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題名 服務導向供應鏈中不確定性與企業策略及績效之實證探討
其他題名 An Empirical Investigaion of the Interrelationship between Uncertainty, Strategy, and Business Performance in Service Supply Chains
作者 羅明琇
貢獻者 國立政治大學企業管理學系
關鍵詞 服務導向供應鏈
日期 2012
上傳時間 18-May-2012 14:54:09 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著科技的進步及消費者力量的抬頭,服務產業在經濟體系中所扮演的角色日益 加重。相較於製造業以生產實質產品為主要目的,服務業的營運過程充滿著更多 的不確定性 (uncertainty)。如何對環境中的不確定性進行了解,並針對此不確定 性提出適合的因應策略,以提升企業營運績效,對服務提供者而言,實為刻不容 緩的課題。 本研究目的在於透過實務資料的收集,了解服務導向供應鏈中,環境不確定性如 何對企業之供應鏈策略造成影響,以及兩者之間的適配性是否將反應在企業績效 上。具體而言,本研究將以過去學者 (Frei, 2006, Shostack, 1987) 提出的文獻為 基礎,探討由顧客端所引起的變異是否可反映服務導向供應鏈中的需求不確定, 以及企業所提供之服務流程,其複雜度及多樣性是否可反映供應鏈中的供給不確 定性。此外,本研究也將分別探討服務導向供應鏈中供給不確定性與需求不確定 性與供應鏈策略之間的關係,以及供應鏈策略與企業績效之間的相關性。 本研究將分兩階段進行。第一階段透過書面問卷方式收集量化資料。本研究將發 展適合用來評估各研究變數的量表,並以台灣服務產業為調查對象,以獲取實務 界對此研究主題的看法。所收集到的量化資料將以結構方程模式 (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 進行分析,並驗證各相關假說。 根據第一階段所得到的結果及發現,本研究第二階段將以個案研究 (case study) 的方式,進行質化資料的收集,以對研究問題進行更深入的探討及了解。資料收 集方式包括:深度面對面訪談、實地營運地點參訪、文件資料收集、以及歷史檔 案資料收集等。收集到的個案資料將分別用來進行個案內分析 (within-case analysis) 及跨個案分析 (cross-case analysis)。 本研究的主要理論貢獻在於拓展了服務導向供應鏈管理的討論,並且透過實證資 料的收集,為各研究變數間的關連性提供了更明確的認知與了解。此研究結果亦 可做為相關企業在訂定服務策略及改善績效時之參考依據。
The market globalization and technological breakthroughs have stimulated the power and growing awareness of consumers. Compared with the manufacturing industry, which mainly focuses on producing physical products, the service industry is facing higher uncertainty due to the involvement of consumers. In order to pursue the appropriate supply chain strategy and consequently improve business performance, understanding the uncertainty in a supply chain is critical to service providers. This research empirically investigates the interrelationship between uncertainty and strategy of service supply chains, and how their “fit” affects business performance. The aim of this research is multifold. Based on the earlier research works (Frei, 2006, Shostack, 1987), it firstly explores whether the uncertainty caused by consumers and service processes can appropriately reflect the demand and supply uncertainty in supply chains respectively. It then examines how the demand and supply uncertainty relate to supply chain strategy, and how the strategy further affects performance. The design of this research contains two phases of data collection. Quantitative data was firstly collected from a target industry (the service industry) via a mail survey approach. The measures of each research construct is developed and utilized in the survey. The data collected will be analyzed by the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. Following the survey, a multiple-case study method is chosen in the second stage. It collects qualitative data to further explore and explain the relationships among the constructs. The data is collected through multiple sources: survey, interview, plant tour, documentation, and archival record. The data are then analyzed via within-case analysis and cross-case analysis. The contributions of this research are theoretical and practical. It adds to the body of knowledge of service-oriented supply chains. The association between research constructs are developed and established. It also provides practitioners with guidance in choosing an appropriate supply chain strategy in accordance with the environmental uncertainty.
關聯 應用研究
研究期間:10108~ 10207
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學企業管理學系en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 羅明琇zh_TW (日期) 2012en_US 18-May-2012 14:54:09 (UTC+8)- 18-May-2012 14:54:09 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-May-2012 14:54:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著科技的進步及消費者力量的抬頭,服務產業在經濟體系中所扮演的角色日益 加重。相較於製造業以生產實質產品為主要目的,服務業的營運過程充滿著更多 的不確定性 (uncertainty)。如何對環境中的不確定性進行了解,並針對此不確定 性提出適合的因應策略,以提升企業營運績效,對服務提供者而言,實為刻不容 緩的課題。 本研究目的在於透過實務資料的收集,了解服務導向供應鏈中,環境不確定性如 何對企業之供應鏈策略造成影響,以及兩者之間的適配性是否將反應在企業績效 上。具體而言,本研究將以過去學者 (Frei, 2006, Shostack, 1987) 提出的文獻為 基礎,探討由顧客端所引起的變異是否可反映服務導向供應鏈中的需求不確定, 以及企業所提供之服務流程,其複雜度及多樣性是否可反映供應鏈中的供給不確 定性。此外,本研究也將分別探討服務導向供應鏈中供給不確定性與需求不確定 性與供應鏈策略之間的關係,以及供應鏈策略與企業績效之間的相關性。 本研究將分兩階段進行。第一階段透過書面問卷方式收集量化資料。本研究將發 展適合用來評估各研究變數的量表,並以台灣服務產業為調查對象,以獲取實務 界對此研究主題的看法。所收集到的量化資料將以結構方程模式 (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 進行分析,並驗證各相關假說。 根據第一階段所得到的結果及發現,本研究第二階段將以個案研究 (case study) 的方式,進行質化資料的收集,以對研究問題進行更深入的探討及了解。資料收 集方式包括:深度面對面訪談、實地營運地點參訪、文件資料收集、以及歷史檔 案資料收集等。收集到的個案資料將分別用來進行個案內分析 (within-case analysis) 及跨個案分析 (cross-case analysis)。 本研究的主要理論貢獻在於拓展了服務導向供應鏈管理的討論,並且透過實證資 料的收集,為各研究變數間的關連性提供了更明確的認知與了解。此研究結果亦 可做為相關企業在訂定服務策略及改善績效時之參考依據。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The market globalization and technological breakthroughs have stimulated the power and growing awareness of consumers. Compared with the manufacturing industry, which mainly focuses on producing physical products, the service industry is facing higher uncertainty due to the involvement of consumers. In order to pursue the appropriate supply chain strategy and consequently improve business performance, understanding the uncertainty in a supply chain is critical to service providers. This research empirically investigates the interrelationship between uncertainty and strategy of service supply chains, and how their “fit” affects business performance. The aim of this research is multifold. Based on the earlier research works (Frei, 2006, Shostack, 1987), it firstly explores whether the uncertainty caused by consumers and service processes can appropriately reflect the demand and supply uncertainty in supply chains respectively. It then examines how the demand and supply uncertainty relate to supply chain strategy, and how the strategy further affects performance. The design of this research contains two phases of data collection. Quantitative data was firstly collected from a target industry (the service industry) via a mail survey approach. The measures of each research construct is developed and utilized in the survey. The data collected will be analyzed by the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. Following the survey, a multiple-case study method is chosen in the second stage. It collects qualitative data to further explore and explain the relationships among the constructs. The data is collected through multiple sources: survey, interview, plant tour, documentation, and archival record. The data are then analyzed via within-case analysis and cross-case analysis. The contributions of this research are theoretical and practical. It adds to the body of knowledge of service-oriented supply chains. The association between research constructs are developed and established. It also provides practitioners with guidance in choosing an appropriate supply chain strategy in accordance with the environmental uncertainty.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 應用研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:10108~ 10207en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:459仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 服務導向供應鏈en_US
dc.title (題名) 服務導向供應鏈中不確定性與企業策略及績效之實證探討zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) An Empirical Investigaion of the Interrelationship between Uncertainty, Strategy, and Business Performance in Service Supply Chainsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten