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題名 兩岸直銷業實行企業社會責任之比較 —以安利中國為例
A comparative study on the practices of corporate social responsibility in direct selling industry between China and Taiwan — the case of Amway China
作者 陳良志
Chen, Liang Chih
貢獻者 林淑姬
Chen, Liang Chih
關鍵詞 企業社會責任 (CSR)
直銷 (DS)
全球永續報告書綱領 (GRI)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Direct Selling (DS)
日期 2010
上傳時間 13-Oct-2011 13:55:37 (UTC+8)
摘要 直銷進入中國近20年,因為中國特殊法規環境,造成多數的中國消費者對直銷抱有一種懷疑的態度。但是近年來不少中國直銷企業,投入相當程度資金與人力在參與慈善公益和社區責任,形成以『參與社會公益為榮』,以『履行社會責任為傲』的行業風氣,進而大幅度提升中國直銷企業的社會形象。如此不僅有利於中國直銷長期持續的發展,並且中國直銷企業在實行企業社會責任作法,對於台灣直銷企業在深耕台灣本土市場或進軍大陸市場,具一定參考作用。
     本研究以中國直銷標竿企業作為主要研究分析對象並以世界公認全球永續報告書綱領比較兩岸直銷企業在實行社會責任的差異,以發現標竿企業實行社會責任的特色並歸納其在中國成功實施企業社會責任九個關鍵因素 :
There are almost 20 years after Direct Selling commenced in China, due to complicated and restricted regulatory issues, the image of Direct Selling is always being argued and the perception of consumer is disadvantage for the development of Direct Selling in China. Recently some of Direct Selling companies have heavily involved corporate philanthropy and social responsibility, which are very instrumental for securing the recognition of general public today and enhancing the sustainability of the Direct Selling development in future in China. Furthermore, the experiences on the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Direct Selling in China are the best practice for penetrating the domestic market in Taiwan and new development in the Mainland China.
     It is applied to compare the planning & execution of Corporate Social Responsibility through Global Reporting Initiative between Taiwan and China : analyze the unique features of benchmark company of Direct Selling in China we select and find its comparison with Direct Selling companies of Taiwan and summary the 9 key success factors of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility as following :
     1. Elevate the standard of business ethic and build the concept of social responsibility.
     2. Select the Corporate Social Responsibility as one of the corporate strategies.
     3. Develop the dedicated organization & platform for the execution of Corporate Social Responsibility.
     4. Build the unique features and core competences of volunteer taskforce within Distributor/Employee.
     5. Ensure the product-guarantee and service-quality are the basic of social responsibility.
     6. The establishment of full consumer protection system.
     7. Conduct the best corporate philanthropy activity in connection with unique features of product & customer and corporate culture.
     8. Respect Chinese culture & custom and China government.
     9. Promote the execution & results of Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Philanthropy.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林淑姬zh_TW (Authors) 陳良志zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Liang Chihen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳良志zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Liang Chihen_US (日期) 2010en_US 13-Oct-2011 13:55:37 (UTC+8)- 13-Oct-2011 13:55:37 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 13-Oct-2011 13:55:37 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0093932505en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93932505zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 直銷進入中國近20年,因為中國特殊法規環境,造成多數的中國消費者對直銷抱有一種懷疑的態度。但是近年來不少中國直銷企業,投入相當程度資金與人力在參與慈善公益和社區責任,形成以『參與社會公益為榮』,以『履行社會責任為傲』的行業風氣,進而大幅度提升中國直銷企業的社會形象。如此不僅有利於中國直銷長期持續的發展,並且中國直銷企業在實行企業社會責任作法,對於台灣直銷企業在深耕台灣本土市場或進軍大陸市場,具一定參考作用。
     本研究以中國直銷標竿企業作為主要研究分析對象並以世界公認全球永續報告書綱領比較兩岸直銷企業在實行社會責任的差異,以發現標竿企業實行社會責任的特色並歸納其在中國成功實施企業社會責任九個關鍵因素 :
dc.description.abstract (摘要) There are almost 20 years after Direct Selling commenced in China, due to complicated and restricted regulatory issues, the image of Direct Selling is always being argued and the perception of consumer is disadvantage for the development of Direct Selling in China. Recently some of Direct Selling companies have heavily involved corporate philanthropy and social responsibility, which are very instrumental for securing the recognition of general public today and enhancing the sustainability of the Direct Selling development in future in China. Furthermore, the experiences on the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Direct Selling in China are the best practice for penetrating the domestic market in Taiwan and new development in the Mainland China.
     It is applied to compare the planning & execution of Corporate Social Responsibility through Global Reporting Initiative between Taiwan and China : analyze the unique features of benchmark company of Direct Selling in China we select and find its comparison with Direct Selling companies of Taiwan and summary the 9 key success factors of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility as following :
     1. Elevate the standard of business ethic and build the concept of social responsibility.
     2. Select the Corporate Social Responsibility as one of the corporate strategies.
     3. Develop the dedicated organization & platform for the execution of Corporate Social Responsibility.
     4. Build the unique features and core competences of volunteer taskforce within Distributor/Employee.
     5. Ensure the product-guarantee and service-quality are the basic of social responsibility.
     6. The establishment of full consumer protection system.
     7. Conduct the best corporate philanthropy activity in connection with unique features of product & customer and corporate culture.
     8. Respect Chinese culture & custom and China government.
     9. Promote the execution & results of Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Philanthropy.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論
     第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………………1
     第二節 研究目的與範圍………………………………………………3
     第三節 研究流程………………………………………………………3
     第二章 文獻探討
     第一節 企業社會責任的起源…………………………………………5
     第二節 企業社會責任的發展…………………………………………6
     第三節 企業社會責任的結構…………………………………………9
     第四節 企業社會責任的對象………………………………………13
     第五節 企業社會責任與企業公民…………………………………17
     第六節 企業社會責任與競爭優勢…………………………………20
     第七節 企業社會責任的管理原則…………………………………23
     第八節 企業社會責任的評估準則…………………………………25
     第三章 研究設計與方法
     第一節 研究架構……………………………………………………30
     第二節 資料收集……………………………………………………32
     第三節 個案研究……………………………………………………32
     第四章 個案公司與台灣業者的分析比較
     第一節 兩岸直銷業現狀分析………………………………………35
     4.1.1 台灣直銷業現狀……………………………………………35
     4.1.2 大陸直銷業現狀……………………………………………38
     4.1.3 兩岸直銷市場比較…………………………………………40
     第二節 兩岸直銷企業實行企業社會責任總體比較分析…………42
     4.2.1 總體比較分析………………………………………………42
     4.2.2 總體分析小結………………………………………………44
     第三節 個案公司與台灣直銷業在實行社會責任個體比較分析……46
     4.3.1 中國直銷企業實行CSR概要說明…………………………46
     4.3.2 個案公司介紹………………………………………………47
     4.3.3 個案公司在中國實行CSR重點工作說明…………………49 「策略及組織概況」面……………………………………50 「管理方針」面……………………………………………53 「績效指標」面……………………………………………58
     4.3.4 個案公司實行CSR之特色與和台灣直銷業之比較………65
     第四節 個案公司在中國實行CSR成功關鍵因素與啟示…………71
     第五章 結論與建議
     第一節 研究結論……………………………………………………75
     第二節 研究限制……………………………………………………77
     第三節 後續研究建議………………………………………………78
     表2-1: 企業社會責任的理論彙整……………………………………8
     表2-2: 報告書「策略及組織概況」揭露內容說明…………………27
     表2-3: 報告書「管理方針」揭露內容說明…………………………28
     表2-4: 報告書「績效指標」揭露內容說明…………………………29
     表3-1: 台灣49家直銷會員公司名單………………………………32
     表3-2: 大陸25家取得直銷執照公司名單…………………………34
     表4-1: 全球直銷業前十五大市場排名…………………………… 35
     表4-2: 台灣直銷產業發展4大階段………………………………36
     表4-3: 兩岸直銷業2007~2009產值比較…………………………41
     表4-4: 個案公司兩岸分公司業績比較……………………………41
     表4-5: 個案公司與P&G兩岸成長比較……………………………41表4- 6: 台灣直銷企業對社會責任與社會公益重視分析…………42
     表4-6A: 中國直銷企業對社會責任與社會公益重視分析…………42
     表4- 7: 台灣直銷企業社會公益對象分析…………………………43
     表4-7A: 中國直銷企業社會公益對象分析…………………………43
     表4- 8: 台灣直銷企業社會公益目的分析…………………………43
     表4-8A: 中國直銷企業社會公益目的分析…………………………43
     表4- 9: 台灣直銷企業社會公益外圍組織分析…………………… 44
     表4-9A: 中國直銷企業社會公益外圍組織分析……………………44
     表4-10: 中國企業社會責任倡導文件………………………………45
     表4-11: 報告書「策略及組織概況」比較……………………………69
     表4-12: 報告書「管理方針」比較……………………………………70
     表4-13: 報告書「績效指標」比較……………………………………71
     圖1-1: 研究流程……………………………………………………4
     圖2-1: A.B.Carroll企業社會責任金字塔模型…………………10
     圖2-2: 三重底線原則構成的企業責任體系………………………24
     圖2-3: GRI可持續發展報告框架的結構圖………………………26
     圖3-1: 比較分析架構流程…………………………………………31
     圖4-1: 個案公司組織概況…………………………………………50
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 企業社會責任 (CSR)zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 直銷 (DS)zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 全球永續報告書綱領 (GRI)zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Direct Selling (DS)en_US
dc.title (題名) 兩岸直銷業實行企業社會責任之比較 —以安利中國為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A comparative study on the practices of corporate social responsibility in direct selling industry between China and Taiwan — the case of Amway Chinaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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