I would stop him”, which is 56.5%. It is obvious that most customers are not aware of the danger of using cell phones and gas stations should promote this concept; (3) the highest percentage of the collegues’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find my colleague not wearing protection such as safety shoes, mask, etc, I would tell him”, which is 69%. There are potential dangers in gas stations such as chemical and physical dangers. It is necessary to ask every laborer working at gas stations to wear protection to ensure their safety at work; and (4) the highest percentage of the requirements from the company and workplace construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I see someone using fire in a gas station, I would stop him and notify the manager there”, which is 76.9%. It means that general laborers have the correct concept of fire being banned in gas stations and they would notify their supervisors for further actions. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a suspicious person hanging around a gas station or placing a suspicious object there, I would notify the manager”, which is 54.3%. The percentage is lower than 60%. This means gas station laborers’ awareness of danger is not sufficient due to their workloads or lack of training. Therefore they do not know they should immediately notify their supervisors when a suspicious person hangs around or places a suspicious object in a gas station. Their training should be improved and emergency response exercises should be conducted.
     3. In the aspect of knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the highest agreeing percentage of agreement is the percentage of agreeing with “fire should be banned in gas stations”, which is 76.9%. It is obvious that most people agree fire should be banned in gas stations. The second highest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “tank trucks refilling gas stations may cause air pollution and increase the chance of fire”, which is 70.6%. It is obvious that most people agree tank trucks refilling gas stations is potentially dangerous and may cause air pollution.
     4. After conducting the empirical analysis of the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation, it is found that personal attributes are partially positively related to knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, personal attributes are partially positively related to influences on safety and sanitation, and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation are positively related.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 成之約zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Cheng, Jr Yueen_US (Authors) 張嘉成zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Chia Chenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張嘉成zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Chia Chenen_US (日期) 2010en_US 29-Sep-2011 18:33:50 (UTC+8)- 29-Sep-2011 18:33:50 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 29-Sep-2011 18:33:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0989210751en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98921075zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在瞭解加油站勞工對工作場所安全衛生認知與影響現況,探討個人屬性與安全衛生風險認知之關聯性、個人屬性與安全衛生影響之關聯性及安全衛生風險認知與安全衛生影響間關聯性,研究並提供為主管機關改善勞工安全衛生及勞工強化本身安全衛生認知參考,俾能建立加油站勞工對工作現場安全衛生正確的認知進而發揮正面的影響,有效降低加油站意外事故發生之頻率,提供加油站勞工安全健康的工作環境並使每位到加油站;加油、購物、洗車、保養車輛的消費者皆能同樣享受優質的服務與安全的保障。
     一、個人基本資料部份,加油站勞工性別以男性占64.7%較高,年齡分佈以21-30歲占56.9%較高, 教育程度以大學占70.9%較高,安全衛生訓練頻率以2次以下占73.1%較高,勞工工作年資以ㄧ年以下占42.2%較高。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study aims to explore the current conditions of the gas station laborers’ knowledge of their workplace and its influences, to find out the relationship between personal properties and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the relationship between personal properties and influences on safety and sanitation, and the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation. This study provides the related authorities references for improving safety and sanitation for laborers and increasing their knowledge of safety and sanitation. This way, gas station laborers can learn the correct knowledge of safety and sanitation of their workplaces and there will be positive influences, effectively reducing chances of accidents in gas stations, providing gas station laborers safe and healthy working environments, and making sure that every consumer who goes to a gas station to fill up the gas tank of his car, shop, or have his car washed or maintained can enjoy the same high-quality services and guarantee of safety.
     After the empirical analysis, the summaries of this study are listed below:
     1. In the aspect of personal attributes, gas station laborers are mainly male (64.7%). Most of them are of ages between 21 and 30 (56.9%). As for educational background, most of them (70.9%) had graduated from universities. And their frequencies of safety and sanitation trainings are mainly 2 or less (73.1%). Their seniorities are mainly under 1 year (42.2%).
     2. In the aspect of influences on safety and sanitation, (1) the highest percentage of the self-discipline construct is the percentage of agreeing with “I will participate in the safety and sanitation training provided by my company”, which is 64.1%. It is obvious that most people would participate in the safety and sanitation trainings provided by their companies. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “I am always on guard while working”, which is 48.1%. It is obvious that most gas station laborers are not concentrated at work. Lack of alertness may lead to accidents; (2) the highest percentage of the customers’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with question #29 “I would refuse to fill the tank when I find the engine of the tank truck is still running”, which is 71.9%. It is obvious that most people agree engines of tank trucks should be turned off. . The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a customer using his cell phone in a gas station, I would stop him”, which is 56.5%. It is obvious that most customers are not aware of the danger of using cell phones and gas stations should promote this concept; (3) the highest percentage of the collegues’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find my colleague not wearing protection such as safety shoes, mask, etc, I would tell him”, which is 69%. There are potential dangers in gas stations such as chemical and physical dangers. It is necessary to ask every laborer working at gas stations to wear protection to ensure their safety at work; and (4) the highest percentage of the requirements from the company and workplace construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I see someone using fire in a gas station, I would stop him and notify the manager there”, which is 76.9%. It means that general laborers have the correct concept of fire being banned in gas stations and they would notify their supervisors for further actions. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a suspicious person hanging around a gas station or placing a suspicious object there, I would notify the manager”, which is 54.3%. The percentage is lower than 60%. This means gas station laborers’ awareness of danger is not sufficient due to their workloads or lack of training. Therefore they do not know they should immediately notify their supervisors when a suspicious person hangs around or places a suspicious object in a gas station. Their training should be improved and emergency response exercises should be conducted.
     3. In the aspect of knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the highest agreeing percentage of agreement is the percentage of agreeing with “fire should be banned in gas stations”, which is 76.9%. It is obvious that most people agree fire should be banned in gas stations. The second highest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “tank trucks refilling gas stations may cause air pollution and increase the chance of fire”, which is 70.6%. It is obvious that most people agree tank trucks refilling gas stations is potentially dangerous and may cause air pollution.
     4. After conducting the empirical analysis of the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation, it is found that personal attributes are partially positively related to knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, personal attributes are partially positively related to influences on safety and sanitation, and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation are positively related.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論--------------------------------------- 1
      第一節 研究動機與目的---------------------- 1
      第二節 研究方法---------------------------- 3
      第三節 研究範圍與限制---------------------- 4
      第四節 研究流程與章節安排------------------ 5
      第二章 理論與有關研究探討------------------------- 8
      第一節 安全衛生、認知、態度、行為相關理論--- 8
      第二節 安全衛生危害因子-------------------- 24
      第三節 勞工安全衛生有關研究文獻------------ 31
      第四節 小結-------------------------------- 37
      第三章 加油站安全衛生現況與問題------------------- 39
      第一節 加油站作業環境危害因子-------------- 40
      第二節 加油站員工之職業災害---------------- 44
      第三節 加油站安全危害與安全衛生管理-------- 47
      第四節 小結-------------------------------- 56
      第四章 調查發現與分析---------------------------- 59
      第一節 研究架構與調查設計------------------ 59
      第二節 基本資料分析------------------------ 63
      第三節 敘述性分析-------------------------- 65
      第四節 差異性分析-------------------------- 79
      第五節 關聯性分析-------------------------- 97
      第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------- 106
      第一節 結論--------------------------------- 106
      第二節 建議--------------------------------- 121
      參考文獻---------------------------------------- 124
      附錄ㄧ 台灣中油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部安全衛生
     守則--------------------------------------------- 132
      附錄二 「勞工工作場所安全衛生認知與態度之研究」正
     式問卷------------------------------------------- 151
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 安全衛生風險認知zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 安全衛生影響zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 個人屬性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 加油站zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 勞工對工作場所安全衛生認知與影響之研究--以加油站為例--zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study on workers’ cognition of workplace health and safety and its influences --using a gas station as an example--en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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