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題名 具個人隱私保護功能之電子簽名系統
其他題名 A Research on Digital Signature Schemes Providing Privacy Protection
作者 左瑞麟
貢獻者 國立政治大學資訊科學系
關鍵詞 資訊安全;個人隱私保護;電子簽名;電子投票
Digital Signature; E-Voting; Information Security; Privacy Protection
日期 2010
上傳時間 12-Nov-2012 11:05:24 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著電腦與網路科技的進步,許多的資訊可以透過網際網路瞬間取得或與他人共享。如此一來,無形之中衍生了許多竊密、詐騙或偽造資訊等等的網路犯罪行為。因此,資訊安全與保護個人隱私的技術已成為時下最重要的課題。本計畫的目的在研究具個人隱私保護功能之電子簽名系統。關連研究中,盲簽名(Blind signature)因為具有盲性這一特點,可以有效保護所簽署消息的具體內容,所以在電子商務和電子選舉等領域有著廣泛的應用。群簽名(Group signature)或環簽名(Ring signature) 因為具有匿名之特性,可以有效地保護實際簽名者,所以可以應用在內部企業告發等方面。其他如指定驗證者簽名(Designated verifier signature),不可否認簽名(Undeniable signature) 或Sanitizable signature等,都一定程度上保障了系統使用者的個人隱私。但仍有許多狀況是這些方案所無法解決的。例如,盲簽名中,簽名者因為在不知內容的情況下簽名,有可能被惡意使用者利用而簽署了一些原本不願意簽屬的文件。另外,在利用n中取k(k-out-of-n)的群簽名或環簽名做內部告發的情況中,如果其中有簽名者後悔了或有新的簽名者想加入,現行方案皆無法處理此類使用者中途退出或中途加入的情況。其他方案(Designated verifier signature, Undeniable signature and Sanitizable signature)則必須在簽名者的共同協力之下才能發揮功效(ie.,保護個人隱私的功能)。本計畫的目的在研究具個人隱私保護功能之電子簽名系統,包括對既有(具個人隱私保護功能)方案的實用性分析,在應用層面如有不足的地方提供功能性的擴充,以及針對現有方案無法解決的問題,提出新的簽名系統以有效解決此些問題。另外,針對所提出的系統,提供完整及嚴格的安全性證明。最後透過實做來完成我們的想法。政府已於民國84年8月11日公佈施行「電腦處理個人資料保護法」。但除了法律的制訂之外,亦需要技術面的配合,才能有效喚起大家對個人資料自主權的意識,並免於隱私權不當侵害。本研究針對可保護個人隱私之電子簽名作一有系統之分析與研究,就個人隱私之保護及其相關課題等進行研究及探討。這個計畫,不論是在密碼學的理論研究或是未來因應電子化社會的實務應用的領域而言,相信都能夠有非常重要的貢獻。
With the rapid progress in computer and network technologies, information can now be obtained or shared to others immediately via the internet. On the other hand, taking advantage of this convenience, illegal activity including eavesdropping, fraudulence or forgery of information is more and more frequent and is becoming a threat to our daily life. The management of information security including the protection of personal privacy has become more and more important in order to protect users from this threat. There are already some privacy-related signature schemes. For example, a blind signature is a form of digital signature in which the content of a message is disguised before it is signed. Applications of blind signatures include cryptographic election systems and digital cash schemes. A ring signature is a type of digital signature that can be performed by any member of a group of users that each have keys whereas it is difficult for a verifier to determine which of the group members` keys was used to produce the signature. Other privacy-related protocols can be found such as the designated verifier signature, undeniable signature, etc. However, these protocols are not sufficient to deal with all the privacy related problems. For example, current ring signatures do not consider the issue of member leaving or member joining. Some other protocols providing privacy protection may not work without the interaction with or the assistance of the original signer. In this project, we will try to solve these problems and to design new digital signature schemes providing privacy protection.
關聯 商品化
研究期間:9908~ 10007
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學資訊科學系en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 左瑞麟zh_TW (日期) 2010en_US 12-Nov-2012 11:05:24 (UTC+8)- 12-Nov-2012 11:05:24 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 12-Nov-2012 11:05:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著電腦與網路科技的進步,許多的資訊可以透過網際網路瞬間取得或與他人共享。如此一來,無形之中衍生了許多竊密、詐騙或偽造資訊等等的網路犯罪行為。因此,資訊安全與保護個人隱私的技術已成為時下最重要的課題。本計畫的目的在研究具個人隱私保護功能之電子簽名系統。關連研究中,盲簽名(Blind signature)因為具有盲性這一特點,可以有效保護所簽署消息的具體內容,所以在電子商務和電子選舉等領域有著廣泛的應用。群簽名(Group signature)或環簽名(Ring signature) 因為具有匿名之特性,可以有效地保護實際簽名者,所以可以應用在內部企業告發等方面。其他如指定驗證者簽名(Designated verifier signature),不可否認簽名(Undeniable signature) 或Sanitizable signature等,都一定程度上保障了系統使用者的個人隱私。但仍有許多狀況是這些方案所無法解決的。例如,盲簽名中,簽名者因為在不知內容的情況下簽名,有可能被惡意使用者利用而簽署了一些原本不願意簽屬的文件。另外,在利用n中取k(k-out-of-n)的群簽名或環簽名做內部告發的情況中,如果其中有簽名者後悔了或有新的簽名者想加入,現行方案皆無法處理此類使用者中途退出或中途加入的情況。其他方案(Designated verifier signature, Undeniable signature and Sanitizable signature)則必須在簽名者的共同協力之下才能發揮功效(ie.,保護個人隱私的功能)。本計畫的目的在研究具個人隱私保護功能之電子簽名系統,包括對既有(具個人隱私保護功能)方案的實用性分析,在應用層面如有不足的地方提供功能性的擴充,以及針對現有方案無法解決的問題,提出新的簽名系統以有效解決此些問題。另外,針對所提出的系統,提供完整及嚴格的安全性證明。最後透過實做來完成我們的想法。政府已於民國84年8月11日公佈施行「電腦處理個人資料保護法」。但除了法律的制訂之外,亦需要技術面的配合,才能有效喚起大家對個人資料自主權的意識,並免於隱私權不當侵害。本研究針對可保護個人隱私之電子簽名作一有系統之分析與研究,就個人隱私之保護及其相關課題等進行研究及探討。這個計畫,不論是在密碼學的理論研究或是未來因應電子化社會的實務應用的領域而言,相信都能夠有非常重要的貢獻。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the rapid progress in computer and network technologies, information can now be obtained or shared to others immediately via the internet. On the other hand, taking advantage of this convenience, illegal activity including eavesdropping, fraudulence or forgery of information is more and more frequent and is becoming a threat to our daily life. The management of information security including the protection of personal privacy has become more and more important in order to protect users from this threat. There are already some privacy-related signature schemes. For example, a blind signature is a form of digital signature in which the content of a message is disguised before it is signed. Applications of blind signatures include cryptographic election systems and digital cash schemes. A ring signature is a type of digital signature that can be performed by any member of a group of users that each have keys whereas it is difficult for a verifier to determine which of the group members` keys was used to produce the signature. Other privacy-related protocols can be found such as the designated verifier signature, undeniable signature, etc. However, these protocols are not sufficient to deal with all the privacy related problems. For example, current ring signatures do not consider the issue of member leaving or member joining. Some other protocols providing privacy protection may not work without the interaction with or the assistance of the original signer. In this project, we will try to solve these problems and to design new digital signature schemes providing privacy protection.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 商品化en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9908~ 10007en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:594仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資訊安全;個人隱私保護;電子簽名;電子投票en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital Signature; E-Voting; Information Security; Privacy Protectionen_US
dc.title (題名) 具個人隱私保護功能之電子簽名系統zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Research on Digital Signature Schemes Providing Privacy Protectionen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten