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題名 宗教救贖與身心療癒:明清時期的道醫、僧醫與巫醫研究
其他題名 Religious Salvation and the Healing of Body-And-Mind: Daoist, Buddhist and Shamanistic Medicine in Ming-Qing China
作者 陳秀芬
貢獻者 行政院國家科學委員會
關鍵詞 歷史
道醫;僧醫;巫;療癒;明清;Daoist medicine;Buddhist medicine;Shamanism;religious healing;Ming-Qing China
日期 2011
上傳時間 10-Nov-2011 10:03:38 (UTC+8)
摘要 中國史上有不少醫術施行者同時亦是宗教修練者。特別是在明清時期,文人筆記、小說、方志、善書與醫案等不乏有關於道士、禪師、神人、巫等治病事蹟的記錄。當時不僅某些方外的道士、佛僧有學習醫術、編纂醫書的行為,不少醫者亦以居士、道人自居。至於包括尼姑、道姑、卦姑、藥婆在內的女性醫療者為人治病,在當時也頗為常見。這些現象在在說明中國近世宗教與醫療的緊密關係。 本計畫以道教、佛教、巫術與醫療的關係作為考察對象,以此探討明清時期宗教療癒的特色。本計畫欲探究的問題如下:明清社會有為數不少的道士、佛僧與巫從事醫療活動,這究竟是出自宗教信仰所做的慈善義舉,抑或是為了生計與養家餬口而有的行為?以當時國家與部分士紳對於佛道的誤解以及對所謂「師巫邪術」的打壓而言,宗教人士的醫療行為是否有導正常人觀念的考量?另一方面,當時亦有許多知名或沒沒無名的醫者以道教山人、佛教居士自居,這樣的身分認同除了自我標榜,是否還有其他深層意義?無論是哪一類的醫者,他們的醫術傳承有何特色?所採取的醫療方式有無重大差異?又,他們對於生命、醫理的詮釋是否與其宗教理念相互契合? In Chinese history there were many healers who were religious practitioners as well. Taking Ming-Qing China for example, a number of Daoist and Buddhist masters and folk shamans were recorded to have treated various illnesses of people by ritual healing. When some Buddhist monks and Daoist priests were devoted to medical learning and writing, it is also worthy of noted that many lay doctors showed their strong identity and sympathy to Buddhism and Daoism. In addition, female healers such as Buddhist and Daoist nuns also played important roles in the healing of patients of women and children. These demonstrate the close association between religions, medicine and healing in late imperial China. This research project is aimed at exploring the religious healings of Daoism, Buddhism and shamanism in Ming-Qing China. The questions I attempt to answer are as below: In Ming-Qing China many Buddhist monks, Daoist priests and shamans came to practice medicine simply because their religious doctrine and charitable mercy, or possibly due to other reasons, such as earning living? Meanwhile, why did many doctors claim/identify themselves as lay Buddhist/Daoist practitioners? Did they learn medicine partly because of their religious belief? No matter Buddhist, Daoist or shamanistic healers, how did they acquire their medical knowledge and healing techniques? No less importantly, did these healers show very different treatments when curing patients?
關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:10008~ 10107
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.contributor 國立政治大學歷史學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳秀芬zh_TW (日期) 2011en_US 10-Nov-2011 10:03:38 (UTC+8)- 10-Nov-2011 10:03:38 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 10-Nov-2011 10:03:38 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中國史上有不少醫術施行者同時亦是宗教修練者。特別是在明清時期,文人筆記、小說、方志、善書與醫案等不乏有關於道士、禪師、神人、巫等治病事蹟的記錄。當時不僅某些方外的道士、佛僧有學習醫術、編纂醫書的行為,不少醫者亦以居士、道人自居。至於包括尼姑、道姑、卦姑、藥婆在內的女性醫療者為人治病,在當時也頗為常見。這些現象在在說明中國近世宗教與醫療的緊密關係。 本計畫以道教、佛教、巫術與醫療的關係作為考察對象,以此探討明清時期宗教療癒的特色。本計畫欲探究的問題如下:明清社會有為數不少的道士、佛僧與巫從事醫療活動,這究竟是出自宗教信仰所做的慈善義舉,抑或是為了生計與養家餬口而有的行為?以當時國家與部分士紳對於佛道的誤解以及對所謂「師巫邪術」的打壓而言,宗教人士的醫療行為是否有導正常人觀念的考量?另一方面,當時亦有許多知名或沒沒無名的醫者以道教山人、佛教居士自居,這樣的身分認同除了自我標榜,是否還有其他深層意義?無論是哪一類的醫者,他們的醫術傳承有何特色?所採取的醫療方式有無重大差異?又,他們對於生命、醫理的詮釋是否與其宗教理念相互契合? In Chinese history there were many healers who were religious practitioners as well. Taking Ming-Qing China for example, a number of Daoist and Buddhist masters and folk shamans were recorded to have treated various illnesses of people by ritual healing. When some Buddhist monks and Daoist priests were devoted to medical learning and writing, it is also worthy of noted that many lay doctors showed their strong identity and sympathy to Buddhism and Daoism. In addition, female healers such as Buddhist and Daoist nuns also played important roles in the healing of patients of women and children. These demonstrate the close association between religions, medicine and healing in late imperial China. This research project is aimed at exploring the religious healings of Daoism, Buddhism and shamanism in Ming-Qing China. The questions I attempt to answer are as below: In Ming-Qing China many Buddhist monks, Daoist priests and shamans came to practice medicine simply because their religious doctrine and charitable mercy, or possibly due to other reasons, such as earning living? Meanwhile, why did many doctors claim/identify themselves as lay Buddhist/Daoist practitioners? Did they learn medicine partly because of their religious belief? No matter Buddhist, Daoist or shamanistic healers, how did they acquire their medical knowledge and healing techniques? No less importantly, did these healers show very different treatments when curing patients?-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:10008~ 10107en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:340仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歷史en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 道醫;僧醫;巫;療癒;明清;Daoist medicine;Buddhist medicine;Shamanism;religious healing;Ming-Qing China-
dc.title (題名) 宗教救贖與身心療癒:明清時期的道醫、僧醫與巫醫研究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Religious Salvation and the Healing of Body-And-Mind: Daoist, Buddhist and Shamanistic Medicine in Ming-Qing Chinaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten