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題名 提供具資料共享與保護的語意規範於雲端環境中 其他題名 Semantics-Enabled Policies for Data Sharing and Protection in the Cloud 作者 胡毓忠 貢獻者 國立政治大學資訊科學系
行政院國家科學委員會關鍵詞 語意式雲端運算;語意網;電腦規範;雲端運算;資訊公開;隱私權保護;電子化政府
semantic cloud computing; semantic web; computer policy; cloud computing; public open data; privacy protection; E-Government日期 2010 上傳時間 12-Nov-2012 11:05:13 (UTC+8) 摘要 基於雲端運算環境提供給電腦和網路使用者的方便、經濟、與彈性使用的可擴充資源,因此在可預期的未來將不斷的會有新產生的資料與服務在雲端運算環境中出現,具體的範例如符合「資訊公開法」公領域的政府開放式資料或服務及其它私領域中商業流通資料與服務。雖然雲端運算科技存在有上述誘因來達成資料與服務使用時的預期成果,但是現今還是存在一些極具挑戰的研究議題有待解決,主要包括了有:資料流通與共享時的方便性和個人隱私權的保護等。本研究案將先定義出雲端運算環境中資料分享與保護的具體研究議題並且提供初步可行的解決方法,並更進一步將這些方法實作於雛型系統平台上。除此之外,這些挑戰性的議題相互之間也存有一些衝突,如資訊分享的方便性和隱私權保護之間的關係。因此我們也將在解決這些個別議題之際也希望同時一併化解它們相互之間的衝突點。為了要能夠在雲端運算環境之中有效達成資料流通分享的時效性且更進一步用電腦來表示及執行個人資料的隱私權保護規範以滿足規範自動化正確解讀的目的,我們將結合具有語意式表達能力的本體論語言與規則語言來設計一套可以整合在雲端運算系統平台之上的語意式電腦規範以滿足資料共享與保護的目的。這是一個三年期的計畫案,我們希望在第一年(2010-2011)找出整合與表達語意網本體論和規則兩項知識系統於現有雲端計算環境中的方法。首先我們希望透過本體論知識系統來具體描繪雲端計算環境中的資料存放、流通、使用,與整合的結構與概念,並且希望更進一步結合規則知識庫系統來表示雲端資料在存放、流通、使用,與整合時所需的電腦規範。因此原有Web 3.0資訊架構上的資源定址與網路協定該如何和現有雲端運算的虛擬平台相結合將會是第一年的研究重點。在第二年(2011-2012)我們希望在第一年的研究基礎之上並參考電子化政府的「資訊公開法」藍本將來自於政府具代表性部門所公開的各種公有資料型態轉換成符合國際開放式資料格式如RDF(S), OWL 2以達成快速、有效、且方便提供人民分享、流通、使用、與整合這些資料。我們將整合這些政府公部門資料至我們所建構的雲端運算環境中。因此如何將政府公部門的開放式資料轉化成具語意網的結構化資料模式(Web of Data)並放置於雲端環境中讓電腦來達成使用者所需要的資料分享、流通、使用與整合的功能為第二年主要研究目標。在第三年(2012-2013)我們希望能夠具體的建構和落實可以在雲端運算環境中執行的資料保護電腦規範以達成電腦語言所表達的規範可以適用於雲端環境的個人資料保護,並且更進一步的化解資料共享使用和保護時所面臨的可能衝突點。基於現有人類法治規範在提供雲端計算環境中對資料控管之不足,尤其是無法處理跨法治區域時所面臨規範比較和整合的問題。因此我們希望能夠參考最新發展的雲端環境資料處理和保護法制規範並轉換成為我們的語意式電腦語法規範以具體來表達雲端環境中的資料控管概念與規範執行,並且更進一步用語意式電腦規範的比較和整合的機制來滿足雲端資料跨區域時自動啟動資料分享與保護的目的。
The cloud computing provides users with a convenient, economic, and flexible environment of using its extensible resources. In a foreseeable future, there will be numerous data and services emerging in the cloud, such as public open data for satisfaction of the “Open Government Directive” or mutual sharing information between the private sectors. Although we have incentives to achieve the objectives of easily sharing data and service while using cloud computing. However, we still have to deal with some of the unsolved research challenges, such as the satisfaction of public data sharing but still preserve the privacy protection for its data owner. In this project, firstly we are going to define the primary research issues of data sharing and protection in the cloud and then propose our possible solutions. Furthermore, we are going to implement our approaches in a cloud prototyping system. In addition, there might have some conflicts between these research issues, such as information sharing vs. privacy protection. Therefore, we will also resolve these conflicts while solving each individual research issue. In order to achieve the efficiency of data sharing and protection in the cloud, and furthermore to ensure the privacy protection policies can be represented and enforced as policy language, we will use a combination of ontology and rule to represent the semantics-enabled data protection policies. This representation prevents the policy semantic ambiguity while a computer is interpreting and enforcing the data sharing and privacy protection services in the cloud This is a three year project. In the first year (2010-2011), we hope to find out the overlay mechanism of the semantic web’s ontology and rule knowledge systems in the cloud. We will use ontologies to describe the concepts of data storing, transferring, use, and integration operations in the cloud. Additionally, we will use rule to represent the access control policies for the above data sharing related operations. Therefore, in the first year the research focus will be to construct the webizing techniques of Web 3.0 for the representation of data resource naming with its underlying communication protocols in the cloud virtual environment. In the second year (2011-2012), following the “Open Government Directive”, we will collect public open data from some of the designated government public agency websites and convert these public data into the W3C International open data format, such as RDF(S) or OWL2. Furthermore, these government’s open format data will be uploaded into the cloud, where we will build in our ENT laboratory to allow people have effective access, transferring, use, and integration services of the data. In general, the research focus in the second year is to convert the government public data into the web of open data format and push them into the cloud to achieve effective data sharing purpose. In the third year (2012-2013), we will design and enforce the computer-based data protection policies to satisfy the emerging data protection directive of the cloud computing. Moreover, the conflicts between data sharing and protection will also be resolved. Due to the lack of legal regulations for the current data sharing and protection in the cloud especially when data is transferring across juridical areas, we will follow the emerging data protection regulations and furthermore transform them into the semantics-enable policies to enforce corresponding regulations. Moreover, semantics-enabled data sharing and protection policies will be compared and integrated when the data are transited between juridical domains so that the computer policies can be automatically enforced for achieving data protection in the cloud.關聯 商品化
研究期間:9908~ 10007
研究經費:653仟元資料類型 report DOI dc.contributor 國立政治大學資訊科學系 en_US dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會 en_US dc.creator (作者) 胡毓忠 zh_TW (日期) 2010 en_US 12-Nov-2012 11:05:13 (UTC+8) - 12-Nov-2012 11:05:13 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 12-Nov-2012 11:05:13 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 基於雲端運算環境提供給電腦和網路使用者的方便、經濟、與彈性使用的可擴充資源,因此在可預期的未來將不斷的會有新產生的資料與服務在雲端運算環境中出現,具體的範例如符合「資訊公開法」公領域的政府開放式資料或服務及其它私領域中商業流通資料與服務。雖然雲端運算科技存在有上述誘因來達成資料與服務使用時的預期成果,但是現今還是存在一些極具挑戰的研究議題有待解決,主要包括了有:資料流通與共享時的方便性和個人隱私權的保護等。本研究案將先定義出雲端運算環境中資料分享與保護的具體研究議題並且提供初步可行的解決方法,並更進一步將這些方法實作於雛型系統平台上。除此之外,這些挑戰性的議題相互之間也存有一些衝突,如資訊分享的方便性和隱私權保護之間的關係。因此我們也將在解決這些個別議題之際也希望同時一併化解它們相互之間的衝突點。為了要能夠在雲端運算環境之中有效達成資料流通分享的時效性且更進一步用電腦來表示及執行個人資料的隱私權保護規範以滿足規範自動化正確解讀的目的,我們將結合具有語意式表達能力的本體論語言與規則語言來設計一套可以整合在雲端運算系統平台之上的語意式電腦規範以滿足資料共享與保護的目的。這是一個三年期的計畫案,我們希望在第一年(2010-2011)找出整合與表達語意網本體論和規則兩項知識系統於現有雲端計算環境中的方法。首先我們希望透過本體論知識系統來具體描繪雲端計算環境中的資料存放、流通、使用,與整合的結構與概念,並且希望更進一步結合規則知識庫系統來表示雲端資料在存放、流通、使用,與整合時所需的電腦規範。因此原有Web 3.0資訊架構上的資源定址與網路協定該如何和現有雲端運算的虛擬平台相結合將會是第一年的研究重點。在第二年(2011-2012)我們希望在第一年的研究基礎之上並參考電子化政府的「資訊公開法」藍本將來自於政府具代表性部門所公開的各種公有資料型態轉換成符合國際開放式資料格式如RDF(S), OWL 2以達成快速、有效、且方便提供人民分享、流通、使用、與整合這些資料。我們將整合這些政府公部門資料至我們所建構的雲端運算環境中。因此如何將政府公部門的開放式資料轉化成具語意網的結構化資料模式(Web of Data)並放置於雲端環境中讓電腦來達成使用者所需要的資料分享、流通、使用與整合的功能為第二年主要研究目標。在第三年(2012-2013)我們希望能夠具體的建構和落實可以在雲端運算環境中執行的資料保護電腦規範以達成電腦語言所表達的規範可以適用於雲端環境的個人資料保護,並且更進一步的化解資料共享使用和保護時所面臨的可能衝突點。基於現有人類法治規範在提供雲端計算環境中對資料控管之不足,尤其是無法處理跨法治區域時所面臨規範比較和整合的問題。因此我們希望能夠參考最新發展的雲端環境資料處理和保護法制規範並轉換成為我們的語意式電腦語法規範以具體來表達雲端環境中的資料控管概念與規範執行,並且更進一步用語意式電腦規範的比較和整合的機制來滿足雲端資料跨區域時自動啟動資料分享與保護的目的。 en_US dc.description.abstract (摘要) The cloud computing provides users with a convenient, economic, and flexible environment of using its extensible resources. In a foreseeable future, there will be numerous data and services emerging in the cloud, such as public open data for satisfaction of the “Open Government Directive” or mutual sharing information between the private sectors. Although we have incentives to achieve the objectives of easily sharing data and service while using cloud computing. However, we still have to deal with some of the unsolved research challenges, such as the satisfaction of public data sharing but still preserve the privacy protection for its data owner. In this project, firstly we are going to define the primary research issues of data sharing and protection in the cloud and then propose our possible solutions. Furthermore, we are going to implement our approaches in a cloud prototyping system. In addition, there might have some conflicts between these research issues, such as information sharing vs. privacy protection. Therefore, we will also resolve these conflicts while solving each individual research issue. In order to achieve the efficiency of data sharing and protection in the cloud, and furthermore to ensure the privacy protection policies can be represented and enforced as policy language, we will use a combination of ontology and rule to represent the semantics-enabled data protection policies. This representation prevents the policy semantic ambiguity while a computer is interpreting and enforcing the data sharing and privacy protection services in the cloud This is a three year project. In the first year (2010-2011), we hope to find out the overlay mechanism of the semantic web’s ontology and rule knowledge systems in the cloud. We will use ontologies to describe the concepts of data storing, transferring, use, and integration operations in the cloud. Additionally, we will use rule to represent the access control policies for the above data sharing related operations. Therefore, in the first year the research focus will be to construct the webizing techniques of Web 3.0 for the representation of data resource naming with its underlying communication protocols in the cloud virtual environment. In the second year (2011-2012), following the “Open Government Directive”, we will collect public open data from some of the designated government public agency websites and convert these public data into the W3C International open data format, such as RDF(S) or OWL2. Furthermore, these government’s open format data will be uploaded into the cloud, where we will build in our ENT laboratory to allow people have effective access, transferring, use, and integration services of the data. In general, the research focus in the second year is to convert the government public data into the web of open data format and push them into the cloud to achieve effective data sharing purpose. In the third year (2012-2013), we will design and enforce the computer-based data protection policies to satisfy the emerging data protection directive of the cloud computing. Moreover, the conflicts between data sharing and protection will also be resolved. Due to the lack of legal regulations for the current data sharing and protection in the cloud especially when data is transferring across juridical areas, we will follow the emerging data protection regulations and furthermore transform them into the semantics-enable policies to enforce corresponding regulations. Moreover, semantics-enabled data sharing and protection policies will be compared and integrated when the data are transited between juridical domains so that the computer policies can be automatically enforced for achieving data protection in the cloud. en_US dc.language.iso en_US - dc.relation (關聯) 商品化 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9908~ 10007 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:653仟元 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語意式雲端運算;語意網;電腦規範;雲端運算;資訊公開;隱私權保護;電子化政府 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) semantic cloud computing; semantic web; computer policy; cloud computing; public open data; privacy protection; E-Government en_US dc.title (題名) 提供具資料共享與保護的語意規範於雲端環境中 zh_TW dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Semantics-Enabled Policies for Data Sharing and Protection in the Cloud en_US dc.type (資料類型) report en dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.1145/1988688.1988700 en_US dc.doi.uri (DOI) en_US