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題名 介系詞In/On片語語意分析:以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎之研究
Semantic analysis of in/on prepositional phrases: A study based on english native speaker corpus and learner corpus作者 曾郁雯
Tseng, Yu Wen貢獻者 鍾曉芳
Chung, Siaw Fong
Tseng, Yu Wen關鍵詞 第二語言習得
second language acquisition
English prepositions
learner corpus
semantic analysis日期 2011 上傳時間 24-Oct-2012 16:02:39 (UTC+8) 摘要 過去多數英文介系詞語意之研究皆以介系詞為多義詞,並藉由語意網絡去分析其詞義(e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001),或透過意象圖式理論(image schema theory)來探究介系詞語意,依不同的前景名詞(figure)與背景名詞(ground)組成可產生不同的形貌結構,從而衍生出其特殊語意(e.g. Lakoff, 1987)。然而,有關介系詞片語中詞彙搭配詞組如何影響介系詞使用之研究則較不多見。故本論文著重在分析前景與背景名詞等搭配詞組之語意特徵,探究其對介系詞in和on語意及介系詞片語組成之影響。以英國國家語料庫(British National Corpus)和政治大學外語學習者語料庫(The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus)作分析,比較學習者與以英語為母語者使用in和on介系詞片語在語意上的差異。 本研究共分三部分。第一部分的詞義分析比較學習者與母語人士在使用in與on之詞義之異同,在介系詞in的部分,學習者與母語人士語料相較之下僅有細微的差異,多數語料皆為原型場景(proto-scene)之詞義的使用。介系詞on的詞義使用則稍有不同;學習者較傾向作具體位置的指涉,然母語者則較傾向呈現此介系詞的抽象意涵。第二部分的語意特徵分析則比較介系詞in和on在具體(literal)與抽象(metaphorical)片語組成上,前景與背景語意特徵之異同。研究結果顯示不同的介系詞片語會由特定類型的前景與背景名詞組成,故在組成不同語意之介系詞片語時,特定語意特徵出現的頻率會呈現顯著性地差異。第三部分為學習者語料的錯誤分析,探究學習者誤用in和on介系詞片語之情形。 綜合上述研究結果可得知,組成介系詞片語的名詞詞組會依上下文語意而產生不同之語意偏好(semantic preferences),介系詞的語意除了會受到後接名詞的影響,周圍名詞也可能造成語意上的差異。這些名詞可能會選擇特定的介系詞來使用,亦會影響介系詞在片語中之語意。 本論文深入地探討了介系詞片語詞組之組成,透過大量的語料分析,為英語介系詞複雜的語意層面提出了一個較系統化且完整之解釋,期能將研究發現應用於教材設計上,希望能在學習介系詞使用上有所幫助,也供未來介系詞相關研究作為參考。
The meanings of English preposition have been explored greatly through vast directions of research. Most studies agree that preposition is a polysemous lexical item whose senses can be construed from the semantic network (e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001). Its senses has also been examined under the image-schema theory from the cognitive perspective (e.g. Lakoff, 1987), in which the figure (or trajector) and ground (or landmark) interact differently to form various configurations that contribute to sets of distinct senses. Though these studies attempt to provide a comprehensive network for the meanings of prepositions, how the semantic features of the figure and ground might influence the choice of a preposition and the construction of a prepositional phrase is hardly seen. The thesis adopted a native speaker corpus (British National Corpus, BNC) and a learner corpus (The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus, NCCU) to probe into how the semantic features of the figure and ground nouns can help explicate the semantic profiles of the preposition in and on, and to compare learners’ understanding of them with that of the native speakers’. Based on the corpora, the study is composed of three major analyses. The sense analysis compared the sense distributions of in and on, from which similarities and differences may be found between BNC and NCCU. The result of this analysis showed that in the sense categories of in, the distribution did not differ greatly since most of the data were categorized into the proto-scene sense in both BNC and NCCU, and only slight variations could be found in other categories. In the sense categories of on, in senses that refer to location, higher frequency could be found in NCCU, while more metaphorical constructions of on were identified in BNC. In the second analysis, the semantic feature analysis, the distribution of the semantic features are compared between literal and metaphorical constructions of in and on and between BNC and NCCU respectively. For the comparison of in and on, the statistical results showed that different types of nouns could be observed in the data of particular prepositions. Thus, for nouns in prepositions of different meanings, there may be significant differences in the semantic features identified in these nouns This result implied that the nouns surrounding a preposition might have some influences toward the meaning of this preposition. In the third analysis, the errors in the learner data were identified and examined. Based on the results, we proposed that in a prepositional phrase formed by a particular meaning of a preposition, there exist a range of semantic preferences shown in their co-text. The meanings of a preposition are influenced by the lexical words surrounding the preposition, rather than by the word that goes after the preposition (the ground). This thesis extends from the previous studies on the semantics of prepositions and includes the important linguistic elements in forming the prepositional phrases in the analysis. By incorporating a large amount of data, it also provides a systematic analysis and a more comprehensive explanation toward the complex semantics of English prepositions. The findings can be applied to the design of English teaching materials and techniques and may hopefully bring some insights to further preposition-related studies.參考文獻 Liu, C. L. (劉昭麟) (1989)。利用語意機率模式解決英文介系詞片語定位問題之研究,碩士論文,國立清華大學。新竹:臺灣。Anthony, L. (2005). 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100資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 鍾曉芳 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chung, Siaw Fong en_US (Authors) 曾郁雯 zh_TW (Authors) Tseng, Yu Wen en_US dc.creator (作者) 曾郁雯 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Tseng, Yu Wen en_US (日期) 2011 en_US 24-Oct-2012 16:02:39 (UTC+8) - 24-Oct-2012 16:02:39 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 24-Oct-2012 16:02:39 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0097551016 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 英國語文學研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 97551016 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 100 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 過去多數英文介系詞語意之研究皆以介系詞為多義詞,並藉由語意網絡去分析其詞義(e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001),或透過意象圖式理論(image schema theory)來探究介系詞語意,依不同的前景名詞(figure)與背景名詞(ground)組成可產生不同的形貌結構,從而衍生出其特殊語意(e.g. Lakoff, 1987)。然而,有關介系詞片語中詞彙搭配詞組如何影響介系詞使用之研究則較不多見。故本論文著重在分析前景與背景名詞等搭配詞組之語意特徵,探究其對介系詞in和on語意及介系詞片語組成之影響。以英國國家語料庫(British National Corpus)和政治大學外語學習者語料庫(The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus)作分析,比較學習者與以英語為母語者使用in和on介系詞片語在語意上的差異。 本研究共分三部分。第一部分的詞義分析比較學習者與母語人士在使用in與on之詞義之異同,在介系詞in的部分,學習者與母語人士語料相較之下僅有細微的差異,多數語料皆為原型場景(proto-scene)之詞義的使用。介系詞on的詞義使用則稍有不同;學習者較傾向作具體位置的指涉,然母語者則較傾向呈現此介系詞的抽象意涵。第二部分的語意特徵分析則比較介系詞in和on在具體(literal)與抽象(metaphorical)片語組成上,前景與背景語意特徵之異同。研究結果顯示不同的介系詞片語會由特定類型的前景與背景名詞組成,故在組成不同語意之介系詞片語時,特定語意特徵出現的頻率會呈現顯著性地差異。第三部分為學習者語料的錯誤分析,探究學習者誤用in和on介系詞片語之情形。 綜合上述研究結果可得知,組成介系詞片語的名詞詞組會依上下文語意而產生不同之語意偏好(semantic preferences),介系詞的語意除了會受到後接名詞的影響,周圍名詞也可能造成語意上的差異。這些名詞可能會選擇特定的介系詞來使用,亦會影響介系詞在片語中之語意。 本論文深入地探討了介系詞片語詞組之組成,透過大量的語料分析,為英語介系詞複雜的語意層面提出了一個較系統化且完整之解釋,期能將研究發現應用於教材設計上,希望能在學習介系詞使用上有所幫助,也供未來介系詞相關研究作為參考。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The meanings of English preposition have been explored greatly through vast directions of research. Most studies agree that preposition is a polysemous lexical item whose senses can be construed from the semantic network (e.g. Lindner, 1983; Tyler and Evans, 2001). Its senses has also been examined under the image-schema theory from the cognitive perspective (e.g. Lakoff, 1987), in which the figure (or trajector) and ground (or landmark) interact differently to form various configurations that contribute to sets of distinct senses. Though these studies attempt to provide a comprehensive network for the meanings of prepositions, how the semantic features of the figure and ground might influence the choice of a preposition and the construction of a prepositional phrase is hardly seen. The thesis adopted a native speaker corpus (British National Corpus, BNC) and a learner corpus (The NCCU Foreign Language Learner Corpus, NCCU) to probe into how the semantic features of the figure and ground nouns can help explicate the semantic profiles of the preposition in and on, and to compare learners’ understanding of them with that of the native speakers’. Based on the corpora, the study is composed of three major analyses. The sense analysis compared the sense distributions of in and on, from which similarities and differences may be found between BNC and NCCU. The result of this analysis showed that in the sense categories of in, the distribution did not differ greatly since most of the data were categorized into the proto-scene sense in both BNC and NCCU, and only slight variations could be found in other categories. In the sense categories of on, in senses that refer to location, higher frequency could be found in NCCU, while more metaphorical constructions of on were identified in BNC. In the second analysis, the semantic feature analysis, the distribution of the semantic features are compared between literal and metaphorical constructions of in and on and between BNC and NCCU respectively. For the comparison of in and on, the statistical results showed that different types of nouns could be observed in the data of particular prepositions. Thus, for nouns in prepositions of different meanings, there may be significant differences in the semantic features identified in these nouns This result implied that the nouns surrounding a preposition might have some influences toward the meaning of this preposition. In the third analysis, the errors in the learner data were identified and examined. Based on the results, we proposed that in a prepositional phrase formed by a particular meaning of a preposition, there exist a range of semantic preferences shown in their co-text. The meanings of a preposition are influenced by the lexical words surrounding the preposition, rather than by the word that goes after the preposition (the ground). This thesis extends from the previous studies on the semantics of prepositions and includes the important linguistic elements in forming the prepositional phrases in the analysis. By incorporating a large amount of data, it also provides a systematic analysis and a more comprehensive explanation toward the complex semantics of English prepositions. The findings can be applied to the design of English teaching materials and techniques and may hopefully bring some insights to further preposition-related studies. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledgements..........................................iiChinese Abstract...........................................xEnglish Abstract.........................................xiiChapter 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................11.1 Background and Motivation of the Study...............11.2 Significance of the Study............................51.3 Organization.........................................72 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................92.1 Semantic Analysis of Prepositions....................92.1.1 Cognitive perspective on the sense of preposition...102.1.2 The semantic network of prepositions................132.1.3 Related studies on prepositions from other perspectives..............................................192.2 De Vega et al.’s (2002) Study.........................212.3 Corpus-based Studies on Native Speaker and Learner’s Use of English Prepositions...................................232.4 Experimental Studies of the Learning of English Prepositions..............................................252.5 Summary of the Chapter................................283 METHODOLOGY.............................................313.1 Material..............................................313.2 The Tool for Extracting Data..........................333.3 Semantic Feature Analysis.............................363.3.1 Identifying the figure and ground noun phrases......373.3.2 Encoding the semantic features of figure and ground....................................................413.3.3 Data analysis.......................................443.4 Sense Analysis........................................453.4.1 Categorization of sense.............................453.4.2 Coding errors in the learner corpus.................483.5 Summary of the Chapter................................494 RESULTS.................................................514.1 Results of the Sense analysis.........................514.2 Results of the Semantic Feature Analysis..............624.2.1 The Comparison of semantic features between in and on........................................................634.2.1.1 Between figure nouns of literal expressions.......634.2.1.2 Between ground nouns of literal expressions.......664.2.1.3 Between figure nouns of metaphorical expressions..684.2.1.4 Between ground nouns of metaphorical expressions..744.2.1.5 The comparison of relative size and contact in literal expressions.......................................794.2.2 Semantic features for in and on between BNC and NCCU......................................................814.2.2.1 Figure nouns of in: Between BNC and NCCU..........814.2.2.2 Ground nouns of in: Between BNC and NCCU..........834.2.2.3 Figure nouns of on: Between BNC and NCCU..........864.2.2.4 Ground nouns of on: Between BNC and NCCU..........884.3 Error Analysis........................................914.4 Summary of the Chapter................................955 DISCUSSION..............................................995.1 Major Findings........................................995.2 Discussion of the Results............................1055.3 Summary of the Chapter...............................1136 CONCLUSION, LIMITATION, AND PEDAGOGICAL SUGGESTIONS....1156.1 Overall Summary......................................1156.2 Pedagogical Suggestions..............................1176.3 Limitations, Suggestions for Future Studies, and Conclusion...............................................119Appendix.................................................122Appendix I: Encoding Instruction.........................122Appendix II: Statistic Results of the Comparison of Semantic Features Between Data from BNC and NCCU..................124Appendix III: Errors of Prepositional Phrases in the Learner Corpus...................................................127References...............................................130 zh_TW dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 第二語言習得 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) BNC英國國家語料庫 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 英文介系詞 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學習者語料庫 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語意分析 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) second language acquisition en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) BNC en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) English prepositions en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) learner corpus en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) semantic analysis en_US dc.title (題名) 介系詞In/On片語語意分析:以母語及學習者語料庫為基礎之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Semantic analysis of in/on prepositional phrases: A study based on english native speaker corpus and learner corpus en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Liu, C. 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