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題名 恐怖主義行為風險及其可保性之法制分析 其他題名 Legal Analysis on the Risk of Terrorism Act and Its Insurability 作者 張冠群 貢獻者 國立政治大學法律學系
行政院國家科學委員會關鍵詞 恐怖主義行為風險 日期 2009 上傳時間 26-Nov-2012 09:36:38 (UTC+8) 摘要 二○○一年九月十一日,美國發生震撼世界之911恐怖攻擊事件,依美國國會研究報告,因該事件發生之保險賠款,總額超逾300億美金。正因此乃因恐怖主義行為風險之特性—單一事件所造成之鉅額損失,且損失難以估計,又欠缺足供保費精算之歷史資訊—保險公司輒因一次恐怖主義行為發生即影響其財務與承保能量,嚴重者,整體保險市場之穩並亦有受動搖之可能。然另方面言,一次恐怖攻擊發生後,因財產損失嚴重,對經濟之衝擊劇烈。此際,若無保險保障,經濟之復甦恐將牛步。於此「保險市場穩定」與「經濟復甦需求」二力拉距中,美國於翌年通過「恐怖主義風險保險法」,以政府介入對保險公司補貼之方式,建構恐怖主義風險之保險制度,乃試圖於該二者中取得平衡。 反觀我國,各類保單對恐怖主義行為處理方式有二:或為原則不保但經特別約定承保,或列不保事項。成問題者,縱經列為特別承保事項,因該恐怖主義風險之特殊性,保險公司可否準確估計風險並精算保費?我國之保險公司之承保能量足否應付此一風險?若需賴再保險,則其成本過高時有無取得足夠再保險之能?倘上開問題答案為否定,則對恐怖主義風險之分攤機制或保險機制即應另覓解決途徑,此際政府介入是否為一長期選項?或者,以保險承保恐怖主義行為風險本即非選項?凡此種種,恐係監理機關於核准保險商品及各保單條款,尤其恐怖主義之除外條款或特別承保附加條款時所未慮及者。我國人口較美國密集,商業活動區域集中程度猶勝美國,加以如台北101等超高摩天大樓仍有成為恐怖攻擊對象之可能。倘恐怖攻擊果於台北市發生,其財產及其他附帶損失恐難估計,對經濟之衝擊程度,亦恐較美國為甚,對恐怖主義行為風險之保險需求,絕對有之。 惟此一風險之特殊性未被重視,現行法令關於恐怖主義保險之規範又幾近之情形下,我國恐怖主義保險之法令與制度之健全程度,相較於美國,僅得以粗糙形容。諸如上開問題之解答實均係建構恐怖主義保險制度之前提要件。鑑於此,本計畫擬兼採「保險理論經濟分析」、「比較法研究」及「問題解決導向」三主要研究方法,對上開問題進行深度研究分析,並冀對我國相關制度之建構,提供建言。
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 inflicted devastating damage resulting in death, injury, business interruption losses, and property damage. Estimated total monetary losses were between $35 billion and $75 billion. Though insurance companies did not invoke war risk exclusions, insurers indicated that terrorism exclusions would be introduced to new policies and existing policies due to be renewed. The characteristics of terrorism risk prove that in the absence of meaningful actuarial data, insurance coverage is not possible. Not all risks are insurable. Yet on the other hand, the acceleration of the recovery and reconstruction is seriously in need of the support by insurers. Hence, Terrorism Risk Insurance Act was signed into law by President Bush on November 2002, to protect consumers by addressing market disruptions and ensure the continued widespread availability and affordability of property and casualty insurance for terrorism risk. In Taiwan, terrorism risks are excluded from most all risk policies unless otherwise specified and endorsements are attached. However, owing to catastrophic and concentrated character of terrorism risk whether insurers in Taiwan truly foresee and carry sufficient capacity to underwrite it is questionable. Relevant laws and regulations are virtually blank in addressing this issue. In reality, the density of population in Taiwan is far more higher that in the U.S. The business districts are several times more concentrated. The skyscraper lie Taipei 101 can easily be selected as the target of terrorist act. Once the terrorist attacks occur, the severity of damages and losses can be presumably high. With the above notion in mind, part I of this project will start with the definition, the characteristics and influence of terrorism risk. Part II will conduct analysis of the insurability of the terrorism risk from theoretical perspective. Part III will probe into the legal frameworks regarding terrorism insurance in various countries including U.S., U.K. and France. Then, part IV will review the present situations in Taiwan and critiques will be made. After realizing the shortcomings of the current Taiwanese system, part V will explore possible solutions for problems facing Terrorism Insurance in Taiwan including significant legal and practical issues. Eventually, part VI will conclude the entire project.關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:9808~ 9907
研究經費:315仟元資料類型 report dc.contributor 國立政治大學法律學系 en_US dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會 en_US dc.creator (作者) 張冠群 zh_TW (日期) 2009 en_US 26-Nov-2012 09:36:38 (UTC+8) - 26-Nov-2012 09:36:38 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 26-Nov-2012 09:36:38 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 二○○一年九月十一日,美國發生震撼世界之911恐怖攻擊事件,依美國國會研究報告,因該事件發生之保險賠款,總額超逾300億美金。正因此乃因恐怖主義行為風險之特性—單一事件所造成之鉅額損失,且損失難以估計,又欠缺足供保費精算之歷史資訊—保險公司輒因一次恐怖主義行為發生即影響其財務與承保能量,嚴重者,整體保險市場之穩並亦有受動搖之可能。然另方面言,一次恐怖攻擊發生後,因財產損失嚴重,對經濟之衝擊劇烈。此際,若無保險保障,經濟之復甦恐將牛步。於此「保險市場穩定」與「經濟復甦需求」二力拉距中,美國於翌年通過「恐怖主義風險保險法」,以政府介入對保險公司補貼之方式,建構恐怖主義風險之保險制度,乃試圖於該二者中取得平衡。 反觀我國,各類保單對恐怖主義行為處理方式有二:或為原則不保但經特別約定承保,或列不保事項。成問題者,縱經列為特別承保事項,因該恐怖主義風險之特殊性,保險公司可否準確估計風險並精算保費?我國之保險公司之承保能量足否應付此一風險?若需賴再保險,則其成本過高時有無取得足夠再保險之能?倘上開問題答案為否定,則對恐怖主義風險之分攤機制或保險機制即應另覓解決途徑,此際政府介入是否為一長期選項?或者,以保險承保恐怖主義行為風險本即非選項?凡此種種,恐係監理機關於核准保險商品及各保單條款,尤其恐怖主義之除外條款或特別承保附加條款時所未慮及者。我國人口較美國密集,商業活動區域集中程度猶勝美國,加以如台北101等超高摩天大樓仍有成為恐怖攻擊對象之可能。倘恐怖攻擊果於台北市發生,其財產及其他附帶損失恐難估計,對經濟之衝擊程度,亦恐較美國為甚,對恐怖主義行為風險之保險需求,絕對有之。 惟此一風險之特殊性未被重視,現行法令關於恐怖主義保險之規範又幾近之情形下,我國恐怖主義保險之法令與制度之健全程度,相較於美國,僅得以粗糙形容。諸如上開問題之解答實均係建構恐怖主義保險制度之前提要件。鑑於此,本計畫擬兼採「保險理論經濟分析」、「比較法研究」及「問題解決導向」三主要研究方法,對上開問題進行深度研究分析,並冀對我國相關制度之建構,提供建言。 - dc.description.abstract (摘要) The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 inflicted devastating damage resulting in death, injury, business interruption losses, and property damage. Estimated total monetary losses were between $35 billion and $75 billion. Though insurance companies did not invoke war risk exclusions, insurers indicated that terrorism exclusions would be introduced to new policies and existing policies due to be renewed. The characteristics of terrorism risk prove that in the absence of meaningful actuarial data, insurance coverage is not possible. Not all risks are insurable. Yet on the other hand, the acceleration of the recovery and reconstruction is seriously in need of the support by insurers. Hence, Terrorism Risk Insurance Act was signed into law by President Bush on November 2002, to protect consumers by addressing market disruptions and ensure the continued widespread availability and affordability of property and casualty insurance for terrorism risk. In Taiwan, terrorism risks are excluded from most all risk policies unless otherwise specified and endorsements are attached. However, owing to catastrophic and concentrated character of terrorism risk whether insurers in Taiwan truly foresee and carry sufficient capacity to underwrite it is questionable. Relevant laws and regulations are virtually blank in addressing this issue. In reality, the density of population in Taiwan is far more higher that in the U.S. The business districts are several times more concentrated. The skyscraper lie Taipei 101 can easily be selected as the target of terrorist act. Once the terrorist attacks occur, the severity of damages and losses can be presumably high. With the above notion in mind, part I of this project will start with the definition, the characteristics and influence of terrorism risk. Part II will conduct analysis of the insurability of the terrorism risk from theoretical perspective. Part III will probe into the legal frameworks regarding terrorism insurance in various countries including U.S., U.K. and France. Then, part IV will review the present situations in Taiwan and critiques will be made. After realizing the shortcomings of the current Taiwanese system, part V will explore possible solutions for problems facing Terrorism Insurance in Taiwan including significant legal and practical issues. Eventually, part VI will conclude the entire project. - dc.language.iso en_US - dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9808~ 9907 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:315仟元 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 恐怖主義行為風險 en_US dc.title (題名) 恐怖主義行為風險及其可保性之法制分析 zh_TW dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Legal Analysis on the Risk of Terrorism Act and Its Insurability en_US dc.type (資料類型) report en