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題名 從系統觀點分析元明清三代非主流文學的傑出創作者(II)
其他題名 A Systems View of Non-Mainstream Creative Literators in Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasty
作者 詹志禹;彭明輝
貢獻者 國立政治大學教育學系
關鍵詞 創造力;演化;系統;個案研究;中國古典小說家
creativity;evolution;systems view;case study;Chinese classical novelists
日期 2008
上傳時間 29-Nov-2012 11:21:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 中國的四大古典小說創作於元、明、清三代,在這種控制知識分子特強的時代,為何會產生一些在當時屬於非主流文學的創作?而且這些作品最終竟成為不朽的巨著?這些創作者如何看待自己及其環境?當時的政治、社會、文化環境當中,哪些特性對創造力的發展有利?哪些不利?為了瞭解這類問題,本計畫選擇關漢卿、羅貫中、吳承恩、蒲松齡與曹雪芹五人作為研究焦點,以創造力的系統理論作為架構,以個案研究法的準司法程序作為研究方法,預計第一年探討關漢卿與羅貫中,第二年探討吳承恩與蒲松齡,第三年探討曹雪芹並進行綜合比較。從創造力的系統理論來看,當一個人的創造性成就涉及歷史文化層次的突破時,「創造力」一詞的內涵就不只是涉及思考技巧或策略的問題,而是涉及長久的生活發展與深刻的生命主題,在此歷程中,個體與家庭歷史、家庭成員、友儕同伴、社會制度、政經氛圍、及自然生態等環境互動,形成一個複雜、多因素交織作用的過程,反映了一個社會、時代的縮影。本研究希望以匯合、整體、演化、動態的創造力研究觀點,來分析這五位傑出創作者,並藉以瞭解元明清三代對於創造性人、事、物的態度與氛圍。
Four major classical novels of China are created to Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. However, these three dynasties are specially strong too in control on intellectuals, who are controlled with the ethnic discrimination and social stratification in Yuan Dynasty, with the eight-part essay in Ming Dynasty , and with the literary inquisition in Qing Dynasty. Under this kind of historical background, why can produce some non-mainstream literary creation? Why these works become unexpectedly successful finally? How do these authors think about themselves and their environments? In the politics , society , cultural environment at that time, which characteristics were useful to development of creativity? Which are unfavorable? In order to understand this kind of questions, this proposal chooses Guan Hanqin , Luo Guanzhong ,Wu Cheng-en , Pu Songling and Cao Xueqin five people as representative cases to be analyzed, because their creation was all non-mainstream at that time, but obtained the remarkable achievement. Those cases will be analyzed according to the systems view of creativity: Guan Hanqin and Luo Guanzhong in the first year of the current project,Wu Cheng-en and Pu Songling in the second year, Cao Xueqin and a comparative study in the third year. According to the systems view of creativity, when a person`s creative achievement involves the break-through of the history and culture level, the meaning of 「creativity」 is not about cognitive skills or strategies but involves life theme and life history. In the life-long developmental processes, individuals interact with their family, peers, mentors, political/social/economic systems, and ecological environments in order to form a unique identity and to create a meaningful life. A detailed framework and a quasi-judicial methodology were proposed to carry out case studies in the current proposal.
關聯 基礎研究
研究期間:9708~ 9807
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國立政治大學教育學系en_US
dc.contributor 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.creator (作者) 詹志禹;彭明輝zh_TW (日期) 2008en_US 29-Nov-2012 11:21:17 (UTC+8)- 29-Nov-2012 11:21:17 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 29-Nov-2012 11:21:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中國的四大古典小說創作於元、明、清三代,在這種控制知識分子特強的時代,為何會產生一些在當時屬於非主流文學的創作?而且這些作品最終竟成為不朽的巨著?這些創作者如何看待自己及其環境?當時的政治、社會、文化環境當中,哪些特性對創造力的發展有利?哪些不利?為了瞭解這類問題,本計畫選擇關漢卿、羅貫中、吳承恩、蒲松齡與曹雪芹五人作為研究焦點,以創造力的系統理論作為架構,以個案研究法的準司法程序作為研究方法,預計第一年探討關漢卿與羅貫中,第二年探討吳承恩與蒲松齡,第三年探討曹雪芹並進行綜合比較。從創造力的系統理論來看,當一個人的創造性成就涉及歷史文化層次的突破時,「創造力」一詞的內涵就不只是涉及思考技巧或策略的問題,而是涉及長久的生活發展與深刻的生命主題,在此歷程中,個體與家庭歷史、家庭成員、友儕同伴、社會制度、政經氛圍、及自然生態等環境互動,形成一個複雜、多因素交織作用的過程,反映了一個社會、時代的縮影。本研究希望以匯合、整體、演化、動態的創造力研究觀點,來分析這五位傑出創作者,並藉以瞭解元明清三代對於創造性人、事、物的態度與氛圍。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Four major classical novels of China are created to Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. However, these three dynasties are specially strong too in control on intellectuals, who are controlled with the ethnic discrimination and social stratification in Yuan Dynasty, with the eight-part essay in Ming Dynasty , and with the literary inquisition in Qing Dynasty. Under this kind of historical background, why can produce some non-mainstream literary creation? Why these works become unexpectedly successful finally? How do these authors think about themselves and their environments? In the politics , society , cultural environment at that time, which characteristics were useful to development of creativity? Which are unfavorable? In order to understand this kind of questions, this proposal chooses Guan Hanqin , Luo Guanzhong ,Wu Cheng-en , Pu Songling and Cao Xueqin five people as representative cases to be analyzed, because their creation was all non-mainstream at that time, but obtained the remarkable achievement. Those cases will be analyzed according to the systems view of creativity: Guan Hanqin and Luo Guanzhong in the first year of the current project,Wu Cheng-en and Pu Songling in the second year, Cao Xueqin and a comparative study in the third year. According to the systems view of creativity, when a person`s creative achievement involves the break-through of the history and culture level, the meaning of 「creativity」 is not about cognitive skills or strategies but involves life theme and life history. In the life-long developmental processes, individuals interact with their family, peers, mentors, political/social/economic systems, and ecological environments in order to form a unique identity and to create a meaningful life. A detailed framework and a quasi-judicial methodology were proposed to carry out case studies in the current proposal.en_US
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 基礎研究en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 學術補助en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究期間:9708~ 9807en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 研究經費:310仟元en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創造力;演化;系統;個案研究;中國古典小說家en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) creativity;evolution;systems view;case study;Chinese classical novelistsen_US
dc.title (題名) 從系統觀點分析元明清三代非主流文學的傑出創作者(II)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Systems View of Non-Mainstream Creative Literators in Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynastyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten