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題名 社群經營在旅遊電子商務網站之 4C 分析 — 以雄獅旅遊網為例
The 4C analysis of social media usage in travel e-commerce website-LionTravel.com作者 張念晴
Chang, Nien-Ching貢獻者 樓永堅<br>巫立宇
Lou, Yung-Chien<br>Wu, Lei-Yu
Chang, Nien-Ching關鍵詞 旅遊電子商務網站
online travel agency
collective intelligence
four cost (4C) analysis日期 2011 上傳時間 30-Oct-2012 10:39:13 (UTC+8) 摘要 網際網路問世和知識經濟時代來臨,現代人的生活形態深深受其影響。隨著網際網路觸角延伸到世界各地,上網人數快速增加,將具有共同興趣,但來自不同地域的人連結起來,在越來越多的網路用戶參與所造成的影響下,形成了許多虛擬社群。 Web2.0 概念的出現於2004年,其「網路即為平台」的基礎原則更將這股虛擬社群風潮推向高峰,成為一股不可忽視的網際網路力量。使用者所編織的集體智慧,變成了網際網路資源建立之核心,促使網際網路從以資訊為主的網路連結演變成以人為主的架構。個案研究對象以台灣最大旅遊業者雄獅旅遊集團作為探討對象,利用研究者在雄獅旅遊集團之自身實習經驗以及與高階主管訪談過程中,得知雄獅旅遊集團在公司旅遊電子商務網站、品牌管理與其外部社群網站操作之實際做法。研究架構則是沿用邱志聖(2010)的4C策略行銷分析,整理出雄獅旅遊網在外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本與專屬陷入成本之行銷運用,探究個案如何運用其旅遊電子商務網站經營與消費者行銷建立關係。此外並在外部選取全球成功且具代表性之旅遊電子商務網站與平台—Expedia作為標竿案例,針對該個案公司本身的電子商務網站經營以及其旗下TripAdvisor網站之 Web 2.0應用,作次集資料搜集與整理。Expedia身為美國線上旅遊市場之龍頭代表,背後的成功關鍵就是在整合電子商務網站與社群網站之經營。在研究最後利用雄獅旅遊所興建平台與Expedia平台之比較與行銷4C分析,提出雄獅旅遊可學習與改善之處,提出其建議與結論。建議部分除包含對雄獅旅遊平台可參考之實際作法外,也試圖提出旅遊業建構電子商務社群網站可考慮之架構與資源分配之原則。
The modern lifestyle has been intensely affected right after the invention of Internet and the era of knowledge economy. With the Internet usage expended all over the world, the rapid increasing in the number of Internet users will share many common interests. However, due to the fact that they are all from different geographical areas, these huge amounts of Internet users will become participating in the formation of many online virtual communities in order to gather and share their ideas and thoughts. The Web2.0 concept first appeared in 2004, the fundamental principle of “network as platform” makes this trend has a much cleared definition. The collective intelligence that users build became the core of Internet resource. The Internet has transformed from an information-based network to a human based network, from giving one way to multiple ways exchanging.This research mainly focuses on the largest travel agency in Taiwan, Lion Travel Corporation. Utilize the researcher’s internship experience and interviews with the head of E-Commerce department to intensely study the marketing methods that the company employs through Lion Travel’s official website,, in addition to its online brand management and its marketing strategies on the outer virtual community sites such as Facebook and YouTube Channels. The thesis employs Chiu’s (2010) four cost (4C) analysis to examine Lion Travel Corporation online marketing activities via a constructively critical lens. These four costs include external unit costs, information search costs, moral hazard costs and firm-specific assets costs. Moreover, this thesis chooses an international renowned online travel agency Expedia Inc. to set as a benchmarking case study sample for Lion Travel. Expedia Inc. has not only many very successful online e-commerce travel web stores but also established TripAdvisor virtual community to enhance its e-commerce utilities. TripAdvisor is a excellent example in managing collective intelligence, gathering travelers from all over the world to help them building travel industry knowledge. From comparing Lion Travel Corp. and Expedia Inc.’s online marketing strategies utilizing 4C analysis, the thesis has made several notable conclusions for to imitate. The recommendations include not only some Expedia and TripAdvisor’s website practical methods but also given some advices for resource allocations.參考文獻 中文文獻書本1. 梅田望夫(2007),《網路巨變元年》,蔡昭儀譯,台北:先覺出版。2. 邱志聖(2010),《策略行銷分析》:架構與實務應用,第3 版,智勝文化期刊1. 巴佳慧(2007), 攜程旅行網盈利模式研究, 南京師範大學.2. 司徒達賢(2001):核心能力、互補性資源與持久競爭優勢之研究:以電子商務為例〉,《行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告》,台北:國科會。3. 林鬱萍(2006) ,〈Web 2.0 的應用趨勢〉,《商業現代化》(2006 年第 79 期):48。4. 馬勇、周娟(2003),旅遊目的地電子商務的建構與營銷創新,旅遊學刊, 2003年第5期5. 孫春華, 劉業政. 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100資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 樓永堅<br>巫立宇 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Lou, Yung-Chien<br>Wu, Lei-Yu en_US (Authors) 張念晴 zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Nien-Ching en_US dc.creator (作者) 張念晴 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chang, Nien-Ching en_US (日期) 2011 en_US 30-Oct-2012 10:39:13 (UTC+8) - 30-Oct-2012 10:39:13 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 30-Oct-2012 10:39:13 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0099355024 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 99355024 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 100 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 網際網路問世和知識經濟時代來臨,現代人的生活形態深深受其影響。隨著網際網路觸角延伸到世界各地,上網人數快速增加,將具有共同興趣,但來自不同地域的人連結起來,在越來越多的網路用戶參與所造成的影響下,形成了許多虛擬社群。 Web2.0 概念的出現於2004年,其「網路即為平台」的基礎原則更將這股虛擬社群風潮推向高峰,成為一股不可忽視的網際網路力量。使用者所編織的集體智慧,變成了網際網路資源建立之核心,促使網際網路從以資訊為主的網路連結演變成以人為主的架構。個案研究對象以台灣最大旅遊業者雄獅旅遊集團作為探討對象,利用研究者在雄獅旅遊集團之自身實習經驗以及與高階主管訪談過程中,得知雄獅旅遊集團在公司旅遊電子商務網站、品牌管理與其外部社群網站操作之實際做法。研究架構則是沿用邱志聖(2010)的4C策略行銷分析,整理出雄獅旅遊網在外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本與專屬陷入成本之行銷運用,探究個案如何運用其旅遊電子商務網站經營與消費者行銷建立關係。此外並在外部選取全球成功且具代表性之旅遊電子商務網站與平台—Expedia作為標竿案例,針對該個案公司本身的電子商務網站經營以及其旗下TripAdvisor網站之 Web 2.0應用,作次集資料搜集與整理。Expedia身為美國線上旅遊市場之龍頭代表,背後的成功關鍵就是在整合電子商務網站與社群網站之經營。在研究最後利用雄獅旅遊所興建平台與Expedia平台之比較與行銷4C分析,提出雄獅旅遊可學習與改善之處,提出其建議與結論。建議部分除包含對雄獅旅遊平台可參考之實際作法外,也試圖提出旅遊業建構電子商務社群網站可考慮之架構與資源分配之原則。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The modern lifestyle has been intensely affected right after the invention of Internet and the era of knowledge economy. With the Internet usage expended all over the world, the rapid increasing in the number of Internet users will share many common interests. However, due to the fact that they are all from different geographical areas, these huge amounts of Internet users will become participating in the formation of many online virtual communities in order to gather and share their ideas and thoughts. The Web2.0 concept first appeared in 2004, the fundamental principle of “network as platform” makes this trend has a much cleared definition. The collective intelligence that users build became the core of Internet resource. The Internet has transformed from an information-based network to a human based network, from giving one way to multiple ways exchanging.This research mainly focuses on the largest travel agency in Taiwan, Lion Travel Corporation. Utilize the researcher’s internship experience and interviews with the head of E-Commerce department to intensely study the marketing methods that the company employs through Lion Travel’s official website,, in addition to its online brand management and its marketing strategies on the outer virtual community sites such as Facebook and YouTube Channels. The thesis employs Chiu’s (2010) four cost (4C) analysis to examine Lion Travel Corporation online marketing activities via a constructively critical lens. These four costs include external unit costs, information search costs, moral hazard costs and firm-specific assets costs. Moreover, this thesis chooses an international renowned online travel agency Expedia Inc. to set as a benchmarking case study sample for Lion Travel. Expedia Inc. has not only many very successful online e-commerce travel web stores but also established TripAdvisor virtual community to enhance its e-commerce utilities. TripAdvisor is a excellent example in managing collective intelligence, gathering travelers from all over the world to help them building travel industry knowledge. From comparing Lion Travel Corp. and Expedia Inc.’s online marketing strategies utilizing 4C analysis, the thesis has made several notable conclusions for to imitate. The recommendations include not only some Expedia and TripAdvisor’s website practical methods but also given some advices for resource allocations. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄中文摘要 1Abstract 2目錄 3圖目錄 4表目錄 6第一章 緒論 7第一節 研究動機及目的 7第二節 研究流程 9第二章 文獻探討 11第一節 Web2.0的定義意涵和特性 11第二節 集體智慧(CI)的定義和實用性 16第三節 旅遊與電子商務 24第四節 策略行銷理論 29第三章 個案背景與4C分析—雄獅旅遊網 32第一節 雄獅旅遊網的4C分析 33第二節 雄獅旅遊現有社群媒體資源分配 41第四章 標竿個案背景與4C分析—Expedia Inc. 46第一節 Expedia 公司介紹 46第二節 個案的交換關係 53第三節 Expedia 與顧客的4C分析和集體智慧運用(關係A) 55第四節 Expedia 和 TripAdvisor的關係(關係B) 59第五節 TripAdvisor介紹 61第六節 TripAdvisor 集體智慧和4C分析(關係C and D) 71第七節 Expedia 的成功模式 76第五章 結論與建議 77第一節 資源分配與4C關係之建議 77第二節 雄獅旅遊網該如何效法Expedia (可參考之作法) 78第三節 總結 81第四節 研究限制與未來方向 82參考文獻 83中文文獻 83英文文獻 84 zh_TW dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 旅遊電子商務網站 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Web2.0 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 集體智慧 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 策略行銷分析 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) online travel agency en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Web2.0 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) collective intelligence en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) four cost (4C) analysis en_US dc.title (題名) 社群經營在旅遊電子商務網站之 4C 分析 — 以雄獅旅遊網為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The 4C analysis of social media usage in travel e-commerce en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻書本1. 梅田望夫(2007),《網路巨變元年》,蔡昭儀譯,台北:先覺出版。2. 邱志聖(2010),《策略行銷分析》:架構與實務應用,第3 版,智勝文化期刊1. 巴佳慧(2007), 攜程旅行網盈利模式研究, 南京師範大學.2. 司徒達賢(2001):核心能力、互補性資源與持久競爭優勢之研究:以電子商務為例〉,《行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫成果報告》,台北:國科會。3. 林鬱萍(2006) ,〈Web 2.0 的應用趨勢〉,《商業現代化》(2006 年第 79 期):48。4. 馬勇、周娟(2003),旅遊目的地電子商務的建構與營銷創新,旅遊學刊, 2003年第5期5. 孫春華, 劉業政. 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