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題名 地方毒品危害防制中心的實際運作-政策網絡的分析
The policy implementation of local drug prevention and control center - A policy network analysis
作者 林俊宏
貢獻者 顏良恭
關鍵詞 毒品政策
drug policy
local drug prevention and control center
policy network
日期 2009
上傳時間 11-Oct-2011 16:59:49 (UTC+8)
摘要 毒品的存在由來已久,近年在生活壓力漸增下,毒品濫用的問題愈演愈烈,此可見諸於我國吸毒入監人數以及毒品吸食的再犯率屢創新高。在這樣的發展趨勢下,政府為了抑制社會毒品濫用的問題,減少犯罪與社會危害,遂推動地方毒品危害防制中心的政策措施,希望能結合政府與民間的資源與力量,共同進行反毒作戰。此一新的反毒政策創新成為本研究的主要焦點,在該政策預期達到的政策目的上,實質蘊含了政策網絡的組織連結概念,因此本研究運用政策網絡的概念分析工具與觀察架構,以現有反毒文獻較缺乏的政策執行過程面向切入,意圖深入了解地方毒品危害防制中心的實際運作。

Drug has existed for a long time. Recently, due to the escalating life stress, drug abuse problem becomes much more serious in the society. The growing number of people sent to jail for drug abuse and high percentage of retaking drugs are evidences in this trend. In order to tackle this problem, our government set up the local drug prevention and control center. Through this organization, they hoped that it can put government and non-governmental organizations together to prevent drug abuse and crimes. This research focuses on this innovative organization. By using policy network analysis, the research tries to understand the policy implementation of local drug prevention and control center.

This research adopts in-depth interview and secondary data analysis to investigate the implementation of local drug prevention and control center. The research findings reveal several things. First, the government set up local drug prevention and control center to solve drug problem. However, because drug policy had long been neglected and drug users had strong psychological dependence, the resources that anti-drug actors can use were always scarce. Under this circumstance, the local drug prevention and control center took the form of task force but had few resources available. Second, network-building, persuading, policy guidance and resource-seeking were the strategies that actors used in policy implementation. In fact, the policy transformation did happen, but limited. Policy network formation was one of the changes worth noting, even though the networks were primary type and weak-tied. Last, lack of sick awareness in drug user group made policy implementation even more difficult. Based on these findings, the research suggests that it should set up a specialized, dedicated organization responsible for drug policy in the central government; drug policy planning and implementation must include more non-governmental actors; the government should designate one minister of state in charge of drug policy coordination; finally, the drug policy implementation ought to focus on the counseling and job training in the jail, rather than in the community.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 顏良恭zh_TW (Authors) 林俊宏zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 林俊宏zh_TW (日期) 2009en_US 11-Oct-2011 16:59:49 (UTC+8)- 11-Oct-2011 16:59:49 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Oct-2011 16:59:49 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0095256033en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 公共行政研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95256033zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 毒品的存在由來已久,近年在生活壓力漸增下,毒品濫用的問題愈演愈烈,此可見諸於我國吸毒入監人數以及毒品吸食的再犯率屢創新高。在這樣的發展趨勢下,政府為了抑制社會毒品濫用的問題,減少犯罪與社會危害,遂推動地方毒品危害防制中心的政策措施,希望能結合政府與民間的資源與力量,共同進行反毒作戰。此一新的反毒政策創新成為本研究的主要焦點,在該政策預期達到的政策目的上,實質蘊含了政策網絡的組織連結概念,因此本研究運用政策網絡的概念分析工具與觀察架構,以現有反毒文獻較缺乏的政策執行過程面向切入,意圖深入了解地方毒品危害防制中心的實際運作。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) Drug has existed for a long time. Recently, due to the escalating life stress, drug abuse problem becomes much more serious in the society. The growing number of people sent to jail for drug abuse and high percentage of retaking drugs are evidences in this trend. In order to tackle this problem, our government set up the local drug prevention and control center. Through this organization, they hoped that it can put government and non-governmental organizations together to prevent drug abuse and crimes. This research focuses on this innovative organization. By using policy network analysis, the research tries to understand the policy implementation of local drug prevention and control center.

This research adopts in-depth interview and secondary data analysis to investigate the implementation of local drug prevention and control center. The research findings reveal several things. First, the government set up local drug prevention and control center to solve drug problem. However, because drug policy had long been neglected and drug users had strong psychological dependence, the resources that anti-drug actors can use were always scarce. Under this circumstance, the local drug prevention and control center took the form of task force but had few resources available. Second, network-building, persuading, policy guidance and resource-seeking were the strategies that actors used in policy implementation. In fact, the policy transformation did happen, but limited. Policy network formation was one of the changes worth noting, even though the networks were primary type and weak-tied. Last, lack of sick awareness in drug user group made policy implementation even more difficult. Based on these findings, the research suggests that it should set up a specialized, dedicated organization responsible for drug policy in the central government; drug policy planning and implementation must include more non-governmental actors; the government should designate one minister of state in charge of drug policy coordination; finally, the drug policy implementation ought to focus on the counseling and job training in the jail, rather than in the community.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起 1
第二節 研究動機與問題 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 我國毒品政策議題的研究 9
一、 政策內容的研究 11
二、 政策過程的研究 16
三、 政策評估的研究 17
四、 小結 18
第二節 政策網絡的研究回顧 19
一、 萌芽期-次級系統研究的延續 19
二、 成長期-類型學的蓬勃發展 22
三、 突破期-加強解釋力與內涵的多方嘗試 32
四、 小結 44
第三章 研究設計與方法 45
第一節 個案背景與發展 45
一、 我國毒品政策的轉向 46
二、 地方毒品危害防制中心設立的過程與制度內涵 50
第二節 研究設計 53
一、 研究架構 53
二、 研究方法 54
三、 個案研究對象選取 57
四、 研究分析單位 61
五、 研究要素與訪談資料的編碼設定 61
六、 研究報告的品質與真實性 63
七、 研究流程 65
第四章 地方毒品危害防制中心的政策形成與執行 66
第一節 毒品氾濫與醫療觀點交織的政策議程認知與建立 66
一、 反毒政策的嘗試與變革 67
二、 醫療觀點的實質變革有限 69
三、 環境發展促成地方毒品危害防制中心的政策推出 74
第二節 中央部會的政策網絡形成與策略運用 80
一、 網絡形成前-政府分工的層級體制與民間協助 80
二、 政策網絡的初步形成-法務部主責單位的主導與策略運用 88
第三節 織網-中央部會的網絡治理型態 96
第四節 小結 99
第五章 地方毒品危害防制中心的成立與運作 101
第一節 地方成立中心的政策議程認知與建立 101
第二節 中心的政策網絡形成與策略運用 105
一、 被動配合的任務推動 106
二、 中心人員的行動策略 113
第三節 織網-地方毒品危害防制中心的治理型態 115
第四節 小結 122
第六章 結論 123
第一節 研究總結 123
一、 毒品防制網絡的形成與發展植基於應急式的政策推動 123
二、 網絡中行動者基於政策任務需求所採取的行動策略:建立網絡、遊說與政策指導、尋找資源 124
三、 網絡中行動者在任務編組下的資源運用與資源依賴 125
四、 網絡內的權力運作與互動樣態:單一機關主導的弱連結 127
五、 病人觀點的醫療、輔導措施發展遭受阻礙 128
第二節 政策建議 129
一、 去任務化的專責組織設立 129
二、 擴大民間的政策參與 130
三、 指派專門負責毒品政策協調與仲裁的政務委員 131
四、 將焦點從社區輔導轉向監獄輔導、職訓功能的強化 131
第三節 研究貢獻 132
第四節 研究限制與後續研究建議 133
一、 研究限制 133
二、 後續研究建議 134
參考文獻 135
附錄一 地方毒品危害防制中心的任務分工表 143
附錄二 研究焦點區分下的訪談問題設計 144
附錄三 政府戒毒推動工作大事紀 149
附錄四 訪談逐字稿摘錄 159
一、法務部人員(CG1)第一次訪談逐字稿摘錄 159
二、法務部人員(CG1)第二次訪談逐字稿摘錄 167
三、衛生署人員(CG2、CG3)訪談逐字稿摘錄 171
四、衛生署人員(CG4)訪談逐字稿摘錄 173
五、衛生局人員(LG1)訪談逐字稿摘錄 175
六、衛生局人員(LG2)第一次訪談逐字稿摘錄 178
七、衛生局人員(LG2)第二次訪談逐字稿摘錄 186
八、社會處人員(LG3)訪談逐字稿摘錄 191
九、教育處人員(LG4)訪談逐字稿摘錄 194
十、教育處人員(LG5)訪談逐字稿摘錄 196
十一、警察局人員(LG6)訪談逐字稿摘錄 197
十二、地檢署人員(LG9)訪談逐字稿摘錄 198
十三、宗教戒毒團體人員(PS1)訪談逐字稿摘錄 201
十四、心輔團體人員(PS2)訪談逐字稿摘錄 203
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 毒品政策zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地方毒品危害防制中心zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政策網絡zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) drug policyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) local drug prevention and control centeren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) policy networken_US
dc.title (題名) 地方毒品危害防制中心的實際運作-政策網絡的分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The policy implementation of local drug prevention and control center - A policy network analysisen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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