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題名 英文詞叢中Verb-Particle結構於學術論文語料庫之分析研究---探討On與In在此結構中之意涵
其他題名 Lexical Bundledness of English Verb-Particle Constructions in Academic Corpora--- A Focus on the Figurativeness of on and In
作者 鍾曉芳;賴惠玲
貢獻者 國立政治大學英國語文學系
關鍵詞 Verb-particle 結構;詞叢;介系詞;學術論文;語料庫
Verb-particle construction; lexical bundle; preposition; academic writing; corpus
日期 2010
上傳時間 2012-11-16
摘要 此二年的計畫旨在由語料庫和詞彙語意學之角度,探討英文verb-particle 結構與其詞叢(lexical bundles)中之意涵。本計畫收集台灣與美加研究生之學術論文摘要,以出版年度、碩博程度、系別等分類建立學術寫作語料庫,比對verb-particle 結構(片語動詞或介系詞動詞等)分佈,並以詞彙語意學中核心及延伸語意等面向研究英文詞叢中on 與in 之verb-particle 結構。本計畫之研究動機為:(1)多數研究視片語動詞 (phrasal verb) 與介系詞動詞 (prepositional verb)同屬verb-particle 結構,並視片語動詞為非正式用法。然而在學術文章此正式文類中,卻常出現介系詞動詞(如 rely on),且目前少有研究以量化方式區隔片語動詞與介系詞動詞於特定文類中分佈差異;(2)現有研究多探討片語動詞的慣用情形,少有對於介系詞動詞之研究;以及(3)字典中片語動詞多列於動詞詞項下與不同介系詞連結,而顯少以特定particle 與不同動詞詞叢組合的角度列示詞項。本計畫研究問題如下: 1.各類verb-particle 結構於學術論文摘要(含台灣和國外)中之分佈為何?此研究結果如何助於詞叢框架的後續研究及verb-particle 結構之教學? 2.On 和in 於不同語境下具體或抽象意義為何?它們可能出現哪些詞組?少見動詞組合成因為何?本計畫除分析verb-particle 結構類型外,同時探討學術論文摘要中,verb-particle 結構是否有助於論文內容之精確表達。現有台灣英語教學研究多針對學習者如何經由教學習得介系詞之使用,而本研究將以語料庫語言學角度及語料實證之研究方法,進一步提供學術與專業英文教學之建議。
In this two-year project, we propose to inspect verb-particle constructions from the perspectives of corpus linguistic and lexical semantics, on which two major research goals are set. The first goal is to conduct a corpus-based and distributional analysis of the different types of verb-particle constructions (phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs) in academic writing from writers of Taiwan versus those from overseas universities. The second goal aims to investigate the lexical semantics of on and in with regard to their core and extended meanings, verb-particle combinations and lexical bundledness. The motivations for this research are based on the observations that (a) most studies considered phrasal verbs to be informal and no previous work has used a frequency account to distinguish the phrasal verbs from prepositional verbs, of which the latter are commonly found in academic writing (e.g., rely on); (b) comparatively, the idiomaticity of prepositional verb is less often discussed; and (c) most dictionaries enlist verb-particles based on the verbs, followed by their varied prepositions; not many studies have looked at the particles and their varied verb combinations. For this project, the following two research questions are asked: (a) What are the distributions of the different types of verb-particle constructions found in academic dissertation abstracts in local versus overseas universities (particularly in the U.S. and in Canada)? How do the results provide implications toward expanding the framework of lexical bundles and toward teaching and learning of verb-particle constructions? (b) By focusing on the particles on and in, what types of literal and figurative meanings can one discover based on the different uses of on-ness (put on, take on, carry on, etc.) and in-ness (put in, take in, hand in, etc.)? What could be the possible patterns for idiomatic versus free combinations of verb-particle constructions and what could be the reasons for some less possible combinations? Academic dissertation abstracts collected from Taiwan and overseas databases will be contrasted by dimensions such as year of publication, Master/Ph.D., department and university. General corpora such as the British National Corpus and its academic and non-academic genres will also be incorporated as our reference corpora for conducting a comprehensive study of the linguistic systems at work. By focusing on the analysis of the verb-particle constructions, this project hopes to clarify the idiomaticity (transparent, semi-transparent or opaque) and lexical bundledness of different types of verb-particle constructions based on different registers (e.g., academic versus general). The advantages to incorporating dissertation abstracts for analysis are that these abstracts embody the nature of conciseness, and they will provide evidence if the use of verb-particle constructions can help convey the formal yet condensed message of dissertations. Differing from previous work in Taiwan EFL context which mostly focused on how learners acquire the meaning of prepositions after receiving special treatment or instruction, this project will have implications in second language writing and discourse analysis in ESP and EAP, since the outcomes of the statistical data will be meaningful for linguistic research and for pedagogical planning.
關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:9908~ 10007
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學英國語文學系en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 鍾曉芳;賴惠玲zh_TW (日期) 2010en_US 2012-11-16- 2012-11-16- (上傳時間) 2012-11-16-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 此二年的計畫旨在由語料庫和詞彙語意學之角度,探討英文verb-particle 結構與其詞叢(lexical bundles)中之意涵。本計畫收集台灣與美加研究生之學術論文摘要,以出版年度、碩博程度、系別等分類建立學術寫作語料庫,比對verb-particle 結構(片語動詞或介系詞動詞等)分佈,並以詞彙語意學中核心及延伸語意等面向研究英文詞叢中on 與in 之verb-particle 結構。本計畫之研究動機為:(1)多數研究視片語動詞 (phrasal verb) 與介系詞動詞 (prepositional verb)同屬verb-particle 結構,並視片語動詞為非正式用法。然而在學術文章此正式文類中,卻常出現介系詞動詞(如 rely on),且目前少有研究以量化方式區隔片語動詞與介系詞動詞於特定文類中分佈差異;(2)現有研究多探討片語動詞的慣用情形,少有對於介系詞動詞之研究;以及(3)字典中片語動詞多列於動詞詞項下與不同介系詞連結,而顯少以特定particle 與不同動詞詞叢組合的角度列示詞項。本計畫研究問題如下: 1.各類verb-particle 結構於學術論文摘要(含台灣和國外)中之分佈為何?此研究結果如何助於詞叢框架的後續研究及verb-particle 結構之教學? 2.On 和in 於不同語境下具體或抽象意義為何?它們可能出現哪些詞組?少見動詞組合成因為何?本計畫除分析verb-particle 結構類型外,同時探討學術論文摘要中,verb-particle 結構是否有助於論文內容之精確表達。現有台灣英語教學研究多針對學習者如何經由教學習得介系詞之使用,而本研究將以語料庫語言學角度及語料實證之研究方法,進一步提供學術與專業英文教學之建議。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In this two-year project, we propose to inspect verb-particle constructions from the perspectives of corpus linguistic and lexical semantics, on which two major research goals are set. The first goal is to conduct a corpus-based and distributional analysis of the different types of verb-particle constructions (phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs) in academic writing from writers of Taiwan versus those from overseas universities. The second goal aims to investigate the lexical semantics of on and in with regard to their core and extended meanings, verb-particle combinations and lexical bundledness. The motivations for this research are based on the observations that (a) most studies considered phrasal verbs to be informal and no previous work has used a frequency account to distinguish the phrasal verbs from prepositional verbs, of which the latter are commonly found in academic writing (e.g., rely on); (b) comparatively, the idiomaticity of prepositional verb is less often discussed; and (c) most dictionaries enlist verb-particles based on the verbs, followed by their varied prepositions; not many studies have looked at the particles and their varied verb combinations. For this project, the following two research questions are asked: (a) What are the distributions of the different types of verb-particle constructions found in academic dissertation abstracts in local versus overseas universities (particularly in the U.S. and in Canada)? How do the results provide implications toward expanding the framework of lexical bundles and toward teaching and learning of verb-particle constructions? (b) By focusing on the particles on and in, what types of literal and figurative meanings can one discover based on the different uses of on-ness (put on, take on, carry on, etc.) and in-ness (put in, take in, hand in, etc.)? What could be the possible patterns for idiomatic versus free combinations of verb-particle constructions and what could be the reasons for some less possible combinations? Academic dissertation abstracts collected from Taiwan and overseas databases will be contrasted by dimensions such as year of publication, Master/Ph.D., department and university. General corpora such as the British National Corpus and its academic and non-academic genres will also be incorporated as our reference corpora for conducting a comprehensive study of the linguistic systems at work. By focusing on the analysis of the verb-particle constructions, this project hopes to clarify the idiomaticity (transparent, semi-transparent or opaque) and lexical bundledness of different types of verb-particle constructions based on different registers (e.g., academic versus general). The advantages to incorporating dissertation abstracts for analysis are that these abstracts embody the nature of conciseness, and they will provide evidence if the use of verb-particle constructions can help convey the formal yet condensed message of dissertations. Differing from previous work in Taiwan EFL context which mostly focused on how learners acquire the meaning of prepositions after receiving special treatment or instruction, this project will have implications in second language writing and discourse analysis in ESP and EAP, since the outcomes of the statistical data will be meaningful for linguistic research and for pedagogical planning.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9908~ 10007en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:788仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Verb-particle 結構;詞叢;介系詞;學術論文;語料庫en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Verb-particle construction; lexical bundle; preposition; academic writing; corpusen_US
dc.title (題名) 英文詞叢中Verb-Particle結構於學術論文語料庫之分析研究---探討On與In在此結構中之意涵zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Lexical Bundledness of English Verb-Particle Constructions in Academic Corpora--- A Focus on the Figurativeness of on and Inen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten