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題名 行動電視規範架構與營運模式之研究
The study of mobile TV regulatory framework and business model
作者 李駿
Lee, Jun
貢獻者 劉幼琍
Liu, Yu Li
Lee, Jun
關鍵詞 行動電視
Mobile TV
Regulatory Framework
Business Model
日期 2009
上傳時間 11-Oct-2011 16:47:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 行動電視產業為無線電視產業、電信產業、內容產業、行動裝置製造產業等多方匯流共同合作下的結果。不同產業間合作前,可能產生不同業者在新產業中扮演的角色與定位、產業價值鏈/價值網之成形等問題。本研究研究目的在於了解國際間行動電視規範政策與管制議題,對於該國行動電視產業營運所產生的影響,以文獻分析方式選定日本、韓國、義大利與美國等行動電視市場較為成熟之國家分析其規範架構與營運模式之關係。並比較台灣、香港、新加坡政府提出之行動電視意見諮詢文件探討行動電視規範議題之制訂方向與業者回應。輔以深度訪談方法訪問我國主管機關與產業界對於行動電視業務開放之意見。最後依據台灣通訊傳播產業規範環境,由結構管制與內容管制兩方面討論行動電視產業規範架構之相關議題與未來可能之釋照方式,並提出其對應之營運模式發展建議。

1. 國際間行動電視執照類型包含:以營運平臺執照發放多頻電視平臺(MUX)執照,其執照內涵可包含頻率使用許可執照以及營運平臺經營許可執照;依傳輸服務經營內涵不同,分別發放「頻率執照」與「營運平臺執照」,前者發給廣播傳輸網路業者,僅能經營基礎傳輸業務;後者則為負責整合內容服務之營運平臺執照;而內容規範所需之執照,分為兩種規範方式:以傳統廣電法進行內容規範,或是參考歐盟視聽媒體服務,對於線性頻道節目採用較嚴格的廣電法管制,而非線性的隨選節目內容以低度管制進行規範。
2. 國際間行動電視營運模式發展同時會受到釋照方式不同所影響,釋照方式包含:審議、審議加競價、多回合競價方式。若以審議方式發給特定業者,行動電視營運模式將由特定業者主導,但需遵守較多義務規範;若以審議加競價方式釋照,可能將由廣電業者與電信業者共同經營行動電視服務。或是完全以競價方式拍賣頻率執照,其執照使用方式則最具彈性。
3. 在目前法律架構下,本研究建議行動電視適合以電信法開放,對於外資限制頻率租賃有較寬鬆規定。並鼓勵鼓勵廣電業者與電信業者合資組成團隊取得頻率執照,廣電業者擁有廣播傳輸網路以及內容產製能力,而電信業者同時擁有基礎網路以及與設備製造商議價之優勢,並且擁有龐大基本顧客群。並且建議行動電視市場發展初期,行動電視服務宜以其他電信服務搭售或以綑綁服務方式提供,以增加消費者使用黏度,並擴大市場規模,普及終端收視裝置市場。內容規範方面則建議採低度管制方式,頻道式節目內容以廣電法規進行管理,其他節目則按一般法律進行管理。
Mobile TV is a newly converged service of television broadcasts, telecommunication services, and information technologies. Challenges arise from regulating the rapidly transformed technologies and proposing a suitable business model into a converging industry. The study aimed to examine different regulatory frameworks established in advanced mobile TV markets, and to categorize business models of mobile TV developed in those markets by reviewing government documentations, industrial research reports and conferences papers. In addition, the study interviewed key persons, including regulators, mobile TV trial team members and specialists, in mobile TV industries. Furthermore the study had made a comparison analysis of different mobile TV regulatory framework proposed by governments of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

The study concluded that the mobile TV regulatory framework was architected by different regulatory approaches, including institutions which affect the content production, and institutions which had power on regulating stakeholders of media and telecom companies. The horizontal regulatory framework which included network layer, platform layer and content layer was mostly adopted by European countries in the converged age while regulating the newly risen mobile TV industry. The multiplex license could be treated as a network license and a platform operation license, and in other cases, the multiplex license was just the network license for the network operator. Some regulators extended existing digital terrestrial TV rules to mobile TV. As for the content regulation, regulators were taking light touch in regulating content, and adopting the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS) proposed by EU. AVMS had reduced the regulatory burdens for all audiovisual media services, and also modernized the rules on television advertising and product placement.

The study suggested that the mobile TV in Taiwan was suitable to be regulated by Telecommunication Law, since Telecommunication Law had less restriction on the structure of stakeholders and foreign investments. Broadcasters and Telecommunication operators were suggested to joint as a new company to operate mobile TV service, since broadcasters, who were talented in content production, had broadcast network to transmit services to users; telecommunication operators, who were good at pricing, could use their advantages to set up bundling service to attract user in the nascent market.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉幼琍zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liu, Yu Lien_US (Authors) 李駿zh_TW (Authors) Lee, Junen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李駿zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Junen_US (日期) 2009en_US 11-Oct-2011 16:47:06 (UTC+8)- 11-Oct-2011 16:47:06 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Oct-2011 16:47:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0096453018en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 廣播電視學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96453018zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 行動電視產業為無線電視產業、電信產業、內容產業、行動裝置製造產業等多方匯流共同合作下的結果。不同產業間合作前,可能產生不同業者在新產業中扮演的角色與定位、產業價值鏈/價值網之成形等問題。本研究研究目的在於了解國際間行動電視規範政策與管制議題,對於該國行動電視產業營運所產生的影響,以文獻分析方式選定日本、韓國、義大利與美國等行動電視市場較為成熟之國家分析其規範架構與營運模式之關係。並比較台灣、香港、新加坡政府提出之行動電視意見諮詢文件探討行動電視規範議題之制訂方向與業者回應。輔以深度訪談方法訪問我國主管機關與產業界對於行動電視業務開放之意見。最後依據台灣通訊傳播產業規範環境,由結構管制與內容管制兩方面討論行動電視產業規範架構之相關議題與未來可能之釋照方式,並提出其對應之營運模式發展建議。

1. 國際間行動電視執照類型包含:以營運平臺執照發放多頻電視平臺(MUX)執照,其執照內涵可包含頻率使用許可執照以及營運平臺經營許可執照;依傳輸服務經營內涵不同,分別發放「頻率執照」與「營運平臺執照」,前者發給廣播傳輸網路業者,僅能經營基礎傳輸業務;後者則為負責整合內容服務之營運平臺執照;而內容規範所需之執照,分為兩種規範方式:以傳統廣電法進行內容規範,或是參考歐盟視聽媒體服務,對於線性頻道節目採用較嚴格的廣電法管制,而非線性的隨選節目內容以低度管制進行規範。
2. 國際間行動電視營運模式發展同時會受到釋照方式不同所影響,釋照方式包含:審議、審議加競價、多回合競價方式。若以審議方式發給特定業者,行動電視營運模式將由特定業者主導,但需遵守較多義務規範;若以審議加競價方式釋照,可能將由廣電業者與電信業者共同經營行動電視服務。或是完全以競價方式拍賣頻率執照,其執照使用方式則最具彈性。
3. 在目前法律架構下,本研究建議行動電視適合以電信法開放,對於外資限制頻率租賃有較寬鬆規定。並鼓勵鼓勵廣電業者與電信業者合資組成團隊取得頻率執照,廣電業者擁有廣播傳輸網路以及內容產製能力,而電信業者同時擁有基礎網路以及與設備製造商議價之優勢,並且擁有龐大基本顧客群。並且建議行動電視市場發展初期,行動電視服務宜以其他電信服務搭售或以綑綁服務方式提供,以增加消費者使用黏度,並擴大市場規模,普及終端收視裝置市場。內容規範方面則建議採低度管制方式,頻道式節目內容以廣電法規進行管理,其他節目則按一般法律進行管理。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Mobile TV is a newly converged service of television broadcasts, telecommunication services, and information technologies. Challenges arise from regulating the rapidly transformed technologies and proposing a suitable business model into a converging industry. The study aimed to examine different regulatory frameworks established in advanced mobile TV markets, and to categorize business models of mobile TV developed in those markets by reviewing government documentations, industrial research reports and conferences papers. In addition, the study interviewed key persons, including regulators, mobile TV trial team members and specialists, in mobile TV industries. Furthermore the study had made a comparison analysis of different mobile TV regulatory framework proposed by governments of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

The study concluded that the mobile TV regulatory framework was architected by different regulatory approaches, including institutions which affect the content production, and institutions which had power on regulating stakeholders of media and telecom companies. The horizontal regulatory framework which included network layer, platform layer and content layer was mostly adopted by European countries in the converged age while regulating the newly risen mobile TV industry. The multiplex license could be treated as a network license and a platform operation license, and in other cases, the multiplex license was just the network license for the network operator. Some regulators extended existing digital terrestrial TV rules to mobile TV. As for the content regulation, regulators were taking light touch in regulating content, and adopting the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS) proposed by EU. AVMS had reduced the regulatory burdens for all audiovisual media services, and also modernized the rules on television advertising and product placement.

The study suggested that the mobile TV in Taiwan was suitable to be regulated by Telecommunication Law, since Telecommunication Law had less restriction on the structure of stakeholders and foreign investments. Broadcasters and Telecommunication operators were suggested to joint as a new company to operate mobile TV service, since broadcasters, who were talented in content production, had broadcast network to transmit services to users; telecommunication operators, who were good at pricing, could use their advantages to set up bundling service to attract user in the nascent market.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 4
第三節 研究方法 5
第四節 研究架構與範圍 7

第二章 相關政策與文獻探討 11
第一節 匯流時代的通訊傳播管制政策 11
第二節 行動電視相關研究 16
第三節 行動電視價值鏈 18
第四節 行動電視營運模式 22

第三章 行動電視產業現況 29
第一節 行動電視定義 29
第二節 國際間行動電視產業概況 35
第三節 台灣行動電視產業發展 40

第四章 國際行動電視規範架構與營運模式分析 47
第一節 日本1seg行動電視業務規範與營運模式 50
第二節 韓國T-DMB與S-DMB行動電視業務規範與營運模式 53
第三節 義大利行動電視業務規範與經營模式 58
第四節 美國以低度管制架構開放行動電視業務 63
第五節 國際間行動電視發展失敗案例 64

第五章 台灣行動電視規範架構與營運模式發展情境 71
第一節 利用既有通訊傳播平臺經營行動電視服務 74
第二節 利用新業務執照執照經營行動電視服務 81

第六章 台灣、香港與新加坡行動電視規範架構分析 91
第一節 技術標準與頻譜規劃 93
第二節 執照規劃與分配 104
第三節 內容規範 129
小結 133

第七章 結論與建議 139
第一節 結論 139
第二節 建議 145
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 149

參考文獻 151
中文 151
英文 156
網站資源 164

附錄一 訪談大綱 165
附錄二 我國行動電視非技術類相關碩博士論文研究 171
附錄三 台灣行動電視政策議題規劃與意見回覆 173
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行動電視zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 匯流zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 規範架構zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 營運模式zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mobile TVen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Convergenceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Regulatory Frameworken_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Business Modelen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) DVB-Hen_US
dc.title (題名) 行動電視規範架構與營運模式之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The study of mobile TV regulatory framework and business modelen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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