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題名 異文化經驗對課程學者實踐教育改革之影響—以黃炳煌教授為例
How does strange-culture influence a curriculum scholar`s praxis on education reform in taiwan?—the case study of professor Ping Huang Huang
作者 柯方渝
貢獻者 黃譯瑩
關鍵詞 異文化經驗
日期 2009
上傳時間 11-Oct-2011 17:04:59 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究的目的在於探析課程學者黃炳煌教授之異文化經驗對其教改實踐的影響。首先以深度訪談的方式勾勒研究對象從童年至今的生命軌跡,在對其整個生命概況有了基本的認識之後,再針對其在美國生活十四年的異文化經驗與其回國後教改實踐的部分進行連結與分析。研究結果主要以兩部分呈現:一為研究對象的生命故事,二為分析研究對象異文化經驗與其參與教改實務的關連性。前者旨在幫助對後者的理解與判斷。研究發現課程學者所接觸到的異文化對其在實踐教育改革上有一定程度的影響,主要層面如下:一、使研究對象對原文化與異文化的教育理念抱持著比較和融合的觀點。二、異文化對主體在教育改革意識上產生增強、削弱或是視野上的拓展。直接且顯著的影響是在觀念意識上的轉變與突破,體現在課堂發言、政策擬定、相關著作發表等方面。其中在推敲影響的過程中,發現異文化的吸收是一種經驗批判,植基於受影響者的人格特質,以及參與的動機和時機,這些也是在談論影響時不可忽略的因素。
This research focuses on one curriculum scholar and the purpose of the research is to explore the effects of Professor Bing-huang Huang’s foreign cultural experiences on his practice of educational reforms. At first, this paper depicts Professor Huang’s life history since his childhood with profound interviews. After having a basic studying of his whole life history, the paper focuses on his foreign cultural experiences during his fourteen-year-long life in America. Then, the paper connects and analyzes those experiences with his practice of educational reforms after he came back to Taiwan. The results of this research are shown in two parts. One is his life history, and the other is the analysis of the connections between his foreign cultural experiences and his participation in the educational reforms. The former part aims to help the understanding and judging of the latter part. The research finds out that the foreign cultural experiences of this curriculum scholar do have effects on his practice of educational reforms to some extent. The main aspects are as follows, 1. Professor Huang’s educational concepts for his original culture and for the foreign culture are compared and integrated. 2. The foreign cultural experiences have strengthening, weakening, or broadening influences on the professor’s thoughts for educational reforms. One of the most direct and obvious influences is the alternation and breakthrough of the thoughts, and they are carried out in in-class speeches, arrangements of the policies, and the publication of related writings. In the process of considering the effects, it is noticed that the acquirement of foreign cultural experiences is a kind of empirical evaluation, which is rooted in the personality and the motives and time of participation. These factors can not be neglected when discussing the influences.

Key words: strange-culture , education reform , praxis
參考文獻 中文部分
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094152012
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃譯瑩zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 柯方渝zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 柯方渝zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2009en_US
dc.date.accessioned 11-Oct-2011 17:04:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 11-Oct-2011 17:04:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 11-Oct-2011 17:04:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094152012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/51635-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94152012zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究的目的在於探析課程學者黃炳煌教授之異文化經驗對其教改實踐的影響。首先以深度訪談的方式勾勒研究對象從童年至今的生命軌跡,在對其整個生命概況有了基本的認識之後,再針對其在美國生活十四年的異文化經驗與其回國後教改實踐的部分進行連結與分析。研究結果主要以兩部分呈現:一為研究對象的生命故事,二為分析研究對象異文化經驗與其參與教改實務的關連性。前者旨在幫助對後者的理解與判斷。研究發現課程學者所接觸到的異文化對其在實踐教育改革上有一定程度的影響,主要層面如下:一、使研究對象對原文化與異文化的教育理念抱持著比較和融合的觀點。二、異文化對主體在教育改革意識上產生增強、削弱或是視野上的拓展。直接且顯著的影響是在觀念意識上的轉變與突破,體現在課堂發言、政策擬定、相關著作發表等方面。其中在推敲影響的過程中,發現異文化的吸收是一種經驗批判,植基於受影響者的人格特質,以及參與的動機和時機,這些也是在談論影響時不可忽略的因素。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research focuses on one curriculum scholar and the purpose of the research is to explore the effects of Professor Bing-huang Huang’s foreign cultural experiences on his practice of educational reforms. At first, this paper depicts Professor Huang’s life history since his childhood with profound interviews. After having a basic studying of his whole life history, the paper focuses on his foreign cultural experiences during his fourteen-year-long life in America. Then, the paper connects and analyzes those experiences with his practice of educational reforms after he came back to Taiwan. The results of this research are shown in two parts. One is his life history, and the other is the analysis of the connections between his foreign cultural experiences and his participation in the educational reforms. The former part aims to help the understanding and judging of the latter part. The research finds out that the foreign cultural experiences of this curriculum scholar do have effects on his practice of educational reforms to some extent. The main aspects are as follows, 1. Professor Huang’s educational concepts for his original culture and for the foreign culture are compared and integrated. 2. The foreign cultural experiences have strengthening, weakening, or broadening influences on the professor’s thoughts for educational reforms. One of the most direct and obvious influences is the alternation and breakthrough of the thoughts, and they are carried out in in-class speeches, arrangements of the policies, and the publication of related writings. In the process of considering the effects, it is noticed that the acquirement of foreign cultural experiences is a kind of empirical evaluation, which is rooted in the personality and the motives and time of participation. These factors can not be neglected when discussing the influences.

Key words: strange-culture , education reform , praxis
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 10
第一節 研究動機與背景 10
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 15
第三節 名詞釋義 17
第四節 研究範圍與限制 18
第二章 文獻探討 21
第一節 異文化經驗之意涵 21
第二節 美國文化 33
第三節 台灣教育改革 50
第四節 實踐教育改革之意涵 66
第三章 研究方法與設計 79
第一節 研究對象的選擇 79
第二節 研究方法及其選擇理由 80
第三節 研究資料處理 87
第四節 研究倫理 92
第五節 研究信、效度 92
第六節 研究流程 94
第四章 研究結果:六個ㄩㄥˇ的故事 95
第四章 研究結果:六個ㄩㄥˇ的故事 96
第一節 前言 96
第二節 六個ㄩㄥˇ的故事 98
春起 101
我中有你,共塑人格 101
第一篇 擁 102
一、因為擁有很多,所以想要付出 102
第二篇 永 105
一、因為永遠真誠,所以坦然自適 105
夏承 110
紮根待機,飄洋逐夢 110
第三篇 勇 111
一、因為想要不凡,所以勇敢爭取榮譽 111
二、因為勇於爭取榮譽,所以勇敢碰撞機會 112
三、因為決心緊握機會,所以勇於據理生存 113
四、因為目欲窮千里,所以更上「異」層樓 114
五、初至「異境」,看見不同 115
六、「異師」亦友,破除成規,予其異翼,開創可能 118
七、「異論」紛紛,奠定思考表達的邏輯系統 119
八、「異言」兩語,多了比較,添了異趣,加了周延 122
九、擁「報」自由,大放「異采」 125
十、「異元」文化發現億萬價值 127
十一、「異師」經驗,看見專業認證和課程史的重要 128
十二、「異學」風範,看見世界名校的偉大之處 129
十三、「異學」環境,看見民主自由中的教育態度 130
秋轉 132
學成歸國,踴起杏壇 132
第四篇 踴 133
一、萬里江山故鄉情——從美國到台灣 133
二、斯是政大,惟吾得馨——從師大到政大 134
三、先基本再應用——課程設計的邏輯 135
四、爭取公平機會,反對教育專賣——師資、教材、學校開放 137
五、直言敢諫,力爭上游——教育會議的勇者 139
六、開創每一個教育機會—— 140
七、名校的理念與社會正義——明星學校的篩選制度 142
八、管事不管人——廢除髮禁 143
九、理論原則勝於事實雄辯——教改向前行 144
十、建立專業,首要紮根理論——成立教育研究院、師資養成、廢除體罰 148
十一、權利義務並重——鼓勵成立教師會 151
十二、多元思考——教育問題面面觀 152
十三、教育的低門檻、高藝術——教育小語人人談 154
冬合 155
貢獻所學,回饋家鄉 155
第五篇 湧&詠 156
一、堅定的自我認同 156
二、強烈的家鄉關懷 157
三、生命的一路走來 157
春回 160
樹人不已,薪火相傳 160
第五章 研究討論: 161
異文化經驗影響研究對象實踐教改之可能性連結 161
第一節 前言 161
第二節 研究分析 161
◎連結一─有實力,在哪裡都是王道 164
◎連結二─找尋可以讓他有最大意義發揮的地方 166
◎連結三─對弱勢主動伸出援手 168
◎連結四─體認到教育是一種專業 170
◎連結五─管事勝於管人 172
◎連結六─突破、創新 174
◎連結七─燃起尊重多元的意識 176
◎連結八─只要有理,直言敢諫 179
◎連結九─異文化書籍中理性客觀的立場風格 181
◎連結十─異文化書籍中語言的措辭巧思和生動譬喻 183
◎連結十一─設計分析的概念和邏輯 186
◎連結十二─教育需要長期研究 189
◎連結十三─重視教師的權利與義務 191
第六章 研究建議與延伸 200
第一節 研究建議 200
第二節 研究延伸 206
參考文獻 209
中文部分 209
英文部分 216
附錄一:研究對象主要人格特質圖 219
附錄二:研究對象重要異文化經驗與教改實踐關係圖 220
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094152012en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 異文化經驗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 實踐zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教育改革zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 異文化經驗對課程學者實踐教育改革之影響—以黃炳煌教授為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) How does strange-culture influence a curriculum scholar`s praxis on education reform in taiwan?—the case study of professor Ping Huang Huangen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分zh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 2003年大遊行剖析。2007年3月20日,取自:http://www.sunny.org.tw/fin/teach/teach71.htmzh_TW
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Cheers雜誌(2001)。美國之外的選擇。2007年2月10日,取自:http://www.cheers.com.tw/content/009/009118.aspzh_TW
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