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題名 研究清代法制史之方法--一個比較研究觀點 (II) 其他題名 The Methodologie about the Study of Legal History in Qing Dynasty -A Comparison Perspective 作者 陳惠馨 貢獻者 國立政治大學法律學系
行政院國家科學委員會關鍵詞 法律;清代法制史 日期 2011 上傳時間 26-Nov-2012 09:38:17 (UTC+8) 摘要 本計畫為期三年,主要將研究清代法制的狀況及其在實際社會的運用。計畫申請人希望透過研究及分析目前逐漸出版的清代法制相關文獻、檔案及官箴書,找出可以運用法理學、法史學及社會學等研究方法分析清代法制的可能性。計畫申請人預計在未來三年運用《大清律例》、各種清朝的法規範、清朝中央司法檔案—刑科題本、刑案匯覽及各種官吏或者幕友寫的官箴書及目前出版的清朝地方司法檔案,例如巴縣檔案、淡新檔案及黃岩縣檔案,進行清代法制的研究與分析。本計畫的目的乃在於透過三年的研究計畫,帶領著對於清代(或中國)法制史有興趣的研究生一起透過認識、分析清代法制史及找到研究清代法制的研究方法,來呈現出清代法制的各種面貌,並嘗試分辨出清代法制跟現代法制的相同與相異之處。計畫希望進而透過理解清代法制與現代台灣法制間的關係,找出創造出符合台灣或華人社會的現代法制體系的可能。本計畫將採取文獻分析法、比較法史學觀點分析清朝法律。基本上的比較對象主要以清代「清代法制」與近代「德國法制」及現代台灣法制的發展過程及現狀,進行比較研究。希望未來要發展出,從法理論、法理學及法社會學的研究方法進行比較法制史的研究方法。本計畫第一年的研究:主要著重於分析研究清代法制(治)史的研究與其他朝代法制史研究之同與異;確定清朝法制史研究之基本史料及運用不同史料,可以如何分析清代法制的哪些面向;找出幾種進行清代法制史的研究方法。第二年的研究主要對於尋找出運用現代法哲學、法理論與法社會學的觀點,對於清代法制進行分析的可能性。嘗試透過眼光來回於來自德國的這套台灣現代法律制度以及清代法制之間,找出敘述清代法律制度的各種可能。選擇的主題著重在分析清代不同規範與法規範間的關係;瞭解清代中央法規範(大清律例)與地方規範或習慣的關係;透過幾個重要類型的案件,瞭解清代法制的變遷;透過具體規範的分析瞭解《大清律例》中律與例的關係。以便可以瞭解律與例在清代審判系統中的意義與影響;分析清朝社會中,各種參與執行法律的人員。第三年的研究將嘗試清代國家審判制度如何運作的可能面向並跟現行台灣民事、刑事與行政訴訟制度進行比較。嘗試從清代所謂的命、盜重案案件,分析在清代審判的實際的運作中,這種重罪案件如何處理?他跟現代法律體制中的刑事審判有何相同或不同。另外,第三年計畫也將對於清代所謂戶婚、田土及笞杖輕罪等,由州縣衙門自理的案件進行分析,並分析此跟現代的民事糾紛處理方式是否相同或哪裡不同。本計畫希望可以尋找出多種不同研究清代法制的可能方法並希望透過此將清代法制的面貌加以呈現。本計畫同時希望透過對於清朝法制的研究,瞭解其對於現代台灣或華人社會法制的影響。
This project aims to research the legal system of the Qing Dynasty(清朝) and its social functions. It is expected to be a three-year project, which the applicant hopes to explore the possibility of appropriating the legal system of Qing Dynasty by applying integrative jurisprudence, legal history, and social science to it. In this project, the applicant will analyze the legal system of Qing Dynasty with a close reading of the following texts: Ta Tsing Leu Lee.(大清律例)e, regulations and norms, central judicial archives of Ching—Hsingkwa Teben(刑科題本), Hsing An Hwei Lan(刑案匯覽), guanzhenshu(官蒧書), and currently published local judicial archives, such as those of Ba County(巴縣檔案), Huang Yan County(黃宕縣檔案), and Dan Shin Archives(淡新檔案). This three-year project will involve the participations from the graduates who are also interested in the legal system of China, especially that of the Qing Dynasty. We will locate an appropriate methodology to explore its features, and try to reveal the similarities and differences between the contemporary legal system and that of the Qing Dynasty. By this comparison, it aims to call for a legal system which meets the need of contemporary Taiwan or Chinese society. The method of this project accordingly will be document analysis and comparison method with the perspective of historiography. The objects of observation are mainly the legal systems of Qing Dynasty, contemporary German, and Taiwan. The first year of this project will focus on the analysis of similarities and differences between the reviews on Qing Dynasty legal history and those of other dynasties. This is to specify the frequently adopted methods in reading the legal history of Qing Dynasty The second year of this project will focus on appropriating the legal system of Qing Dynasty by applying contemporary legal philosophy and theory to it. With the cross comparisons of legal systems of German, Taiwan, and Qing , this project aims to locate a possible way of narrating legal system of Qing. The selection of the topics will speak to the relationship between the norm and law and that between the regulation and law. By this close examination, it will help to understand the influences of regulation and law on the judge system of Qing. The third year of this project aims to compare the operations of the Qing judge system and the current procedural regime in Taiwan. This project will analyze how the Qing judge system deals with the homicide cases and serious robberies, and find out how it is proceeded differently or similarly in the modern law system. Another focus in the third year is the analysis of the minor cases proceeded by the local government in Qing Dynasty. It will also specify how it is different or similar with the current dealings of civil disputes. This project hopes to locate different methods to examine the legal system of Qing, and thus manifests the features of it. Through this project, readers will understand if the Qing legal system still has its influences over Taiwan or China legal system.關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:10008~ 10107
研究經費:488仟元資料類型 report dc.contributor 國立政治大學法律學系 en_US dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會 en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳惠馨 zh_TW (日期) 2011 en_US 26-Nov-2012 09:38:17 (UTC+8) - 26-Nov-2012 09:38:17 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 26-Nov-2012 09:38:17 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本計畫為期三年,主要將研究清代法制的狀況及其在實際社會的運用。計畫申請人希望透過研究及分析目前逐漸出版的清代法制相關文獻、檔案及官箴書,找出可以運用法理學、法史學及社會學等研究方法分析清代法制的可能性。計畫申請人預計在未來三年運用《大清律例》、各種清朝的法規範、清朝中央司法檔案—刑科題本、刑案匯覽及各種官吏或者幕友寫的官箴書及目前出版的清朝地方司法檔案,例如巴縣檔案、淡新檔案及黃岩縣檔案,進行清代法制的研究與分析。本計畫的目的乃在於透過三年的研究計畫,帶領著對於清代(或中國)法制史有興趣的研究生一起透過認識、分析清代法制史及找到研究清代法制的研究方法,來呈現出清代法制的各種面貌,並嘗試分辨出清代法制跟現代法制的相同與相異之處。計畫希望進而透過理解清代法制與現代台灣法制間的關係,找出創造出符合台灣或華人社會的現代法制體系的可能。本計畫將採取文獻分析法、比較法史學觀點分析清朝法律。基本上的比較對象主要以清代「清代法制」與近代「德國法制」及現代台灣法制的發展過程及現狀,進行比較研究。希望未來要發展出,從法理論、法理學及法社會學的研究方法進行比較法制史的研究方法。本計畫第一年的研究:主要著重於分析研究清代法制(治)史的研究與其他朝代法制史研究之同與異;確定清朝法制史研究之基本史料及運用不同史料,可以如何分析清代法制的哪些面向;找出幾種進行清代法制史的研究方法。第二年的研究主要對於尋找出運用現代法哲學、法理論與法社會學的觀點,對於清代法制進行分析的可能性。嘗試透過眼光來回於來自德國的這套台灣現代法律制度以及清代法制之間,找出敘述清代法律制度的各種可能。選擇的主題著重在分析清代不同規範與法規範間的關係;瞭解清代中央法規範(大清律例)與地方規範或習慣的關係;透過幾個重要類型的案件,瞭解清代法制的變遷;透過具體規範的分析瞭解《大清律例》中律與例的關係。以便可以瞭解律與例在清代審判系統中的意義與影響;分析清朝社會中,各種參與執行法律的人員。第三年的研究將嘗試清代國家審判制度如何運作的可能面向並跟現行台灣民事、刑事與行政訴訟制度進行比較。嘗試從清代所謂的命、盜重案案件,分析在清代審判的實際的運作中,這種重罪案件如何處理?他跟現代法律體制中的刑事審判有何相同或不同。另外,第三年計畫也將對於清代所謂戶婚、田土及笞杖輕罪等,由州縣衙門自理的案件進行分析,並分析此跟現代的民事糾紛處理方式是否相同或哪裡不同。本計畫希望可以尋找出多種不同研究清代法制的可能方法並希望透過此將清代法制的面貌加以呈現。本計畫同時希望透過對於清朝法制的研究,瞭解其對於現代台灣或華人社會法制的影響。 en_US dc.description.abstract (摘要) This project aims to research the legal system of the Qing Dynasty(清朝) and its social functions. It is expected to be a three-year project, which the applicant hopes to explore the possibility of appropriating the legal system of Qing Dynasty by applying integrative jurisprudence, legal history, and social science to it. In this project, the applicant will analyze the legal system of Qing Dynasty with a close reading of the following texts: Ta Tsing Leu Lee.(大清律例)e, regulations and norms, central judicial archives of Ching—Hsingkwa Teben(刑科題本), Hsing An Hwei Lan(刑案匯覽), guanzhenshu(官蒧書), and currently published local judicial archives, such as those of Ba County(巴縣檔案), Huang Yan County(黃宕縣檔案), and Dan Shin Archives(淡新檔案). This three-year project will involve the participations from the graduates who are also interested in the legal system of China, especially that of the Qing Dynasty. We will locate an appropriate methodology to explore its features, and try to reveal the similarities and differences between the contemporary legal system and that of the Qing Dynasty. By this comparison, it aims to call for a legal system which meets the need of contemporary Taiwan or Chinese society. The method of this project accordingly will be document analysis and comparison method with the perspective of historiography. The objects of observation are mainly the legal systems of Qing Dynasty, contemporary German, and Taiwan. The first year of this project will focus on the analysis of similarities and differences between the reviews on Qing Dynasty legal history and those of other dynasties. This is to specify the frequently adopted methods in reading the legal history of Qing Dynasty The second year of this project will focus on appropriating the legal system of Qing Dynasty by applying contemporary legal philosophy and theory to it. With the cross comparisons of legal systems of German, Taiwan, and Qing , this project aims to locate a possible way of narrating legal system of Qing. The selection of the topics will speak to the relationship between the norm and law and that between the regulation and law. By this close examination, it will help to understand the influences of regulation and law on the judge system of Qing. The third year of this project aims to compare the operations of the Qing judge system and the current procedural regime in Taiwan. This project will analyze how the Qing judge system deals with the homicide cases and serious robberies, and find out how it is proceeded differently or similarly in the modern law system. Another focus in the third year is the analysis of the minor cases proceeded by the local government in Qing Dynasty. It will also specify how it is different or similar with the current dealings of civil disputes. This project hopes to locate different methods to examine the legal system of Qing, and thus manifests the features of it. Through this project, readers will understand if the Qing legal system still has its influences over Taiwan or China legal system. en_US dc.language.iso en_US - dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:10008~ 10107 en_US dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:488仟元 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 法律;清代法制史 en_US dc.title (題名) 研究清代法制史之方法--一個比較研究觀點 (II) zh_TW dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Methodologie about the Study of Legal History in Qing Dynasty -A Comparison Perspective en_US dc.type (資料類型) report en