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題名 晚清民國刑事立法史料集註與研究 (II) 其他題名 The Compilation and Research of Penal Legislation from Late Qing to Republic China(Ⅱ) 作者 黃源盛 貢獻者 國立政治大學法律學系
行政院國家科學委員會關鍵詞 晚清;民國; 刑法史; 法制史; 大清新刑律; 暫行新刑律; 刑法草案; 舊刑法; 中華民國刑法
Late Ching Dynasty and early Republic of China;Criminal law history;Legalhistory; New criminal law of great Ching Dynasty;Provisional criminal law ofRepublic of China; Criminal law draft;Old criminal law;Criminal law of Republicof China日期 2008 上傳時間 26-Nov-2012 09:36:04 (UTC+8) 摘要 法律史學的研究對象究應涵蓋多廣?人言人殊。一般說來,其範圍不外法律規範、法律制度、法律意識以及司法裁判等因素的生成、延續、衍變乃至斷裂等因果歷程的探討。惟實際上,囿於時間、空間與體能的侷限,法制史學者往往不得不限縮其研究範圍,而集中精力在「法制典籍」與「司法裁判」兩個面向上。本計畫申請人曾倡風氣之先,於1997年至2004年間,投入民國初期「大理院及平政院司法檔案」的整編與研究凡七年之久,完成《大理院刑事判決彙覽》、《大理院刑事判例全文彙編》、《大理院民事判決彙覽》、《大理院民事判例全文彙編》、《平政院裁決錄存》等司法檔案史料的整編與初探工作。其中,《平政院裁決錄存》(台北,五南)業於2007年9月正式出版;民事判例的原始檔案精選《大理院民事判例全文百選》(台北,五南),亦將於2008年2月間問世;至於其他經過點校、輸入與排版的民刑事判例全文,亦規劃於近年內逐次付梓。這些研究成果,再再受到海內外法史學界的高度關注。歷經艱辛,上述民初北洋政府時期的司法檔案彙編工作已暫告一個段落,惟進一步思量,「司法裁判」與「法制典籍」本為體用關係,兩者密不可分,無體何以顯其用?為探本溯源,遂又於2004年8月至2006年7月間,致力於執行國科會《大清現行刑律之校注與研究》計畫(NSC93-2414-H-004-049、NSC94-2414-H-004-002),並完成《大清現行刑律之校註與研究》之編纂,全書共二冊,約一千六百餘頁。其後,衡諸我國現狀,晚清以迄民國以來的各類法典制定史料,雖有零星纂輯,仍屬殘缺不全。對於學術界之研究與實務界之運用,均感不便,甚或陷於「無處可覓」的窘境。乃一秉初衷,選擇與申請人專長鄰接的相關領域著手,再提研究計畫,名為〈晚清民國刑事立法史料集註與研究〉,原擬以兩年為期,多方蒐羅清末以迄當今有關刑法制定史料與珍貴文獻,針對其條文、立法理由、審議過程之紀錄等素材加以整編、校釋,進而對各該階段「法案」的理論與實踐做出詮釋與評價。該計畫於95年度核准執行(NSC95-2414-H-004-004)。目前,第一年計畫已經完成,計將《大清新刑律》數次草案和其定本《欽定大清刑律》、民國元年之《暫行新刑律》、民國四年之《修正刑法草案》、民國七年、八年之《刑法第二次修正案》、《改定刑法第二次修正案》、民國十七年頒佈之《中華民國刑法》(舊刑法),以及二十四年施行之現行刑法等條文與立法理由,整編印刷,裝訂成冊,全書一千四百餘頁,並已呈交國科會收藏。惟於民國九十五年十二間,對於國科會96年度專案研究計畫之申請,因誤以為持續性的兩年計畫,第二年不必重提申請,致延誤申請期限,第二年的計畫因此未能接續進行,不無遺憾。為此,本計畫申請人於現有第一年已完竣部分的基礎上,再次提案申請,以徹底完成原訂二年全程計畫目標,使晚清民國以來的刑事立法歷程全貌能完整呈現。
What is the research object of legal history? Everybody`s answer is different. Generally speaking, there are legal norm, legal system, legal consciousness and legal judgment. We analyze how they are generated, continued, changed, and stopped. In fact, legal history scholar often has to narrow their research range, and concentrate energy in the legal historical material and legal judgment. From 1997 to 2004, The applicant has proceeded the editing of judgment files of Dali Yuan(Supreme Court,大理院) and Ping-Cheng Yuan(Supreme Administrative Court,平政院)in early Republic of China for 7 years, and edited " the criminal judgment files of Dali Yuan(6 vols. selected cases,大理院刑事判決彙覽)" , the civil judgment files of Dali Yuan(11 vols. selected cases,大理院民事判決彙覽)" " the full collection of criminal judgment files of Dali Yuan(25 vols. full text,大理院刑事判例全文彙編)" " the full collection of civil judgment files of Dali Yuan(30 vols. full text,大理院民事判例全文彙編)" ”the collection of decision files of Ping-Cheng Yuan(Supreme Administrative Court,平政院裁決錄存) (1 vol. Taipei, Wunan(五南),September, 2007)"…etc. we edited and reorganized a lot historical materials. And we will publish “100 selected civil cases of Dali Yuan” (1 vol. Taipei, Wunan(五南),February, 2008, ) Other selected civil and criminal Dali Yuan cases will also be published in recent years. These research fruits receive high concern of other scholars at home and abroad. After we collected and edited a lot civil and criminal cases of Dali Yuan, during the period from August of 2004 to July of 2006, carry out the plan (NSC93-2414-H-004-049, NSC94-2414-H-004-002) " The annotation and research of current criminal law of great Ching dynasty(大清現行刑律之校注與研究)" and we edited the book” The annotation and research of current criminal law of great Ching dynasty” , the whole book amounts to two volumes, more than about 1,600 pages. Later, we noted that historical materials of criminal legislation of Late Ching Dynasty and early Republic of China are still too few , so we carry out another plan “The annotation and research of the criminal legislation materials of Late Ching Dynasty and early Republic of China(晚清民國刑事立法史料集註與研究)” Originally, the plan is set to be 2 years, in these 2 years , we will collect all important legislation materials, and analyze old Chinese criminal law of different phases. At present, the first year plan has already been finished, we have collected a lot materials, such as : all drafts of “New criminal law of the great Ching dynasty(大清新刑律)”, all articles and legislation causes of “The imperial criminal law of great Ching fynasty(欽定大清刑律)” , “Provisional criminal law of Republic of China(enacted in 1911)”(民元暫行新刑律), ”The first amendment of criminal law (issued in 1915)(民四第一次修正刑法草案)”,”The seconded amendment of criminal law(issued in 1918 and 1919)”(民七至民八第二次刑法修正草案)、”The second amendment of new corrected criminal law(改定刑法第二次修正案)” “Criminal law of the Republic of China (old criminal law,enacted in 1928 )”(中華民國刑法(舊刑法)), “Current criminal law of the Republic of China”(enacted in 1935)(中華民國現行刑法). We collected and edited these materials, bind into book form, and presented this book to National Science Council. The whole book is more than 1400 pages. But for some reason, we failed to apply the second year plan to National Science Council in 2007. So we apply the plan in 2008 again, and hope to research criminal law of republican periods(1911-1949) further.關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:9708~ 9807
研究經費:649仟元資料類型 report dc.contributor 國立政治大學法律學系 en_US dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會 en_US dc.creator (作者) 黃源盛 zh_TW (日期) 2008 en_US 26-Nov-2012 09:36:04 (UTC+8) - 26-Nov-2012 09:36:04 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 26-Nov-2012 09:36:04 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 法律史學的研究對象究應涵蓋多廣?人言人殊。一般說來,其範圍不外法律規範、法律制度、法律意識以及司法裁判等因素的生成、延續、衍變乃至斷裂等因果歷程的探討。惟實際上,囿於時間、空間與體能的侷限,法制史學者往往不得不限縮其研究範圍,而集中精力在「法制典籍」與「司法裁判」兩個面向上。本計畫申請人曾倡風氣之先,於1997年至2004年間,投入民國初期「大理院及平政院司法檔案」的整編與研究凡七年之久,完成《大理院刑事判決彙覽》、《大理院刑事判例全文彙編》、《大理院民事判決彙覽》、《大理院民事判例全文彙編》、《平政院裁決錄存》等司法檔案史料的整編與初探工作。其中,《平政院裁決錄存》(台北,五南)業於2007年9月正式出版;民事判例的原始檔案精選《大理院民事判例全文百選》(台北,五南),亦將於2008年2月間問世;至於其他經過點校、輸入與排版的民刑事判例全文,亦規劃於近年內逐次付梓。這些研究成果,再再受到海內外法史學界的高度關注。歷經艱辛,上述民初北洋政府時期的司法檔案彙編工作已暫告一個段落,惟進一步思量,「司法裁判」與「法制典籍」本為體用關係,兩者密不可分,無體何以顯其用?為探本溯源,遂又於2004年8月至2006年7月間,致力於執行國科會《大清現行刑律之校注與研究》計畫(NSC93-2414-H-004-049、NSC94-2414-H-004-002),並完成《大清現行刑律之校註與研究》之編纂,全書共二冊,約一千六百餘頁。其後,衡諸我國現狀,晚清以迄民國以來的各類法典制定史料,雖有零星纂輯,仍屬殘缺不全。對於學術界之研究與實務界之運用,均感不便,甚或陷於「無處可覓」的窘境。乃一秉初衷,選擇與申請人專長鄰接的相關領域著手,再提研究計畫,名為〈晚清民國刑事立法史料集註與研究〉,原擬以兩年為期,多方蒐羅清末以迄當今有關刑法制定史料與珍貴文獻,針對其條文、立法理由、審議過程之紀錄等素材加以整編、校釋,進而對各該階段「法案」的理論與實踐做出詮釋與評價。該計畫於95年度核准執行(NSC95-2414-H-004-004)。目前,第一年計畫已經完成,計將《大清新刑律》數次草案和其定本《欽定大清刑律》、民國元年之《暫行新刑律》、民國四年之《修正刑法草案》、民國七年、八年之《刑法第二次修正案》、《改定刑法第二次修正案》、民國十七年頒佈之《中華民國刑法》(舊刑法),以及二十四年施行之現行刑法等條文與立法理由,整編印刷,裝訂成冊,全書一千四百餘頁,並已呈交國科會收藏。惟於民國九十五年十二間,對於國科會96年度專案研究計畫之申請,因誤以為持續性的兩年計畫,第二年不必重提申請,致延誤申請期限,第二年的計畫因此未能接續進行,不無遺憾。為此,本計畫申請人於現有第一年已完竣部分的基礎上,再次提案申請,以徹底完成原訂二年全程計畫目標,使晚清民國以來的刑事立法歷程全貌能完整呈現。 en_US dc.description.abstract (摘要) What is the research object of legal history? Everybody`s answer is different. Generally speaking, there are legal norm, legal system, legal consciousness and legal judgment. We analyze how they are generated, continued, changed, and stopped. In fact, legal history scholar often has to narrow their research range, and concentrate energy in the legal historical material and legal judgment. From 1997 to 2004, The applicant has proceeded the editing of judgment files of Dali Yuan(Supreme Court,大理院) and Ping-Cheng Yuan(Supreme Administrative Court,平政院)in early Republic of China for 7 years, and edited " the criminal judgment files of Dali Yuan(6 vols. selected cases,大理院刑事判決彙覽)" , the civil judgment files of Dali Yuan(11 vols. selected cases,大理院民事判決彙覽)" " the full collection of criminal judgment files of Dali Yuan(25 vols. full text,大理院刑事判例全文彙編)" " the full collection of civil judgment files of Dali Yuan(30 vols. full text,大理院民事判例全文彙編)" ”the collection of decision files of Ping-Cheng Yuan(Supreme Administrative Court,平政院裁決錄存) (1 vol. Taipei, Wunan(五南),September, 2007)"…etc. we edited and reorganized a lot historical materials. And we will publish “100 selected civil cases of Dali Yuan” (1 vol. Taipei, Wunan(五南),February, 2008, ) Other selected civil and criminal Dali Yuan cases will also be published in recent years. These research fruits receive high concern of other scholars at home and abroad. After we collected and edited a lot civil and criminal cases of Dali Yuan, during the period from August of 2004 to July of 2006, carry out the plan (NSC93-2414-H-004-049, NSC94-2414-H-004-002) " The annotation and research of current criminal law of great Ching dynasty(大清現行刑律之校注與研究)" and we edited the book” The annotation and research of current criminal law of great Ching dynasty” , the whole book amounts to two volumes, more than about 1,600 pages. Later, we noted that historical materials of criminal legislation of Late Ching Dynasty and early Republic of China are still too few , so we carry out another plan “The annotation and research of the criminal legislation materials of Late Ching Dynasty and early Republic of China(晚清民國刑事立法史料集註與研究)” Originally, the plan is set to be 2 years, in these 2 years , we will collect all important legislation materials, and analyze old Chinese criminal law of different phases. At present, the first year plan has already been finished, we have collected a lot materials, such as : all drafts of “New criminal law of the great Ching dynasty(大清新刑律)”, all articles and legislation causes of “The imperial criminal law of great Ching fynasty(欽定大清刑律)” , “Provisional criminal law of Republic of China(enacted in 1911)”(民元暫行新刑律), ”The first amendment of criminal law (issued in 1915)(民四第一次修正刑法草案)”,”The seconded amendment of criminal law(issued in 1918 and 1919)”(民七至民八第二次刑法修正草案)、”The second amendment of new corrected criminal law(改定刑法第二次修正案)” “Criminal law of the Republic of China (old criminal law,enacted in 1928 )”(中華民國刑法(舊刑法)), “Current criminal law of the Republic of China”(enacted in 1935)(中華民國現行刑法). We collected and edited these materials, bind into book form, and presented this book to National Science Council. The whole book is more than 1400 pages. But for some reason, we failed to apply the second year plan to National Science Council in 2007. So we apply the plan in 2008 again, and hope to research criminal law of republican periods(1911-1949) further. en_US dc.language.iso en_US - dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9708~ 9807 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:649仟元 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 晚清;民國; 刑法史; 法制史; 大清新刑律; 暫行新刑律; 刑法草案; 舊刑法; 中華民國刑法 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Late Ching Dynasty and early Republic of China;Criminal law history;Legalhistory; New criminal law of great Ching Dynasty;Provisional criminal law ofRepublic of China; Criminal law draft;Old criminal law;Criminal law of Republicof China en_US dc.title (題名) 晚清民國刑事立法史料集註與研究 (II) zh_TW dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Compilation and Research of Penal Legislation from Late Qing to Republic China(Ⅱ) en_US dc.type (資料類型) report en