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題名 近十年中國大陸工程判決分析與我國實務判決比較(I)
其他題名 The Analysis of Judgments of Mainland China in Recent 10 Years and Comparison with Judgments of Taiwan
作者 顏玉明
貢獻者 國立政治大學法律科際整合研究所
關鍵詞 中國大陸工程判決;工程法律;類型化;兩岸工程法制比較
日期 2011
上傳時間 27-Nov-2012 13:55:09 (UTC+8)
摘要 我國各級法院之工程判決,近幾年來在學界引介國際工程法學觀念,強調工程與法律雙重科學領域之結合後,判決之品質及發展,已漸與國際接軌。有感於法院判決之類型化分析,將有助於法院資源使用者對於法條適用及實踐狀況之瞭解,但相較於中國大陸地區各級法院對於工程判決之彙整與研究,尚付之闕如。本申請計畫乃出於探討對岸工程爭議判決實務現況之動機,並與本地承攬爭議精選裁判資料研究比較分析,祈藉由對中國大陸各級人民法院具系統性之蒐集、整理、分類與評估,先行建立判決類型化索引系統與分析,對實務界提供不同法領域參考,以及對企業界提供投資法律風險評估,使學術、司法實務及企業三大目標使用者,皆能獲得兩岸工程與法律二大科學學門結合之專業知識與審酌標準。從而本計畫出於探討對岸工程爭議判決實務現況之動機,並與本地學術界提供新研究領域之刺激,與對實務界提供不同法領域參考以及對企業界提供投資法律風險評估之基礎三個目的,祈藉由對中國大陸各級人民法院具系統性之蒐集、整理、分類與評估,先行建立判決類型化索引系統與分析,使三大目標使用者,皆能獲得工程與法律二大科學學門結合之專業知識與審酌標準。本申請計畫擬分為三年進行,第一年將重心置於蒐集中國大陸地區各級人民法院之工程判決及相關參考文獻,並進行初步之分類、編排與篩選;第二年則致力於對篩選判決從事類型化與分析之工作,期得建立實務界得以參酌且實際運作之資料;第三年將進行我國與中國大陸地區工程判決之比較與國際工程法律實務現況名詞對照,希冀藉此得出各類型爭議見解趨勢之比較分析,以出版供學術界、司法實務界、企業界相當之參考。
In recent years, the bringing in of the concepts of international construction law has helped the improvement of the courts’ judgments for construction disputes in Taiwan. The categorization and analysis of the leading cases funded by the Judicial Yuan also helped the users of the courts obtaining more knowledge of the application and the practice of the Civil Code in construction disputes. Comparing with the openness of the judgments in Taiwan courts, the collection and the study of the construction judgments in various levels of the courts in different districts of Mainland China has not been found. This research is motivated by obtaining the understanding of the holdings and practices of the courts in Mainland China, with which focusing on construction disputes, to explore the similarities and dissimilarities in between, for the purpose of providing the knowledge of this jurisdiction to the academy and industry communities. This research is planned to be conducted within three years. It is planned to collect the judgments of various levels of courts in different districts of Mainland China, and volumes of references in the first year. After the initial selection and formation of the primary data, the work of categorization and the analysis will be conducted in the second year. In the last year the preliminary results will be compared with the leading cases of Taiwan and also the global cases, hoping to develop the trends, pros and cons of the practices of construction judgments in a macro view, and be beneficial for the users of the courts in Taiwan and Mainland China.
關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:10008~ 10107
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學法律科際整合研究所en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 顏玉明zh_TW (日期) 2011en_US 27-Nov-2012 13:55:09 (UTC+8)- 27-Nov-2012 13:55:09 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 27-Nov-2012 13:55:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國各級法院之工程判決,近幾年來在學界引介國際工程法學觀念,強調工程與法律雙重科學領域之結合後,判決之品質及發展,已漸與國際接軌。有感於法院判決之類型化分析,將有助於法院資源使用者對於法條適用及實踐狀況之瞭解,但相較於中國大陸地區各級法院對於工程判決之彙整與研究,尚付之闕如。本申請計畫乃出於探討對岸工程爭議判決實務現況之動機,並與本地承攬爭議精選裁判資料研究比較分析,祈藉由對中國大陸各級人民法院具系統性之蒐集、整理、分類與評估,先行建立判決類型化索引系統與分析,對實務界提供不同法領域參考,以及對企業界提供投資法律風險評估,使學術、司法實務及企業三大目標使用者,皆能獲得兩岸工程與法律二大科學學門結合之專業知識與審酌標準。從而本計畫出於探討對岸工程爭議判決實務現況之動機,並與本地學術界提供新研究領域之刺激,與對實務界提供不同法領域參考以及對企業界提供投資法律風險評估之基礎三個目的,祈藉由對中國大陸各級人民法院具系統性之蒐集、整理、分類與評估,先行建立判決類型化索引系統與分析,使三大目標使用者,皆能獲得工程與法律二大科學學門結合之專業知識與審酌標準。本申請計畫擬分為三年進行,第一年將重心置於蒐集中國大陸地區各級人民法院之工程判決及相關參考文獻,並進行初步之分類、編排與篩選;第二年則致力於對篩選判決從事類型化與分析之工作,期得建立實務界得以參酌且實際運作之資料;第三年將進行我國與中國大陸地區工程判決之比較與國際工程法律實務現況名詞對照,希冀藉此得出各類型爭議見解趨勢之比較分析,以出版供學術界、司法實務界、企業界相當之參考。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, the bringing in of the concepts of international construction law has helped the improvement of the courts’ judgments for construction disputes in Taiwan. The categorization and analysis of the leading cases funded by the Judicial Yuan also helped the users of the courts obtaining more knowledge of the application and the practice of the Civil Code in construction disputes. Comparing with the openness of the judgments in Taiwan courts, the collection and the study of the construction judgments in various levels of the courts in different districts of Mainland China has not been found. This research is motivated by obtaining the understanding of the holdings and practices of the courts in Mainland China, with which focusing on construction disputes, to explore the similarities and dissimilarities in between, for the purpose of providing the knowledge of this jurisdiction to the academy and industry communities. This research is planned to be conducted within three years. It is planned to collect the judgments of various levels of courts in different districts of Mainland China, and volumes of references in the first year. After the initial selection and formation of the primary data, the work of categorization and the analysis will be conducted in the second year. In the last year the preliminary results will be compared with the leading cases of Taiwan and also the global cases, hoping to develop the trends, pros and cons of the practices of construction judgments in a macro view, and be beneficial for the users of the courts in Taiwan and Mainland China.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:10008~ 10107en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:425仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中國大陸工程判決;工程法律;類型化;兩岸工程法制比較en_US
dc.title (題名) 近十年中國大陸工程判決分析與我國實務判決比較(I)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Analysis of Judgments of Mainland China in Recent 10 Years and Comparison with Judgments of Taiwanen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten